You are on page 1of 28


Engineer-Sappar B,tttdhons dre ltrtnd-picbed J)'om tl)a bast angineering troops auaildble. An Inzhenerno-saperniy
Bat¿/on is rate¿/ ds Fearless Ttúned un/ess othertuise noted.

BAr-rAiloN HQ

. Add A¡rti-ai¡craft Platoon equipped with DShK AA
NIG on trucks lor +(r0 points.

.\ ..r,.e .lul lnq neer \rr\n.- Brrrr iul rr,lrrirc.l .p..i,li/ed

i't. frr, *.r. '.,ig'l,u lru"rrn..,'¡irr...irrglrrigade.v irh'n
,]! *re Soviet A¡mies. -lhese skills ceme from the spccializcd
f- .bar ior" .rr rr. hed u 'rh il e ,, \ br:g.rdc.
r aJ

1 Etryiuecr-Sdpptr Baff¿l;o H() t .q1t¡?!ed uith Sappet

Bodt' Annur (prge 1 1).


HQ Section with:

. Add Pioneer Supply ttuck for +25 points.

An Llnginctr-.\a¡per Caupdny, inclu,:/ing an1 attached

F1¿nr-thrott¡er t¿¿¡ns, h qttippel u.,ith Sapprr llolf
Arnour (pa..,e 1 1).

)ii Enginaer-Sapper Cr,m1an.y is unusn/ in ¡h¡t thc

.a¡¡tPo\ition of tbe ü paq, tan thangt Jiant gtne ta gtne.
Ezcb ,Lsau/t Sapper PLuoon c¿r rcll¿.. u! to ?ian¿o
S,\IG team¡ tuith te¿tns ftnn rhafollouting lit.
, ?iontr MG trtn
. PTRD anti tank nJle
. MaL¡ín IIMG
. 82 BM-41 ¡mrt¿r
. Pio rcr F¿u|t)ikd te,t.t1
7Le teans ntap ü)e t n flr anoth,:r singb k¿¡n. E,:tth
Engiwer-Sap¡'er Com¡,tn1 cnnnot hare a total ol nore than
fottr tetms ofearlt 4,pe l¡ste¿ dbal)e.

You xnt¡t choose the rolh?ot¡ti0lt of'lour Asau/t Sapper

Companiesfor each gtme hftn fuphytntnt begíns.
¡. s
:á :l
- '1G.*

HQ Section r.ith:
C.mmafd P oncer For.l GpA
SÍVTG team amplt b ols J-"ep

. Add an additional Fo¡d GIA
each squad
am¡rhibious jeep to
for +5 poi¡ts fot the platoon. dtil itri ,rltlI lttli
Piofee¡ piof ee¡
P ¡feer pro¡eer
llr.. "\ wrrc.r\\. '.,1.oy.,.,¿ ,¡ ,,t,.ú..t..,ta.r) le¡¡n
Sl\4G Sl\4G te¡¡r Sl\¡G ream S¡,4G leam
t' ro ¡,'.¡ ¡.'¡ .,'errJ lnl..¡.r ,.,, .,¡..", jt. .r pl,otl

f impcnding assaults. Tlev garhcred intcllieencc d'the lord GPA
Fod cPA
:Igineer sapper brigacle on Cle¡man clefences ar¡ph bio!s J eep émph
,r¡cl ¡h., tJ oLts Jee p
J kcy rourcs lo¡ Soviet aLLacks and srLspected Cierman
te¡anacks. Thcy also providcd demolitio¡r
suppor! ro
5petstdz turit fbr enemy tnnsporrilrion
unicatiors hubs.

A Spatsntz l)lt¡toar¡ tt¡e the Slapptr lnjltration s¡tttal rr/t,

A.'ipttsnaz l)/ttton is t lla¡tnn¿iss¡¡nta ltltta¡tt.
A ,lprtstaz P.¡ttoan is út t:(¡:cltt.))¡,o t/re C.)tt¿lin,d
. (.:o tra/ .lo.r';/tt. I/.tt-), r,/,"¡t¡te
¿¡ ,t nottnal phtoott.
A Sprtsnrtz ?lanat is r¿t¿¿l It¿arle.¡-¡ Ve¡erdn.


