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Data for application
Conclusions and Recommendations

Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain

Diseases in the Philippines using different Priors
for Global and Local Smoothing

Stephen Jun Villejo

School of Statistics, University of the Philippines Diliman

October 1, 2020

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Data for application
Conclusions and Recommendations


3 Data for application

1 Introduction 4 Results
Leroux Model
2 Methodology CAR Dissimilarity Model
Conditionally (Binary)
Autoregressive Models CAR Dissimilarity Model
Hierarchical Spatial Model (Non-binary)
Prior specifications CAR localised model
Bayesian computation (G = 3))
Model goodness-of-fit and 5 Conclusions and
convergence Recommendations

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Data for application
Conclusions and Recommendations


Disease mapping is a
primary goal in
Disease maps enable us to
visualize the degree,
magnitude, and intensity of
the disease.
Efficient disease maps can
be automated to provide
real-time outbreak alerts for
surveillance of diseases.

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Data for application
Conclusions and Recommendations


Bayesian methods have become a commonplace in

epidemiology and are becoming widely accepted in public
health practice.
Some advantages with using Bayesian approaches: having
direct estimates of disease risks of the areas, and having
reliable and robust estimates even if some areas only have few
The spatial prior structure in the Bayesian model performs
smoothing of the estimates.

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Data for application
Conclusions and Recommendations


Careful tuning is needed to avoid undersmoothing and over

Different prior structures will induce different levels of
smoothing, either global or local, in the study region.
The most commonly used prior structure is the conditional
autoregressive (CAR) model and its extensions due to their
ease of implementation.

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Data for application
Conclusions and Recommendations

Objectives of the Lecture

The following are the objectives of this lecture:

1 To present the development of conditionally autoregressive
(CAR) models and their use in spatial modelling
2 To introduce commonly used spatial prior structures based on
the CAR model
3 To compare the performance of global smoothing and local
smoothing models on actual data of incidence of dengue in
the Philippines
4 To produce dengue disease maps and identify low-risk and
high-risk areas

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction Conditionally Autoregressive Models
Methodology Hierarchical Spatial Model
Data for application Prior specifications
Results Bayesian computation
Conclusions and Recommendations Model goodness-of-fit and convergence

Conditionally Autoregressive Models

The conditionally autoregressive (CAR) model was introduced
by Besag (1974) three decades ago.
Suppose we have Y1 , Y2 , ..., Yn defined as the measurements
on n areal units.
Instead of working with the joint distribution, we model
exclusively the n corresponding full conditional distributions.
We assume that the full conditional distribution of Yi depends
only upon its neighbors. Let δi denote the set of neighbors of
area i. So we have:

p(yi |yj , j 6= i) = p(yi |yj , j ∈ δi ).

The notion of using local specification to determine a joint

distribution is referred to as Markov random field (MRF).
Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction Conditionally Autoregressive Models
Methodology Hierarchical Spatial Model
Data for application Prior specifications
Results Bayesian computation
Conclusions and Recommendations Model goodness-of-fit and convergence

Conditionally Autoregressive Models

Brook’s Lemma (Brook, 1964) enables us to constructively

retrieve the unique joint distribution given the full
The Hammersley-Clifford Theorem (Besag, 1974)
demonstrates that if we have an MRF, the unique joint
distribution achieves a spatial structure.
It is first postulated that
Yi |yj , j 6= i ∼ N bij yj , τi2 , i = 1, ..., n.

