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Online Paid Course

Advanced Math (Part-02)

Lecture -07
Topic: Percentage (Part-03)
Date: 21-09-2020
1. Mr. X, a businessman had the income in the year 2010, such that he earned a profit of 20% on his investment
in the business. In the year 2011, his investment was less by Tk. 5000 but still had the same income (Income =
Investment + Profit) as that in 2010. Thus, the percent profit earned in 2011 increased by 6%. What was his
investment in 2010? (wg. x GKRb e¨emvqx, 2010 mv‡j †gvU hv Avq K‡ib Zv‡Z Zvi wewb‡qv‡Mi 20% jvf _v‡K| Avevi 2011 mv‡j Zvi
wewb‡qvM 5000 UvKv Kg nIqv m‡Ë¡I Zvi Avq 2010 mv‡ji mgvb nq (GLv‡b Avq = wewb‡qvM + jvf)| hvi d‡j †`Lv ‡Mj †h 2011 mv‡j Zvi
jv‡fi nvi 6% e„w× †c‡q‡Q| 2010 mv‡j Zvi wewb‡qvM KZ wQj?)[Aggarwal-263]
(a) Tk.1,02,000 (b) Tk.1,05,000 (c) Tk.1,50,500 (d) None Ans: b
Let his investment in the year 2010 be Tk. x. K‡qK †m‡K‡Û Kiv hv‡e Gfv‡e fve‡j,
120 120% of 2010 = 126% of 2011 (KviY 2 eQ‡ii
Then, income in 2010= [x + 20% of x] = Tk. x
100 cÖvß ‡gvU Avq mgvb mgvb )
126  2010:2011 = 126:120 = 21:20
Income in 2011 = Tk.  ( x  5000) [Profit 126%] Now difference: 21-20 = 1 part =5000
100 
in 2010,21 part =215000 = 105000
120 126
ATQ, x ( x  5000 )  120 x  126( x  5000)
100 100
 6x = 5000126 x = 500021 = 105000 Ans: [‡k‡li GB jvBbUvB e‡·i †k‡l kU©Kv‡U Av‡Q]

2. A reduction of 21% in the price of wheat enables a person to buy 10.5 kg more for 100. What is the reduced
price per kg? (M‡gi `vg 21% K‡g †M‡j GK e¨w³ 100 UvKvq c~e©v‡cÿv 10.5 †KwR †ewk wKb‡Z cv‡i| n«vmK…Z g~j¨ KZ?)[Aggarwal-348]
(a) 2 (b) 2.25 (c) 2.30 (d) 2.50 Ans: a
79 x
Solution: Let original price = Tk. x per kg. Reduced price = Tk. per kg
100 100 10000 100 Shortcut 100 UvKvi M‡gi `vg 21% K‡g
ATQ,   10.5    10.5
79 x x 79x x †M‡j UvKv Kg jv‡M 21UvKv| hv w`‡q 10.5
100 †KwR AwZwi³ Mg cvIqv hvq| ZvB cÖwZ †KwR
2100 M‡gi eZ©gvb `vg 2110.5 = 2UvKv|
10000 – 7900 = 10.5  79x  x =
10 .5  79
2100 79 2100
 Reduced price = 79% of =  = Tk. 2 per kg
10 .5  79 100 10.5  79
3. Due to a reduction of 6 (1/4)% in the price of sugar, a man is able to buy 1 kg more for Tk.120. Find and
reduced rate of sugar. (wPwbi `vg 6 % K‡g hvIqvq GK e¨w³ 120 UvKv 1 †KwR †ewk wPwb cvq| wPwbi Av‡Mi Ges eZ©gvb g~j¨ KZ?)
Solution: Let, original rate be Tk. x per kg. mnR mgvavb: 120 UvKvq Kg jv‡M, 120 Gi 6.25% = 7.5 UvKv|
 25  1  15x Zvn‡j 1 †KwRi eZ©gvb `vg = 7.50 UvKv|
Reduced rate = 100    x  = Tk. per kg 6.25 % `vg n«vm †c‡q 7.50 UvKv n‡j bZzb `vg Av‡Mi `v‡gi 100-
 4  100  16
6.25% = 92.75%
120 120 128 120 GLv‡b, 92.75% = 7.5 UvKv n‡j Av‡Mi `vg 100% = 8 UvKv n‡e|
ATQ, - =1  - =1 x=8
15x x x x
 15 
So, original rate = 8 per kg. Reduced rate =  8 per kg = 7.50 per kg.
 16 
4. Due to an increase of 30% in the price of eggs, 3 eggs less are available for Tk.7.80. The present rate of eggs per
dozen is (wW‡gi `vg 30% †e‡o hvIqvq 7.80 UvKvq c~e©v‡cÿv 3wU wWg Kg cvIqv hvq| eZ©gv‡b cÖwZ WRb wW‡gi `vg KZ?)[Aggarwal-349]
(a) 8.64 (b) 8.88 (c) 9.36 (d) 10.40 Ans: c
 130 
Solution: Let the original price per egg be Tk. x. Then, increased price = Tk.  x
 100 
7.8 7.80 7.80 780
ATQ,   3 [c~‡e©i wWg-bZzb wWg=3]    3  1014 – 780 = 390x 390x = 234 x = 0.6
x 130 x 130 x
 130 
So,price per dozen = 12(130% of 0.6) = 12   0.6  = Tk.9.36
 100 
5. If the price of sugar falls by 2.5%, a person can buy 9 kg more of sugar for Tk.1260 than before. If the price
had risen by 12.5 %, how much sugar would he have bought for the same sum? (wPwbi `vg 2.5% n«vm cvIqvq GKRb
e¨w³ 1260 UvKv w`‡q Av‡Mi †_‡K AwZwi³ 9 †KwR wPwb wKb‡Z cv‡ib| hw` wPwbi `vg 12.5% e„w× †c‡Zv Zvn‡j GKB cwigvY UvKv w`‡q KZ †KwR
wPwb wKb‡Z cvi‡Zb?) [Aggarwal-351]
(a) 288 kg (b) 312 kg (c) 328 kg (d) 336 kg Ans: b
Solution: Let the original price of sugar be Tk. x per kg.
1  195 1  39 x
Then , reduced price = 97 % of Tk. x = Tk.    x  = Tk.
2  2 100  40
1260 1260 16800 1260 140
ATQ, 39x  = 9 [bZzb cwigvb- cyivZb cwigvb = 9 †KwR]   = 9 x 
x 13x x 39
1 140  225 1 140  105
Increased price = 112 % of =    = Tk.
2 39  2 100 39  26
 105   26 
 Quantity of sugar bought for Tk.1260 = 1260   = 1260   = 312 kg
 26   105 
6. The income of a broker remains unchanged though the rate of commission is increased from 4% to 5%. The
percentage of slump (g›`v) in business is (Kwgk‡bi nvi 4% †_‡K e„w× †c‡q 5% n‡jI GKRb `vjv‡ji Avq AcwiewZ©Z _vK‡j, e¨emvq
g›`vi/‡jvKmv‡bi nvi KZ?)[Aggarwal-269]
(a) 1% (b) 8% (c) 20% (d) 80% Ans: c
Solution: gy‡L gy‡L Kiæb Gfv‡e: 4% I 5% Gi gvb GKB Ggb GKwU msL¨v n‡jv 4
Suppose the business value changes from x to y. I 5 Gi¸ = 20UvKv| A_©vr Dfq †ÿ‡Î Zvi Kwgkb 20UvKv | cÖ_gevi
4% of x = 5% of y [% Gi wb‡Pi 100 `y cvk †_‡K ev`] 4% = 20UvKv n‡j 100% = 100 wKš‘ c‡iievi
x 5 5% = 20 n‡j 100% = 80 | A_©vr
Or, 4x = 5y or,  x:y = 5:4 = 100:80
y 4 cÖ_gev‡ii Zzjbvq e¨emv K‡g‡Q 100-80 = 20%
A_©vr GB Abycv‡Z x Gi gvb 100 n‡j y Gi gvb n‡e 80
e¨emv K‡g‡Q: 100-80 = 20%|
Av‡M eySzb: Kwgk‡bi nvi 4% †_‡K 5% n‡j `vjv‡ji Avq 1% e„w× cvIqvi K_v| wKš‘ †h‡nZz e¨emvi †gvU cwigvY 100 ‡_‡K K‡g †M‡Q ZvB
5% Kwgkb I Av‡Mi 4% Gi mgvb n‡q †M‡Q| KZUzKz K‡g‡Q? Av‡Mi e¨emv hw` 100 UvKvi nq Zvn‡j 100 UvKvi 4% = 4UvKv hv c‡ii e¨emvi
5%| GLb 5% = 4 UvKv n‡j 100% = 80UvKv| myZivs 100 UvKvi e¨emvq g›`vi nvi = 100-80 = 20% |

