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WORKSHEET 1: NOUNS I. Choose the correct answer: 1) The advice she gave me was/were very helpful 2) Most people go/goes on holiday at least once a year: 3) Physics is/are the study of natural laws, 4) His liggage was/were extremely heavy 5) Is/ Are information correct? 6) The news is/are on at 6 o'clock. 7) The jury is/are all staying at the Park Hotel. 8) The classroom was empty when I walked past. Yes. The class was/were all on a schoo! outing. 9) My favourite TV series is/are “Eastenders”. 10) What is/are the latest news? 11) The police is/are after the escaped prisoners. 12) We lost our luggage/luggages at the airport. 13) Athleties is/are very challenging. 14) The staff of the hospital is/are very helpful, 15) Her brother's tactics wes/were the key to his success. 16) I think economics is/are a very important subject. 17) Five hundred thousand pounds was/were donated to build a new hospital wing. 18) The jury is/ are ready to give the verdict. 19) The news isn’t/ aren't very encouraging, I’m afraid. 20) Did you ask John to fix your car? Yes. His advice was/were that I take it to a garage. 21) Both my brothers-in-law/ brother-in-laws work in a bank. 22) I have three sisters-in-law/sister-in-laws. 23) Pascal's mathematics wasn’t/weren’t easily understood. 24) Her stunning looks is/ are the key to her success. 25) The news is/are on TV every afternoon at 4 o'clock. 26) Gymnastics is/are one of her hobbies, 27) Man-drivers/ Men —drivers are better than woman-drivers/women-drivers. 28) He analyzed all data/ datas and released the report to his manager. 29) The economic crisis/crises has created banking chaos. 30) Ballistics is/are the study of projectiles. 31) The audience has/have now returned and is/are taking its/their seats. 32) Parliament has/have been debating on the question of taxation for several hours. 33) My family has/have been living in this house for twenty years. 35) Both his brothers-in-law/ brother-in-laws are pleasant fellows. 36) In every group, politics is/are a subject that arouses interest. 37) Radical politics was/were offensive to the Federalists. 38) His ethics leave/leayes a lot to be desired. 39) The furniture was/were not new, but there was/were some nice reconditioned pieces. 40) Good news makesimake everybody happy. 41) The two woman-doctors/women-doctors | introduced to you are excellent psychiatrists. 42) The audience is/are requested to remain seated during the intermission. 43) Economies doesn’t/don’t require too much knowledge of mathematics. 44) Einstein’s mathematics was/were a revelation. 45) He was asked to write the minute/minutes of the meeting. 46) The fact that an alarming number of bacteria/bacterium was/were developing a tolerance to penicillin, was disturbing. 47) The graduating class have/has all agreed to have their/its photos/photos in gowns and caps. 48) This species has/have become extinct 49) His motives may be good, but his tactics is/are deplorable. 50) Her phonetics have/has improved a lot. 51) The scissors is/are on the table. 52) Tactics is/are really short term strategy. $3) Your heroics are/is worthy of a better cause. 54) Your advice is/are not required. 55) The queue was/were becoming impatient and some of ivthem was/were asking for their/its money back. 56) Parliament go/goes on holiday at the beginning of August. 57) This/these news is/are of no help to me. 58) The police was/were on the lock oat for robbers. 59) The information/informations | have received from all sides is/are contradictory. 60) I have come to improve my knowledge/ knowledges of English. 61) What are the criteria/criterias of success? 62) The government is /are planning new taxes but they don’t know yet whether their supporters will accept such a policy. 63) The police is/are cooperating with the authorities in other countries which have a drugs problem. 64) Ballistics is/are the study of the motion of projectiles. 65) The jury has/nave weighed all the evidence and found the accused guilty. 66) Her brother’s tactics was/were the key to his success. 67) Your advice is/are of help to me: 68) Politics isn’t/aren’t a subject that most people enjoy studying. 69) On the flight home some of my luggages/luggage came open, and some of my belongings are missing. 70) The police has/have not charged the suspect because there isn’t any evidence. 71) She was only going away for a week but she had a lot of luggage/ luggages. 72) Could you give me some information/informations about cookery courses? 73) Maths has/have never been my best subject in highschool. 74) Money is/are on the table but you are not allowed to take it/them. 75) What is/are the latest news? eoom 1. plural of nouns 2. singular invariables 3. plural invariables 4. plural of compounds 5. plural of nouns ending in -ics

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