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Supporting Lecturer : I Komang Budiarta, S.Pd,., M.Pd., M.Hum.

Arranged by:
 Ida Ayu Putu Diah Indrayani (0042)
 Nichen (0045)
 I Gede Putu Rendi Pranata Yuda (0047)
 Putu Nikita Marta Dewi (0054)
 Ni Ketut Dewi Eny Setiari (0063)
 I Wayan Obet Maharta Soma (0067)



Instructional design (ID), also known as instructional systems design or recently

as learning experience design, is the practice of systematically designing, developing and
delivering instructional products and experiences, both digital and physical, in a consistent
and reliable fashion toward an efficient, effective, appealing, engaging and inspiring
acquisition of knowledge. The process consists broadly of determining the state and needs of
the learner, defining the end goal of instruction, and creating some "intervention" to assist in
the transition. The outcome of this instruction may be directly observable and scientifically
measured or completely hidden and assumed. There are many instructional design models
but many are based on the ADDIE model with the five phases: analysis, design,
development, implementation, and evaluation. Instructional design, also known as
instructional systems design, is the analysis of learning needs and systematic development of

"Instructional Design is defined as “a systematic process that is employed to develop

education and training programs in a consistent and reliable fashion” (Reiser, Dempsey,
2007). In addition, it may be thought of as a framework for developing modules or lessons
that (Merrill, Drake, Lacy, Pratt, 1996)". Instructional Design is the systematic development
of instructional specifications using learning and instructional theory to ensure the quality of
instruction. It is the entire process of analysis of learning needs and goals and the
development of a delivery system to meet those needs. It includes development of
instructional materials and activities; and tryout and evaluation of all instruction and learner

The problems that appear for the teachers in facing the teaching and learning
process in Instructional Design the first is Designing and developing powerful eLearning
courses. Teacher must design and develop an eLearning course that is really effective. In
order to do this, teacher needs to set clear eLearning objectives and make sure if the
students can understand the material well.
Next, Identifying key issues. Analytical skills and the ability to synthesize
information are both essential instructional designer skills, so the teacher’s job requires to
deal with large amounts of information and to find the right way to present it to the learners.
The third is Choosing the right instructional design model. When considering
the instructional design models and theories available, the teacher should keep in mind
to evaluate not only the immediate implementation in design and development, but also
check if the model that the teacher will choose is adaptable to possible future changes in
the eLearning content.
Managing your eLearning project could be a stressful process. After all, the
teacher is required to not only design and develop an excellent eLearning deliverable, but
also to deliver it on time and within budget.
Another challenge that all instructional designers face is the challenge of
effectively communicating their message both verbally and visually.
The teacher may face some challenging communication crisis. To avoid
misapprehensions and wasting time, always make crystal clear what you are doing and
why, what kind of feedback your clients should expect and when, as well as what you
Being adaptable to changes is another critical instructional design challenge. In
order to overcome problems, you need to not only be able to predict consequences, but
also to be prepared for unexpected obstacles. Being provident is an important skill that
instructional designers must have.
Teacher should have in mind that no matter how qualified, experienced, and well
prepared you are, you will eventually make mistakes during the development of your
eLearning course. The instructional design challenge here is to overcome these mistakes
and keep walking..
Continuous learning and constant expansion of knowledge is something you
should never neglect doing. As long as you want to keep working as an instructional
designer, you will never reach a point where you can say “I know enough”. Whether you
have an instructional design degree or not, the teacher will find that it will always need to
keep reading instructional design and other eLearning textbooks, visit relevant blogs, and
participate in eLearning events.

In order to ensure the tearcher always create an innovative and fresh eLearning
course design, you need to be sure that the eLearning software and the tools you use
are up-to-date.
a. Teacher Consider in Designing Instruction

The instructional design process consists of determining the needs of the learners,
defining the end goals and objectives of instruction, designing and planning assessment
tasks, and designing teaching and learning activities to ensure the quality of instruction.
While there are a number of instructional design models and processes, many of their
components are similar. They include analysis, design, development, and evaluation.
There are what should teacher consider in designing their instruction:
1) Analysis
A needs analysis typically includes understanding the needs and learners
including why a training or learning solution is required. It may be the case that training
is not the solution and some other type of performance improvement or non-training
solution will be recommended.
2) Design & Development
Design and development includes the actual design and development of the instructional
materials or determining the delivery methods to be used. It often includes drafting
curriculum and lesson plans, developing any instructional materials including
presentations, e-learning, job aids, participant guides, and anything else to be used in the
3) Evaluation
Evaluation looks at how the teacher determines if the training or learning solution was
successful. Did it create a measurable impact on the learner’s behavior and did that lead
to the desired results back on the job, there are a number popular evaluation models to
consider, including:

 Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Training Evaluation

 Brinkerhoff’s Success Case Method
 Philips ROI Methodology
 Learning-Transfer Evaluation Model (LTEM)


The lesson plan that we evaluated is from SMK Pariwisata Mengwitani. We have
analyzed the lesson plan based on Permendikbud No. 22 Year 2016. There are 20 aspects of
assessment with five assessment criteria.

The five criteria are :

 1 : Very less

 2 : Less

 3 : Enough

 4 : Good

 5 : Very good

We used evaluation checklist of lesson plan. The components are in accordance with
Permendikbud No. 22 Year 2016. In the score coloums we used red color to mention the score
of the aspect.

No. Assessment Aspects
1 2 3 4 5
1. The lesson plan is made in accordance with the syllabus.
2. The lesson plan contains the name of the educational
unit,subject material, classes / semesters, subject matter
and time allocation.
3. Basic Competence (KD) includes knowledge and skills.

4. Competency Indicators Achievement are prepared using

operational verbs that can be measured / assessed according
to the characteristics of the subject.
5. Learning objectives are made by paying attention to ABCD
(Audience, Behavior, Condition, and Degree) or CABD
(Condition, Audience, Behavior, and Degree).
6. Learning objectives are arranged based on competency
indicators achievement.
7. The learning material is in accordance with the competency
indicators achievement formulation.
8. The learning materials accommodate local wisdom,
contemporary, relevant, and others that are in accordance
with the scope of material in basic knowledge competencies
9. The lesson plan uses appropriate learning methods /
techniques in accordance with the characteristics of students
and the basic competencies that will be achieved.
10. The lesson plan uses learning media that is in accordance
with the subject matter and learning activities that will be
carried out.
11. The lesson plans prepare learning resources that are
relevant, adequate, and contextual in accordance with the
subject matter.
12. The learning steps are arranged in accordance with the
selected learning method / technique and the scientific
13. The learning steps are made coherently according to the
stages: introduction, core, and closing.
14. The learning steps are made according to the time allocation
at each stage.
15. Learning steps develop higher order thinking skills (HOTS).

16. The lesson plan prepares practical learning steps and

provides opportunities for practice (student worksheets).
17. The lesson plan contains the specifications of the learning
outcome assessment sheet based on competency indicators
18. The learning outcome assessment sheet selects the
appropriate assessment technique and instrument form.
19. The learning outcome assessment sheet prepares clear
assessment guidelines according to the technique and form
of the instrument.
20. The lesson plan accommodates the use of information and
communication technology in accordance with the learning
strategy / approach / learning model, basic competency and
competency indicators achievement, and student

Based on our analysis using Permendikbud No. 22 Year 2016, there are still some points
from the lesson plan of SMK Pariwisata Mengwitani that need to be evaluated. The lesson plan
from SMK Pariwisata Mengwitani is accordance with the syllabus. There is also school identity
contains the name of the educational unit,subject material, classes / semesters, subject matter
and time allocation. For the basic competency it includes of knowledge and skills. Students will
get the knowledge about expressing compliment, it related to speaking skill. The competency
indicators is very clear and it accordance to the characteristic of subject. The students are asked
to use expression compliment with the responses.

They performing the dialogue with using expression of compliment. They are also asked
to make a text about expressing compliment in their daily life. For the learning objective is
accordance to ABCD (Audience, Behavior, Condition, and Degree) or CABD (Condition,
Audience, Behavior, and Degree) and it created based on competency indicators achievement.
In the learning material the material is clear. However, based on our analyzed it is not complete
enough. It didn’t accordance with the competency indicators achievement formulation. In our
opinion it quite contemporary and relavant. However, it didn’t accommodate local wisdom. It is
too monotonous and mediocre. we think, it is less attractive for students. The teacher can create
the learning material more interest. so that it can interesting students' enthusiasm. The learning
steps of the lesson plan is not complete according to time allocation. The teacher only make the
first meeting. Better if the teacher make it clearly. There is no student worksheet in the lesson
plan. There is only the assessment.