7. At a special sale, 5 tickets can be purchased for the price of 3 tickets. If 5 tickets are purchased at the sale, the
amount saved will be what percent of the original price of the 5 tickets? ( GKwU we‡kl Advi PjvKvjxb mg‡q 3wU wUwK‡Ui
`v‡g, 5wU wUwKU cvIqv hvq| Adv‡ii g~‡j¨ 5wU wUwKU µq Ki‡j, cÖKZ
… 5wU wUwK‡Ui g~‡j¨i KZ kZvsk mÂq n‡e?)[Aggarwal-166]
(a) 20% (b)33.33% (c) 40% (d) 60% Ans:c
Solution: [x aivi †_‡K 100 a‡i Kiv †eUvi] 5 †m‡K‡Û: 5 Uv‡Z †mf n‡”Q 5-3 = 2
Let the original price of each ticket be 100 Uv| 5Uv‡Z 2Uv n‡j 100 †Z 40 Uv ev 40%|
Then, original price of 5 tickets = 500. Gfv‡e Kivi Rb¨ Kbwd‡WÝ ‡MÖv Ki‡Z n‡e
Sale price of 5 tickets = 3100 = 300 [3Uvi `v‡g 5Uv ] Avi Kbwd‡WÝ †MÖv Kivi Rb¨ A‡bK AsK
Ki‡Z n‡e, ZvB GB eB‡qi me AsK Kiæb|
Amount saved = (500 – 300) = 200
 200 
 Required percentage =  100  % = 40%
 500 
8. Salesperson A's compensation for any week is Tk.360 plus 6 percent of the portion of A's total sales above
Tk.1000 for that week. Salesperson B's compensation for any week is 8 percent of B's total sales for that
week.For what amount of total weekly sales would both salespersons earn the same compensation? ( weµqKg©x A
Gi cvwikÖwgK cÖwZ mßv‡n 360 UvKv Ges 1 mßv‡n 1000 UvKvi Dci hv wewµ n‡e Zvi 6% | we‡µZv B Gi cÖwZ mßv‡ni cvwikÖwgK, GK mßv‡n
Zvi wewµi Dci kZKiv 8 fvM | Df‡qi mvßvwnK KZ UvKv wewµi Rb¨ `yR‡bi cvwikÖwgK mgvb n‡e?)[Aggarwal-Ex-19]
Let the required weekly sales be Tk. x. [A, Ges B `yÕR‡biB wewµ ]
Then, A's compensation = Tk. [360 + 6% of (x - 1000)] [gyj †eZb + †evbvm = cvwikÖwgK]
B's compensation = 8% of Tk. x. [‡h‡nZz B ïay †evbvm cvq]
6x  6000 8x
ATQ, 360 + 6% of (x - 1000) = 8 % of x 360 + =  36000+6x-6000 = 8x
100 100
2x = 30000  x = 15000 So, required weekly sales = Tk. 15000
9. (W)***A salesman's commission is 5% on all sales up to Tk.10000 and 4% of all sales exceeding this amount.
He remits Tk. 31100 to the parent company after deducting his commission. His sales were worth (cÖ_g 10,000
UvKvi cY¨ weµ‡q, GKRb weµqKg©xi 5% Kwgkb Ges AwZwi³ wewµi Dci 4% Kwgkb cvq| ‡m Kwgkb †K‡U †i‡L †Kv¤úvwb‡K 31,100 UvKv
cwi‡kva Ki‡j, Zvi weµ‡qi cwigvb KZ?) [Pubali Bank Ltd.(JO Cash)-2014-(Written)] +{[Aggarwal-210]
(a) Tk.32500 (b) Tk.35000 (c) Tk.35100 (d) Tk.36100 Ans: a
Let, total sales be Tk.x
Total commission=100005%+(x-10000)4% (cÖ_g 10 nvRv‡i 5% Ges c‡ii UvKvi Dci 4%)
50000 4x  40000 10000  4x
=  =
100 100 100
10000  4x
ATQ, x – = 31100 ( ‡h‡nZz Kwgkb †K‡U †bqvi ci c‡Y¨i Aewkó g~j¨ 31100 UvKv|)
100x  10000  4x
e¨vL¨v eySzb: ‡mjmg¨vb †Kv¤úvYx †_‡K 32500 UvKvi
Or, = 31100 gvjvgvj wb‡q G‡m wewµ K‡i Zvi Kwgk‡bi UvKv †i‡L
Or 96x-10000 = 3110000 w`‡q Avevi †Kv¤úvYx‡KB 31100 UvKv cvwV‡q‡Q|
Or, 96x = 3120000  x = = 32,500, So, Total sales = 32,500 Ans: 32,500
cÖgvY: me©‡gvU †evbvm = 32500-31100 = 1400,GLb cÖ_g 10000 G †evbvm 10000 Gi 5% = 500 Ges cieZ©x 32500-10000 = 22500 G
†evbvm 22500 Gi 4% = 900| †gvU †evbvm 500+900=1400 wg‡j †M‡Q|

