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SPELLCA STING A BILITY: ________________ SPELL SA V E DC: ________________ SPELL A TTA CK BONUS: ________________

First Second Third Forth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eight Ninth Tenth
Spell slots
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

Mending Alarm (Ritual)

Transmutation Abjuration

Level: Cantrip Level: 1

Casting time: 1 Minute Casting time: 1 Minute
Range: Touch Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (two lodestones) Components: V, S, M (a tiny bell and a piece of fine silver wire)
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 8 hours

This spell repairs a single break or tear in an objec t you touc h, You set an alarm against unwanted intrusion.
suc h as broken c hain link, two halves of a broken key, a torn Choose a door, a window, or an area within range that is no larger
c loac k, or a leaking wineskin. than a 20-foot c ube. Until the spell ends, an alarm alerts you
As long as the break or tear is no larger than 1 foot in any whenever a tiny or larger c reature touc hes or enters the warded
dimension, you mend it, leaving no trac e of the former damage. area. When you c ast the spell, you c an designate c reatures that
won’t set off the alarm. You also c hoose whether the alarm is
This spell c an physic ally repair a magic item or c onstruc t, but the mental or audible.
spell c an’t restore magic to suc h an objec t.
A mental alarm alerts you with a ping in your mind if you are within
1 mile of the warded area. This ping awakens you if you are
An audible alarm produc es the sound of a hand bell for 10 sec onds
within 60 feet.

Ice Knife Ray of Sickness

C onjuration Necromancy

Level: 1 Level: 1
Casting time: 1 Action Casting time: 1 Action
Range: 60 feet Range: 60 feet
Components: S, M Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous

(a drop of water or piec e of ic e) A ray of sic kening greenish energy lashes out toward a c reature
You c reate a shard of ic e and fling it at one c reature within range. within range.
Make a ranged spell attac k against the target. On a hit, the target Make a ranged spell attac k against the target. On a hit, the target
takes 1d10 pierc ing damage. Hit or miss, the shard then explodes. takes 2d8 poison damage and must make a Constitution saving
The target and eac h c reature within 5 feet of the point where the throw. On a failed save, it is also poisoned until the end of your
ic e exploded must suc c eed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 next turn.
c old damage.
At Higher Levels. When you c ast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd At higher level
level or higher, the c old damage inc reases by 1d6 for eac h slot
level above 1st. When you c ast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher,
the damage inc reases by 1d8 for eac h slot level above 1st.
Sleep Snare
Enchantment Abjuration

Level: 1 Level: 1
Casting time: 1 Action Casting time: 1 Minute
Range: 90 feet Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of fine sand, rose petals, or a cricket) Components: S, M (25 feet of rope, which the spell consumes)
Duration: 1 minute Duration: 8 hours

This spell sends c reatures into a magic al slumber. Roll 5d8, the As you c ast this spell, you use the rope to c reate a c irc le with a 5-
total is how many hit points of c reatures this spell c an affec t. foot radius on the ground or the floor. When you finish c asting, the
Creatures within 20 feet of a point you c hoose within range are rope disappears and the c irc le bec omes a magic trap.
affec ted in asc ending order of their c urrent hit points (ignoring This trap is nearly invisible, requiring a suc c essful Intelligenc e
unc onsc ious c reatures). (Investigation) c hec k against your spell save DC to be disc erned.
The trap triggers when a S mall, Medium, or Large c reature moves
S tarting with the c reature that has the lowest c urrent hit points, onto the ground or the floor in the spell’s radius. That c reature
eac h c reature affec ted by this spell falls unc onsc ious until the must suc c eed on a Dexterity saving throw or be magic ally hoisted
spell ends, the sleeper takes damage, or someone uses an ac tion into the air, leaving it hanging upside down 3 feet above the
to shake or slap the sleeper awake. S ubtrac t eac h c reature’s hit ground or the floor. The c reature is restrained there until the spell
points from the total before moving on to the c reature with the ends.
next lowest hit points. A c reature’s hit points must be equal to or A restrained c reature c an make a Dexterity saving throw at the end
less than the remaining total for that c reature to be affec ted. of eac h of its turns, ending the effec t on itself on a suc c ess.
Undead and c reatures immune to being c harmed aren’t affec ted by Alternatively, the c reature or someone else who c an reac h it c an
this spell. use an ac tion to make an Intelligenc e (Arc ana) c hec k against your
spell save DC. On a suc c ess, the restrained effec t ends.
At higher level After the trap is triggered, the spell ends when no c reature is
restrained by it.
When you c ast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher,
roll an additional 2d8 for eac h slot level above 1st.

