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Fabrizio Granelli

Downloads for SDN Lab
¨ Download the VMs from
¨ Verify software requirements:
OS Type OS Version X Server Terminal

Windows 7+ VirtualBox Xming PuTTY

Windows XP VirtualBox Xming PuTTY

OS X 10.7-10.9
download and
Mac Lion/Mountain VirtualBox
install XQuartz (built in)
Lion/ Mavericks

X server
gnome terminal
Linux Ubuntu 10.04+ VirtualBox already
+ SSH built in

Refer to for

more details
OpenFlow building blocks
oftrace oflops
debugging tools
Stanford Provided
ENVI (GUI) LAVI n-Casting Aggregation

NOX Beacon Helios Maestro SNAC Controller

Expedient FlowVisor Software
Commercial Switches Stanford Provided
Software Broadcom
HP, NEC, Pronto, Ref. Switch Ref. Switch OpenFlow
Juniper.. and many
more OpenWRT

Computer Industry Network Industry

Isolated “slices” Many operating systems, or
Many versions

Open interface to hardware

Open interface to hardware

Switch Based Virtualization
Exists for NEC, HP switches but not flexible enough

Research VLAN 2

Flow Table Controller

Research VLAN 1
Flow Table
Production VLANs
Normal L2/L3 Processing
FlowVisor-based Virtualization
Bob’s Fabrizio’s
Alice’s Controller Controller
discovery is
per slice

OpenFlow OpenFlow FlowVisor

Switch & Policy Control


OpenFlow OpenFlow
Switch Switch

FlowVisor-based Virtualization
8 http
Multicast Load-balancer
Separation not only
by VLANs, but any
L1-L4 pattern

dl_dst=FFFFFFFFFFFF OpenFlow tp_src=80, or


OpenFlow OpenFlow
Switch FlowVisor & Policy Control


OpenFlow OpenFlow
Switch Switch
FlowSpace: Maps Packets to Slices
FlowVisor Message Handling

Alice Bob Cathy Rule

Controller Controller Controller

Policy Check: Policy Check:
Is this rule FlowVisor Who controls
allowed? this packet?
Full Line Rate OpenFlow Exception
Forwarding Firmware

Packet Data Path
Introduction to Mininet
¨ Mininet
¤ A network emulator which creates realistic virtual network
¤ Runs real kernel, switch and application code on a single machine

¤ Provides both Command Line Interface (CLI) and Application

Programming Interface (API)
n CLI: interactive commanding
n API: automation
¤ Abstraction
n Host: emulated as an OS level process
n Switch: emulated by using software-based switch
n E.g., Open vSwitch, SoftSwitch
Mininet Installation (1/2)
¨ Mininet VM Installation
¤ The easiest and most fool-proof way of installing Mininet
¤ Procedures
n Download the Mininet pre-installed VM image
n Download and install one of the hypervisors (e.g., VirtualBox, Qemu, VMware
Workstation, VMware Fusion, or KVM)
n Import VM image into selected hypervisor

¨ Native Installation from Source

¤ Recommended OS: Ubuntu 11.10 and later
¤ Procedures
n Download source from github $ git clone git://
n Full installation: Mininet + Open vSwtich + wireshark + etc.
n Minimum installation: + Mininet + Open vSwitch $ mininet/util/ -a
$ mininet/util/ -fnv
Mininet Installation (2/2)
¨ Native Installation from Package
¤ Recommended OS: Ubuntu 12.04 and later
¤ Procedures
n Remove all previously installed Mininet and Open vSwitch
$ sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/mn /usr/local/bin/mnexec \
/usr/local/lib/python*/*/*mininet* \
/usr/local/bin/ovs-* /usr/local/sbin/ovs-*

n Install Mininet package according to your Ubuntu version (choose one of them!)
$ sudo apt-get install mininet Ubuntu 13.04
$ sudo apt-get install mininet/quantal-backports Ubuntu 12.10
$ sudo apt-get install mininet/precise-backports Ubuntu 12.04
n Deactive OpenvSwitch controller if it is running
$ sudo service openvswitch-controller stop
$ sudo update-rc.d openvswitch-controller disable
n You can also install additional software from mininet source
$ git clone git://
$ mininet/util/ -fw
Mininet Tutorial (1/7)
¨ Mininet Command Line Interface Usage
¤ Interact with hosts and switches
n Start a minimal topology
$ sudo mn

n Start a minimal topology using a remote controller

$ sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=[IP_ADDDR],port=[listening port]