The lesson plan from SMK Pariwisata Mengwitani has include the core
ompetencies (KI), basic competency and indicator on it, but this lesson plan still can’t say that
has appropriated with Permendikbud No.22 Year 2016, because there are some missing parts
such as; this lesson plan doesn’t contain learning activity explicitly and based on indicator,
this lesson plan only explain it the general about leaning activity. In the other words, this
lesson plan can’t be said as a complete lesson plan, also there is not appendix which contains
students worksheet and assessment sheet. In designing lesson plan, teachers must put the
appendix on it, the material and also the steps in the lesson plan should be managed one by
one and appropriate with Permendikbud No 22 year 2016. The learning activity should
explain explicitly and based on the syllabus which covers the indicator achievements.
Teachers should pay attention to the indicator of achievement maximum results and goals by
set the students worksheet and assessment sheet, it should explain for which indicators the test
is deliver. When teachers make the indicators also they should take a look in Revised
Taxonomy Bloom’s, it’s will make the indicators operational and so easy to understand. In
learning steps are made based on time allotment to each stage where the studets’ skills and
abilities will be known to what extent students can capture the understanding that has been
learned, the time allotment should be appropriate with the syllabus or Permendikbud No. 37
Year 2018. In that case, it would be best to do everything possible to bring it to a more
manageable level. So that in carrying out these learning steps it can go very good. In learning
steps are made according to the time allocation at each stage can clearly set what will be
taught by teachers so that the next meeting repeats the material which appropriates again.
 An Example of School Lesson Plan


Satuan Pendidikan : SMK Pariwisata Mengwitani

Kelas/Semester : X / Ganjil
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Topik : Expressing Compliment
Skill : Speaking
Alokasi Waktu : 4 X 45 Menit

A. Kompetensi Inti
KI1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
KI2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan prilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (gotong
royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan proaktif dan menunjukkan
sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara
efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai
cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.
KI3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural
berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya dan
humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kemanusiaan, kebangsaan,
kenegaran, dan peradaban terkait fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan
pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan
mintanya untuk memecahkan masalah.
KI4. Mengolah, menalar dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan
pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu
menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan
B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator
2.2. Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan
Komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.

3.2. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada ungkapan memuji
bersayap serta responnya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
3.2.1. Menggunakan ungkapan pujian beserta responnya
3.2.2. Melakukan dialog dengan menggunakan ungkapan pujian
3.2.3. Memahami makna dialog sesuai dengan kondisi yang diberikan
3.2.4. Mengidentifikasi jenis ungkapan pujian dalam kehidupan sehari hari
4.2. Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk mengucapkan dan merespon pujian bersayap, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai
4.2.1. Membuat teks lisan dan tulis tentang pujian bersayap dalam kehidupan sehari hari

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran.
Pada saat dan setelah pembelajaran Listening tentang Pujian Bersayab dengan menggunakan
metode presentasi, tanya jawab dan dialog diharapkan siswa mampu:
1. Menunjukkan sikap tanggung jawab, peduli, responsif, dan santun dalam menggunakan
bahasa Inggris untuk membuat teks prosedur mengenai lingkungan sekolah.
2. Menggunakan ungkapan pujian beserta responnya
3. Melakukan dialog dengan menggunakan ungkapan pujian
4. Memahami makna dialog sesuai dengan kondisi yang diberikan
5. Mengidentifikasi jenis ungkapan pujian dalam kehidupan sehari hari
6. Membuat teks lisan dan tulis tentang pujian bersayap dalam kehidupan sehari hari

C. Materi Pembelajaran


Teks lisan dan tulis untuk memuji bersayap (extended) serta responsnya
A. Introduction

B. Giving Compliment

a. Compliment for Appearance / Things Worn

- I really like your new hair.
- That’s a lovely dress.
- You look so beautiful.
- I thing you look beautiful in white.
- I love your jacket
- What a beautiful hat.
- It looks good in you.
b. Compliment for Performance
- I think you are very great.
- That was a nice performance.
- You are really a good singer.
- You are wonderful on the stage.
- You did it well.
- It’s very interesting.
c. Compliment for Achievement
- Great job.
- You are clever.
- Whats genious you are.
- You are did it well.
Expressions to responding a compliment:
o Thank you. It’s very kind of you to say that.
o Thank you. Yours is nicer.
o Thank you, but it isn’t anything special.
o Yours is nice too.
o Do you think so?
Structures of Giving Compliment
You are so
1. E.g You are so
What a ( Adjective) (Noun)!
You are really Adjective
You are very

You are really beautiful

You are such (Noun)
You are very clever
You are such a good boy

E.g. What a nice bag!

