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Greater Middlesex Conference

COVID-19 Student-Athlete Agreement

As we move forward with the winter high school athletics season in the throes of a
Worldwide pandemic our student-athletes agree to the following safety protocols to help
make our competitions as safe as possible. We know that the virus can spread quickly
by symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals. It is my GMC Student Athlete pledge to
protect myself, my teammates, my classmates, my coaches, my family and the Greater
Middlesex County Conference. I agree to monitor for COVID-19 symptoms and follow
COVID-19 protocols:
● Cough
● New loss of taste or smell
● Fever
● Sore throat
● Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
● Congestion or runny nose
● Fatigue
● Nausea or vomiting
● Muscles or body aches
● Diarrhea
● Headache

As a student athlete I promise to stay home if I feel sick, communicate honestly with staff
for the purpose of contact tracing, report any known or potential exposures to the
school, wear a face covering, social distance when possible and refrain from attending
large gatherings where COVID-19 safety protocols are not in place.

The student-athletes health and well being is paramount and we are committed to
implementing safety measures to create opportunities to train and compete for our winter
athletic programs.

To maintain this winter season, the above guidelines must be followed and honest
communication must be made with your coaches and teammates if you experience any
symptoms or potential exposures.

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