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction Conditionally Autoregressive Models
Methodology Hierarchical Spatial Model
Data for application Prior specifications
Results Bayesian computation
Conclusions and Recommendations Model goodness-of-fit and convergence

Conditionally Autoregressive Models

Via Brook’s Lemma, the form of the joint distribution is given

n 1 o
p(y1 , ..., yn ) ∝ exp − yT D−1 (I − B)y
where B = {bij }, D is a diagonal matrix with Dii = τi2 .
The given form suggests a joint multivariate normal
distribution with mean 0 and variance matrix
Σy = [D−1 (I − B)]−1 . D−1 (I − B) should be a symmetric
matrix. The conditions needed to satisfy symmetry is ∀i, j,
bij bji
= 2.
τi τj

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction Conditionally Autoregressive Models
Methodology Hierarchical Spatial Model
Data for application Prior specifications
Results Bayesian computation
Conclusions and Recommendations Model goodness-of-fit and convergence

Conditionally Autoregressive Models

We first formalize the so-called proximity matrix, W.

The entries wij of W spatially connects areas i and j in some
We can define wij = 1 if i and j share some common
Alternatively, wij could reflect ”distance” between units.
Customarily wii is set to 0.
The matrix W provides the mechanism for introducing spatial
structure into our formal modelling later.

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction Conditionally Autoregressive Models
Methodology Hierarchical Spatial Model
Data for application Prior specifications
Results Bayesian computation
Conclusions and Recommendations Model goodness-of-fit and convergence

Conditionally Autoregressive Models

wij τ2
and τi2 =
We set bij = , where wi+ = j wij .
wi+ wi+
This will yield
 X w y τ2 
ij j
Yi |yj , j 6= i ∼ N , , i = 1, ..., n.
wi+ wi+

The joint distribution of Y1 , ..., Yn is now

n 1 o
f (y1 , ..., yn ) ∝ exp − 2 yT (Dw − W)y

where Dw is a diagonal matrix with ith diagonal element wi+ .

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction Conditionally Autoregressive Models
Methodology Hierarchical Spatial Model
Data for application Prior specifications
Results Bayesian computation
Conclusions and Recommendations Model goodness-of-fit and convergence

Conditionally Autoregressive Models

y = Dw − W is singular and so Σy does not exist.
The model above is also called the intrinsically autoregressive
(IAR) model.
One solution to the impropriety of the joint distribution above
is to incorporate a new parameter ρ and define
Σ−1 −1
y = Dw − ρW to make Σy nonsingular.

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction Conditionally Autoregressive Models
Methodology Hierarchical Spatial Model
Data for application Prior specifications
Results Bayesian computation
Conclusions and Recommendations Model goodness-of-fit and convergence

Conditionally Autoregressive Models

Given the new specification Σ−1

y = Dw − ρW, the full
conditionals are now given by
 X w y τ2 
ij j
yi |yj , j 6= i ∼ N ρ , .
wi+ wi+

In the case where a CAR model is applied to spatial random

effects, an improper choice may actually enable wider scope
for posterior spatial pattern.

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction Conditionally Autoregressive Models
Methodology Hierarchical Spatial Model
Data for application Prior specifications
Results Bayesian computation
Conclusions and Recommendations Model goodness-of-fit and convergence

Hierarchical Model for Disease Mapping

Our study region S is partitioned into K non-overlapping areal

units S = {S1 , . . . , SK }.
Our vector of outcomes is Y = (Y1 , . . . , YK ).
Define xk as the vector of covariates for the kth areal unit.
The spatial structure component is ψ = (ψ1 , . . . , ψK ).
The proposed three-stage hierarchical model is given by

Yk |ηk ∼ Po(Ek ηk )
log(ηk ) = xT
k β + ψk
ψ ∼ g (.|θψ )
β ∼ N(µβ , Σβ )

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction Conditionally Autoregressive Models
Methodology Hierarchical Spatial Model
Data for application Prior specifications
Results Bayesian computation
Conclusions and Recommendations Model goodness-of-fit and convergence

Hierarchical Model for Disease Mapping

Ek is the expected number of cases of disease in area k, ηk is

the true relative risk of disease in area k.
The model coefficients and ψk are interpreted on the risk
scale rather than on the absolute scale.
The maximum likelihood estimate of ηk is the standardized
incidence ratio (SIR)

