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2 Host : Vicky.D and Daniel J

4 Competitor : Elizabeth,Feivel,Daud and Nicholas

V: Welcome back with the art revolution,with me Vicky and Daniel.

D: Our 4 finalist artist will be given a unique opportunity to show their talent to America top player of the
art world,an international fine art online juried competition that is open to all visual artist, novice to
professional artist until become our next art revolution.

V: The judges for this final are me and Daniel, whose work provide viewers with unique interpretations
of environtmental setting,either viewed or imagined.

D: I’m looking for someone who have real presents in their world.One person will be the winner and
take the grand prize (100.00 Dollar),this is for the revolution art in this world.


V :And now, we will have some short introduction from each competitor

N: Hello, my name is Nicholas, I’m from England. I’m an artist that specializing in visual graphic. I have
some sense to combine all parts of a good picture are involved with each other.I’ve been become
become the champion of Asian Art competition (2004), The Art International Organization. Support me
for creation more art.

F: Um..Good morning..My name is Feivel. I am from Canada, I’m 30 years old.I’ve been an artist for 12
years.And then this is some of my simple project that I made when I have free time. For me,art is a
creation for the eye and only can be hinted with word.
E: Nice to meet you,I am Elizabeth,I’m good at realistic drawing and I have been be the winner of many
Asia and Europe competition. Since I was a kid, I always like to draw ang go to a competition. If I’m not
a winner, It’s okay, I’ll try it again sometime.

D: Helloo alll....My name is Daud, I am 28 years old. Since I was a kid,I really like to draw,everytime I
have a freetime. I always try to analyze and draw the situations where i feel like to.I bet I will win this
finalist with an instant cause you know I’m talented

D: So,after we value all of your work. We will announce the winner of the finalist.

V: Yeah,after we rate the score, we finally found our true champion,as the world top art revolution,for
his outstanding work,we score them based on the term of beauty and artistic. So...the result is...

D: Our true champion is Nicholas

V: Yeah,,,congratulate for our champion,who was succesfully made a wonderful picture. What do you
feel Nicholas ?

N : First thanks to the art revolution that has held this competition. Also thanks for all of you to support
me. I am really happy right now to win this competition. At first, i never thought that i could win the
competion.I am looking foward to other competition, so please support me.

D: This is the prize 100.000 Dollar, ThankYou for participating and for the views, stay with us in “THE

V : Hey, want to see something else like that ?

D : Click the link here below

V : And don’t forget to like

D : Subcribe

V : And give a comment, Thank you bye

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