What a beautiful dress!
2. (How you feel about the think) + (What the think is) + (A reason why it’s
Sentence 1 Noun Sentence 2
Example : (I really like) + (your haircut) + (The style makes you fresh)
I really like your haircut. The style makes you fresh.

What + Noun Phrase! How + Adjective + S + be!

{ a + Adj + N }

What a beautiful hat! How beautiful you are!


Fungsi sosial

Menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru, teman dan orang lain.

Unsur kebahasaan:
Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi
D. Metode Pembelajaran

Presentasi, tanya jawab, dialog dan Penugasan

E. Media Pembelajaran
Real objects, Pictures, Power Point dan CD

F. Sumber Belajar
1. English Guidance Book Grade X Curriculum 2013 published by National Education
2. English Worksheet Grade X

G. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan Pertama
a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan
1) Siswa merespon salam dan pertanyaan dari guru berhubungan dengan kondisi dan
pembelajaran sebelumnya
2) Siswa menerima informasi tentang keterkaitan pembelajaran sebelumnya dengan
pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan.
3) Siswa menerima informasi kompetensi, meteri, tujuan, manfaat, dan langkah
pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan

b. Kegiatan Inti

1. Siswa membaca dan mengamati tentang jenis-jenis ungkapan pujian

2. Siswa menyebutkan jenis-jenis ungkapan yang digunakan dalam pujian

3. Siswa mengucapkan beberapa ungkapan yang digunakan dalam pujian.

4. Siswa membuat pertanyaan dan merespon terhadap situasi yang diberikan

5. Siswa mencari informasi dari beberapa sumber tentang ungkapan pujian .

6. Siswa mempraktikkan dialog sesuai dengan keadaan

7. Siswa membuat percakapan atau dialog berdasakan situasi yang ada dengan
menerapkan ungkapan pujian bersayap

c. Kegiatan Penutup
1) Siswa bersama guru menyimpulkan pembelajaran
2) Siswa melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan
3) Siswa menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh guru
4) Siswa menyimak informasi mengenai rencana tindak lanjut pembelajaran

H. Penilaian

No Indicator Technique Form Example

1. Expressing compliment by giving Non tes Performance Excellent

some important information.

Expressing compliment from

2. It was
someone to others
great…thank you

Using some expressions of

Create the dialog
3. compliment
which contain
A. Rubric :


 Fluent and having strong self confidence 5

 Fluent eventhough sometimes having lack self confidence
 Having big hesitate in speaking
 Having ability in speaking but not fluent
 Can not speak in English 2


 Usage complex sentences 5

 Usage complex sentences but sometimes make mistake
 Usage simple sentences and sometimes make mistake
 Usage simple sentences and often make mistake
 Sentences ungrammartically 3


 Pronunciate words with pronunciation and intonation correctly 5

 Pronunciate words with pronunciation and intonation correctly, eventhough
having little mistake
 Pronunciate words correctly but poor intonation
 Pronunciation and intonation are poor 3
 Make many mistakes and can not be understood



 Fluent, having self-confidence in speaking and having ability in correcting if 5

he/she make mistake
 Having self-confidence, eventhough sometimes doing repetition in speaking
 Having only be responding than expressing ideas
 Having difficulties to speak eventhough have been action
 No respond anymore

B. Scoring Guidance
Total score = 20

Score = Total score x 5

Criteria :

 Excellent = 86 – 100  Fair = 60 – 69

 Very good = 76 - 85  Poor = 60 >
 Good = 70 – 75

Mengwitani, Juli 2018
Kepala Sekolah, Guru Mata Pelajaran,

Ni Luh Eka Nuryanti Astari, S. Pd

Drs. I Gede Badera
Lampiran 1 Lembar Pengamatan


Mata Pelajaran :..................................................................................................

Kelas/Semester :....................................................................................................

Tahun Ajaran :....................................................................................................

Waktu Pengamatan : ............................................................................................