η̂k ≡ SIRk =

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction Conditionally Autoregressive Models
Methodology Hierarchical Spatial Model
Data for application Prior specifications
Results Bayesian computation
Conclusions and Recommendations Model goodness-of-fit and convergence

Hierarchical Model for Disease Mapping

A starting point for computing Ek is
P !
k yk X nk
Ek = nk r¯ ≡ nk P ≡ yk P
k k k nk k

r¯ is the overall disease rate in the entire study region, nk is

the number of persons at risk for the disease in area k
A better approach for computing Ek is to use age- and
sex-adjusted rates for the disease.
Suppose nkj is the number of persons in group j in area k,
and rj is the overall disease rate in group j. Ek is computed as
Ek = nkj rj

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction Conditionally Autoregressive Models
Methodology Hierarchical Spatial Model
Data for application Prior specifications
Results Bayesian computation
Conclusions and Recommendations Model goodness-of-fit and convergence

Globally Smooth CAR models

BYM CAR model

The Besag-York-Mollie (BYM) CAR model decomposes ψk
into spatially autocorrelated and independent random effects.

ψk = φk + θk
PK !
w φ τ 2
ki i
φk |φ−k , W, τ 2 ∼ N Pi=1K
, PK
i=1 wki i=1 wki
θk ∼ N(0, σ 2 )
τ 2 ∼ Inverse-Gamma(a1 , b1 )
σ 2 ∼ Inverse-Gamma(a2 , b2 )

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction Conditionally Autoregressive Models
Methodology Hierarchical Spatial Model
Data for application Prior specifications
Results Bayesian computation
Conclusions and Recommendations Model goodness-of-fit and convergence

Globally Smooth CAR models

BYM CAR model

θk captures the area-specific heterogeneity and is modelled
using an exchangeable normal prior.
φk captures the spatial association of the outcomes and is
postulated to follow the intrinsically autoregressive model.
The two random effects components cannot be individually
identified - only their sum is identifiable.
The BYM model is also referred to as the convolution model.

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction Conditionally Autoregressive Models
Methodology Hierarchical Spatial Model
Data for application Prior specifications
Results Bayesian computation
Conclusions and Recommendations Model goodness-of-fit and convergence

Globally Smooth CAR models

Leroux CAR model

Leroux et al. (2000) proposed the following alternative CAR

ψ k = φk
PK !
ρ w φ τ 2
ki i
φk |φ−k , W, τ 2 , ρ ∼ N P i=1 , P
ρ K w
i=1 ki + 1−ρ ρ K
i=1 wki + 1 − ρ
τ 2 ∼ Inverse-Gamma(a, b)
ρ ∼ Uniform(0, 1)

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction Conditionally Autoregressive Models
Methodology Hierarchical Spatial Model
Data for application Prior specifications
Results Bayesian computation
Conclusions and Recommendations Model goodness-of-fit and convergence

Locally Smooth CAR models

CAR dissimilarity model

This was proposed by Lee and Mitchell (2012) to capture
localised spatial autocorrelation and identifying boundaries in
the random effects surface.
The model is based on the Leroux CAR model with ρ = 0.99.
The elements of W corresponding to adjacent areal units are
treated as random quantities, rather than assuming they are
fixed at one.
If wkj is estimated as one, then (φk , φj ) are spatially
autocorrelated, whereas if wkj is estimated as zero then no
smoothing is imparted between (φk , φj ) as they are modelled
as conditionally independent.