More or less:
10. A's salary is 40% of B's salary which is 25% of C's salary. What percentage of C's salary is A's salary? (A Gi
†eZb B Gi †eZ‡bi 40% ‡hLv‡b B Gi †eZb C Gi †eZ‡bi 25% n‡j A Gi †eZb, C Gi ‡eZ‡bi KZ kZvsk?)[Aggarwal-323]
(a) 5% (b) 10% (c) 15% (d) 20% Ans: b
Let, B’s Salary = 100, So, A’s salary = 40
Now, 25% of C’s salary = B’s salary, or,25%of C = 100 or,100% of C’s = 400 [4 w`‡q `yÕcv‡k ¸Y]
 40 
A = 40 and C = 400 So, % of A of C’s salary =   100 % = 10%
 400 
11. Peter earned 40% more money than Albert. Albert earned 20% less than Michael. Peter earned more than
Michael by– (wcUvi, Avjev‡U©i †P‡q 40% †ewk Ges AvjevU©, gvB‡K‡ji †P‡q 20% Kg DcvR©b Ki‡j wcUvi, gvB‡K‡ji †_‡K KZ kZvsk †ewk
DcvR©b K‡i?)[Aggarwal-324]
(a) 10% (b) 12% (c) 20% (d) 25% Ans: b
Solution: Michael = 100, then Albert = 80 and Peter = 140% of 80 = 112
So, Peter is more than Michael = 112-100 = 12% (‡h‡nZz gvB‡K‡ji 100 †Z 12 ZvB mivmwi 12% )
Alternative solution:
cÖ‡kœi ïiæi K_v g‡Zv, AvjevU© 100 n‡j wcUvi 140 Gici gvB‡K‡ji 80% = Avjev‡U©i 100 n‡j
100 15  100
gvB‡Kj =100 = 125 Gevi wcUvi gvB‡K‡ji †_‡K †ewk 140-125 =15, †ewki nvi = = 12%
80 125
civgk©: cÖ‡kœi K¬z Abyhvqx `yÕfv‡eB Kiv hvq,Z‡e †hfv‡e Ki‡j fMœvsk/ `kwgK Avm‡e bv Ges `ªæZ DËi †ei n‡e †mfv‡e KivB fvj| GLv‡b
gvB‡K‡ji Dci KZ% †ewk ejvq, †Póv Ki‡Z n‡e gvB‡Kj‡K 100 †i‡L wn‡me Kivi, Zvn‡j mivmwi DËi †ei n‡e|

12. At an election involving two candidates, 68 votes were declared invalid. The winning candidate secures 52%
and wins by 98 votes. The total number of votes polled is (2 Rb cÖv_©xi GKwU wbe©vP‡b 68wU †fvU evwZj e‡j †Nvlbv Kiv n‡jv|
H †fv‡U weRqx cÖv_©x 52% †fvU †c‡q 98 †fv‡U Rqx n‡j, †gvU KZ †fvU Rgv c‡owQj?)[Aggarwal-154]
(a) 2382 (6) 2450 (c) 2518 (d) None Ans: c
Let the number of valid votes be x. Then, 52% of x – 48% of x = 98 Shortcut:
4 52-48= 4% = 98
 4% of x = 98  x = 98  x = 98  25 = 2450. 100% = 2450
So, 2450+68 =2518
 Total number of votes polled = (2450 + 68) = 2518

13. In an election between two candidates, 75% of the voters cast their votes, out of which 2% of the votes were
declared invalid. A candidate got 9261 votes which were 75% of the total valid votes. Find the total number of
votes enrolled in that election. (GKwU wbe©vP‡b 75% †fvU Kv÷ nq hvi g‡a¨ 2% †fvU evwZj n‡q hvq| GKRb cÖv_x© †gvU ˆea †fv‡Ui 75%
†fvU cvq | Zvi †fv‡Ui cwigvb 9261 | wbe©vP‡b †gvU †fv‡Ui cwigvb KZ? )[Aggarwal-Ex-22]
Let the total number of votes enrolled be x. Number of votes cast = 75% of x
Valid votes = 98% of 75% of x ; Now, as 9261 is the 75% of valid casted votes
ATQ, 75% of 98% of 75% of x = 9261
 75 98 75  100 100 100
    x  = 9261  x = 9261    = 16800
 100 100 100  75 98 75
14. In an election, 30% of the voters voted for candidate A whereas 60% of the remaining voted for candidate B .
The remaining voters did not vote. If the difference between those who voted for candidate A and those who
did not vote was 1200, how many individuals were eligible for casting vote in the election ? (GKwU wbe©vP‡b A ‡c‡q‡Q
†gvU †fv‡Ui 30% Ges B †c‡q‡Q Aewkó †fv‡Ui 60%| Aewkóiv †fvU †`q wb| A Gi cÖvß †fvU Ges ‡fvU bv †`qv ‡fvUvi‡`i e¨veavb 1200 Rb
n‡j †gvU †fvUvi KZ Rb?) [Janata Bank (EO)-2017 (afternoon)]+[Aggarwal-159]
(a) 10,000 (b) 45,000 (c) 60,000 (d) 72,000 Ans: c
Let the number of persons eligible to vote x. Then, voters who voted for A = 30% of x.
 60 70 
Voters who voted for B = 60% of (70% of x) =    100  % of x = 42% of x.
 100 100 
Voters who did not vote = [ 100 – (30 + 42)]% of x = 28% of x.
1200  100
 30% of x – 28% of x = 1200  2% of x = 1200  x = = 60,000
A = 30% So, Remaining = 100-30 =70% , B got = 60% of 70 = 42%
SO, voters did not vote = 70- 42 = 28%, Difference of A and did not vote is 30-28 = 2%
Now 2% = 1200 then 1% = 600 SO, 100% = 60,000