Indikator perkembangan sikap religius, tanggung jawab, peduli, responsif, dan santun

1. Skor 1 jika sama sekali tidak menunjukkan usaha sungguh-sungguh dalam menyelesaikan
2. Skor 2 jika menunjukkan sudah ada usaha sungguh-sungguh dalam menyelesaikan tugas
tetapi masih sedikit dan belum ajeg/konsisten
3. Skor 3 jika menunjukkan ada usaha sungguh-sungguh dalam menyelesaikan tugas yang
cukup sering dan mulai ajeg/konsisten
4. Skor 4 jika menunjukkan adanya usaha sungguh-sungguh dalam menyelesaikan tugas
secara terus-menerus dan ajeg/konsisten

Bubuhkan tanda V pada kolom-kolom sesuai hasil pengamatan.

No Tanggug Responsif Santun

Religius Peduli
. Nama Siswa jawab

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4







1 = kurang
2 = sedang
3 = baik
4 = sangat baik

Lampiran 2


Fluency Accuracy Performance Communicative

No Name Interaction Total Score

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5







Fluency Accuracy Performance Communicative

No Name Interaction Total Score

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5



















Fluency Accuracy Performance Communicative

No Name Interaction Total Score

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5








 Your Lesson Plan (Complete)

School : SMK Pariwisata Mengwitani

Subject : English
Class/Semester :X/1
Topic : Expressing Compliment

Skill : Speaking

Time Allotment : 4 x 45 minutes (2 JP)

A. Basic Competency and Indicator of Competency Achievement

3.2 Applying social functions, generic structure, and language features of several oral and
written interpersonal interaction text that involving an act of giving congratulation and
extended compliment according to the context of use and giving the respond.
1) Implementing the using of interpersonal interaction text in oral that involving an act of
giving congratulation and extended compliment according to the context of use and
giving the respond.
4.2 Creating a simple oral and written interpersonal interaction text that involving an act of
giving congratulation and extended compliment, and respond it based on social function,
generic structure, and language features according to the context of use.
1. Producing a short and simple interpersonal interaction text that involving an act of
giving congratulation and extended compliment, and respond it based on social
function, generic structure, and language features according to the context of use.

B. Learning Objectives
1. When the students are given an interpersonal interaction text, they know how to implement
the using of interpersonal interaction text in oral that involving an act of giving
congratulation and extended compliment according to the context of use and giving the
2. When the students are given an intruction about interpersonal interaction text, they are able
to produce a short and simple interpersonal interaction text that involving an act of giving
congratulation and extended compliment, and respond it based on social function, generic
structure, and language features according to the context of use.

C. Learning Material
The learning material handout will consist of:
 Interpersonal Interaction Text
 Extended Compliment
 Generic structure
 Social function
 Language features

D. Learning Method/Technique
 Think Pair Share
 Scientific Approach

E. Learning Media
 Media : Video, Kahoot, Edmodo
 Tools : Laptop, LCD, Whiteboard and Boardmarker

F. Learning Sources
 Extended Compliment Handout
 Students’ Worksheet

G. Learning Activity
1) The first meeting (2x45 minutes)
a. Pre-Activity (10 minutes)
In pre-activity, teacher:
1) Greets students friendly and praying;
2) Check the attendance list of students;
3) Proposes questions about the materials which have already been studied and relates the
previous materials with next materials;
4) Gives learning motivation to students generally and specifically related to the material to
be learned;
5) Explains the purpose of the learning or basic competency as the achievement; and
6) Explains the outline of the coverage of the materials and the explanation of activity
descriptions that will be carried out by students.
b. Whilst-activity (50 minutes)
1) Observing
In observing activity, teacher:

 Presenting the using of interpersonal interaction text that involving an act of giving
congratulation and extended compliment to the students;
 Guiding the students to giving the example the using of interpersonal interaction text that
involving an act of giving congratulation and extended compliment.
2) Questioning
In questioning activity, teacher:
 Stimulates students to ask questions about everything that the students want to know
relates to interpersonal interaction text that involving an act of giving congratulation and
extended compliment;
 Facilitates and answers questions while explaining about the material which are going to
be learned.
3) Exploring and Associating
In exploring and associating, teacher:
 Explaining about interpersonal interaction text, especially extended compliment materials
more detail;

 Asks the students to find the example of interpersonal interaction text that involving an act
of giving congratulation and extended compliment;
 Asks the students to identify the social function, generic structure and language features of
an interpersonal interaction text which has already explored and do it individually (think);
 Asks the students to discuss their result of identifying the interpersonal interaction text
with their seatmate, is that correct or still need improvement. (pair).
4) Communicating
In communicating, teacher:

 Invites the repesentativein each group to come in fron of the class and share their
discussion. (share);
 Asks the other students to pay attention on their friends’ presentation and give a
suggestions or alternative advices if it is needed.
c. Post-activity (30 minutes)
In post-activity, teacher:
1) And students make a conclusion about the material which has been learned;
2) And students identify obstacles which are faced during the teaching learning process
3) Gives a feedback on student’s process and learning achievement which has done;
4) Asks the students to find a group partner which only can consist of 2 students;
5) Gives a speaking assignment in pairs about extended compliment by asking students to fill
the blank of a short and simple dialogue (Students worksheet 1) and the assignment will be
discuss in the next meeting.