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction Conditionally Autoregressive Models
Methodology Hierarchical Spatial Model
Data for application Prior specifications
Results Bayesian computation
Conclusions and Recommendations Model goodness-of-fit and convergence

Locally Smooth CAR models

CAR dissimilarity model
Each wkj is modelled using q non-negative dissimilarity
metrics zkj = (zkj1 , . . . , zkjq ) between adjacent units (Sk , Sj ).
Binary model
1 if exp(− qi=1 zkji αi ) ≥ 0.5 and k ∼ j
wkj (α) =
0 otherwise
αi ∼ Uniform(0, Mi ) for i = 1, . . . q
Non-binary model
wkj (α) = exp − zkji αi
αi ∼ Uniform(0, 50) for i = 1, . . . , q.
Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction Conditionally Autoregressive Models
Methodology Hierarchical Spatial Model
Data for application Prior specifications
Results Bayesian computation
Conclusions and Recommendations Model goodness-of-fit and convergence

Locally Smooth CAR models

CAR localised model
Lee and Sarran (2015) proposed to augment the set of
spatially smooth random effects with a cluster model. The
model is given by:
ψk = φk + λZk
PK !
w φ τ 2
ki i
φk |φ−k , W, τ 2 ∼ N Pi=1
, PK
i=1 ki i=1 wki
τ 2 ∼ Inverse-Gamma(a, b)
λZk ∼ Uniform(λZk −1 , λZk +1 ) for Zk = 1, . . . , G
exp(−δ(Zk − G ∗ )2 )
f (Zk ) = PG
∗ 2
r =1 exp(−δ(r − G ) )
δ ∼ Uniform(1, M)
Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction Conditionally Autoregressive Models
Methodology Hierarchical Spatial Model
Data for application Prior specifications
Results Bayesian computation
Conclusions and Recommendations Model goodness-of-fit and convergence

Locally Smooth CAR models

CAR localised model

The cluster means (λ1 , . . . , λG ) are ordered so that
λ1 < λ2 < . . . < λG , which prevents the label switching
Lee and Sarran (2015) recommends setting G to be a small
odd number, such as 3 or 5.
The clustering is purely non-spatial, and it is the CAR prior on
the φk that accounts for spatial autocorrelation.

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction Conditionally Autoregressive Models
Methodology Hierarchical Spatial Model
Data for application Prior specifications
Results Bayesian computation
Conclusions and Recommendations Model goodness-of-fit and convergence

Bayesian Computation

Given the data model f (y|θ), prior distribution π(θ|λ), and

hyperpriors h(λ), Bayesian inferences are based on the
posterior distribution:
p(y, θ) f (y|θ)π(θ|λ)h(λ)dλ
p(θ|y) = =R
p(y) f (y|θ)π(θ|λ)h(λ)dθdλ

All models are fitted Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)


Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction Conditionally Autoregressive Models
Methodology Hierarchical Spatial Model
Data for application Prior specifications
Results Bayesian computation
Conclusions and Recommendations Model goodness-of-fit and convergence

Bayesian Computation

MCMC methods work by producing not a closed form for the

posterior distribution, but a sample of values
{θ (t) , g = 1, . . . , T } from this distribution.
MCMC algorithms produce the (correlated) values
{θ (t) , g = 1, . . . , T } as iterative draws from a particular
Markov chain, the stationary distribution of which is the same
as the posterior.
The convergence of the Markov chain to the correct
stationary distribution can be guaranteed for an enormously
broad class of posteriors.

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction Conditionally Autoregressive Models
Methodology Hierarchical Spatial Model
Data for application Prior specifications
Results Bayesian computation
Conclusions and Recommendations Model goodness-of-fit and convergence

Bayesian Computation

The basic MCMC algorithms are the Gibbs sampling and

Metropolis algorithm.

Under mild regularity conditions, θ (t) converges in distribution to a

draw from the true joint posterior p(θ|y).

All models are fitted via a combination of Gibbs sampling and

Metropolis type steps.
The Metropolis steps for the random effects and the
regression parameters use the Metropolis adjusted Langevin
algorithm (Roberts and Rosenthal, 1998).

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction Conditionally Autoregressive Models
Methodology Hierarchical Spatial Model
Data for application Prior specifications
Results Bayesian computation
Conclusions and Recommendations Model goodness-of-fit and convergence

Bayesian Computation

Run a few (say, m = 3 or 5) parallel sampling chains,

initialized at widely disparate starting locations that are
Run the chain long enough and discard the first t0 iterations.
This is called the burn-in period.
To reduce the correlation between consecutive values of the
Markov chain, thin the Markov chain by taking one value of
the sample every δ (e.g, δ = 10).
Correlation between iterations needs to be checked as it could
signal lack of convergence to the target distribution.

