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A “Tune-Up” for school liturgies **

Sept. 27, 2019
1. Entrance music: “Come, Now is the Time”
Singing as the children/community enters to set the tone and encourage
everyone to sing (rather than talk)


“One who sings well prays twice.” (St. Augustine)

3. Introductions, outline of workshop (sereen) then handouts

4. Advent: - not a Christmas mass. Have Advent mass early in the season.

Music from “Never Too Young”

1. Christ Be Our Light #8 (Bernadette Farrell)
2. Come, Lord Jesus #146 (Steve Angrisano & Tom Tomaszek)
3. Ready the Way #147 (Curtis Stephan)
4. Emmanuel #148 (Steve Angrisano)
5. Find Us Ready #150 (Tom Booth)
6. Soon and Very Soon #276 (Andrae Crouch)
7. To You, O God, I Lift up my Soul #123 (Based on Ps. 25) Bob Hurd
Advent song: “Come, Lord Jesus, Come”
Important Judgements:
A/ Musical: technically, aesthetically and expressively good music

*Have you rehearsed, strong musicians/leaders, God deserves our best

gifts check equipment, BEST PRACTICES in all other subjects

SCREEN: slide 2
Thanksgiving (Eucharist means “thanksgiving”)
1. Forever #90 (Chris Tomlin)
2. God’s Love is Everlasting (Ps 136) #61 (Tom Tomaszek)
3. With All Our Hearts #143 (Jesse Manibusan)
4. Thank you God for Simple Gifts (Janet Vogt)
5. We Will Praise You (Tom Kendzia)

Thanksgiving songs: “Forever” and “With All Our Hearts”

B/ Liturgical: suitability of a hymn for a particular moment in the liturgy

Ie. “Hail Holy Queen” for entrance!!!

Are the lyrics/text suitable for the grade level.
Do the lyrics reflect our current vision/theology of God?
Ie. “Faith of our fathers, living still, In spite of dungeon, fire and sword;”
Ie. “When he rolls up his sleeves, he ain’t just ‘puttin’ on the ritz.”
Does our message at Mass coincide with our Religious Education
Easter: the purpose of the psalm
Psalm: both the assembly’s response to God’s word and a sung
proclamation of God’s word (not a hymn, but the text of a psalm)

1. Lord of the Dance #194 (SHAKER SONG, Adapt. Sydney B. Carter)
2. This Is the Day (Ps 118) #58 (Bobby Fisher)
3. Rain Down #25 (Jaime Cortez)
4. Christ Will Be Your Light (David Haas)
5. This is the Day (Bobby Fisher) *ADD Psalm 118

Easter Song: “This is the Day” (live - Ted)

C/ Pastoral: appropriateness of music for a certain community on a

particular occasion

(How many verses to sing??? Does the song tell a story? Have you
communicated with the Presider?)
Only YOU know the unique school community that you work in.

*Mass/liturgy is not a performance or spectator sport. We celebrate and

pray together.
Year End:
1. Here I Am, Lord # 264 (Dan Schutte)
2. We are the Light of the World #35 (Greif, Arr. Tom Tomaszek)
3. Go Make a Difference #260 (Steve Angrisano and Tom Tomaszek)
4. This Little Light of Mine #284 (Spiritual, Arr. Rick Modin)
5. I Will Choose Christ (Tom Booth)
Year End Song: “We Are the Light” or “I Will Choose Christ”

Communion (expresses our deep unity in Christ experienced in the act of

sharing the sacrament of his Body and Blood)

1. Bread for the World #64 (Bernadette Farrell)

2. Bread of Life #225 (Bobby Fisher)
3. Come to the Lord #66 (Steve Angrisano and Tom Tomaszek)
4. One Bread, One Cup #73 (Bobby Fisher, Lee, Aven, Canedo)
5. Table of Plenty #75 (Dan Schutte)
6. Taste and See #78 (Bob Hurd)
7. One Bread, One Body #72 (John Foley, S.J.)

Communion Song: (seasonally common)) “Taste and See” or “Bread of Life”

Gathering (expresses the unity of the assembly)

Presentation of the Gifts (unifies the various elements of the preparation rites,
and ends when the presider washes his hands)
Or Sending Forth: (well-known song which speaks of the Church’s mission)

1. Come, Now is the Time to Worship #81 (Brian Doerksen)

2. Forever #90 (Chris Tomlin)
3. Here I Am to Worship #93 (Tim Hughes)
4. Open the Eyes of My Heart #102 (Paul Baloche, Arr. Ed Bolduc)
5. Shine, Jesus, Shine #105 (Graham Kendrick, Arr. Modin)
6. Bless the Lord #7 (Brennan, Cavallero, Roth, Canedo)
7. Gather Your People #10 (Bob Hurd)
8. Our God is Here #29 (Chris Muglia)

Gathering Song: “Our God is Here” (or closing)

1. Bring Forth the Kingdom (Marty Haugen) in Gather Books GIA
2. We Are Called (David Haas) in Gather GIA
3. Here I am to Worship #93
4. Prayer for Peace (David Haas)
5. Blest Are They (David Haas) CBW III and Gather Books
6. Prayer of St. Francis #136 (Sebastian Temple)
7. Fish with Me #128 (Ken Canedo)
8. Go Make a Difference (Steve Angrisano and Tom Tomaszek)
9. Whatsoever You Do (Willard F. Jabusch)

Virtues song: “Fish with Me”

Workshop Music

1. Entrance music: “Come, Now is the Time”

2. Prayer, handouts, introductions, outline of workshop

3. Advent: “Come, Lord Jesus, Come”

4. Thanksgiving: “Forever” and “With All Our Hearts”

5. Easter: “This is the Day” (no recording)

6. Year End: “We Are the Light” or “I Will Choose Christ”

7. Communion: “Taste and See” or “Bread of Life”

8. Virtues: “Fish with Me”

9. Gathering: “Our God is Here” (or closing)


1. Never Too Young (Spirit and Song for Young People), 2007 from Oregon
Catholic Press (OCP) *consider CD set
2. Rise Up and Sing (Third Edition) OCP
3. Gather (Third Edition), 2011 from GIA Publications. (
4. Enter the Journey, Mark Friedman, Janet Vogt (Volumes 1 and 2) from
Oregon Catholic Press (
5. A Companion to the Catholic Book of worship III, Canadian Conference of
Catholic Bishops. 2006 (
6. Haas, David. A Time to Pray for Justice and Peace. 2006 from GIA
7. Walker, Christopher and Freeburg, Paule. Stories and Songs of Jesus and
More Stories and Songs of Jesus from OCP
8. Spirit and Song (Volumes 1 and 2), 1999. OCP (possibly out of print)

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