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Do Spaniards have an inferiority complex? (ElPais.

It’s allways appealling to know what people of other nationalities think about your own
country, due to the fact that what we think it’s unique and exceptional from our country
could be far away from being so. The opinions and points of view of a brazilian, a
german or an american could improve the idea we have of ourselves in unpredictable
ways. Most of the opinions collected in this article are, however, based on spread-out
stereotypes not only in Spain but abroad, not being imposible to avoid them as some of
the interviewed showed though. Owing to that Spaniards are described as party-lovers,
food-lovers, open people and less worried about work. Descriptions like these are miles
away from the complex reality of a such a diverse country like Spain.
Nevertheless some of the interviewed were able to make a good assessment of the
spanish way of life, if there’s something like that. Ewan, for example, a 31-year-old
scottish who has been living in Spain for the last six years, pointed out the unbearable
tolerance of the Spaniards against corruption. On top of that he mentioned the uneasy
relationship established by the Spaniards with their past, darkened by the terrorific
history of the Inquisition and the colonial period.
The acumen of some answers and the simplicity of some others brings to the fore the
issue of if there’s something near to a spanish (or german or french) way of life or a
spanish way of being in the world. It is undeniable that we have so much in common
with other countries, even with countries far away. Nonetheless, even taking into
account these similarities, the existence of disparities between countries even as near as
France or Portugal and Spain are out of question, which speaks in favor of a specific
way of live for each country.

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