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction Conditionally Autoregressive Models
Methodology Hierarchical Spatial Model
Data for application Prior specifications
Results Bayesian computation
Conclusions and Recommendations Model goodness-of-fit and convergence

Model goodness-of-fit

Moran’s I on residuals
Moran’s I is a standard statistic to measure strength of spatial
association among areal units.
Deviance Information Criterion (DIC)
DIC is a somewhat Bayesian version of AIC.
Watanabe-Akaike Information Criterion (WAIC)
WAIC is a more fully Bayesian approach.
It is helpful for models with hierarchical and mixture structures
in which the number of parameters increases with sample size.

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction Conditionally Autoregressive Models
Methodology Hierarchical Spatial Model
Data for application Prior specifications
Results Bayesian computation
Conclusions and Recommendations Model goodness-of-fit and convergence

Convergence diagnosis
Plot the m thinned sampling chains on a common set of axes
and observe if there is a good amount of ”overlapping” or
”mixing”. This is called a trace plot.

Figure: Trace plot of two chains run with different starting values

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction Conditionally Autoregressive Models
Methodology Hierarchical Spatial Model
Data for application Prior specifications
Results Bayesian computation
Conclusions and Recommendations Model goodness-of-fit and convergence

Convergence diagnosis

Geweke’s convergence diagnostic

Geweke (1992) proposed a convergence diagnostic for Markov
chains based on a test for equality of the means of the first
and last part of a Markov chain.
Gelman-Rubin scale reduction factor
Running m chains for 2T iterations each, we try to see
whether the variation within the chains for a given parameter
of interest θ approximately equals the total variation across
the chains during the latter T iterations.
A value less than 1 is suggestive of convergence.

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Data for application
Conclusions and Recommendations

Data for application

We apply the techniques on

the incidence of Dengue in
the Philippines.
We implement the technique
on mainland Luzon only.

Figure: Map of Luzon

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Data for application
Conclusions and Recommendations

Data for application

The following variables were

considered as covariates in the
households with access to
improved water supply
households with complete
basic sanitation facilities
climate data - temperature,
rainfall, relative humidity
Figure: PAGASA stations in Luzon

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))


Three chains were run, with 4 million iterations each.

The burn-in period is 3 million, and the samples were thinned
using δ = 15.

Table: MCMC estimates of BYM parameters

Parameter 50% 2.5% 97.5% Geweke Gelman
β0 -0.1467 -0.1725 -0.1219 -1.434 1
τ2 0.8184 0.3507 1.5421 1.137 1
σ2 0.0403 0.0045 0.2225 -1.044 1.02

All the scale reduction factors are less than 1.1. ψ̂1 has a
Geweke statistic greater than 1.96.
Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))


Figure: Trace plot and estimated sampling distribution of βˆ0

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))


Figure: Trace plot and estimated sampling distribution of ψ̂1

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))


Figure: Trace plot and estimated sampling distribution of ψ̂2

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))


Figure: Plot of η̂i = exp{β̂0 + ψ̂i }. Figure: Plot of the MLEs of SIR.

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))


Figure: BYM relative risks and MLE of SIR, and the corresponding 95%
confidence/equal-tailed interval.

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))

Leroux Model

Three chains were run, with 1 million iterations each.

The burn-in period is 700K, and the samples were thinned
using δ = 10.

Table: MCMC estimates of Leroux parameters

Parameter 50% 2.5% 97.5% Geweke Gelman
β0 -0.2114 -0.2240 -0.1988 1.107 1
τ2 0.8906 0.5709 1.5421 -0.3483 1
ρ 0.7780 0.4551 0.9629 0.9388 1

All the scale reduction factors for ψi are less than 1.1. The
Geweke statistics also suggest convergence.