fl l' ¡l :1: i.i *R 3
á'! 3
iÉ ¡

'' Ival *as bo¡n inro a verv orditrarv peasant lantil,r' in August
: .1926 near ()dessa in the Ukr¡inianSoviet Socialist Republic.
: ;,: rHis father was a bligadc leadel on a collective fatn rvhile his
1. morhe- r..r',..,111-ri e ldrnr m(r-rl'.r.
it Zabolot¡r)' joined thc milirary and became a plaroon com-
,- mander in ea¡1v 1944. He lcd his Plato.)n iir the libcration
ofshepetc,vLa, Krencncrs, Térnopc,l a¡rd Lvov on his wav to I
the Poljsh bo¡dct duling Opcration Bagtation.

Upon reaching Polancl his assault platoon, supported by

OT-34 aod PT-34 tanks, rvas initialiy repellecl bv s¡iffGcrman
resista¡ce. Z-abolotny horvever lvould not givc up end aftcr
repeered attcmpts linallv ovcrc:rme thc dclences ancl took his
objective wirh just seven membc¡s lefi in his plaroon Hc j:
accepted thcsc hearn- losscs ¿s a Pert of combat oPcr?tio¡ls. v
' Ivan ¡eceived a For the Brave¡v nred¿l fo¡ this success

.l kepr hirrr up front dur-ing most essaults.

his unit reached the Vistula Rive¡ ncat Sanclonicrz-,
w:1s oncc ¡gain called upon to asseult the (ierman On 26 January 1945, Ivan lvas assigncd ro ¿ tempora¡y
. His actions in stormlng across the river resulted ír derachmen¡ that includcd rhiln' ta¡ks rvith six to eight
award ofhis sccond For the Bravery rrredal. Ivan rvas very riFr r'. r on e¿,lr ,1.. llri..lctr.l-rr.rr hr',1'. tr'rorrglr llr, .
¡ateful whcn, upon reaching dre othcr si¡le of the river. hc Celman lincs advaucing nearly forty kilo¡netr-cs into rhe-
¡rr Ir¡li.rrr qnldier u rr" r^ L, h.,in"d o J md lrir! gu r. Ger¡nan rea¡ area. 'lhev elci¡cled ancl libc¡arcd a con
insteacl ofli¡i¡rs. rrarion cal¡p named Osve¡rtsim. (Auschwitz in Ge¡man). $
I-Ie rves arvarded with thc i"rClxs Ordc'r of Glory for this .
the last four months of t 94'i, his unit held ¡he Sendomierz
-L- tiun.
ag.rinst Gern:rn cou n rer-lttlr(l<r,
lvan crossed the Oder Rivcr in Febluarv. There he was
rrem€ndoLrs artillery bomblldment he¡alded ¡heir rc¡ur¡1 r,vounclecl in rhc asseul¡ on the Clerman city ol Breslau. ,,
the ollensive or allowed rhem to
12 January 1945. It lioocked unconscious by artillery', he alvoke in a hospital with
out of the bridgehcad and adva¡ce rowalds thc Polish numc¡ous inju.ies. Thou¡ih hc eventually fu1ly recovercd, his
of Kr¡kow injulies endecl his combat clrreer in the Great Petriotic \Va¡.

Ivan Zabolot¡y is ¡ Recce SMG ream and'Sla¡rior. He rcplaccs the 2iC Command tcatn in an Engincer-Sepper
,Bartalion for +3! points. Zabc,lotny is ratcd as Fea¡less Tr¿ined


was given the heroic task of fincling the r¡'eak spots lvan rvot¡ld cquip himself *.ith thc rcquired smoke grenades
the Ge¡man lines before an assault. He would select ro alert his battalion as to u4rere dre \\'cakest point in the
tearn and ve¡tlrle forth to find the best place for rhe Ger¡ran lines coulcL bc foirnd thus tclling the artillcty
ro launch irs assault. support whe¡e ro lay their banagc.