15. 10% of the voters did not cast their vote in an election between two candidates. 10% of the votes polled were
found invalid. The successful candidate got 54% of the valid votes and won by a majority of 1620 votes. The
number of voters enrolled on the voters list was(`yÕ Rb cÖv_©xi GKwU wbe©vP‡b, 10% ‡fvUvi Zv‡`i †fvU cÖ`vb K‡i wb| cÖ`Ë †fv‡Ui
10% †fvU bó n‡q hvq| weRqx cÖv_x© 54% †fvU cvq Ges 1620 wU AwZwi³ †fvU †c‡q Rqx nq| †fvUvi ZvwjKvi †gvU †fvUv‡ii msLv¨v
(a) 25000 (b) 33000 (c) 35000 (d) 40000 Ans:a
Let the total number of voters be x, Then, votes polled = 90% of x.
Valid votes = 90% of (90% of x)
ATQ, 54% of [ 90% of (90% of x)] – 46%[ 90% of (90% of x)] of = 1620
8 90 90 100 100 100
    x = 1620  x = 1620    = 25000
100 100 100 8 90 90

Shortcut: †k‡li 54-46 = 8% = 1620 n‡j (Rqx + civwRZ) 100% = 20250, GLb ‡fvUvi ZvwjKvi 10% †fvU bv w`‡j ‡fvU †`q 90%
Ges GB 90% Gi 10% ‡fvU bó n‡j fv‡jv †fv‡Ui msL¨v 90% A_©vr †fvUvi ZvwjKvi 100% Gi 90% Gi90% ev 81% †fvU w`‡q‡Q | ZvB 81%
= (Rqx + civwRZ cÖv_©xi 100% †fvU)
ev 81% = 20250 myZivs †fvUvi ZvwjKvi †gvU †fvU 100% = 25000

16. In an election, a total of 5,00,000 voters participated. A candidate got 2,55,000 votes which was 60% of the total
valid votes. What was the percentage of invalid votes? (GKwU wbe©vP‡b 5,00,000 Rb †fvUvi AskMÖnY Kij| GKRb cÖv_©x
2,55,000 †fvU †cj hv †gvU ˆea †fv‡Ui 60% n‡j, †gvU A‰ea †fvU KZ kZvsk?)[Aggarwal-156]
(a) 10% (b) 12% (c) 15% (d) % Ans: c
Solution: Let the number of valid votes be x ,
255000  100 Shortcut:
Then, 60% of x = 255000  x = = 425000. 60% = 255000
100% = 425000
Number of invalid votes = ( 500000 – 425000) = 75000
GLb Aewkó AskwU cv‡ki
 75000  mgvav‡bi wbq‡gB|
 Required percentage =  100 % = 15%
 500000 
17. ‡Kvb wbe©vPbx cÖwZØw›ØZvq 10% †fvUvi †fvU`v‡b weiZ _v‡Kb Ges cÖ`Ë †fv‡Ui 60wU †e-AvBbx e‡j evwZj nq| weRqx cÖv_©x
wbe©vPbx ZvwjKvfz³ †fvUv‡ii 47% †fvU †c‡q cÖwZcÿ‡K 308 †fv‡U nvwi‡q w`‡j wbe©vPbx ZvwjKvfz³ †fvUv‡ii msL¨v KZ

18. In a village three people contested for the post of village Pradhan. Due to their own interest, all the voters voted
and no one vote was invalid. The losing candidate got 30% votes. What could be the minimum absolute margin
of votes by which the winning candidate led by the nearest rival, if each candidate got an integral percent of
votes? (‡Kvb cÖv‡gi MÖvg cÖav‡bi Rb¨ 3 Rb cÖwZ‡hvMxZv Ki‡jv| MÖv‡gi ¯^v‡_© mevB †fvU w`j Ges †Kvb †fvU evwZj nqwb| civwRZ cÖv_x© 30%
†fvU cvq| hw` cÖ‡Z¨K cÖv_x© wbw`©ó msL¨K †fvU cvq Z‡e Rqx cÖv_x© Zvi wbKUZg cÖv_x© A‡cÿv me©wb¤œ †fv‡Ui e¨eavb KZ?)[Aggarwal-390]
(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) None Ans:b

Solution: Let total votes in village = 100

Losing candidate got votes = 30% of 100 = 30 votes
Winner’s and nearer rival’s votes = 100 - 30= 70
 If both get equal votes then, it should be 35 [me‡L‡K KvQvKvwQ e¨eavb †bqvi Rb¨ Mo †bqv n‡q‡Q]
Since the difference should be integral percent and difference between winner and nearer rival minimum thus = (36 -
34) = 2 [fv‡jvfv‡e †evSvi Rb¨ e¨vL¨vwU co–b]
As‡Ki fvlv bv eyS‡j AsK †kLv hv‡e bv: GLv‡b Ab¨ `yÕR‡bi †fv‡Ui me©wb¤œ e¨eavb †ei Ki‡Z ejv n‡q‡Q| Avevi †mB e¨eavb Integral ev c~Y© msL¨vq
n‡Z n‡e| GKRb 30 cvIqvi c‡ii 70% `yR‡bi g‡a¨ mgvbfv‡e fvM K‡i w`‡j 35+35 K‡i cv‡e| GLb G‡`i g‡a¨ GKRb wRZvi Kvi‡Y Zv‡K 1%
†ewk w`‡Z †M‡j 35.5 Avi 34.5 nIqv jvM‡e, hv c~Y© msL¨v bv| ZvB c~Y© msL¨vq me©wb¤œ e¨evavb Avbvi Rb¨ Rqx 36 I civwRZ 34 wb‡Z n‡e|