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))

Leroux Model

Figure: Trace plot and estimated sampling distribution of βˆ0

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))

Leroux Model

Figure: Trace plot and estimated sampling distribution of τ̂ 2

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))

Leroux Model

Figure: Trace plot and estimated sampling distribution of φ̂1

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))

Leroux Model

Figure: Plot of η̂i = exp{β̂0 + ψ̂i }. Figure: Plot of the MLEs of SIR.

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))

Leroux Model

Figure: Leroux relative risks and MLE of SIR, and the corresponding 95%
confidence/equal-tailed interval.

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))

CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)

Three chains were run, with 2 million iterations each.
The burn-in period is 1.7 million, and the samples were
thinned using δ = 15.
Dissimilarity metrics: average elevation and % in lowest
income quantile.

Table: MCMC estimates of CAR Dissimilarity model parameters

Parameter 50% 2.5% 97.5% Geweke alpha.min
β0 -0.2117 -0.2245 -0.1991 -0.5297 .
τ2 0.5741 0.3562 1.0052 1.141 .
α1 0.0101 0.0009 0.0199 -0.0248 0.0075
α2 0.0529 0.0238 0.0844 -0.5984 0.0195
All the scale reduction factors for ψi are less than 1.1. Geweke
statistics for ψ18 and ψ5 do not suggest convergence.
Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))

CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)

Figure: Trace plot and estimated sampling distribution of βˆ0

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))

CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)

Figure: Trace plot and estimated sampling distribution of φ̂1

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))

CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)

Figure: Trace plot and estimated sampling distribution of φ̂3

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))

CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)

The following areas were predicted to
have wij = 0:
Figure: Plot of η̂i = exp{β̂0 + ψ̂i }.
Aurora and Isabela
Aurora and Nueva Vizcaya
Aurora and Quirino
Kalinga and Cagayan
Kalinga and Isabela
Quezon and Camarines Norte
Quezon and Camarines Sur
Nueva Vizcaya and Ifugao
Nueva Vizcaya and Nueva Ecija

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))

CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)

Figure: Dissimilarity (binary) model relative risks and MLE of SIR, and
the corresponding 95% confidence/equal-tailed interval.

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))

CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)

Figure: Dissimilarity (non-binary) model relative risks and MLE of SIR,

and the corresponding 95% confidence/equal-tailed interval.

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))

CAR localised model (G = 3)

Three chains were run, with 2 million iterations each.
The burn-in period is 1.7 million, and the samples were
thinned using δ = 15.

Table: MCMC estimates of CAR Dissimilarity model parameters

Parameter 50% 2.5% 97.5% Geweke Gelman
λ1 -1.7109 -1.7636 -1.6588 -1.7255 1
λ2 -0.1038 -0.1172 -0.0903 0.9925 1
λ3 0.7702 0.7550 0.7850 0.4246 1
τ2 0.3751 0.2404 0.6321 -1.123 1
δ 1.3000 1.0155 1.9310 -0.113 1
All the scale reduction factors for ψi are less than 1.1. Geweke
statistics for ψ9 , ψ11 and ψ33 do not suggest convergence.
Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))

CAR localised model (G = 3)

Figure: Trace plot and estimated sampling distribution of λ̂2

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))

CAR localised model (G = 3)

Figure: Trace plot and estimated sampling distribution of λ̂3

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))

CAR localised model (G = 3)

Figure: Trace plot and estimated sampling distribution of φ̂1

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))

CAR localised model (G = 3)

Figure: Dissimilarity (non-binary) model relative risks and MLE of SIR,

and the corresponding 95% confidence/equal-tailed interval.

