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7/21/2020 Glossary | Coursera

Here you will find the description of some words and phrases that pertain to the
concepts in this course, and also words and phrases used in the videos and readings. If
you want to add another word or expression that we missed, please suggest it in the

actions. In decision analysis, the choice options/alternatives an individual considers
when making a decision.

agility. The ability of an organization to respond quickly to threats and opportunities.

composition problem. Not getting the right people involved in helping make a decision.

consequences. In the Law of Effect, the outcomes individuals receive for their

contingencies. In the Law of Effect, the “if … then” relationships that connect actions to

decision analysis. A systematic approach to making decisions by integrating action
options/alternatives, probabilities, and outcomes.

decision heuristics. Heuristics are cognitive shortcuts that help us fill in the blanks
when there is too little information and they limit our search when there is too much
information. Heuristics allow us to make decisions in the face of an infinite world, where
there is way too much going on and way too much for us to consider to be exhaustively
comprehensive decision makers.

devil’s advocate. An individual who questions the direction a group decision is going.

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