Tasha’s Hideous Laughter Thunderwave

Enchantment Evocation

Level: 1 Level: 1
Casting time: 1 Action Casting time: 1 Action
Range: 30 feet Range: Self (15-foot cube)
Components: V, S, M (tiny tarts and a feather that is waved in the Components: V, S
air) Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
A wave of thunderous forc e sweeps out from you.
A c reature of your c hoic e that you c an see within range perc eives Eac h c reature in a 15-foot c ube originating from you must make a
everything as hilariously funny and falls into fits of laughter if this Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a c reature takes 2d8
spell affec ts it. The target must suc c eed on a Wisdom saving throw thunder damage and is pushed 10 feet away from you. On a
or fall prone, bec oming inc apac itated and unable to stand up for suc c essful save, the c reature takes half as muc h damage and isn’t
the duration. A c reature with an Intelligenc e sc ore of 4 or less isn’t pushed.
affec ted.
In addition, unsec ured objec ts that are c ompletely within the area
At the end of eac h of its turns, and eac h time it takes damage, the of effec t are automatic ally pushed 10 feet away from you by the
target c an make another Wisdom saving throw. The target has spell’s effec t, and the spell emits a thunderous boom audible out
advantage on the saving throw ifit’s triggered by damage. On a to 300 feet.
suc c ess, the spell ends.
At higher level

When you c ast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher,
the damage inc reases by 1d8 for eac h slot level above 1st.
Arcane Lock Magic Mouth (Ritual)
Abjuration Illusion

Level: 2 Level: 2
Casting time: 1 Action Casting time: 1 Minute
Range: Touch Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (gold dust worth at least 25 gp, which the Components: V, S, M (a small bit of honeycomb and jade dust
spell consumes) worth at least 10 gp, which the spell consumes)
Duration: Until dispelled Duration: Until dispelled

You touc h a c losed door, window, gate, c hest, or other entryway, You implant a message within an objec t in range, a message that is
and it bec omes loc ked for the duration. uttered when a trigger c ondition is met.
You and the c reatures you designate when you c ast this spell c an Choose an objec t that you c an see and that isn’t being worn or
open the objec t normally. You c an also set a password that, when c arried by another c reature. Then speak the message, whic h must
spoken within 5 feet of the objec t, suppresses this spell for 1 be 25 words or less, though it c an be delivered over as long as 10
minute. Otherwise, it is impassable until it is broken or the spell is minutes. Finally, determine the c irc umstanc e that will trigger the
dispelled or suppressed. Casting knoc k on the objec t suppresses spell to deliver your message.
arc ane loc k for 10 minutes.
When that c irc umstanc e oc c urs, a magic al mouth appears on the
While affec ted by this spell, the objec t is more diffic ult to break or objec t and rec ites the message in your voic e and at the same
forc e open; the DC to break it or pic k any loc ks on it inc reases by volume you spoke. If the objec t you c hose has a mouth or
10. something that looks like a mouth (for example, the mouth of a
statue), the magic al mouth appears there so that words appear to
c ome from the objec t’s mouth. When you c ast this spell, you c an
have the spell end after it delivers its message, or it c an remain
and repeats its message whenever the trigger oc c urs.

The triggering c irc umstanc e c an be as general or as detailed as

you like, though it must be based on visual or audible c onditions
that oc c ur within 30 feet of the objec t. For example, you c ould
instruc t the mouth to speak when any c reature moves within 30
feet of the objec t or when a silver bell rings within 30 feet of it.

