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Intermittent Fasting

At the start of my fitness journey, I didn’t want to start a diet, I felt very unmotivated. I always
knew that I ate relatively healthy and that switching to it would allow me to eat clean throughout the
day, although that wasn’t my problem. I realized that I would snack a lot and would go open my cabinet
door to grab something new every few hours. The snacks in that cabinet weren’t the healthiest but, I still
chose to eat them anyway. As I did more research and watched more YouTube videos, I thought about
trying intermittent fasting and using the 16:8 ratio. This ratio would mean that I would be fasting for 16
hours and eating for 8, and it was difficult to adapt to this in the beginning. I would still have the urge to
snack later at night, but I would tell myself that what I was doing would benefit me and that eating later
wouldn’t help me in any way. I knew that this was something that I would slowly have to adapt to, and
going all-in at once wasn’t going to help. I started to use the 12:6 ratio (12 hours of fasting and 6 hours
of eating), and once I got used to that, I switched to using the 16:8. Slowly adapting to that changes
made this process much easier. Currently, I eat at 8 am and have my last meal at 4 pm although this is
very difficult, I make sure to eat healthy meals that change every day, so, for example, one day I might
have chicken, rice, and vegetables, and another day I could have a bowl that has rice, beans, vegetables,
guacamole, and other things in it. Intermittent fasting has allowed me to have more energy throughout
my day, even though that may be surprised as I am not eating all the time but, it has helped me feel so
much better. I am less tired in the mornings and evenings and always have more energy than before. I
started intermittent fasting as a way for me to snack less, and it has helped me avoid snacking and eat

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