2) The Second Meeting (2x45 minutes)

a. Pre-activity (10 minutes)
In pre-activity, teacher:
1) Greets students friendly and praying;
2) Check the attendance list of students;
3) Proposes questions about the materials which have already been studied and relates the
previous materials with next materials;
4) Gives learning motivation to students generally and specifically related to the material to
be learned;
5) Explains the purpose of the learning or basic competency as the achievement; and
6) Explains the outline of the coverage of the materials and the explanation of activity
descriptions that will be carried out by students.
b. Whilst Activity (50 minutes)
1) Exploring and Associating
In exploring and associating activity, teacher:

 Asks the students to discuss their homework that has been given in the previous meeting
with their seatmate.
 Asks the students to make a new short and simple interpersonal interaction text that
involving an act of giving congratulation and extended compliment, and respond it based
on social function, generic structure, and language features with their seatmate and do a
role play based on the dialogue that have been made. (Students Worksheet 2)
2) Communicating
In communicating activity, teacher:

 Invites the pairs of students to come in front of the class;

 Asks the pairs of students to do a role play by doing a dialogue that they have made;
 Asks the other students to pay attention on their friend’s performance.
c. Post Activity (30 minutes)
In Post-Activity, teacher:
1) And students make a conclusion about the material which has been learned;
2) And students identify obstacles which are faced during the teaching learning process
3) Gives a feedback on student’s process and learning achievement which has done.

H. Assessment
1) Technique : Written Test and Performance Test
2) Instrument : Close-Ended Test and Role Play
3) Scoring Procedure : Scoring Rubric and Answer Key
Basic Assessment Technique Instrument Scoring
Competency Procedure
3.2 (I)* Written test Close-Ended Test Answer Key
4.2 (II)* Performance Test Role Play Scoring Rubric
Table of Assessment Sheet
*The assessment is administered in the first meeting (I) and second meeting (II)

Denpasar, 19th December 2020


Ni Luh Eka Nuryanti Astari, S. Pd

NPK. 1801882030042

Expression of Compliment is an expression that we say to express or give
praise to someone else. It means that expression of compliment or admiration is
given by someone to the ther person if she/he thinks that the person that deserves to
get the compliment has a great something for praising, it could be beautiful face,
good items,or doing something great before that maybe unusual or out of the box.
Western people said “Compliment is used to “butter up” somebody or to flatter in
order to increase good will.”
The compliment is usually used to praise someone in a good way, for the
 On his/her general appearance
 If you notice something new about the person’s appearance
 When you visit someone’s house for the first time
 When other people do their best


People usually add compliments when they congratulate someone. Compliment is an
expression to appreciate or praise other people. Compliment is useful to give encouragement
so that people will keep on doing their best and even improve their performance.

I. Social function of Giving Compliment

 To improve relationship between people;

 To give compliment or encouragement;

 Complimenting someone;

 Compliment on successes;

 Compliments on possessions;

 Compliments on skills;
 Compliments on appearance;

 Compliments on successing

II. Language Features of giving compliment

To formal situation:

 Level of formality  Responding to compliments

 Complimenting/Praise  Returning Compliment (optional)

To informal situation:

 I’d like to compliment you on ...  That’s nice

 I think your (dress) is very nice  That’s neat

 I just love your (hair)  That’s not bad

 The (soup) is delicious  Preatty good

 I really like your (hair)

The response of compliment:

 OK!  Thank you. Yours is even nicer

 All right  I’m glad to like it.

 Thank you. It’s nice of you to say so.  Thankyou.

 Thank you, but it really isn’t  It’s nice to hear that from someone
anything special. with your experience.


1. Giving Compliment
Compliment for Appearance / Things Worn
- I really like your new hair.
- That’s a lovely dress.
- You look so beautiful.
- I thing you look beautiful in white.
- I love your jacket
- What a beautiful hat.
- It looks good in you.
Compliment for Performance
- I think you are very great.
- That was a nice performance.
- You are really a good singer.
- You are wonderful on the stage.
- You did it well.
- It’s very interesting.
Compliment for Achievement
- Great job.
- You are clever.
- Whats genious you are.
- You are did it well.