19. The majority against a certain motion is equal to 8% of the total number of voting. If 14 of those who voted
against it had voted for it, the motion would have been carried by 4 votes. Find the number of votes for and
against the motion.(GKwU wbw`©ó `‡ji †gvU †fv‡Ui 8% GKwU wm×v‡bi wecixZ †fvUvi| wm×v‡šÍi wecix‡Z †fvU †`qv 14 Rb wm×v‡šÍi c‡ÿ
†fvU w`‡j wm×všÍwUi c‡ÿ 4wU †fvU †ewk c‡i| wm×v‡šÍi c‡ÿ Ges wec‡ÿ †fv‡Ui msL¨v †ei Kiæb?)[Aggarwal-365]
(a) 112, 126 (b) 138, 162 (c) 128, 144 (d) 148, 172 Ans: b
Solution: (cÖkœwU mnR, wKš‘ cÖ‡kœi fvlvUv †evSvi Rb¨ evsjv e¨vL¨vwU c‡o ‡evSvi †Póv Kiæb)
Let the number of votes for the motion be F (For) & those against the motion be A (Against).
Let the total number of votes be x.
ATQ, (F + 14) – (A – 14) = 4 [c‡ÿ 14 wU evo‡j wec‡ÿ 14wU K‡g hv‡e Ges e¨eavb 4wU n‡e]
 F-A+28=4  F- A = -24 So, A- F = 24 ---(i) [A_©vr ïiæ‡Z Against G 24wU †fvU †ewk wQj]
24  100
 8% of x = 24 [‡h‡nZz †gvU †fv‡Ui e¨eavb 8%] x = = 300
So F + A = 300 -----(ii) (KviY GB 300wU †fvU B `y fvM n‡q c‡ÿ Ges wec‡ÿ `yÕ cv‡k †M‡Q)
By (i)+(ii) we get 2A = 324 A = 162 Putting this value in (ii) we get F = 300-162 = 138
So, for the motion, total votes 138 and against the motion total votes = 162 Ans: 138 & 162

 Population related:
20. The population of a town is 8500. If the population increases by 20% in the first year and by another 25% in
the second year. What would be the population of the town after 2 years? (GKwU kn‡ii RbmsL¨v 8,500 Rb| 1g eQi
20% Ges 2q eQi 25% e„w× †c‡j 2 eQi ci RbmsL¨v KZ n‡e?)[Aggarwal-289]
(a) 10950 (b) 11950 (c) 12550 (d) 12750 Ans: d
125 120
Solution: Population after 2 years = 125% of 120% of 8500 = 8500  = 12750
100 100
21. The population of a town is 1,76,400. If it increases at the rate of 5% per annum, what will be its population 2
years hence? What was it 2 years ago? (GKwU kn‡ii RbmsL¨v 176000 Rb | RbmsL¨vi evwl©K e„w×i nvi 5% n‡j 2 eQi ci Ges 2
eQi Av‡M RbmsL¨v KZ? )[Aggwal-Ex-37]
Solution: m~Î cÖ‡qvM K‡i mgvavb:
 5   21 21 
Population after 2 yerars = 176400 1   = 176400   = 194481
 100   20 20 
176400  20 20 
Population 2 years ago = 2
= 176400   = 160000
 5   21 21 
1  
 100 
22. The population of a town increased from 1,75,000 to 2,62,500 in a decade. The average percent increase of
population per year is (GK `k‡K †Kvb kn‡ii RbmsL¨v 175000 †_‡K e„w× †c‡q 262500 nq | cÖwZ eQ‡i RbmsL¨vi Mo e„w×i nvi KZ?)
Exim Bank Ltd. MTO 2013) +[Aggarwal-124]
(a) 4.37% (b) 5% (c) 6% (d) 8.75% Ans: b
Solution: 1 decade = 10 years not 12 years.
Increase in 10 years = (262500 – 175000) = 87500
 87500   50 
Increase% =  100 % = 50% Required average =   % = 5%
 175000   10 
Alternative solution: (bZzb GKUv wm‡÷g †`Lyb)
Increase in 10 years = 262500 – 175000 = 87500
87500  8750  100 
Increase in 1 year = % = = 8750 Increase % =   % = 5%
10  175000 
Lerarning point: mgvavb `ywU Zzjbv Ki‡j †`Lv hv‡e †h, % †ei Kivi ci 10 fvM Ki‡j hv nq, Avevi ïiæ‡Z
10 fvM Kivi ci % Gi wn‡me Ki‡jI GKB DËi nq| GB welqUv Ab¨ A‡bK As‡Ki % Gi wn‡me Ki‡Z Kv‡R jvM‡e|
23. During one year, the population of a town increased by 5% and during the next year, the population decreased
by 5%. If the total population is 9975 at the end of the second year, then what was the population size in the
beginning of the first year? (1 eQi ci GKwU kn‡ii RbmsL¨v 5% e„w× cvq Ges cieZx© eQi RbmsL¨v 5% n«vm cvq| 2q eQi †k‡l †gvU
RbmsL¨v 9975 n‡j 1g eQ‡ii RbmsL¨v KZ wQj? )[Aggarwal-Ex-39]
Let, the population in the beginning was = x,
100 100
Then 95% of 105% of x = 9975 x = 9975  = 10,000
95 105
Confusion clear:: 95% Av‡M em‡e bvwK, 105% Av‡M GUv wb‡q wPšÍv Kivi cÖ‡qvRb †bB | †h †KvbUvB Av‡M ev
c‡i w`‡jI GKB DËi Avm‡e| KviY of w`‡q ¸Y wPý †evSvq, Avi ¸‡Yi mgq msL¨vi wmwiqvj ¸iæZ¡c~Y© bq| me As‡K|
24. A papaya tree was planted 2 years ago. It grows at the rate of 20% every year. If at present, the height of the
tree is 540 cm, what was it when the tree was planted?( 2 eQi c~‡e© jvMv‡bv GKwU †cu‡c MvQ cÖwZ eQi 20% nv‡i e„w× †c‡q
eZ©gv‡b 540 †mw›UwgUvi n‡j, MvQwU jvMv‡bvi mgq Gi D”PZv KZ wQj?)[Aggarwal-293]
(a) 324 cm (b) 375 cm (c) 400 cm (d) 432 cm Ans: b
Solution: Let, the height in the beginning was = x cm
100 100
ATQ, 120% of 120% of x = 540 x = 540  = 375cm
120 120
Note: e„w× cvIqvi c‡iiUv †`qv _vK‡j Av‡MiUv †ei Kivi Rb¨ Gfv‡e x a‡i Ki‡Z n‡e| ‡evKvgx K‡i Kgv‡bvi
Rb¨ 100-20 = 80% K‡i wjL‡j wKš‘ eo fzj n‡q hv‡e| mgvavb¸‡jv wb‡q GKUz fve‡jB eyS‡eb fzjUv ‡Kv_vq|
25. The price of a commodity which was Z 250 three years ago is Z 2000 now. The annual rate of increase in the
price is(3 eQi c~‡e© 250 UvKv g~‡j¨i c‡Y¨i `vg eZ©gv‡b 2,000 UvKv n‡j, evwl©K g~j¨ e„w×i nvi KZ?)[Aggarwal-305]
(a) 100% (b) 200% (c) 266 % (d) None Ans:a
3 3
 R   R  2000  R 
 8  2   1 
3 R
2501    2000  1    2  1 R = 100
 100   100  250  100  100
Equation related: (Most important for written)
26. The contents of a certain box consist of 14 apples and 23 oranges. How many oranges must be removed from
the box so that 70% of the pieces of fruit in the box will be apples?( GKwU ev‡· 14wU Av‡cj Ges 23wU Kgjv Av‡Q| ev·
†_‡K KZ¸wj Kgjv miv‡j, e‡· Aewkó d‡ji 70% Av‡cj n‡e?)[Aggarwal-207]
(a) 6 (b) 12 (c) 17 (d) 36 Ans:c
Solution: gy‡L gy‡L: 70% Av‡cj = 14wU Av‡cj Zvn‡j Aewkó 30% = 6wU
Total number of fruits = 14 + 23= 37
Kgjv| Kgjv Av‡Q 23wU | Zvn‡j miv‡Z n‡e 23-6 = 17wU|
Let x oranges be removed
Then,70% of (37 – x) = 14  7(37  x )  140  37  x  20 x = 17
27. 605 sweets were distributed equally among children in such a way that the number of sweets received by each
child is 20% of the total number of children. How many sweets did each child receive?(605 wU wgwó wKQz Qv‡Îi g‡a¨
Ggbfv‡e fvM K‡i †`qv nj †h‡bv cÖ‡Z¨K QvÎ †gvU Qv‡Îi 20% wgwó cvq| cÖ‡Z¨K QvÎ KZ¸‡jv K‡i wgwó cvq?)[Aggarwal-213]
(a) 11 (b) 24 (c) 45 (d) Cannot be determined Ans: a
Let the total number of children be x. gy‡L gy‡L: 605 †K fv½‡j 51111 GB 3wU msL¨v 5 605
Then, x × (20% of x) = 605 cvIqv hvq | †hLv‡b 511 = 55 Rb QvÎ a‡i wn‡me 11 121
1 Ki‡j 11 n‡e 55 Gi GK cÂgvsk ev 20% |
 x 2  605 x2 = 3025  x = 55 11
Number of sweets received by each child = 20% of 55 = 11
28. The sum of the number of boys and girls in a school is 150. If the number of boys is x, then the number of girls
becomes x% of the total number of students. The number of boys is (GKwU we`¨vj‡q evjK Ges evwjKvi †gvU msL¨v 150 Rb|
hw` evj‡Ki msL¨v †gvU QvÎ-QvÎxi g‡a¨ x Rb nq, Zvn‡j evwjKvi msL¨v x% n‡e| H we`¨vj‡qi evj‡Ki msL¨v KZ?)[Aggarwal-223]
(a) 40 (b) 50 (c) 60 (d) 90 Ans: c
150x 5  150  2 
Solution: We have : x + x% of 150 = 150  x   150  x  150  x    = 60
100 2  5 
29. In a co-educational school there are 15 more girls than boys. If the number of girls is increased by 10% and the
number of boys is also increased by 16%, there would be nine more girls than boys. What is the number of
students in the school?(GKwU mnwkÿv we`¨vj‡q evjK A‡cÿv evwjKv 15 Rb †ewk Av‡Q| hw` evwjKv‡`i msL¨v 10% Ges evjK‡`i msL¨v
16% e„w× cvq Zvn‡j evjK A‡cÿv evwjKv 9 Rb †ewk n‡Zv| we`¨vj‡q †gvU wkÿv_©xi msL¨v KZ Rb?)[Aggarwal-211]
(a) 125 (b) 140 (c) 255 (d) 265 Ans: d
Let the number of boys be x. Then, number of girls = x + 15
ATQ, 110% of (x + 15) – 116% of x = 9 [e„w×i ciI evj‡Ki †_‡K evwjKviv 9 Rb †ewk|]
110 116
 ( x  15)  x  9 110x + 1650 - 116x = 900  6x = 750  x = 125
100 100
Hence, number of students in the school = x + (x + 15) = (2x + 15) = (2 × 125) + 15 = 265
30. (W) A's marks in Biology are 20 less than 25% of the total marks obtained by him in Biology, Maths and
Drawing. If his marks in Drawing be 50, what are his marks in Math’s?( A Gi RxeweÁv‡b cªvß b¤^i; RxeweÁvb, MwYZ Ges
wPÎvsK‡b cÖvß †gvU b¤^‡ii 25% †_‡K 20 Kg| wPÎvsK‡b 50 b¤^i †c‡j, Zvi MwY‡Zi b¤^i KZ?)[Aggarwal-226]
(a) 40 (b) 45 (c) 50 (d) Cannot be determined Ans: d
Let B + M + D = x.
 25  x 
Then, B = 25% of x – 20 =  x  20    20 and D = 50
 100  4 
x  3x 
 20  M  50  x or M =   30 So, marks in Maths cannot be determined.
4  4 