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))

CAR localised model (G = 3)

Figure: Plot of η̂i = exp{β̂0 + ψ̂i }. Cluster 3: Kalinga,

Benguet, Cagayan, La
Union, Metro Manila, Nueva
Vizcaya, Quirino
Cluster 1: Albay, Camarines
Norte/Sur, Mindoro
Cluster 2: All other

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))

Comparison of the models

Table: CAR BYM Model

Chain DIC WAIC Moran’s test Time
Chain 1 397.34 433.86 0.8121 401.7 s
Chain 2 396.87 436.53 0.7871 432.1 s
Chain 3 397.40 435.24 0.7531 368.3 s

Table: Leroux Model

Chain DIC WAIC Moran’s test Time
Chain 1 391.99 405.75 0.7626 380 s
Chain 2 391.16 403.69 0.7946 378.5 s
Chain 3 392.05 407.09 0.7671 398.5 s

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))

Comparison of the models

Table: CAR Dissimilarity Model (binary)

Chain DIC WAIC Moran’s test Time

Chain 1 392.24 406.01 0.8781 621.7 s
Chain 2 392.65 407.34 0.8426 565 s
Chain 3 392.62 409.09 0.8701 569 s

Table: CAR Dissimilarity Model (non-binary)

Chain DIC WAIC Moran’s test Time

Chain 1 392.33 409.49 0.8421 633.2 s
Chain 2 393.73 416.94 0.8466 663.7 s
Chain 3 393.53 416.25 0.8131 679 s

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Introduction CAR BYM Model
Methodology Leroux Model
Data for application CAR Dissimilarity Model (Binary)
Results CAR Dissimilarity Model (Non-binary)
Conclusions and Recommendations CAR localised model (G = 3))

Comparison of the models

Table: CAR localised model

Chain DIC WAIC Moran’s test Time
Chain 1 401.42 462.60 0.923 497.4 s
Chain 2 401.73 460.41 0.9045 494 s
Chain 3 401.14 458.01 0.9085 496.4 s

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Data for application
Conclusions and Recommendations

Conclusions and Recommendations

The MLE estimates and the relative risks estimates based on

the hierarchical model are very much comparable. However,
the obtained interval estimates for the relative risks are
narrower using the Bayesian model.
The Leroux model is the optimal model among the four using
the DIC and WAIC criteria. Nonetheless, the CAR
dissimilarity model has almost the same goodnes-of-fit values
as the Leroux model.
The obtained disease maps from using globally smooth and
locally smooth priors are very comparable.
The disease map clearly shows several areas with high risk for
the disease.

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Data for application
Conclusions and Recommendations

Conclusions and Recommendations

The spatial model can be easily extended to a spatio-temporal

model by adding a time component in the model.
MCMC can be very painfully slow especially for
highly-parameterized models. An alternative approach for
Bayesian computation is using approximation methods such as
the Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA).
To include geostatistical covariates such as climate data,
models for spatially misaligned data should be used.

Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Data for application
Conclusions and Recommendations

Besag, J. (1974). Spatial interaction and the statistical analysis of lattice
systems. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 36: 192-236.
Brook, D. (1964). On the distinction between the conditional probability
and the joint probability approaches in the specification of
nearest-neighbour system. Biometrika, 51: 481-483.
Leoroux, B., Lei, X., and Breslow, N. (2000) Estimation of disease rates
in small areas: a new mixed model for spatial dependence. In: Halloran
ME, Berry D (eds). Statistical models in epidemiology, the environment,
and clinical trials. New York: Springer, 1135-178.
Lee, D., Mitchell R. (2012) Air Pollution and Health in Scotland: A
Multicity Study. Biostatistics, 10:409-423
Lee, D., Sarran, C. (2015). Controlling for unmeasured confounding and
spatial misalignment in long-term air pollution and health studies.
Environmentrics, 26:477-487
Geweke, J. (1992) Evaluating the accuracy of sampling-based approaches
to the calculation of posterior moments. In In Bayesian Statistics pp
169-193. University Press.
Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp
Data for application
Conclusions and Recommendations


Stephen Jun Villejo Bayesian Modelling of Incidence of Certain Diseases in the Philipp

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