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The researchers would like to express their profound gratitude and appreciation

to the people who have extended their support, gave inspirations, guidance and

assistance for the completion of this study.

To their teacher, Dr. Leah L. Olua, for her guidance and technical support and

the golden opportunity to contribute to the society;

To the panel of examiners, Ma’am Kathy C. Benavente, Ma’am Karen C. Calim,

and Sir Bruce Marvin M. Ruaro, for their constructive criticisms and suggestions that we

need to further improve this research;

To their friends, for their kind gestures and moral support that played a great role

reminding the researchers to always have a positive mind;

To their families and relatives, for their financial support, love and guidance that

helped them in their desperate times; and

Above all, to the LORD ALMIGHTY, who’s there to always listen and give

support and love, and has given them strength to accomplish this project.

To all of them, this humble work is dedicated.


Experimental Set-up
In this section, it shows how the experiment be done and how the

researchers do their experimental research. The table shown below will be the

treatment and there is no replicate to be does.


Treatment 0 = Commercial Hand Sanitizer

Treatment 1 = ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder; 1 teaspoon

cinnamon powder; vanilla; condensed milk;

nestle cream; salt

Treatment 2 1
= 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder; 1 teaspoon

cinnamon powder; vanilla; condensed milk;

nestle cream; salt

Treatment 3 = 2 teaspoon of turmeric powder; 1 teaspoon

cinnamon powder; vanilla; condensed milk;

nestle cream; salt

Treatment 4 1
= 2 teaspoon of turmeric powder; 1 teaspoon

cinnamon powder; vanilla; condensed milk;

nestle cream; salt

Table 1. Experimental Set-up

Materials and Procedures

This part of the study shows the different materials that will be using in

making the experimental research. Especially the ingredients and the materials

used in the research. The products and also the method or procedures that

would be done during the experiment. The materials are as follows:


These are the things and equipment that be used to perform in

experimenting the experimental research.

Turmeric Powder

The turmeric powder is the independent variable in this study . Turmeric

is a flowering plant, Curcuma longa of the ginger family,Zingiberaceae, the

roots of which are used in cooking. Turmeric powder to be use is 2 kilograms.

Condense Milk

It’s added as one of the ingredient in ice cream and it is canned milk that

has been thickened by evaporation and sweetened. It serves also as the

sweetening of the ice cream to lessen the usage of sugar.

Nestle Cream

In this study, the researchers will be using the nestle cream as one of

their ingredients in making the turmeric ice cream.

Cinnamon Powder

The aromatic, dried bark of any of several tropical trees

(genus Cinnamomum) yielding a culinary spice, oil, and flavoringespecially.A

small roll or quill of cinnamon bark. [ CITATION Mer7 \l 13321 ]. One pack of

cinnamon powder will use in this research

A substance made from the seeds of a plant, used to

give flavor to sweet foods.[ CITATION Cam2 \l 13321 ]. One small bottle of vanilla will



A crystalline compound NaCl that consists of sodium chloride, is

abundant in nature, and is used especially to season or preserve food or in

industry.[ CITATION Mer6 \l 13321 ]. Only a pinch of salt will use in this research.


The researcher will use fridge usually a refrigerator to freeze the mixture of the

made product to make an ice cream. It is also used to preserve and identify the

shelf life of the ice cream . It will also help the ice cream to last.


It is used to restore the the turmeric ice cream and serve as a can for the

mixture. It is a range of plastic container used to restoring food.


It is a traditional kitchen utensil that consist of several circular mixing blades

that rotate in unison as the utensil is manually hand cranked to mix or beat a

the mixture. The researcher decided to use beater for faster process and a

process timing of the mixing of the mixture.

It is a round convex shape that used to contain food. The researcher will use

thus apparatus for mixing of the mixture of ice cream.


This part of the study shows the different procedures undertaken in the

conduct of this study. The first step is to gather of the materials and

ingredients needed in the making of turmeric ice cream such as the

Tupperware, bowl, turmeric powder, cinnamon powder, vanilla, nestle cream,

condensed milk and others. After having all the materials and ingredients

needed, they will move on to making of their different treatments. Next will be

the floating of their evaluation sheet on the evaluators to be able to determine

the acceptability level of their turmeric ice cream using the statistical tool.


The researcher will gather firstthe needed materials and ingredients and

prepare for their next procedures. The materials needed in making of turmeric

ice cream should be prepared in order to prevent hassle or rush. The

researchers will buy turmeric powder, condensed milk, nestle cream, cinnamon

powder, vanilla and salt as their ingredients. They will bring their materials

such as theTupperware, beater, and bowl. Then, after all the ingredients and

materials are ready, the researchers will now proceed to the making of their

dirty ice cream and turmeric ice cream.

Preparation of turmeric powder

The turmeric will be peel and cut into small pieces. It will be place under

the sun to make it dry. After the turmeric is dry, use a mortar and pestle or a

coffee grinder to powdered the turmeric.

Commercial Ice cream

The researcher will no longer make their commercial ice cream or dirty ice

cream which is the sorbetes. The researcher will buy an ice cream that are

related on their research like ubeicre cream. Ube is a crop like turmeric so

that, the researcher will use this as their commercial ice cream.

Making of Turmeric Ice cream


Ingredients to be use are:1 teaspoon of Turmeric powder,1 teaspoon of

cinnamon powder, vanilla, nestle cream, condensed milk and a pinch of salt.

And the materials needed are bowl, a Tupperware, teaspoon and fork.