n Start a custom topology

$ sudo mn --custom [topo_script_path] --topo=[topo_name]

n Display nodes
mininet> nodes

n Display links
mininet> net

n Dump information about all nodes

mininet> dump
Mininet Tutorial (2/7)
¨ Mininet Command Line Interface Usage
¤ Interact with hosts and switches
n Check the IP address of a certain node
mininet> h1 ifconfig -a

n Print the process list from a host process

mininet> h1 ps -a

¤ Test connectivity between hosts

n Verify the connectivity by pinging from host0 to host1
mininet> h1 ping -c 1 h2

n Verify the connectivity between all hosts

mininet> pingall
Mininet Tutorial (3/7)
¨ Mininet Command Line Interface Usage
¤ Run a regression test
n Traffic receive preparation
mininet> iperf -s -u -p [port_num] &

n Traffic generation from client

mininet> iperf -c [IP] -u -t [duration] -b [bandwidth] -p [port_num] &

¤ Link variations
$ sudo mn -link tc,bw=[bandwidth],delay=[delay_in_millisecond]

¤ Python Interpreter
n Print accessible local variables
$ py locals()

n Execute a method through invoking mininet API

$ py [mininet_name_space].[method]
Mininet Tutorial (4/7)
¨ Mininet Application Programming Interface Usage
¤ Low-level API: nodes and links
n mininet.node.Node
n A virtual network node, which is a simply in a network namespace
n A basic link, which is represented as a pair of nodes
Class Method Description
MAC/setMAC Return/Assign MAC address of a node or specific interface
IP/setIP Return/Assign IP address of a node or specific interface
cmd Send a command, wait for output, and return it
terminate Send kill signal to Node and clean up after it
Link Link Create a link to another node, make two new interfaces

h1 = Host( 'h1' ) c0.start()

h2 = Host( 'h2' ) s1.start( [ c0 ] )
s1 = OVSSwitch( 's1', inNamespace=False ) print h1.cmd( 'ping -c1', h2.IP() )
c0 = Controller( 'c0', inNamespace=False ) s1.stop()
Link( h1, s1 ) c0.stop()
Link( h2, s1 )
h1.setIP( '10.1/8' )
h2.setIP( '10.2/8' )
Mininet Tutorial (5/7)
¨ Mininet Application Programming Interface Usage
¤ Middle-level API: network object
n Network emulation with hosts spawned in network namespaces
Class Method Description
addHost Add a host to network
addSwitch Add a switch to network
addLink Link two nodes into together
addController Add a controller to network
getNodeByName Return node(s) with given name(s)
start Start controller and switches
stop Stop the controller, switches and hosts
ping Ping between all specified hosts and return all data

net = Mininet() net.start()

h1 = net.addHost( 'h1' ) print h1.cmd( 'ping -c1', h2.IP() )
h2 = net.addHost( 'h2' ) CLI( net )
s1 = net.addSwitch( 's1' ) net.stop()
c0 = net.addController( 'c0' )
net.addLink( h1, s1 )
net.addLink( h2, s1 )
Mininet Tutorial (6/7)
¨ Mininet Application Programming Interface Usage
¤ High-level API: topology templates
n mininet.topo.Topo
n Data center network representation for structured multi-trees

Class Method Description

Methods similar to net E.g., addHost, addSwitch, addLink,
addNode Add node to graph
addPort Generate port mapping for new edge
switches Return all switches
Hosts/nodes/switches/links Return all hosts
isSwitch Return true if node is a switch, return false otherwise

class SingleSwitchTopo( Topo ): net = Mininet( topo=SingleSwitchTopo( 3 ) )

"Single Switch Topology" net.start()
def build( self, count=1): CLI( net )
hosts = [ self.addHost( 'h%d' % i ) net.stop()
for i in range( 1, count + 1 ) ]
s1 = self.addSwitch( 's1' )
for h in hosts:
self.addLink( h, s1 )
Mininet Tutorial (7/7)
¨ Mininet Application Programming Interface Usage
¤ Customized topology
# cat

from mininet.topo import Topo
class MyTopo( Topo ):

def name_dpid( self, index ):

dpid = '%02d' % ( index )
zeros = '0' * ( LEN_DPID - len( dpid ) )
name = 's%02d' % ( index )
return { 'name':name, 'dpid':zeros + dpid }

def build( self, count=1):