Once 1,er gunc at tbt tnd o¡fanl,StartingStep' Iun tn a.'/ vlect Onc¿ Iuan fctrns nn Engitter .\t¡ptr Rccanrtnissancc
tun Pi¡nrcr SMCi or I'ianrcr MG teann t'itl¡in CattLx¡¿n¿l P/¿taon, lt: ntlly tlct ttl ¡n Olt¡cnter teattL .fir an1, Llorttt
D*tdrct tnd J'ortL tn Engineer Sapper RcL'onn¿iss¡nce ['ldtoan¡ in tb Eng)nrcr-Snpper Batrd/i.on.
P/¿toon. Itnn dn¡l hü sclcctcd tuns Jólloa d/l n c: Ji,r Whcn lu¿n's P/,ztoon t Jirntd, it nt4'indha ¿n itrtn¿di¡ttt
Recttnntissant ort pagts l'19 r0 153 ofthe rulrbaolt. onnaL ntoutment befort btginning t/Le notntu/ XIu)a1|tt1lt .'
I¡nn bur,,ntts the ['/¿tarn¡ Connan¿/ tenn Jir thk xeut Stey. 71is initit/ mot,enl(nt ¿lars at count ,1s Lating rnouetl
pllto.)?t, crrls¡¡lg to fu an lnt/eVrndtllt Tea/]1 ¿ ¿ o
longcr ,:ourting as ¿ 2iO u¿n. 77r EngineetSapper
Reconnaissanct llatoon counts n a ¡/atttotr Jor all ¡'urposes

ComPa ! Morale Cl¡ecl¿s.
All tLree vlf:prupdltd artillrr;, rtgi.ncnts uere tj0¡).11 into
Paritioji a/) th. d1st.t./t bdnltJbrfre ottr optn sights.'
,lI¿ts l¡ ¿ 1 Ch u i l¿ ax, Ll a ¡n ¡n¿ ¡der 8'1, () ards
¡ r A rn t1,,

tf Llagrtr zeu:, ll1 rL a b ri,.lgthtar|.

\7hile drc Sovic'ts called rheir hervy runs sclftpropellccl
a¡til]err', ¡he Ger¡uans c:rllcd them essault quns. ln re¡liw,
.lr. r, '.r.r¡ ed.lernilb.. r,. aa.rr- .ril,lJ r ,^.1
tank hunrer r ole
'lhe heerr grurs of
rhc ISL,I l52 could be fbuncl support_
ing rssauhing inlantrv r,,i¡h cLir.ect 6re_ Their abili¡v ro
ir .r¡n lr ,r.. ^. h|l,1.r.. ,.r.1¡,r e. ¡r .l ,1.'., .i -,,
rions provicled t.xcellen¡ lnlnn¡rl, srlrIorr.

The lSt,.-l2l r¡ore often supporrccl:Ldvancing Sovict tank

bartalions by' pr-oviding overx.:rrchine firc. Thc¡, rvoull
gcncrall¡ rahe up :r poslrion on rhc flanks ofrhe rank fbr-
nlrtioDs and us€ thcir larqe gLltrs ro ralget cnem_v allri ta¡]i
glürs. L¿nk-hLLntcrs, and panzels.
Se(:proprlled Attllhtl, Rcginats art Guards ar¡¿1 ¡¿tad Fea¡less Trained.

Soultt truops. l7¡4, ¡r,, nat,¡.Íi¿ted l,t,t/r Ho¡ ¡t¡rl Chtcles sptcial nt/r.



. Equip Cornrnancl IS-2 tanh *.ith .50 cal ,A,A. MG lo¡ Conp¿n! Comm¿¡d S 2 obr 1943

+5 Poi¡rts
. Mount a lánkodesantniki SM(l team on the
( onrp¿rr) (.omnr,rr,l l\-2 fbl l; puinrs.


He¿r'! As<¡u t GLrn Heavy Assault G!n
' Equip any or ISti-I22 or ISU 152 hea.vy ass¡uh

tuns s¡rh.S0 (¡J M MC lo¡ +i poinrs lrer gun.

. trfount f'a¡rkodesantniki SMC teams on all essaulr
euns fbr + l5 points per team.
He¿ry Ass¡Lr L Gr I lle¡vy Assa! t Gun
HQ Section with:

. Add a Pioneer Supply Truck for +25 points.
. Add t¡ucks fo¡ +5 points for the cornpany.
,:'" I

a 122mm gun, our heau¡t IS tanhs uere partícularly -_:.- .. ,1':"'

