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Choppy Sentences Worksheet

Combine the following sentences by subordinating minor ideas or by coordinating ideas of equal
importance. You must decide which ideas are minor because the sentences are given out of context.

1. The lively employee assisted us. He was tall. He was smiling.

2. My favorite bistro is new to the area. It serves a scrumptious salad. My friends love

the salad, too.

3. The tornado leveled the Johnsons’ home. It also tore the roof off of their barn.

4. Jake and Steven have been business partners since 1988. They started the restaurant

chain. They are still profiting from this partnership.

5. Bart Starr lead the Green Bay Packers to victory many times. Packers fans have

idolized him.

6. Ghost towns are becoming more numerous in the Old West. Carsonville is a ghost


7. Ida snickered. Her shoulders gently shook. Ida’s countenance changed.

8. The coffee was cold! It was also old. The coffee did not wake me for class.

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