hosts = [ self.addHost( 'h%d' % i )
for i in range( 1, count + 1 ) ]
s1 = self.addSwitch( **self.name_dpid(1) )
for h in hosts:
self.addLink( h, s1 )

topos = { 'mytopo': MyTopo }

# mn --custom --topo mytopo,3

*** Creating network
*** Adding controller
*** Adding hosts: More examples can be found here:
h1 h2 h3
Two Flow Insertion Methods
¨ Reactive Flow Insertion
¤ A non-matched packet reaches an OpenFlow switch, it is sent to the
controller, based on the packet an appropriate flow is inserted
¨ Proactive Flow Insertion
¤ Flow can be inserted proactively by the controller in switches before packet

h1 h2 p1
acquire Controller h1 h2 p1


host1 switch1 (reactive) switch2 (proactive) host2

Mininet OpenFlow tutorial
¨ Download the VMs from
¨ Verify software requirements:
OS Type OS Version X Server Terminal

Windows 7+ VirtualBox Xming PuTTY

Windows XP VirtualBox Xming PuTTY

OS X 10.7-10.9
download and
Mac Lion/Mountain VirtualBox
install XQuartz (built in)
Lion/ Mavericks

X server
gnome terminal
Linux Ubuntu 10.04+ VirtualBox already
+ SSH built in

Refer to for

more details
Mininet VM Setup
¨ Once you have downloaded the .ovf image,
¤ Startup VirtualBox, then select File>Import Appliance
and select the .ovf image that you downloaded.
¨ You may also be able to simply double-click the
.ovf file to open it up in your installed virtualization
¤ Next, press the "Import" button.
¨ This step will take a while - the unpacked image is
about 3 GB.
Setting up the VM for ssh access
¨ If you are running VirtualBox, you should make sure your VM has
two network interfaces. One should be a NAT interface that it can
use to access the Internet, and the other should be a host-only
interface to enable it to communicate with the host machine. For
example, your NAT interface could be eth0 and have a 10.x IP
address, and your host-only interface could be eth1 and have a
192.168.x IP address. You should ssh into the host-only interface at
its associated IP address. Both interfaces should be configured using
¨ From the virtual machine console, log in to the VM, then enter:
$ ifconfig -a

¨ You should see three interfaces(eth0, eth1, lo), Both eth0 and eth1
should have IP address assigned. If this is not the case, type
$ sudo dhclient ethX

¨ For the access to the VM:

$ ssh -X [user]@[Guest IP Here]
Alternative: using the VM GUI
¨ Log in to the VM console window, and type:
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xinit lxde

¨ At this point, you should be able to start an X11

session in the VM console window by typing:
$ startx
Development Tools
¨ OpenFlow Controller: sits above the OpenFlow interface. The OpenFlow reference
distribution includes a controller that acts as an Ethernet learning switch in
combination with an OpenFlow switch. You'll run it and look at messages being sent.
Then, in the next section, you'll write our own controller on top of NOX or Beacon
(platforms for writing controller applications).
¨ OpenFlow Switch: sits below the OpenFlow interface. The OpenFlow reference
distribution includes a user-space software switch. Open vSwitch is another software
but kernel-based switch, while there is a number of hardware switches available
from Broadcom (Stanford Indigo release), HP, NEC, and others.
¨ ovs-ofctl: command-line utility that sends quick OpenFlow messages, useful for
viewing switch port and flow stats or manually inserting flow entries.
¨ Wireshark: general (non-OF-specific) graphical utility for viewing packets. The
OpenFlow reference distribution includes a Wireshark dissector, which parses
OpenFlow messages sent to the OpenFlow default port (6633) in a conveniently
readable way.
¨ iperf: general command-line utility for testing the speed of a single TCP connection.
¨ Mininet: network emulation platform. Mininet creates a virtual OpenFlow network -
controller, switches, hosts, and links - on a single real or virtual machine. More
Mininet details can be found at the Mininet web page.
¨ cbench: utility for testing the flow setup rate of OpenFlow controllers.
Start a simple network
$ sudo mn --topo single,3 --mac --switch ovsk --controller remote
What did we do?
$ sudo mn --topo single,3 --mac --switch ovsk --controller remote

¨ Created 3 virtual hosts, each with a separate IP

¨ Created a single OpenFlow software switch in the
kernel with 3 ports.
¨ Connected each virtual host to the switch with a virtual
ethernet cable.
¨ Set the MAC address of each host equal to its IP.
¨ Configure the OpenFlow switch to connect to a remote
Some relevant mininet commands
¨ To see the list of nodes available, in the Mininet console, run:
mininet> nodes
¨ To see a list of available commands, in the Mininet console, run:
mininet> help