31. A man buys a house for Tk. 5 lakh and rents it. He puts 12.5% of each month's rent aside for repairs, pays
Tk.1660 as annual taxes and realizes 10% on his investment thereafter. Find the monthly rent of the house (GK
e¨w³ 5 jvL UvKv w`‡q GKwU evox µq Kivi ci Zv fvov †`q| †m cÖwZgv‡mi fvov †_‡K 12.5% UvKv †givg‡Zi Rb¨ Ges 1660 UvKv evwl©K U¨v·
cÖ`vb K‡i| GiciI Zvi wewb‡qv‡Mi Dci 10% jvf _v‡K| cÖwZgv‡mi fvov KZ?) [Aggarwal-Ex-20]
Let the annual rent of the house be Tk. x Confusion Clear: cÖwZgv‡mi fvov
Then, Total rent – total cost = total profit †_‡K 12.5% UvKv K‡i †K‡U ivL‡j 12 gv‡m
1 †gvU hZ UvKv n‡e, mviv eQ‡ii ‡gvU fvov
ATQ, x – ( 12 % of x + 1660) = 10% of 500000 †_‡K GKmv‡_ 12.5% ev` w`‡jI ZZ UvKvB
25 1 n‡e| ZvB GB cÖ‡kœ 12.5% of x †jLv hvq|
x-   x  1660 = 50000
2 100
x 7x 51660  8
x- = 50000+1660  = 51660  x = = 59040
8 8 7
So, monthly rent = = Tk. 4920 (Ans)[Note: cÖ‡kœ 1660 UvKv evrmwiK U¨v· ZvB eQi a‡i wn‡me]