:!. : 1,j.
in rcpelling nazi panzer counter¿ttacks'.
Chuihou, B' Guards Army Commdnder
, gr.,du.,re ol the Chelr.bir'L T.rnL {.adcn'¡¡ ;
6rst enre¡ed combat at Sralingrad as a KV-1 heavy tank
Ratt unic was ordc¡ed to halt Gc¡man cou¡tel_ r
atte¡npting to ¡elieve the su¡¡ounded citl'. His tank L
hir in rhc ¡car ¡nd the engine cornpar-tmenr caught frre, F

.br-r, in ¡he crew managed to escape and return to

_rhe "u"tyona
' Br. tr4a¡ch 1943, his unit had becn upgraded to the SLl-122
assault gun where he was in the lead elements during Kursk.
- For destroying a Ferdinand with his SU-122, he earned his
, fi¡st O¡de¡ o[the Red S¡a¡. His tank had managed to hit the

Ferdinand in the t¡ack causing it to stop- The crew bailed out

fled, giving Vasily rhe kjll and the medal.

also commanded an SU-85 assault gun before his

t finally upgraded to the ISU-122 heaq self-pro-
gun. His hardest batties were against the German
heary tanks in the Ukrainc and at Siedlice in Poland.
survive these deadly encounters, he developed a 'zig-zag'
and trained his platoon to LNe when facing German
This tactic ailowed them ¡o advance while under Leytenant l.:at was credited with killing eight 'figer tanks,
greatly increasiDg his platoons chances for survival. and one Panther tank. He ¡eceived 4000 ¡ubles (about one
montht wages) for the eight 'Iiger kills and a second Order
tactic was also found to work well against German of the Rcd Star.
rank-hunters, a¡rd ai¡craft. During one parricular
the regiment had lost many vehicles but all 6ve Alrer two years in combat Vasily rcñ.air'ed a. Leltenant.
s tanks survived due to his zig-zag tactic. was ¡lore concernecl with leading his t¡nks thal
promotior.. Va. y ñni"hcJ rh. *;r fighLi''g ir' f,'r l-u.'ia
su¡viving to r-eturn home to Russia a hero.
'His army taas polsetl fb action lihe a sledlehammar ouer the ¿nuil' .1M¿rshal Chuikau of Genetnl Bogdanoti¡ 2"¿ fhnh Ar¡n!.
The 3,rTank Coips contained rhe i0', 51", and 10.1'd Tank h rvas this lo¡ce that i¡iri:rlly laced the nvo S S pan zer d ivisions
Brigades fully cquipped for Opcration Bagration n'irh 65 T- ol tte IV SS P¿nzerharpr and rhe three Heer panz-ct divisions
34185 ¡anLs each. By the end of July u'hen the Corps had ofthe laif1)l Panzerkorps nottheest of\trarsaw in il\ ¿tt(n,pt
reached ¡he outskirts of Varsa* thev had suiTelecl ncarly to secure a bridgehead over rhe Narerv fuve¡, Af¡er ¡he initial
40%o casualties. In August, rbey receivecl the 6'r' Gua¡ds battles the 3'r Tank Corps wes reinforcecl with the other two
llcav-vTank regimenr u'idr 21 lS-2 tanks lor support. (8'r' and 16'r') Tank Corps liom rhe 2"d Tank Army-
,l Tntkot,.1, Bdtah,n .fion a Tiznlz Corps of the 2"¡ TanL Arml are rtgular Red Anny n'oops nt¡el Confident Trained.



. \dd Anti-ai¡c¡aft Platoon cquipped t-ith DShK AA
\IG on rrrrcks for +55 Points, o¡ with ZSU Ml7
\lG\lC self-propelled guns for +75 points.
. Upgrade T-34185 obr 19'13 tar* to have a Cupola
tbr +i points.
. \lounr ¿ Tanlodesantniki SMG team on the
l- Companr ( omnrand t¡¡k lor +l i pointr.
batr.:tion ol T 3418! tanks provides suflicient lircpower
¡¿lia or1 a German panzer company regardless of *har
t rhel face.'Ihei¡ arnou¡ and 85m¡r guns can stand
-:o-roe rvith the medium panzers and rheir overwhelming
s ill flre well asainst the Patrther.



