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Nombre; __________________________ Fecha: ___________________

Doctores Sin Fronteras

Proyecto de Unidad 3B
You are a young doctor studying in Mexico. You are working at a clinic that
specializes in both traditional and Western medical practices. While
working, you and your team are tasked with creating values-driven dietary
and fitness plans to aid new patients’ overall wellness.

To do this, you:
❏ Research traditional herbal remedies and practices
❏ Read patient files to determine their health needs
❏ Create a wellness plan for two of your team’s patients 
​Part1: Pre-Work (10 Points)
What are some folk remedies your family uses - think not medicine? For
example, do you always eat something when you have a cold? What do you
do when you have the hiccups?

Do you think it is better to use medicine from a doctor/store or more

natural remedies? Why or why not?

Who do you think uses traditional medicine?

​Part2: Research (20 points)
Answer the questions related to each source we explore to build a
knowledge base for your work.

“?Que haces para la salud?” (p164)

1. What is ​yerbabuena ​used for?_________________________

2. How would you serve ​yerbabuena​? ______________________

3. Why are people confident in herbal medicines?


4. What area of South America are medicinal researchers interested in?

“Inside the Americas: Traiditional Medicine in Bolivia”

5. As you watch, write down the different reasons why traditional

medicine is important to these citizens:

6. What changed in Bolivia’s government so that traditional medicine

could be practiced? _______________________________

7. The members of the center referred to it as a “laboratory” that is

being watched by other countries. What is new about their practice?

8. Where did they learn these practices form?

Belize Traditional Healing: Natural Remedies from the Wild

9. What seed can numb a toothache?____________________

10. What herb helps with a cold? _____________________

11. What herb helps with ear aches? ________________________

Los 10 Remedios Caseros por Excelencia

12. While ​miel c​ an help with ​tos ​-cough- it is not good for people with

13.Canela ​is great for many things. What does it help with according to
these cognates?

Indigestion -____________________________

Colico Menstrual - ________________________

Estimulante del apetito ______________________

Colesterol ‘malo’ ___________________________

14. Which fruit, when rubbed on sore muscles, can help with tendonitis
for athletes? ___________________

A Guide to Hispanic Healing Herbs

Herb Use



Aloe Vera



​Part 2: Brainstorm (20 Points)
Looking at your two patients’ files, take notes on important information
about them that will help you make a health plan that fits their goals,
lifestyles, and values.

Patient 1: Patient 2:

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