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Be Thou My Vision Words: Old Irish, Byrne/Hull

Solo w/obbligato for C instrument

Music: Old Irish melody ("Slane")
Arranged by Sally DeFord
gently, about 80
2 4 6

a tempo
8 10 12

Be thou my vis - ion, O Lord of my heart,

a tempo

14 16 18

Naught be all else to me, save that thou art, Thou my best thought both by

20 22 24

day and by night In wak - ing or sleep - ing thy pres - ence my light.

Be Thou My Vision - Solo w/obbligato-1

26 28 30

a tempo

a tempo

Be thou my wis - dom, and thou my true

a tempo

32 34 36

Word, Be thou ev - er with me, And I with thee, Lord. Be thou my soul's

38 40 42

shel - ter, Be thou my high tow'r, O raise thou me hea - ven - ward, Great Pow'r of my

Be Thou My Vision - Solo w/obbligato-2

44 46


48 50 52

a tempo
a tempo

Rich - es I heed not, nor vain, emp - ty

a tempo

54 56 58

sub. a tempo

sub. a tempo

praise, Be thou mine in - her - i - tance, now and al - ways, Thou and thou
a tempo


Be Thou My Vision - Solo w/obbligato-3

60 62 64

on - ly the first in my heart, Oh high King of hea - ven, my trea - sure thou

66 68 70 72


74 76 78

High King of hea - ven, my vic - to - ry won, May I reach

Be Thou My Vision - Solo w/obbligato-4

80 82 84

hea - ven's joys, Oh hea - ven's Son! Heart of my own heart, what - ev - er be -

86 88 90

fall, Still be thou my vis - ion, Be thou my

92 94 96

vis - ion, oh ru - ler of all

Be Thou My Vision - Solo w/obbligato-5

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