Shatter Web
Evocation C onjuration

Level: 2 Level: 2
Casting time: 1 Action Casting time: 1 Action
Range: 60 feet Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a chip of mica) Components: V, S, M (a bit of spiderweb)
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

A sudden loud ringing noise, painfully intense, erupts from a point You c onjure a mass of thic k, stic ky webbing at a point of your
of your c hoic e within range. Eac h c reature in a 10-foot-radius c hoic e within range.
sphere c entered on that point must make a Constitution saving The webs fill a 20-foot c ube from that point for the duration. The
throw. A c reature takes 3d8 thunder damage on a failed save, or webs are diffic ult terrain and lightly obsc ure their area.
half as muc h damage on a suc c essful one. A c reature made of
inorganic material suc h as stone, c rystal, or metal has If the webs aren’t anc hored between two solid masses (suc h as
disadvantage on this saving throw. walls or trees) or layered ac ross a floor, wall, or c eiling, the
c onjured web c ollapses on itself, and the spell ends at the start of
A nonmagic al objec t that isn’t being worn or c arried also takes the your next turn. Webs layered over a flat surfac e have a depth of 5
damage if it’s in the spell’s area. feet.

At higher level Eac h c reature that starts its turn in the webs or that enters them
during its turn must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
When you c ast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the save, the c reature is restrained as long as it remains in the webs or
damage inc reases by 1d8 for eac h slot level above 2nd. until it breaks free.

A c reature restrained by the webs c an use its ac tion to make a

S trength c hec k against your spell save DC. If it suc c eeds, it is no
longer restrained.

The webs are flammable. Any 5-foot c ube of webs exposed to fire
burns away in 1 round, dealing 2d4 fire damage to any c reature
that starts its turn in the fire.
Clairvoyance Dispel Magic
Divination Abjuration

Level: 3 Level: 3
Casting time: 10 Minutes Casting time: 1 Action
Range: 1 mile Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a focus worth at least 100 gp, either a Components: V, S
jeweled horn for hearing or a glass eye for seeing Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Choose any c reature, objec t, or magic al effec t within range. Any
You c reate an invisible sensor within range in a loc ation familiar to spell of 3rd level or lower on the target ends. For eac h spell of 4th
you (a plac e you have visited or seen before) or in an obvious level or higher on the target, make an ability c hec k using your
loc ation that is unfamiliar to you (suc h as behind a door, around a spellc asting ability. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a
c orner, or in a grove of trees). The sensor remains in plac e for the suc c essful c hec k, the spell ends.
duration, and it c an’t be attac ked or otherwise interac ted with.
At higher level
When you c ast the spell, you c hoose seeing or hearing. You c an use
the c hosen sense through the sensor as if you were in its spac e. As When you c ast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you
your ac tion, you c an switc h between seeing and hearing. A automatic ally end the effec ts of a spell on the target if the spell’s
c reature that c an see the sensor (suc h as a c reature benefitting level is equal to or less than the level of the spell slot you used.
from see invisibility or truesight) sees a luminous, intangible orb
about the siz e of your fist.

Leomund’s Tiny Hut (Ritual)


Level: 3
Casting time: 1 Minute
Range: Self (10-foot-radius hemisphere)
Components: V, S, M (a small crystal bead)
Duration: 8 hours

A 10-foot-radius immobile dome of forc e springs into existenc e

around and above you and remains stationary for the duration. The
spell ends if you leave its area.

Nine c reatures of Medium siz e or smaller c an fit inside the dome

with you. The spell fails if its area inc ludes a larger c reature or
more than nine c reatures. Creatures and objec ts within the dome
when you c ast this spell c an move through it freely. All other
c reatures and objec ts are barred from passing through it. S pells
and other magic al effec ts c an’t extend through the dome or be
c ast through it. The atmosphere inside the spac e is c omfortable
and dry, regardless of the weather outside.

Until the spell ends, you c an c ommand the interior to bec ome
dimly lit or dark. The dome is opaque from the outside, of any c olor
you c hoose, but it is transparent from the inside.

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