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Aiou Research Project 8613 solved

Solved Manual Research Project 8613 Thesis

The purpose of this research project 8613 is to train the teacher so that they are able to teach student
when appointed in their relevant school in a better way. Thesis manual research project is a way for the
new teacher to provide good teaching methodology and modern way of teaching.

But I saw that many trainee teacher s are unable to understand this Bed Research project thesis 8613
and facing many trouble to solved Research project course code 8613 and being worried about that and
asking each other that how to solve Research project course code 8613. The main of this research
project is to make the teacher program more effective. Due to this AIOU has started this project for their
students. AIOU is very good platform that provide brilliant knowledge to their student on their homes.
AIOU has started this program so that every student who have aim to come in teaching profession must
be learn how to teach in the class which methodology is best for student to understand lecture or lesson
while during delivered.

For this purpose I asked the teacher don’t worry I am going to tell you How to Solve Manual Research
project code 8613. First of all you have the option to choose the project topic for example I choose the
topic “Improving speaking skills and improving the confidence in the student”

Here I am going to solve manual Research project course code 8613

Research Project Course Code 8613
B.ed 1.5 year/2.5 year
Name: Here you must write your name only

Roll Number: Write your roll number

Registration Number: Write Registration number

Semester: write your semester for example spring 2020

Region: Write your region city

Theme: write the theme of te topic for example to improve speaking skills

Sub theme: Write sub them relevant ot your topic and subtheme

Topic: Write your topic for example I choose the topic “Improving speaking skills
and improving the confidence in the student”

“This form must be submitted during the 03 days’ workshop”

Student Name: Write your name

Registration Number: Write Registration Number

Roll Number: Write your roll number

Programme: Write programe for example B.ed 1.5 year

Supervisor Name: Write your supervisor name for example Sarfraz Khan

Theme: write the theme of te topic for example to improve speaking skills

Sub theme: Write sub them relevant ot your topic and subtheme

Topic: Write your topic for example I choose the topic “Improving speaking skills
and improving the confidence in the student”

Workshop Coordinator Signature: Sign of the workshop training teacher

Resource Person-1 Signature: Sign of the resource person

Resource Person-2 Signature: Sign of the resource person

Date of Approval of Topic: Write the date

Name of the School :

Write the name of the school where your manual action research was conducted for example

Govt High School Rawalpindi

Theme: write the theme of te topic for example to improve speaking skills

Sub theme: Write sub them relevant ot your topic and subtheme

Topic: Write your topic for example I choose the topic “Improving speaking skills
and improving the confidence in the student”
Question No:1

Why did you select this specific sub-theme and topic? Relate it to your experience ,

problem in your classroom ,institution. It has ten 10 marks)

(Give the background and rationale of the study)

In this area write the background and socio economic status it mean living life style of the people of the
people live near the school and also their occupation and earing trend.Give the heading like

Socio Economic Status:

First of all I selected the class 9th of the school Govet High School Rawalpindi. Total number of the
student in this class was 50.All the student were present on this day. Each and every student have
different back ground and living socio economic living status.

Write the occupation of the people lived in this area if they belongs to a rural area than write that most
of the people were framer.

Rate Of Literacy

Aiou Research Project 8613 solved

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