. Upgrade all -f-34185 ol¡¡ 1943 ta¡rks to have a
Cupola for + l0 points for the cornpan¡
. Ifount Ta¡kodesa¡tniki SMG teans o¡ all tanks fo¡
+ 15 points per tad<.

developing you¡ lactics to overrlrn the enemy consider

rvhat the cncmy will be using against you. lfyou are
only armour, ¡hen the more BJmm guns you can
to bear the better you¡ chances ofsuccess

however you are facing infantry and anti-tank guns, up-

your tanks wirh cupolas and Tankodesantniki SMG
may be in ordet.


. Replace the AA MG on up to one armoured car per
section with a hull-mounted pTRD a¡ti_tank rifle
at no cost,

Light Armaured Car Platoons are not subíect to th"

Centra\^etl Contr¡/ nntl Hen and. Chick¡ st,"rial ,rlrr.

A LightArmoured Car Platoon is ratedFearless Trained. Releasing your a¡mou¡ed ca¡s behind enemy lines ro
out soft targets or fird hidden strongpoint, *íll r."p b.
A Light Armoured Car Platoon is a Reconnaissance .. beyond the size ofyour platoon. Stay clear ofanti-tank
Pktoon. tions and let the hear,y guns take care of rhem.

i,.' Morv¡,rtoN AND SKILL

Contpan¡es t¡t: r¡tt¿LConfrdeÑ
tl't dd u'tl:cng Sou¡ú dt ttti¿:' Carps Suppatt
c:,trps Sup¡ort L)arn¡'ttnits cotupktntnt
'.-, , n)¿ n*y
ii..' Tr.i.t".L rrl.rt otht: ai¡e rLarcd



üh, ':

MG for
. Arm an,Y or all 1S-2 tanLs with .50 cal AA
+5 Points Per tank
, M.*nt T"rtkod.santniki SMG teams on ¿ll tanks for
+15 Points Per team'
Henuy Brea|thtough Gtttt
IS-2 ¡anhs bcrtft f'om tbe
specitl nrle on Page 11'

ri¿¡ Al./Ll"na-{1ta 11lL rn

Rortcmbcr ta u\t L/1' T¡, t,r

pagr 87 nf rfu rulebook

r,1r\ r'qu.ire' ' l'rtlr¡

onltuL'l;ng rhL L lrr'"r' l'irl I

1"" ''J1 .,'" ¿ '''l\' l\' l' l m'er' hor\

of \v-irh such ¿ lttglt ptopctttiatt tl ot'licer: irt tht L:anpany'
;";;""". Fiellilgio a.dtalcompanv
¡'ith it:],^ll5l
counterattacking Gr,t,ri, ¡l*,'t':I ;,, * (lttntp't t i rs t$e l]tar¿ v)l)h is t¡ ú t?.'l
t.-ior.. "".¿..t 'L'ilii'ri",, nat bv tLt
,,,^t s,"'í'r 77''1'
't" 'iftcutl
panzels. ''oup:
Hrn dnd Chitb: sPctial tule
IS-2 also possessesexcellen¡ capabiliry for essaulting
¡n A' :uth
tt) rt 'i't-1" c ln fr"re'r rh'-¡ Gur¡r¿/s Ht¡tJ' 'lhrú Conpanirs ate Gtttnl t nops
and bLerking througlr 'riH ' nc
a Pa n zer l¿ nac k e r anti'tank rvcapons ¡,¿ I t'l Fe¡rlesr Tr¿ined
i iírr r¡o^i "t
yoú ñ kodetaLrzlÉl subn.rachüie-g"t *iT:
o\t^r :l:f::
your big tanks as
z ,"nkr. Th.r" br"u" u'ar¡io¡s can P¡otect
assault eneml' Positions'

\"* ":

f"'¡i'" '*. .i
' c'' " '/'
','I^ t t ,t ¿
'¿ rÁ' "

|t .T

HQ Section with:

. Add Kornissa¡ team for +15 points.
. Add Maksirn HMG tearns fo¡ +25 poinrs pe¡ ream.
. Replace all Rille/MG reams in one Rifle platoon
with SMC teams ar no cost.

the uda¡n). Maksim hear.y nrachine,gun suppo¡r ro

your casualties and allow them to 6ght again another

Udarny Stre//<ouy Conl)afiits are tbe best tsstu/r troo¡,s in

the Rad Arnt1. Assu t thel arr rated FearJess Trained.

