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1. Please save the comments about hard it must be for someone else.

 Yes, there are

certainly challenges when it comes to living this #SingleMomLife. But, there is no need for
you to pepper us with your comments about how hard it must be and you don't know what
you would do if [insert husband/partner's name here] weren't around. God forbid you
might have to stay up all night with a baby on your own and get to work in the morning on
time! Yes, single moms do it all the time, and no, we don't need your sympathy. But I
might need a drink, so feel free to buy me one this week at happy hour. Thanks!

2. We are not all sad sacks. I still can't figure out why people assume that single people
with kids can't be happy. Contrary to popular opinion, we are not all sitting sadly on the
couch in an ill-fitting pair of yoga pants shoveling ice cream in our mouths while lamenting
our younger, child-free days in which we had perkier boobs. All right, sometimes these
couch-ice-cream-shoveling sessions do happen, but the majority of us are no more
miserable than moms who do have partners. Parenting is hard AF no matter how you do

3. If I wanted you to know where the father of my child is, I'd tell you. Honestly, it
doesn't even matter how anyone becomes a single parent. Since becoming one myself, I
have connected with other single parents and we usually don't exchange Single Mom War
Stories - those super-detailed timelines of how we even got to where we are - until we are
way more comfortable with each other.(i.e. we have been on a few play dates and one of
the kids has done something embarrassing like pee on the jungle gym). All that matters is
that we are doing our best every day to properly care for our kids.

4. I don't have a lot of time for you. I am probably one of the shittiest friends that you
will ever have. I never answer the phone, sometimes I don't text back for days, (or, even
worse, I do those osmosis texts that involve me reading the message and writing you
back in my head and not in real life because I got sidetracked), and you haven't seen me
in months. It's not that I'm doing this on purpose - it's just that between work and caring for
my son, I have a very tiny window of time to get things done. Not only do I find it difficult to
do anything outside of my own (and my son's) jam-packed schedule, I sometimes
experience this single-parent guilt that tells me I must do everything 200 percent or more.
By the end of the day, there's not much energy left to do anything but pass out in my bed.
But if you really want to hang out (and I would love to see you! Really!), feel free to come
over with a bottle of wine and catch me up on everything in your life while I do things like
pick up discarded Legos on the floor and fold mounds of toddler-size clothing.
5. But please don't feel like you can't invite me to things.  Just because I will often turn
down invitations doesn't mean I will always turn down invitations. Yes, I'm going to need
some notice. That's 48 hours or more because last-minute anything probably isn't realistic.
But there is nothing worse than scrolling through Instagram and seeing all your friends
having a merry time without you - at a get-together you didn't even know about. Extend
the invitation and I will be there if I can. Even if I can't make it, it feels nice to know that my
presence is still wanted.

6. We are skilled bullshit detectors. Yes, most moms have this secret Spidey sense, but
it's particularly sharp for single moms. Perhaps it's because we live in a consistent time
crunch so we have to quickly filter out anything shady. Or perhaps it's because there's not
a partner around to have these discussions with so we get really good at evaluating
options ourselves and trusting our guts. Whether the bullshit comes from an employer or
our kids' dad, we know when what you're proposing isn't actually going to benefit our
families (and that's really what we consider in every decision we make).

7. There is no such thing as too much help. When my son was about 8 months old
(and still not sleeping through the night), one of my friends volunteered to watch him so I
could get some sleep, and I told her no. That's because I was being an idiot. During the
early days, I did everything myself. I stayed up to feed and soothe him during all hours of
the night and woke up early each morning to get him to the babysitter before I went into
the office. I did all the laundry, washed the dishes and prepared our food. In hindsight, I
am sure there were all kinds of shortcuts I could have taken to get things done and there
were many days that I couldn't muster the energy to shower or shave my legs. (Dry
shampoo, deodorant, perfume, and pants were my best friends.) Now if a friend asks if
she can watch my son for a couple of hours, I will tell her, "Hell ass yes!" and she shall be
crowned my new BFF.

8. Compliment us on both our parenting skills and our appearance.  Although we

have help sometimes from family and friends, single moms are, for the most part, handling
it all, from raising kids to running a household. And we don't always have someone patting
us on the back to say, "Great job!" So it means a lot when someone says your son has
such good manners and seems to have mastered the art of sharing his toy cars. (Which,
mind you, is no easy feat to for a 3-year-old boy!) We're also grateful to hear praise that
does not involve our kids - I personally pride myself on the fact that I work hard to keep
my skin, hair, and nails looking good and somehow manage to squeeze in workouts, and I
appreciate it when someone notices. I recently told a single mom how considerate her son
is every time I see him and added that her skin looked amazing. She reacted with
surprise. "I guess it's because I just don't notice much of anything outside of my kid," she
told me. "I'm just trying to survive, you know?"

9. There is no need for you to set us up on dates unless we ask.  First of all, don't
assume that all single parents are looking for a partner in life (some are purposely going
the single route). But just as we don't want you to feel sorry for us for our parenting
responsibilities, we also don't want you to pity us if we're not in relationships. Yes, dating
as an adult sucks, and having a kid or kids around makes it that much more difficult, but
there are tons of dating apps, and I personally love being able to choose when (or if) I go
on a date. Now, if you happen to have a wealthy, handsome, slightly older, divorced
brother or uncle who you really feel strongly that I go on a date with, let's discuss.
Otherwise, please don't think you have to set me up with every single man that you
happen to know or come across because you really feel like I need a man in my life. Trust
me when I say I'm good.

10. We love our kids. One day at a park in New York, a mom told me that it must be
really hard to be a mom to a little boy whose father isn't around because my son must
remind me of this every day. It is hard, yes, because parenting is hard, but her
assumptions were all wrong: In fact, I do not think about my son's father at all. There's
nothing that I wouldn't do for my son and just because his father isn't in his life doesn't
mean that I love him less or resent having to take care of him. In fact, the fact that it's just
the two of us has made me love him even more.
9+1 Things that Single Mom should Know:

1. You never be alone, because people were admired by the strength of a

single mother has.

2. Speak out your mind so everyone know, because keeping to yourself

nobody will knows.

3. No matter how busy you are, a short reply message will do.

4. Never blame others when you are a part of the games that you play.

5. Never judge by your own prescription rather than to seek clarification

and explanation. Judging alone doesn't helps to sustain a relationship.

6. Give a clear and strong instruction rather than hoping people to

understand what you want them to do, because people not always do.

7. Share your thoughts and listen to opinions of others, keep a two ways

communication rather than your own.

8. Stop giving hopes to others if you are already have someone in mind.

This will not waste your time or others.Unless you scare to lose anyone

of them.

9. Bare in mind that there is no such a thing as Special Friend relationship

between a man and a woman except from the same sex, because it is

a matter of time when two will involved in intimidating.

10.Do not try to lie to yourself about your real feeling.

I have been in a relationship before with single mother, and I would like to share these tips hope that your
next relationship will grow longer and better understanding. Good Luck!

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