2. Expressions to responding a compliment:

o Thank you. It’s very kind of you to say that.
o Thank you. Yours is nicer.
o Thank you, but it isn’t anything special.
o Yours is nice too.
o Do you think so?

3. Structures of Giving Compliment

 You are so
What a ( Adjective) (Noun)!
You are really Adjective
You are very

You are such (Noun)

E.g. What a nice bag!
What a beautiful dress!

(How you feel about the think) + (What the think is) + (A reason why it’s interesting/great)
Sentence 1 Noun Sentence 2
Example : (I really like) + (your haircut) + (The style makes you fresh)
I really like your haircut. The style makes you fresh.

 What + Noun Phrase! How + Adjective + S + be!

{ a + Adj + N }

What a beautiful hat! How beautiful you are!

1. Students Worksheet 1
Instruction: read the dialogue below and fill the blank by choosing the suitable words!
 A: You …..really nice today. (look/looking)
B: Thank you. I just……this outfit the other day. (get/got)
A: Really, where….. you get it? (did/do)
B: I got it ……Macy's. (from/for)
A: It's really nice.
B: Thanks again. You look……today, too. (glad/nice)
A: Thank you. I just got……shoes today. (these/this)
B: Really? What.….of shoes are they? (kind/kinda)
A: These are…..All Star Chuck Taylors. (called/call)
B: I really like…….. How much did they cost? (that/those)
A: They…….about forty dollars. (were/are)
B: I think I'm……to go buy myself a pair. (go/going)

 A: I……… what you're wearing today. (absolute/absolutely)

B: You do? I just……..this outfit a couple days ago. (bought/buy)
A: Seriously, it looks really nice on you. ………did you buy it from? (when/where)
B: I bought it from the Macy's…the Santa Anita mall. (at/on)
A: I really……that outfit. (like/liking)
B: Thanks. I…… look nice today, too. (thought/think)
A: Thank you. I just bought these new shoes…… (earlier/early)
B: Those…..nice. What are they? (is/are)
A: These are some Chucks.
B: Those are great. How…….were they? (much/many)
A: I……them for forty. (got/get)
B: I think I………go and find me my own pair of Chucks. (might/may)
 A: I think……you look very cute today. (that/if)
B: Is that……? This is a brand new outfit. (left/right)
A: What store did you…….it from? (got/get)
B: I…….to Macy's and picked it out. (went/go)
A: I love your outfit……now. (right/current)
B: Well, I think you look nice today…….. (too/also)
A: Thanks. I……..these new shoes earlier at the store. (find/found)
B: I think that those are some really nice…….. What kind are they? (shoe/shoes)
A: These are Chucks.
B: Your shoes…….really nice. How much did you get them for? (looks/look)
A: They only cost me……..forty dollars. (about/in)
B: I'm going to……get a pair for myself. (go/went)

2. Students Worksheet 2
You're at a party and meet your friend. She's wearing a very elegant pink dress and
you guys talk about that dress.
1. Answer Key of Student Worksheet 1
Instruction: read the dialogue below and fill the blank by choosing the suitable words!

 a. look g. earlier
b. got h. are
c. did i. much
d. from j. got
e. nice k. might
f. these
g. kind  a. that
h. called b. right
i. those c. get
j. were d. went
k. going e. right
f. too
 a. absolutely g. found
b. bought h. shoes
c. where i. look
d. at j. about
e. like k. go
f. think

2. Scoring Rubric of Student Worksheet 2

You're at a party and meet your friend. She's wearing a very elegant pink dress and
you guys talk about that dress.

