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A Tsunami Warning

Intro: Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy…

If a leader of the church ask you to do something, if it is not a sin and hurt your conscience,

Intro: The early church: If anyone in the early church needs something, all of the church
members come together to meet the needs of those in crisis.

 Acts 4:34 -35

Those who are wealthy sold what they have to meet the needs of poor.
Of all outstanding man in the bible, except Jesus, who do you think? Let me introduce
 Acts 4:36-37
A generous man who felt that the need of the church members was his personal
responsibility. “You’re suffering is my problem.” Somebody believes that our problem is
ours alone but every church members’ problem is ours.

The early church donate their money to the apostles, trust them, and as the Holy Ghost
led them.
 Don’t use your money/wealth as a weapon to whip the church into compliance
with your desires. If you’re convicted to give, give! And leave it up to the spirit of
God to guide those to whom the money is entrusted.
Back to Barnabas

 Acts 9:26
Saul was converted, preached at Damascus, but his life was threaten, went to
Jerusalem. As Paul came to John and all the disciples, they were afraid of him.
Saul has the reputation as a very cruel man. (Acts 9:1) They were afraid of him. (Acts
9:27) But Barnabas took him to the disciples, not afraid, and confirmed that this man is a
servant of God.
A generous man
A giving man
A fearless man – went by himself to take Saul and put disciples mind at rest.

 Stephen was martyred, Jerusalem was scattered, and as they ran they preached.
Acts 11:22-23 the church sent Barnabas to assess what was going on in the Cyrene,
Cyprus and Antioch. When the church choses a man to assess a spiritual situation, the
church chooses a man grounded in the word; who knows how to discern.
 1900, September 13-23 Camp meeting in Indiana. A disastrous movement: the Holy
Flesh movement. The body should go through the garden of Gethsemane experience.
Go through suffering that the flesh might be perfected in readiness for translation.
When the church heard of that, they sent two men (Haskell and Breed) to investigate
just as the church of Jerusalem sent two men to investigate Antioch.
They sent Barnabas, a man who can identify the workings of evil, who is fearless and
 Acts 13:1-2 – (The Holy Ghost is fully divine, God) handpicked by God
 Galatians 2:11

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