¨ To run a single command on a node, prepend the command with the name
of the node. For example, to check the IP of a virtual host, in the Mininet
console, run:
mininet> h1 ifconfig
¨ The alternative - better for running interactive commands and watching
debug output - is to spawn an xterm for one or more virtual hosts. In the
Mininet console, run:
mininet> xterm h1 h2
¨ If Mininet is not working correctly (or has crashed and needs to be
restarted), first quit Mininet if necessary (using the exit command, or control-
D), and then try clearing any residual state or processes using:
$ sudo mn -c
ovs-ofctl example usage
¨ Create another terminal window:
$ sudo ovs-ofctl show s1

¨ The show command connects to the switch and

dumps out its port state and capabilities.
¨ Here's a more useful command:
$ sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows s1

¨ Since we haven't started any controller yet, the

flow-table should be empty.
Ping test
¨ Now, go back to the mininet console and try to ping h2
from h1. In the Mininet console:
mininet> h1 ping -c3 h2

¨ Note that the name of host h2 is automatically replaced

when running commands in the Mininet console with its IP
address (
¨ Do you get any replies? Why? Why not?As you saw
before, switch flow table is empty.
¨ Besides that, there is no controller connected to the
switch and therefore the switch doesn't know what to do
with incoming traffic, leading to ping failure.
Ping test – manual config
¨ You'll use ovs-ofctl to manually install the necessary
flows. In your SSH terminal:
# sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow s1 in_port=1,actions=output:2
# sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow s1 in_port=2,actions=output:1

¨ This will forward packets coming at port 1 to port 2

and vice-versa. Verify by checking the flow-table:
# ovs-ofctl dump-flows s1

¨ Run the ping command again. In your mininet console:

mininet> h1 ping -c3 h2

¨ Do you get replies now? Check the flow-table again

and look the statistics for each flow entry. Is this what
you expected to see based on the ping traffic?
Run Wireshark
¨ The VM image includes the OpenFlow Wireshark dissector pre-
installed. Wireshark is extremely useful for watching OpenFlow
protocol messages, as well as general debugging.
$ sudo wireshark &

¨ You'll probably get a warning message for using wireshark with root
access. Press OK.
¨ Now, set up a filter for OpenFlow control traffic, by using the ’tcp
port 6653' filter (Capture->Options).
¨ Click on Capture->Interfaces in the menu bar. Click on the Start
button next to 'lo', the loopback interface. You may see some
packets going by.
¨ Press the apply button to apply the filter to all recorded traffic.

(See for more info on OF support

in Wireshark)
Start basic controller
¨ With the Wireshark dissector listening, start the
OpenFlow reference controller. In your SSH
$ sudo controller –v ptcp:6653 &

¨ This starts a simple controller that acts as a learning

switch without installing any flow-entries. The
parameters represent the listening port for the
controller (6653) and the verbose option ‘-v’
¨ You should see a bunch of messages displayed in
Wireshark, from the Hello exchange onwards.
Using the controller
¨ First, we need to delete the flowtable in the switch
and the ARP tables in the hosts:
sudo ovs-ofctl del-flows s1
mininet> h1 ip -s -s neigh flush all
mininet> h2 ip -s -s neigh flush all

¨ Do the ping in the Mininet console:

mininet> h1 ping -c1 h2

¨ Repeat the command: what happens?

Benchmark controller w/iperf
¨ We will benchmark the reference controller in mininet
¨ In the mininet console run:
mininet> iperf

¨ This Mininet command runs an iperf TCP server on one

virtual host, then runs an iperf client on a second virtual
host. Once connected, they blast packets between each
other and report the results.
¨ Now compare with the user-space switch. In the mininet
mininet> exit

¨ Start the same Mininet with the user-space switch:

$ sudo mn --topo single,3 --controller remote --switch user
Benchmark controller w/iperf
¨ Run one more iperf test with the reference
mininet> iperf

¨ With the user-space switch, packets must cross from

user-space to kernel-space and back on every hop,
rather than staying in the kernel as they go through
the switch. The user-space switch is easier to modify
(no kernel oops'es to deal with), but slower for
¨ Exit Mininet:
mininet> exit
Slicing using FlowVisor
¨ See the following tutorial
Any questions?
Fabrizio Granelli

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