HQ Section rvith:

. \{odel BM-13 I(aq'rrsba rocket launchers with five
or moLe crcrv and coürt each ¡ocket launche¡ as two
*-eapons when 6ring a bomb.rrdment for +10 points
per Rocket Mo¡ta¡ Plirtoon
. \LlJ \lrri- rir'.r'¿lr Platoon lbr'+40 ¡oint..
. Replace ¿ll DShK AA MG orr t¡ucks *'ith two 37rnm
obr 1939 guns tol-ed bv trucl¡ fbr +10 points fór
the platoon.

-fh< dense smolie aud ear-splitring scream ofa rochet ba¡rage

untold destrLrcrion LrPon thc cnemies of rhe Red
.. Tactics, horvever, have changed. 'lirrgets nccd to be
found and designatccl f'ol destluction as thc Germans have
ed rhat rhey need to be hiclde¡ if thcy rvish to miss thc
nr¿rh of!'our r-ocket at¡acks.
addi¡ional launchers ard crews increascs ¡be dest¡uc-
and ul¡imatelv allot's vour folces ro push on across any

Katlu.sha protid,es the massivc 6re supporr lor your of-
ve. Oncc they find their target little can withstand their

i,: Artillery, lSonbardnt*.firtd b:' ¡¡r 0r 1'¡10ft ue¡?ons

:t:¿¡ ¿ I2 "/-10on x 6"/ I 5on Arti //er1 I iltrykrc t0 de terttít¡t
:,,ji¡.lt te¿¡'N /¡ bt l,it nd rt-rolk failed Tit Hn rolls
A Gu¿rds Rocl¿rt L[¡trtar B¡lltlia h r¿tul Featless
:,'¡ ,lrtillc¡), Bon¡b¿rdment frcd b1' .fturtrn or
tttort Trained.
tt¿,ii!aits Jei ,t tttnl,lat 12"/j0crn squart to dctt'nnína
:; ¡icl., ¡r¿¡ns ¡re hit arLd re-rulL Jiibd fo Hir n'//s


HQ Section with:

' Platoons for +/0 points fo¡ both

i#"I:. "t-n'er
HQ Section with:

. Add Observer Rille team fo¡
+15 poi¡ts.
. Add PTRD a¡rt,tank ¡ifle
teams ro How.irzer
Plaroons for - l0 poinr.per ream.
. Add ho¡se-d¡awn wagon to carry the Staff
team at
no cost.
. Add ho¡se-d¡awn limbe¡s at no cosr.
. Add Stalinets t¡ac¡ors at no cosr_

, ase the Volhl Fire special rule on pdge

Soviet artillery banalions are available
ro support
üoops.,They provide the n...r."ry 6r"pá*..
rhe eneml in pla. e while you. lorce\ L¿n

bomba¡dme¡r¡s rncrea\e your assaulring

rvabiliry This allows your infanrry ro
breach ¡he
enemy line of defence and assault
the secon<l li¡e of

r ro-h"vc,an, ar r iJler) ob,err er 6¿p¡!lq

ol brrngirrg
upon borh delensjve positions
s gurls ca¡ tur.n a foolish enemy assault
.ons into a nighrmare fo¡ rhe att:cke,
Hou;tz', ['1ntoo,t, aq Att;tlt 1. Barta/)na
.i4 a7¡1 ,1,,. ,
rog, rhe, o, a rpa..,, hatre,t
lo,"tOa;;lnerr apa"r.rtom the
tJu4 l/ Houjtz,, I'k,o¡,t
ttTal0attr. .a.¡v 6.e, nn aa;//e.1
bo'1,ibard,n?nt, ,,1/ Ct n t,/a,oo,j, ,nbr ;i .." po,t;.)paí
ta, the h¿m12p,¿/,,7,4!. .. t4nt i.¡¡te¿¿J
.n,¿l¿,t ,¡o,,a,,/
Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes t, '.d
Range ROF Anti-tanb Firepouer t':

IjLrllv ¡ackecl 7 5r Co-:u MG, Mine rolle¡ Limiretlvision.
Í,j19!!l l /\ar¡n 2
j.i Fullv ¡racked 6 5I Co-¿r MG, Fasr rank, Li¡¡ited vision, \Vide tracks.
32"/80.1 l
;TO-i2 Jl¿ úlraucl 4"/l1tn -6 Flam thnner Hull noun¡er/.

