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The progress I have made during this past week:

This past week I tried to slowly transition to eating clean and it’s been really tough. I still need to
buy more groceries that will consist of things like fruits, vegetables, chicken, and other things. I
had started intermittent and use the 16:8 ratio where I would fast for 16 hours and get my day’s
worth of calories and nutrients in 8 hours. Over the past 2 weeks, I have been working out every
other day which has accumulated to a total of 27 hours and 30 minutes. I have measured myself
and written the exercises I do and I will post that on the My Journey tab under the Career Life
Connections (CLC) section. I have also created a poster that I am going to post on my
Instagram account that I created.

Nov 22: 2hrs 30 min
Nov 24: 2hrs 30 min
Nov 26: 2hrs 30 min
Nov 28: 2hrs 30 min
Nov 30: 2hrs 30 min
Dec 2: 2hrs 30 min
Dec 4: 2hrs 30 min
Dec 6: 2hrs 30 min
Dec 8: 2hrs 30 min
Dec 10: 2hrs 30 min
Dec 12: 2hrs 30 min

What I need to move forward with my Capstone:

To move forward I will need to start my research for my informational blog post where I talk
about mental health and the benefits exercise has on our mental health and I will continue to
work out every other day.

Obstacles I have encountered and how I’ve moved forward:

This week eating clean and cutting out the sweets were hard. I first started by cutting out sugar
from my coffee/tea and eating more natural sugars from fruits that would be a healthier
substitute. To be honest, I still managed to eat a few pieces of chocolate which I am not proud
of but it’s my first week and I shouldn’t expect myself to make a drastic change in my diet and to
adapt right away. It takes time and I need to learn how I can balance it all so that way it doesn’t
seem too hard.

Obstacles I can foresee in my next steps:

I still believe that the diet is going to be a large obstacle to overcome but I know once I get over
it I will be really happy. Another one is going to be recording my workout sessions because I
usually just leave my phone on the side and workout but I need to remind myself to record each
thing I do to make sure I can post it as proof.
The skills I’ve used and what I’ve learned:
This week I used my creative skills to create the poster that I am going to post on my Instagram
and I learned a few new exercises and just worked on my form to make sure I don’t injure

My goals and deadlines for next week:

My goal is to increase my weight for the Russian deadlifts and be able to maintain my form and I
need to start research for the informational blog posts that are going to be posted on December


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