 Fluent and having strong self confidence 5
 Fluent eventhough sometimes having lack self confidence 4
 Having big hesitate in speaking 3

 Having ability in speaking but not fluent 2

 Can not speak in English 1

 Usage complex sentences 5

 Usage complex sentences but sometimes make mistake 4

 Usage simple sentences and sometimes make mistake 3
 Usage simple sentences and often make mistake 2

 Sentences ungrammartically 1

 Pronunciate words with pronunciation and intonation correctly 5
 Pronunciate words with pronunciation and intonation correctly, eventhough 4
having little mistake
 Pronunciate words correctly but poor intonation 3

 Pronunciation and intonation are poor 2

 Make many mistakes and can not be understood 1

 Fluent, having self-confidence in speaking and having ability in correcting if 5
he/she make mistake
 Having self-confidence, eventhough sometimes doing repetition in speaking 4
 Having only be responding than expressing ideas 3

 Having difficulties to speak eventhough have been action 2

 No respond anymore 1
Table Of Assessment Sheet
No Indicator of Competency Achievement Assessment Sheet Scoring
(Instrument) Procedure
1 Implementing the using of interpersonal Assessment sheet of Answer Key
interaction text in oral that involving an students’ knowledge
act of giving congratulation and extended (Close-ended test)
compliment according to the context of
use and giving the respond.
2 Producing a short and simple Assessment sheet of Scoring Rubric
interpersonal interaction text that students’ skill (Role
involving an act of giving congratulation play)
and extended compliment, and respond it
based on social function, generic
structure, and language features
according to the context of use.
1. Assessment Sheet of Students’ Knowledge
Instruction: read the dialogue below and fill the blank by choosing the suitable words!
 Laura: You look beautiful tonight. That is a nice dress you are ……….. (wear/wearing)
Anna: I …………your compliment. May mother bought it. (appreciate/appreciated)
Laura: Your mother..…….it? She had a good taste. (buy/bought)
Anna: Yes………..bought in Indonesia. (she/he)
Laura: You……..beautiful with that dress. (looks/look)
Anna: Thank you.
 John: What a great bike you ……. (have/has)
James: Thanks, I’ve just bought it yesterday.. I’ll use it to……to school. (drive/driving)
John: You……… with your own money? (bought/buy)
James: Yeah… I have been ……… since two years ago. (save/saving)
John: Are you sure?
James: Sure. I save my money, cent by cent, dollar by dollar.
John: What a wonderful job!
James: Thanks.
 Tami: What a great car yo……, Fima. I really like your vehicle. (have/has)
Fima: Thank you, Tami. I just…………making it look colourful. (finished/finish)
Tami: Do you mean this is the old car that you…… drive to school? (used/use)
Fima: Yes, it….. You are absolutely right (are/is)
Tami: Now your car…….more beautiful. What did you do to it? (look/looks)
Fima: Not much. I had it……with a brighter colour and add some new accessories.
Tami: Great job!
Fima: Thanks.
 Abo: Did you…..the National Anthem on the flag ceremony yesterday? (sing/sang)
Wila: Yes Abo, I……the National Anthem yesterday. Why? (sing/sang)
Abo: Wow! What an amazing voice Wila. You sang………yesterday.
Wila: Thank you so much Abo! That’s all because of the vocal trainer.
Abo: Not only that. It’s also because of you!

2. Assessment Sheet of Students’ Skill

Situation :

You are in your friend's room and he just renovated his room and talk about the

1. Make a short and simple role play with your partner based on the situation
2. You have 15 minutes to discuss and 3 minutes to perform
3. Please perform it without any text.

1. Answer Key of Assessment Sheet of Students’ Knowledge

Instruction: read the dialogue below and fill the blank by choosing the suitable words!

 a. wearing
b. appreciate
c. bought
d. she
e. look
 a. have
b. drive
c. bought
d. saving
 a. have
b. finished
c. use
d. is
e. looks
f. paint
 a. sing
b. sang
c. beautifully
2. Scoring Rubric of Assessment Sheet of Students’ Skill
You are in your friend's room and he just renovated his room and talk about the


 Fluent and having strong self confidence 5
 Fluent eventhough sometimes having lack self confidence 4
 Having big hesitate in speaking 3

 Having ability in speaking but not fluent 2

 Can not speak in English 1

 Usage complex sentences 5
 Usage complex sentences but sometimes make mistake 4
 Usage simple sentences and sometimes make mistake 3

 Usage simple sentences and often make mistake 2

 Sentences ungrammartically 1

 Pronunciate words with pronunciation and intonation correctly 5
 Pronunciate words with pronunciation and intonation correctly, eventhough 4
having little mistake
 Pronunciate words correctly but poor intonation 3

 Pronunciation and intonation are poor 2

 Make many mistakes and can not be understood 1

 Fluent, having self-confidence in speaking and having ability in correcting if 5
he/she make mistake
 Having self-confidence, eventhough sometimes doing repetition in speaking 4
 Having only be responding than expressing ideas 3

 Having difficulties to speak eventhough have been action 2

 No respond anymore 1

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