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Marcella Hébert is an avid baker, she’s been baking cakes for most of her life and has a lot of

experience in the subject.

RYLEIGH: How do you change oven temperature depending on pan size

MARCELLA: If the pan you have makes the batter shallower than the original recipe, raise the temp by
25 degrees F and decrease the baking time by a quarter.
If your pan makes the batter deeper than the original recipe, lower the temp vy 25 degrees F and
increase the baking time by a quarter.

RYLEIGH: How do you keep frosting light & fluffy

MARCELLA: Use an electric mixer to whip the butter, sift the icing sugar before adding to the butter.

RYLEIGH: If my cake is too dense, what went wrong

MARCELLA: The cake may have been over-mixed, or too much liquid added to the batter.

RYLEIGH: How do I keep my cake from falling apart when frosting it?
MARCELLA: After baking, remove the cake from the pan and cool thoroughly at room temperature,
then refrigerate for 4-6 hours. Brush loose crumbs from the surface of the cake, and ice first with a
thin layer of frosting that has been diluted with a bit of milk. Let the icing harden, then ice with

RYLEIGH: Do you have any special recipe secrets for chocolate cake?
MARCELLA: Use a good quality, dark cocoa powder. Adding chocolate chunks makes it delicious

RYLEIGH: Do you have any special recipe secrets for vanilla cake?
MARCELLA: Use good quality, pure vanilla and add vanilla bean to the batter.

RYLEIGH: How do you keep a cake moist?

MARCELLA: Do not over bake the cake, check for doneness at the minimum baking time in the
Once it has cooled thoroughly, store in an airtight container, or wrap with cling wrap.

RYLEIGH: What are some good things to top a cake with?

MARCELLA: Instead of icing, add a layer of marmalade or jam after the cake has cooled. Sifted icing
sugar sprinkled on top also looks nice.

RYLEIGH: How do you layer a cake and keep it even?

MARCELLA: Use a large serrated knife to even the cake top out, a little at a time. If the dome on the
cake is not too large, just put the “round” side of the cake on the bottom, then stack the two even sides

RYLEIGH: How do you make a cake look neat when decorating it?

MARCELLA: Before frosting the final layer of your cake, coat it in a thin layer and freeze it for about
10 minutes. Then frost. If the bottom or sides of the cake don't look perfect, add sprinkles or slivered
almonds to cover the flaws. Use a icing spatula to even out the icing. Keep it simple, just add a small
layer of frosting, and make swirls in it.

RYLEIGH: Can you bake a cake on a sheet pan and cut shapes out of it?
MARCELLA: Yes, you can bake a sheet pan cake, cut in circles and use it to make a layer cake. Or
you can cut shapes from the layer cake with stencils or cutters to make it any shape you want.

RYLEIGH: Do you have any knowledge of piping bags and using them to frost cakes?
MARCELLA: No, I have only tried this once or twice, and it was a disaster!

RYLEIGH: How do I keep my frosting from getting too sweet?

MARCELLA: Try adding a touch of salt & lemon juice, or add icing sugar to the creamed butter until
sweet enough, the substitute corn starch for the rest of the icing sugar.

RYLEIGH: What kind of things can you put in between layers of cake besides frosting?
MARCELLA: Try a nice quality marmalade or jelly... melt in the microwave, then when cooled, brush
it on the surface of the cake. Whipped cream or whipped cream cheese, a simple homemade syrup, or
fresh fruit between layers, or a combination of both makes a nice filling.

RYLEIGH: What are some special tools I might need for making a good cake?
MARCELLA: Invest in good quality baking pans and measuring utensils as well a thermometer to
check the temperature of your oven. Follow instructions in the recipe, and use the correct size pan, or
adjust the oven temperature & baking time to compensate.

RYLEIGH: Do you have any knowledge of fondant for decorating purposes?

MARCELLA: I have not made it or tried using it myself, but it makes a very simple and elegant
looking cake which tastes delicious!

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