-- r. ¡¡¡ l!il rullv rnckcd 6 il Co-¡x ir'lG, HullMG. Fas¡ r¡nh, Linircd vision, \\¡rlc¡raclo.
t /80ü/1 2 9 3+

f4.¡8i obr 19.13 Fully'tLacked 7 5l Co'¿r MG. Hull MG. Limired vision.
85nu D 5T pn 32 '/80cn 2 12 3+

:i I ¡:,: l913 llully-r¡acked 10 8l Co-ü NlC, TurLrL-¡e¿r MC.. Slorv tenk.
.32"/80¿n l t5 2+


H¡lf¡mcked l lt)
21 '/60tn ) lA 1+

Fnlly-tracked 3 t0 \lide¡r¡cks
zls 3 32"/80cm 2 93+
¡l FLLlly tL.rcked t 5l
32'/80rn¡ 2 12 .3+

FLrlh,¡nckcd 9 2 Slow ranh.
:::tu D )is gn .32 /8aot l t5 2+
Fully+rached 9 7 ). Sloiv ¡ank.
112¡nn ML-20.5 nn 32'l8acm 13 l+ Brntrer buster H /naunx,l.

B.{r I..p 0 0 0 Ad MC;
'.1::t P rRD ¿nti t.l I ilL t6'/10. 1 2 t í+

B\1-l-l]\añush¡ \lhee]erl
3't li t6 roclx kunchtt ó4'/t60,:w 1¡
DSrñ r,1 \lC on rLuck Whcclcd ,\l,lsrard layour.
ts,.^,1A ,vG I 5l An;i ijrc)nli,I)orx.
Ml7 MGMC (11urd.s0 crl)H¡ lF-rr¿rLed I 00
quad 50,a| MG t 6710cn 6 15+
lZ;:ii¿ \1G t6"/1tun 26 ROt- t if atha aütü1i J;tr.
r¿I l/ehiclc MG 16"/40on I 5+ RaF t )fother anpa

üe war progressed, both rhe German and Sovier armies used every vehicle
could 6nd to get their soldiers to the front line, often reso¡ting ro captured
to transPor! thei¡ troops.

Vbeneuer a pktaon has nu.cks, feelfrae to model it uith either Souiet ZIS-5 3,
ton, 215-6 4-ton, GMC 2 1/2-ton, Dodgr tA ton, Stu.ltbekket 2b-ton, Horch,
Krupp or Stey Kfz 70 tnrcls or Opel Blitz 3-tan truchs.
., .s'!,:;,. ,
" :1 .r,,', i{i

Mobility Range ROF Anti-tuk Firepower Notes

I'l-RD anri ¡¡nk rifl¡ 16 /40cnr 2 5 ir T¡nh A¡¡ul¡ 3
'l Maksim HN4C I{an-packcd 21"/60cm 6 )(¡ ROF 2 when plnned dorvn.
' . S:-nlt +l n,,'.", NIan p.rcked .i0 /100¡ n, )6 i.:
1- 120-PN1 i8 nro¡t¡r Lighr 56 /l40cm 33r
_: DShK,{ l\1( l 14rn packed lh /.t0cnr 4i+ An¡i alrc¡afr.'lirr n¡¡ble '

: 37nrnr obr 1939 gLrn Imm,-¡bilc 2/í"/60cr¡ 1 61+ An¡r-al¡cr ali, TrLrn¡ablc
'15m¡¡ ob, t9,11gun Light 24 /( (ül t4+ Gun shiclJ.
57mm ZIS'2 gun Hcarr- 32"/80cm 3 11 1+ cun shictd
76mni ZIS I .tnLi,¡¿nli.eun He¡rr l2 /80c¡¡ ) 9 (lLrn shield.
76mm ZIS-3 field gLLn l'lc¡n' 32'l8ocm 2 93+ Cun shicld.
Firing bonrberrlmcnrs 80"/200cr11 l6
8lnm obL 1939 gLrn .ll"i 80c¡r 2. 12 3+ Ilc¡n ¡nLi ¿ircr¡fi, Tu¡¡¡¡blc.
l22mm obr 1938 ho'virzcr Immol¡ilt 2,1'l60cm I 77+ CLLn shiclcl.
Firine bombardlnenrs t0"/200cr¡ ,r"
l5lmrn ob, lI)¡ 3 ho\!if?er lrnnr¡bilc l,l /ar0.m I t0 t+ Bunl<er bLrs¡e¡, (;un shirld.
Flrin.s bonlb:,dmenrs 80 /200c¡l 5 l+