32. Ganpat went to fruit market with a certain amount of money. With this money he can buy either 50 oranges or
40 mangoes. He retains 10% of the money for taxi fare. If he buys 20 mangoes, the number of oranges he can
buy is (MvYcvZ wbw`©ó cwigvb UvKv wb‡q d‡ji evRv‡i †Mj hv w`‡q †m 50 wU Kgjv A_ev 40 wU Avg wKb‡Z cv‡i| †m U¨vw· fvo eve` 10% UvKv
†i‡L †`q| ‡m 20 wU Avg wKb‡j evwK UvKvq KZ¸‡jv Kgjv wKb‡Z cvi‡e?) [Aggarwal-172]
(a) 6 (b) 18 (c) 20 (d) 25 Ans:c
Solution: Suppose Ganpat has Tk. x
x x
Then, cost of 1 orange = and cost of 1 mango =
50 40
Money left after paying taxi fare = 90% of x = [fvov †`qi ci Aewkó UvKv †_‡KB dj wK‡b‡Q]
x x 9x x 4x 2x
Money spent in buying 20 mangoes =  20 = Money left = - = =
40 2 10 2 10 5
2 x x 2 x 50
Number of oranges that can be bought =  =  = 20 [Aewkó UvKv 1wUi Kgjvi `vg]
5 50 5 x
Double equation:
33. 5 kg of tea and 8 kg of sugar together cost Tk.172. The price of tea has risen by 20% and that of sugar by 10%.
Hence the same quantities of tea and sugar now cost Tk.199.20 What is the original price of tea per kg? (5 †KwR
Pv Ges 8 †KwR wPwbi g~j¨ 172 UvKv| hw` Pv Gi g~j¨ 20% Ges wPwbi g~j¨ 10% e„w× cvq, Zvn‡j GKB cwigvY Pv Ges wPwbi g~j¨ GK‡Î 199.20
UvKv| 1 †KwR PvcvZvi cÖKZ… g~j¨ KZ?)[Aggarwal-212]
(a) Tk.16 (b) Tk.18 (c) Tk.19 (d) Tk.20 Ans: d
Let the original price of tea be Tk. x per kg and that of sugar be Tk. y per kg.
Then, 5x + 8y = 172  15x + 24y = 516. ....................... (i) [multiplying by 3]
 12   11 
And, 120% of 5x + 110% of 8y = 199.20   5x     8 y   = 199.20
 10   10 

 60x + 88y = 1992 ⇒15x + 22y = 498..................... (ii)

Subtracting (ii) from (i), we get : 2y = 18 y = 9 Putting y = 9 in (i) we get: x = 20 Ans:20
34. A gardener has supply of fertilizer A which consists of 10% nitrogen and 6% phosphoric acid and fertilizer B
which consists of 5% nitrogen and 10% phosphoric acid. After testing the soil conditions, he finds that he needs
at least 14 kg of nitrogen and 14 kg of phosphoric acid for his crop. If fertilizer A costs Tk. 10.60 per kg and
fertilizer B costs Tk. 8.40 per kg, what is the minimum cost at which the farmer can meet the nutrient
requirement by using a combination of both types of fertilizers?(GKRb gvwji Kv‡Q 10% bvB‡Uªv‡Rb I 6% dmdwiK GwmW
wewkó mvi A Ges 5% bvB‡Uªv‡Rb I 10% dm‡dvwiK GwmW wewkó mvi B Av‡Q| gvwU cixÿvi ci wZwb †`L‡jb, Zvi k‡m¨i Rb¨ Kgc‡ÿ 14 †KwR
bvB‡Uªv‡Rb Ges 14 †KwR dmdwiK GwmW cÖ‡qvRb| hw` A mv‡ii g~j¨ cÖwZ†KwR 10.60 UvKv Ges B mv‡ii g~j¨ cÖwZ‡KwR 8.40 UvKv nq Zvn‡j wZwb
me©wb¤œ KZ UvKv e¨‡q Dfq cÖKvi mvi e¨envi K‡i cÖ‡qvRbx Pvwn`v c~Y© Ki‡Z cvi‡eb?)[Aggarwal-363]
(a) 1488 (b) 1576 (c) 1648 (d) 1732 Ans:d
Let the quantity of fertilizer A required be x kg and that of fertilizer B be y kg,
Then, 10% of x + 5% of y = 14  10x + 5y = 1400 ……...(i)
Again, 6% of x + 10% of y = 14  6x + 10y = 1400 3x+5y = 700 …….(ii)
Subtracting (ii) from (i) , we get 7x = 700 x = 100
By putting this value in (ii) we get 5y = 700-300 y = 80
 Required cost = (10010.60) + (808.40) = 1060+672 = Tk.1732 Ans: 1732

35. The charges for a five-day trip by a tourist bus for one full ticket and a half-ticket are Tk. 1440 inclusive of
boarding charge which are same for a full ticket and a half-ticket. The charges for the same trip for 2 full
tickets and one half-ticket inclusive of boarding charges are Tk. 2220. The fare for a half-ticket is 75% of the
full ticket. Find the fare and the boarding charges separately for one full ticket.( 5 w`‡bi GKwU wUª‡c GKwU ågY ev‡mi
GKwU c~Y© wU‡KU I GKwU nvd wU‡K‡Ui g~j¨ †evwW©s PvR©mn 1440 UvKv, 1 wU nvd wU‡KU I 1 wU dyj wU‡K‡Ui †evwW©s PvR© mgvb mgvb| H GKB wUª‡c
2wU dyj wUwKU I 1wU nvd wU‡K‡Ui g~j¨ †evwW©s PvR©mn 2220 UvKv| nvd wU‡K‡Ui g~j¨ dyj wU‡K‡Ui 75% n‡j GKwU dyj wUwK‡Ui Ges †evwW©s Pv‡R©i
c„_Kfv‡e g~j¨ KZ?)[Aggarwal-244]
(a) Tk. 580, Tk. 400 (b) Tk.280, Tk. 200
(c) Tk. 480, Tk. 300 (d) Tk.380, Tk. 400 Ans: c

Let the fare for a full ticket be Tk. x and the boarding charges be Tk. y per ticket.
Then, fare for a half ticket = 75% of Tk. x = Tk.
ATQ, (x + ) + y  y   1440 [gyj fvov + mgvb mgvb †evwWs PvR© = 1440 UvKv]
  2 y  1440  7 x  8 y  5760 -------------(i)
Again, (2x + ) + 2 y  y   2220 [2wU dzj I 1wU nv‡di gyj fvov+ 3wUi GKB iKg †evwWs PvR© = 2220]
  3y  2220  11x  12 y  8880 -----------(ii)
By (i)3 and (ii)2 then subtracting (i) from (ii) we get , x = 480 now putting this value in (i)
we get, 8y = 5760-3460 y = 24008 = 300

