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Pranav Pannala

Mr. Tronconi

Senior Engineering, Period 6

January 7, 2021

Looking at an object like an Extraterrestrial

Object:​ AirPods

Observations from shape:​ Judging from its compact size and smooth surface, this object is meant

to be carried around with its user. The outside seems to be a protective casing for the inner


Analysis:​ There are two technological components that can be removed from the protective

housing unit. After thorough analysis, I have found that each device is labeled with the letters

“R” and “L,” presumably from the human English language. In popular English culture, the

letters most likely represent the words “right” and “left.” This suggests that these devices are

used on one of the human body parts. The only human body parts that contain a left and right

part are: eyes, ears, arms, hands, legs, feet, and nostrils. After some testing, I have deduced that

these devices are intended to be placed in the human ear. The human ear is responsible for

hearing, which leads me to believe that the object in question either blocks out noise, or projects

sound into the human ear. Judging by the holes and stylish aesthetic, the latter seems to be the

case. I have sufficient evidence to conclude the object is a sound projection device that is to be
placed in the human ear. However, the method the humans use to transmit the sound to the

hearing apparatuses remains unclear.

Questions:​ How do humans transmit sound into the devices?

In what context are these devices used?

Why are the devices protected by such a flimsy case?

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