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Scissor Switch Pushup to Opposition Reach

Place your right leg forward in a lunge, extend left Begin in a straight-arm plank with hands shoul-
arm overhead, and right arm down by side. Jump der-width apart. Bend elbows in by sides and lower
straight up, switching arms and legs midair, land- torso towards floor keeping body straight. As you
ing in a lunge with left leg forward and right arm press back up, extend right arm out straight in
extended overhead. front of shoulder, lifting left leg up behind hip, and
hold for 1 count. Return to start.

Squat Clap Jump Crawling Climbers

Extend your arms out to sides of shoulders and Get to a full plank position. Start doing a traditional
lower to a squat, palms facing up. mountain climber by "running" knees into chest and
Bring legs together and clap hands when jumping start to "crawl" forward by "walking" left hand forward
up. Land in squat position. Repeat. and then right. Keep repeating for 20 seconds.

Side Plank Press-Up

Lie on right side, keep right forearm on the ground

and left hand behind head. Stack your hips, right knee
bent under left. While pressing down extend left arm.
Keeping left arm extended, lift hips off the floor and
extend right leg, crossing it behind left into a full side
plank, reaching left arm up and looking up to it. Hold
for 1 count and lower back to starting position. Do 10
seconds on one side switch to the opposite.

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