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Luci's MINOR MAGICAL ITEMS ct all magic items can make you fly or breathe underwater. Sometimes a wizard ‘was just bored, had a random object lying around, and decided to make it do something fun. Ifyou need an extra little something to add toa treasure pile and ~ inake it interesting then look no further; ‘Lots of fn ean be found in this list. APPARITION STICKER Wondrous Item ‘Small wax sticker. Once it's stuck to something it carit be ‘removed the owner of the sticker can will that thing back to their hand The item can be no heavier than 10 pounds. Bexr Pouas oF Usztzss ITeMs Wondrous Item Reach inside to pull out a mundane and cheap item ‘completely inappropriate for the current situation. Back, UNwItrine Rose ‘When placed into any liquid by its owner, t makes that liquid taste amazing to whoever drinks it. Buos or Grzy Goo Wondrous Item Tiny lump of questionable material, kept inside a palm. sized ceramic pot. Its owver can will t to harden into ‘whatever shape it currently holds, or back into its normal Clay-ttke consistency. If pieces of it are separated they can be controlled separately. Boomeranp...? Wondrous Item Boomerang that always hits its mark, but les away and only returns when its owner least expects i, hiting them in the head Deals 146 bludgeoning damage, Borie oF LicHT Wondrous Item ‘Small bottle attached to a chain. When swung, it absorbs the ambient light around it. The light can later be released by ‘unstoppering the bottle. The light it absorbed keeps its effects (Sunlight would bother drow, moonlight would trigger Iycanthropy, etc.) ‘Brass ProsrHetia Not Wondrous Item ‘Can be put over its owner's nose to give its owner advantage on all perception checks based on smell BRoxEN SoHOLAR's PEN Wondrous Item ‘Owl feather quill with an endless supply of ink. Gives advantage on checks made to forge documents or handwriting. Makes writer talk in 3rd person for an hour after use. BRONzE Moon GEAR Wondrous Item Has the word "Moon" etched into the side of it, Owner can throw it like a frisbee, giving it as much spin as possible. It will then float 15 feet inthe air above its owner, shedding moonlight in a 308 radius for up to a minute. Canvep Bonz ELEPHANT Wondrous Item Dense bone carved into the shape of an elephant. While within 30f of this object, its owner can use an action to cause the elephant to make a loud trumpeting sound, audible for 300K. Car Fouaine Wondrous Item ‘The owner of tis item gains resistance to damage taken from falling. Crramic STAR Wondrous Item Bright orange ceramic throwing star, will always miss its target, but also always hits something immediately next tot. CuILD's WoopEn PLay SworD Wondrous Item ‘The owner of this item can choose to add +1 damage to ‘any non-lethal attacks they make. Corvoar Mask Wondrous Item iple theater mask that copies the facial expression of whoever wears it ‘CoRaL Bran Wondrous Item “Miniature brain made of coral Allows spelleasters to know 1 extra spell ofa level they have a spell slot for if that spelleaster is a wizard they can also prepare 1 extra spell Dagx Sace's JourNAL Wondrous Item Pocket sized leather tome. Can copy the contents of 1 other book aver the course of 10 minutes and wil retain that, information unt used agai Eve or Newr Wondrous Item ‘Single newts eye floating in a glass jar. Can be used by its ‘owner once per day to gain advantage on any rll made for the effect of a pot FLOATING GLass ORB Wondrous Item Filled with fans, causing a faint whirring sound The owner ofthis item can slow fall as an action once per day, but gets -1 tostealth checks reliant on moving silently. Goren Tuerves' Rina Wondrous Item ‘Once belonged to a master thief, now long dead. The owner ‘of this tem becomes fluent in thieves' cant while thes/re ‘wearing it Great Drva's Lirctoss Wondrous Item ‘When applied by its owner, the owner gains advantage on all charisma-based checks on people attracted to their gender for 1 minute. Can only be used once per day. Inraicare KNor THAT Can't 82 UNTIED Wondrous Item Sailors belive this item to be bad luck. As long as this isin its owner's possession, its owner has advantage on all checks ‘having to do with boats and sailing. Kazoo BENT INTO A PRETZEL SHAPE Wondrous Item ‘When you use bardic inspiration, designate 2 people, ct ‘of them can use it, KEYoHAIN WITH THE HEAD OF A BROKEN KEY Wondrous Item ‘When the keychain is held against a lock by its owner, the broken key points towards where the key that opens itis, if there is one. The key must be on the same plane of existence ‘and not concealed through magic. Kun's Kuri wondrous Item (Old and beaten up wooden play knife, inscribed with the ‘words “The Ultimate Blade of Destruction’. Strangely ‘enough, does the exact same damage as a real dagger Macic 7-BALL Wondrous Item Missing its 8th side. Vaguely predicts the future with 1 ‘word statements after shaking it. Macic Marryosuxa Dott Wondrous Item Incredibly hard to open; DC 20 strength check to try. ‘Check can only be made once per day. May be useless, may have something cool inside. Miouty Acon Wondrous Item ‘Small acorn that when thrown violently onto the ground, ‘ill