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1. They’ve always lived in hot countries so they __________ the cold weather here.

2. She (have) __________ really long hair but she’s had it all cut off.

3. He (do) __________ a lot of exercise, so a ten-mile walk is easy for him.

4. It was very hard to get up at five when I started this job because I __________ it.

5. She (drink) __________ a lot of coffee, so he doesn’t have a problem with going to sleep

6. When I was a student, I (work) __________ in a restaurant called Marmalade and Friends. It
was in Brighton near the sea front.

7. It is very difficult to (work) __________ nights. It’s much better and easier to work days.

8. My parents (travel) __________ to other countries when they were young, but now they
(travel) __________ to places that are nearby.

9. This Street (be) __________ very dark until the new lights were installed.

10. Once grandparents, parents and children (live) __________together, but now grandparents
(live) __________ by themselves as they have been doing this for many years.

11. He doesn’t have any problem getting to work at 8:00 in the morning because he (get up)
__________ early. It has always been normal to him.

12. She (be) __________ a long distance runner when she was young.

13. I found Slovak food very strange at first, but now I __________ it.

14. Julia is a nurse. A year ago she started working nights. At first she found it hard and she
didn’t like it. She (not-work) __________ nights and it took her a few months to __________ it.
Now, after a year, she’s quite happy. She (work) __________nights.

15. Mike is Spanish and came to live in England. In Spain he always had dinner late in the
evening, but in England dinner is at 6 o’clock. This was very early for him. When Mike first came
to England, he (not-eat) __________ dinner so early, but after some time he __________ it.
Now he finds it normal. He (eat) __________at six o’clock.

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