Range ROF A¡ti-tank Fir€power Veapons lnd Notes

I{ille rc.u¡ )6
l(,"/10cn ) )6
SX1(; rra¡r l i t0cn -l 1(, tull ROF rvl en u,virg
f i10cn 2 ll 5+ Tank As¡ulr 6. C¡nnor shoo¡ in Shootnrg Srcp if noved
lvlovement Srep. Faustnltra
Flanc-¡hLt¡lcr ¡c¡¡r 10.¡i
:i"i .i 6
1"/l0cn¡ 1 1 6
5lorcs ¡s a I le¡¡.CLLn ¡c¡n,


tc¡¡rs a¡e link Axaulr ,1.

Mobility Front Side Top Equipmenr ard Notes

F" ¡ a '1 Anrph br. ' (l

5 3 ton, 215-6 4 ron, Dodge li ron,
o¡ (iMC/Smdebekker 21,!,ton ¡r¡ck \iheeled

Sralrne¡s I'Lrlh.¡Lacked
limb¡, V.rgon

Nf 3A1 arnoured rr.rnr¡oncr l 0 0 Ir¿sc¡ge ¡-ftc.l.{A MC
BA-1Otr1 convened a¡¡oured ¡¡.rnmor¡er l-p I 0 0 Pascnger'6red ivlG.
Captur.(l Sd Ktz 150 or li1 h¡ltr¡ach H¿lf ¡¡cked 1 0 0 lassengrr li red r\1(,.
li¡ricr H¡llr¡¡rck*l 0 0 0 Pasengcr fired ]t1G.

'Jleapon To Hit ¡.¡rti-tá¡k Notes

Il2 Sh¡urmorik .l+ 9 5+ llling rank.
Ilo mbs 1+ j l+
Rochets J+ 6 J*
Tip 3M ShnLrmovik 3+ t2 4+ Flying tank.
Bombs 4!. 5 t+
Rockers 3* 6

Russian Green (894), or

Lufwaffc Camo Green (823)
lain¡ed me¡al

Flat Flesh (955)

Exposed 11esh

\ Flat Red (957)

f.paulcrrc pipine
Khahi (988)
t Gunmetal Grey (863)
I Cun r¡eral, ¡ool heads
! rt Beige Brown (875)
tull¡vood, tool h¡ndles

Flat Earth (983)

S\lG Pouches

Khaki Grey (880), or

Kh"r.i (988)

USA Tarl Earth (874) Soviet Assauit Sappers used a

Greatco¡ts, L¡edrolls & Amoebi pattern camouflage unifoln.
To paint your Assauh Sappers, basecoat your
¡riniarures rvith Russian Uniform (924),
Black (950) and acld Amoeba' splotches of cithel Black
Boots, Belt (950) or Gcrman Car¡o Da¡k Green (!/!).
Alternativelv, basecoat youl niniarures with
Khaki Grey (880), with blorchcs of Black
lq<01 or Curmrn r ¡mo Blrrck B.o\ r td//).

fou.nd in tbe F\anes Of Qualtermaste¡s Painr Set, Soviet i)ainr Sit )zrl
Cerman SS Paint Set auaih-b/e f om tbe on/ire ttzr. dndF|rmes C)fWar stochists.
More comprehensiua pLlint¡ng ¿nd modellittg guides cart also be fotmd on the
uuttu. F/amesOJ\l' u b,I!t.

T¿nb crew oueralls

Once undercoated, painr yoür vehicle o¡ gun wirh a
Tarh uzu belmets
Black (950), or basecoat of Russian Green (894). Drybrush a few coats of Black (950), or
Khaki G¡ey (880) Luftrvaffc Camo Green (823) over rhe rop of rhis ro have Beige Brown (875)
your miniatlrres ready for the table quickly and easily.
Vebicle and gun colour: Tool ltandles
Russian Green (894) Beige Brown (875)

AJternate velticle y'"

gun colour, Tlres & rond uheek
Luftwaffe Camo Green (823) Btack (950)

Tanh camouflage colour Ti.acbs

Flat Earth (983) Gunmetal Grey (863)

' - j

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