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Leadership Training

Leader is one who helps/facilitates communities of people, takes risks, and envisions a
better for his group, encourages commitment, and helps people move ahead along a path to
accomplish a goal.

Leadership is the art of influencing people to get necessary support and cooperation in
community affairs to maintain solidarity among people. It is the ability to influence others
towards desired goals. It is also means “doing the right things”.

What are the functions of a leader?

1. Providing Vision
As a leader, you are expected to have a vision for your team or organization. Where
do you see yourselves after a certain period of time? What would you have
achieved? To what directions are you leading your group?
2. Achieving Goals
To make your vision a reality, you and your team members must set goals or
objectives. It is task to see to it that your group achieves the goals. Your team
members will work better if you can motivate and inspire them, thereby instilling in
them a commitment to your goals and to your tasks.
3. Initiating Camaraderie and Smooth Relationship
Individual differences account for minor disagreement or conflicts once in a while. It
is your task to resolve these conflicts and to promote a congenial climate. All these
functions demand communication skills.

Characteristics of an Effective Leader

1. Effective communication
2. Open, Honest and Fair
3. Makes decisions with inputs from others
4. Acts consistently
5. Give the team/ group members the information they need about their job
6. Keeps focused through follow-up
7. Listens to feedback and ask question
8. Creates an atmosphere of growth
9. Gives praise and recognition
10. Criticizes constructively and addresses problems
11. Sets guidance on how team/ group members are to treat one another
12. Shares the group’s mission and goals
13. Displays tolerance and flexibility
14. Demonstrates assertiveness
15. Exhibits a willingness to change
16. Accepts ownership for team decisions
17. Wants to take charge

Leadership Styles

1. Authoritarian Leadership. The leader leads his men by means of his rank position.
It is self-centered type of leadership where he believes he is the only one capable of
directing his subordinates.

2. Paternalistic Leadership. The leader leads his men by always setting example. This
type of a leader manifests an example of a father, who seems to be always after the
welfare of his children.

3. Participative Leadership. The leader makes his men participate actively in the task
of the organization but the leader reserves the right to make final decision on
critical matters.

4. Lassez-Faire Leadership. The leader leaves decision making to his subordinates.

He will give assignments, and it is up for his men to accomplish the task in whatever
manner they can do it.
Activity # 4
Leadership Training

Name: ________________________________________ Section: ___________

Direction: Based on the results of your exercise, answer the question below.

1. To group members: how did it feel to work under the leadership style of your
To the leader of each group: how did it feel to lead with that style?

2. To the members: how did you respond to the leadership style of your leader?
Advantages and disadvantages.
To the leader of each group: what are the advantages and disadvantages of
your leadership style?

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