Firstly, put nestle cream and cinnamon powder into the bowl then mix up

until it thoroughly mixed. Secondly, prepare the Tupperware with the

condensed milk. Put the mixed cinnamon powder and nestle cream into the

Tupperware with condensed and mix thoroughly. Third, put the turmeric

powder (1 teaspoon) into the Tupperware with the mixtures. Fourth, mix then a

small amount of vanilla and a pinch of salt then mix thoroughly.And lastly,

place it on a fridge to be freeze.


Ingredients to be use are:1 teaspoon of Turmeric powder,1 teaspoon of

cinnamon powder, vanilla, nestle cream, condensed milk and a pinch of salt.

And the materials needed are bowl, a Tupperware, teaspoon and fork.


Firstly, put nestle cream and cinnamon powder into the bowl then mix up

until it thoroughly mixed. Secondly, prepare the Tupperware with the

condensed milk. Put the mixed cinnamon powder and nestle cream into the

Tupperware with condensed and mix thoroughly. Third, put the turmeric

powder (1 teaspoon) into the Tupperware with the mixtures. Fourth, mix then

a small amount of vanilla and a pinch of salt then mix thoroughly. And lastly,

place it on a fridge to be freeze.


Ingredients to be use are:1 teaspoon of Turmeric powder,2 teaspoon of

cinnamon powder, vanilla, nestle cream, condensed milk and a pinch of salt.

And the materials needed are bowl, a Tupperware, teaspoon and fork.


Firstly, put nestle cream and cinnamon powder into the bowl then mix up

until it thoroughly mixed. Secondly, prepare the Tupperware with the

condensed milk. Put the mixed cinnamon powder and nestle cream into the

Tupperware with condensed and mix thoroughly. Third, put the turmeric

powder (2 teaspoon) into the Tupperware with the mixtures. Fourth, mix then a

small amount of vanilla and a pinch of salt then mix thoroughly. And lastly,

place it on a fridge to be freeze.


Ingredients to be use are:2 teaspoon of Turmeric powder,1 teaspoon of

cinnamon powder, vanilla, nestle cream, condensed milk and a pinch of salt.

And the materials needed are bowl, a Tupperware, teaspoon and fork.


Firstly, put nestle cream and cinnamon powder into the bowl then mix up

until it thoroughly mixed. Secondly, prepare the Tupperware with the

condensed milk. Put the mixed cinnamon powder and nestle cream into the

Tupperware with condensed and mix thoroughly. Third, put the turmeric

powder (2 teaspoon) into the Tupperware with the mixtures. Fourth, mix

then a small amount of vanilla and a pinch of salt then mix thoroughly. And

lastly, place it on a fridge to be freeze.


To determine the acceptability level of the turmeric ice cream as an additive to

the ice cream flavor, the researchers use a well structures questionnaire. The

questionnaire will be validated by their adviser then the researchers will select

person from ISPSC-LHS as their evaluators.

The questionnaire that will be given to the evaluators will be described the

aroma, appearance, texture, palatability, and shelf of the different treatment. It

will help the researchers to identify the acceptability level of turmeric ice cream

as an additive to the ice cream flavor. The evaluators will rate the questionnaire

by the scale VeryHighly Acceptable (VHA),Highly Acceptable (HA) Slightly

Acceptable (SA), Moderately Acceptable( MA),Not Acceptable (NA). The

researcher used the Likert scale because it is essential in measuring the

evaluator’s opinion or attitude towards this type of study.

Points Scale Descriptive Equivalent Rating

5 4.51-5.00 Very Highly Acceptable
4 3.51-4.50 Highly Acceptable
3 2.51-3.50 Slightly Acceptable
2 1.51-2.50 Moderately Acceptable
1 1.00-1.50 Not Acceptable

Flow Chart
The research flow chart will show the flow of the study. In the flow chart,

it states the steps of the researchers must do in order to come up with the

study. It contains the research site and the research design. It is a brief
summary of the methodology of the study. It summarizes the procedures. It

contains the process and the means to perform the process. This guides the

researchers to determine the process easily. A flowchart is a diagram that

makes all the processes in this study.

Acceptability of Turmeric as an Ice

Cream Flavoring

Experimental Quantitative Research


Validation of the questions

Preparation of the Flavor

T0, T1, T2, T3, T4


Tally/ Frequency



Figure 2. Flow Chart

Analysis of Data
The study entitled Acceptability of Turmeric as an Ice Cream will conduct

a randomize sampling design with five treatments. The data gathered by the

researchers will be tallied and be presented. According to ThoughtCo, tally

system is efficient way to sort data. After tallying the gathered data or

information, the researchers will proceed to frequency counting. Frequency

statictics according to Korbedpsych, simply count the number of times that

each variable occurs, such as number of males and females within the sample.

Measures of central tendency give one number that represents the entire set of

scores, such as the mean. Measures of variability indicate the degree to which

scores differ around the average.

The result of the frequency count will be used to obtain the mean, the

mean is the average of the numbers calculated as a central value of set

numbers. According to PurpleMath, the mean is the average used to, where

you add up all the numbers and the divide by the numbers of numbers. After

the mean was determined in all trials, the researchers formulated the weighted

mean for them to be able to compare the different data from the

questionnaires. In determining the significant difference of each treatments,

the researchers will use ANOVA which classifies them whether there are or
these are no significant difference between the different ratios in accordance

with aroma, appearance, texture, palatability and shelf life.

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