immediately grow a 20 foot tall oak tree. 5 days later another mighty acorn will grow and fall from the branches "MUTLI"TOOL Wondrous Item ‘Small magnifying glass from a broken multitoo! that has ‘the words “look for the other tools” inscribed on the handle {in common. Gives owner +2 to investigation. NEGKLAcE oF Vicrory Wondrous Item ‘Whenever the wearer kills a creature, they gain temporary hit points equal to the creature's challenge rating (minimum, of 1) PaLM-Sizep Inn Cac Wondrous Item ‘The door to this cage doesn't close properly due tothe lock ‘being broken from the inside. Can be used to instantly tame any tiny, non-magical beast with an intelligence score of 3 or ower. That creature acts as an animal companion to the ‘owner of the cage. Ifthe owner does something to upset the creature, it can choose to make a DC 15 constitution save to break free from its bond. Once a creature breaks the bond in this way, it becomes immune tothe effects of the cage. Pzreirizp Froa Wondrous Item ‘When placed on a surface by its owner, the frog will react to its owner's wishes and jump straight up as high as the owner wants, toa maximum of 100 feet. Piaksow Wondrous Item Tiny crossbow that doesnt fire bolts, instead fires from a seemingly endless reserve of toothpicks. Does 1 piercing ‘damage, but tobe honest, it probably has better uses than Inurting people. POCKETBOOK oF TRUE MasTERY Wondrous Item ‘A pocket-sized instruction manual depicting bizarre fighting stances of leaping, spinning and holding weapons by the wrong end. Studying it for 24 hours gives the reader proficiency with one new type of weapon oftheir choice. Rep STRING Tigp TO A FEATHER Wondrous Item All birds of non-evil alignment and an Intelligence score of 5 or less regard the owner of this item as a friendly acquaintance, given that the owner hasn't harmed itor its allies. Rock, Paper, Scissors RULEBOOK: VOLUME 37 Wondrous Item Its 300 pages fong. Gives the owner advantage on all games of rock paper-scissors. Romanaz Nove. Wondrous Item ‘Written by a delusional author with terrible word-sense. You for some reason cant help but love the story despite knowing it's terrible. Owner gains +1 on checks made to seduce things Roouz's Rinc Wondrous Item ‘Thin ring with a flexible blade hidden in its length. The ‘owner of this ring has advantage on checks to get out of being, tied up wl it ‘Sunczon’s PENDANT OF THE REAPER Wondrous Item Silvery-black necklace depicting a spider with blades for legs. Give the wearer +1 to medicine checks and advantage ‘on death saving throws Suy Cuzst Wondrous Item Miniature treasure chest that can securely hold an infinite ‘number of coins, but screams at you to close it whenever you open it Sxerric's GLove Wondrous Iter Items held in the hand wearing this glove can become invisible at the wearer's mental command, Objects under this cffect are completely visible to anyone who knows they're there, ‘Swazi RopenT HEART Wondrous Item Siill beats slighty, will row warm and start to beat faster if put near something magical ‘Swaxt, Roun Cactus wir Gooaty Eves Wondrous Item Tiny cactus in a ceramic pot with silly eyes glued onto it ts ‘owner can use an action to see through the cactuss eyes for ‘up toa minute. Vision is only in shades of green and causes 1 piercing damage to the owner. Sriaxy Ru Wondrous Item Hand that stretches and is covered with a sticky substance. Increases your reach distance for one action to 10ft if you pass a DC 10 dexterity check or 15ft ifyou pass a DC 15 Dexterity cheek. 2 HAND ‘Stone oF UNDYING AFFECTION Wondrous Item Fist sized stone that will slowly and feebly roll after its ‘owner ata speed of 5 feet if they get more than 30 fect away from it. Will go through hell and back to be reunited ‘TANGLED GEARS: Wondrous Item ‘Several small gears of various metals tangled together. Attempting to turn any ofthe gears causes a terrible shrieking sound. Gives its owner advantage on intimidation checks made against creatures with sensitive hearing. ‘Terracorra HEELYS Wondrous Item ‘Shoes with terracotta wheels embedded in the heels. ‘Owner gains +5 to movement speed while wearing these and not on difficult terrain. ‘Tiny Crvstat wir « Compass Wondrous Item ‘A pea-sized blue crystal and a seemingly normal compass. ‘The compass needle always points towards the crystal ‘Tiny Intusory Music Box Wondrous Item Its music can only be heard by those who've wound it at least once. ‘Travmatizep Rook Wondrous Item ‘Screams in fear when it's thrown, ‘Tricxsrer's PaPEr Wondrous Item ‘A small piece of parchment covered in gold leters. The letters rearrange themselves while nobody is looking to form random words, and these words are different for everyone ‘who sees them. The owner of the paper ean choose which people see which words. ‘Two PeRrecriy IDENTICAL PINECONES Wondrous Item ‘Speaking into one pine cone makes your voice come out the other if they're within a 300 feet of one another. ‘WARNING CHAIN Wondrous Item A small length of chain that begins to heat up when danger nears. Its owner makes a DC 10 perception check while isin their possession in order to not be taken by surprise.

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