So, 1 full ticket = Tk. 480 and boarding charge = Tk. 300
36. Arnav/Ajay ordered 4 pairs of black socks and some additional pairs of blue socks. The price of the black socks
per pair was twice that of the blue socks. When the order was filled, it was found that the number of pairs of
the two colours had been interchanged. This increased the bill by 50%. The ratio of the number of pairs of
black socks to the number of pairs of blue socks in the original order (ARq 4 †Rvov Kv‡jv †gvRvi mv‡_ AwZwi³ wKQz bxj
†gvRvi AW©vi Ki‡jv| cÖwZ †Rvov Kv‡jv †gvRvi `vg, bxj †gvRvi wظY hLb AW©vi c~Y© n‡q †M‡jv †`Lv ‡M‡jv †h, `y ai‡Yi †gvRvi msL¨v cwieZ©b n‡q
GK‡Rvovi msL¨vq Av‡iK †Rvov n‡q †M‡Q| d‡j †gvU wej 50% †e‡o †M‡Q| cÖKZ … AW©v‡ii Kv‡jv †gvRvi mv‡_ bxj †gvRvi AbycvZ KZ wQj?)
[Aggarwal-Ex-47] +[Aggarwal-361]
(a) 1: 2 (b) 1: 4 (c) 2: 1 (d) 4: 1 Ans: b
Suppose he ordered n pairs of blue socks.
Let the price of each pair of blue socks be. Tk.x
Then, price of each pair of black socks = Tk.2x
Actual bill = 4  2x + nx) = (8x + nx) [Kv‡jv ‡gvRv 4 †Rvov wKš‘ bxj gyRvi cwigvY Rvbv †bB ZvB n ‡Rvov]
Bill made on interchange = Tk.(2nx + 4x) [fzj K‡i GB wej Kiv n‡q‡Q hv Avmj we‡ji †_‡K 50% †ewk]
ATQ, 2nx + 4x = 150% of (8x + nx)  2nx + 4x = (8x + nx)
 4nx + 8x = 24x + 3nx nx = 16x n = 16 Hence, required ratio = 4:16 = 1 : 4 (Ans)
Interesting point to learn: GB As‡K Lye ¸iæZ¡c~Y© GKwU welq n‡jv, GLv‡b, `ywU ARvbv ivwk‡K aivi ciI
GKwU mgxKiY w`‡qB gvb †ei n‡q †M‡jv| KviY GLv‡b cÖ_g g~j¨ Ges 2q g~‡j¨i m¤úK© †`qv wQj| GiKg †Kvb cÖkœ
cixÿvq Avm‡j 2q mgxKiY mvRv‡bvi K¬z bv †c‡q Nve‡o hv‡eb bv,hyw³ w`‡q AsK ïiæ Ki‡j mgvavb n‡eB|

37. A man ordered a length of rope by telephone from his nearest hardware shop. But when a worker in the shop
brought the rope, he found that the man on the telephone had miswritten the order by interchanging feet and
inches. As a result of this, the length of rope received was only 30% of the length he had ordered. The length of
the rope which the man ordered was between (GKRb gvbyl Zvi wbKUeZ©x nvW©Iq¨v‡ii †`vKv‡b †dv‡bi gva¨‡g wKQz iwki AW©vi
Ki‡jv| wKš‘ hLb ‡`vKvb †_‡K iwk wb‡q Avmv n‡jv, wZwb †`L‡jb †dv‡b AW©vi †bqv †jvKwU fzj K‡i dz‡Ui RvqMvq Bw Ges Bw Gi RvqMvq dzU
†jLvq AW©vi Kiv iwki cwivgv‡bi 30% †m †c‡q‡Q| cÖKZ … c‡ÿ AW©vi Kivi iwki cwigvY KZ Gi g‡a¨ n‡e?) [Aggarwal-362]
1 1 1 1
(a) 6 ft and 7 ft (b) 7 ft and 9 ft (c) 9 ft and 10 ft (d) 10 ft and 12ft Ans: c
2 2 2 2
Suppose the man ordered x feet y inches of the rope.
Since x and y represent inches in the miswritten and actual order respectively,
so each one of x and y is less than 12. [ Q 1 feet = 12 inches] [KviY 13 Bw †jLvi my‡hvM †bB]
[GB jvBbUv B GB As‡Ki Uvwb©s c‡q›U †h, dzU I Bw †KvbUvB 12 Gi Dci n‡e bv, Bw‡K mwVK ev fzj †Kvbfv‡eB 12 Dci †jLv hvq bv, KviY
ZLb Zv dzU n‡q hv‡e, Avevi dzU 12 Dci n‡Z cvi‡Zv wKš‘ hLb fzj K‡i Bw‡K dzU Ges dzU‡K Bw ‡jLv n‡q‡Q †mLv‡bB †mB dzU‡K Bw †jLvq
Zv I 12 Gi Kg n‡e]
Actual order = x feet y inches = (12x + y) inches
Miswritten order = y feet x inches = (12y + x) inches
ATQ, (12y + x) = 30% of (12x + y) = (12x + y) [fzj K‡i wjLv cwigvY = cÖKZ
… cwigv‡Yi 30%]
117 y 9y
120y +10x = 36x+3y  26x = 117y  x = x  [GLv‡b Av‡iKUv wUªKm Av‡Q]
26 2
‡h‡nZz x I y Gi Df‡qB 12 Gi †_‡K †QvU y Gi Ggb GKwU gvb ai‡Z n‡e hvi Kvi‡Y x Gi gvb 12 Gi Kg nq| GLv‡b, y = 1 n‡j, x =
9 1 92 94
=4.5, Avevi y = 2 n‡j, x = = 9, Avevi y = 4 n‡j, x = = 18
2 2 2
GLv‡b ‡`Lv hv‡”Q †h y= 2 wb‡jB me kZ© c~Y© n‡”Q| myZivs x = 9, y = 2
Hence the man ordered 9 feet 2 inches of rope. Which is between 9 ft and 10 ft [Option]
cÖgvY: cÖKZ
… AW©vi = 9dzU 2 Bw = 108+2 = 110 BwÂ| Avevi fzj K‡i †`qvi cwigvY = 2dzU 9Bw = 24+9 = 33 BwÂ| hv AW©vi Kiv 110
Gi 30% Gi mgvb|

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