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Alluding to the famous physicist, Michio Kaku, the phones in our pocket now hold more

computing power than all of NASA back in 1969, when they had put two astronauts on the
moon. Humans are malleable by this technology-driven society and not far is the day when
history shall witness robots performing daily household chores or serving us in restaurants.
People deem that technology has metamorphosed the world into a global village but, is this
material space actually a collective one? Well, subjectively, the answer is negative. This
materialistic world is defined as a source of happiness. But then, the question that ensues is
that if materials did actually render people happy, then why would people experience mental
incongruities or be in despair so often. Materialistic living appears to have the fulfilling potential
in the attainment of happiness and the achievement of your purpose; however it does not
generate the energy and power to do same.

Have you ever woken up in the morning and not wanting to get out in bed? Have you ever been
in such a situation where you feel tired of this life and harbor frustration against the happenings
in your life? If the answer is positive, welcome to the club. At one point in time, we are feel that
we are not meeting our true purpose such that anger and frustration starts reigning in supreme
mastery in our lives. It will be sheer intellectual dishonesty if we feign to ignore that occurrences
in our lives do not always match up our expectances. It also happened to me. But, it sufficed a
cursory mental stretch to shed light on the fact that amidst the routine works, my very purpose
of existence got undermined. Each and every human being is a player in this stage of life
whereby he is entitled to very peculiar roles, which when fulfilled, purveys a sense of growth and
accomplishment to the individual. In fact, this acme of fulfillment has been highlighted by many
a man; this has even been enlightened in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs whereby the culmination
point of psychological development is the ‘self-actualization’ level at which an individual
achieves his full personal potential. This crux can actually be achieved by threading the trail that
leads to the ultimate truth of life; the path of spiritual living.

In fact, the path that one should seek in the quest of knowledge is believed to be full of odds
and hardships- the main ground behind which many people prioritize materialistic living over
spirituality. But, what the ignorant ones fail to realize is the fact that once you have set forth on
this trail, your life is gradually but, surely fine-tuned. Only few people can actually relate and
comprehend the quandaries to which an individual is exposed.
People think that I have been born with a silver spoon in my mouth and have been luckily gifted
with all the comforts of life but, my journey in the last 26 years cannot be only viewed through
rose-tinted spectacles. Born in a middle class family whereby since childhood, my father, a
Chartered Accountant, and my mother, a Yoga Instructor taught me in a very subtle manner that
money should not be considered as the most pivotal component and that success is not
tantamount to the size of the bank account. We lived a rather modest house with only 3 small
rooms whereby my sister and I grew up under the protective umbrella of my mother. We never
lacked parental love although my father used to work for long hours and used to return home
late almost every day. I should say that the environment within which I grew up has been of
paramount importance in molding my personality. I have always been drawn to the service of
others since my childhood. My mother was a devoted woman and since childhood, she took me
to the prayers where my love for music grew. I should say that my mother was instrumental to
develop that spiritual quest in me. She knew at that time seeking inwards was going to be of
tremendous help.
With time, I managed to develop tools and methodologies which I started using for myself to
expand my consciousness and way of looking at life. Very often, we do not realize how amazing
is this Universe and we end up complaining about almost everything. The Universe has
somehow gifted us with everything for us to have a beautiful life. It has further made us special
and unique compared to others. Anything you do, do it with the same passion-Picasso painted,
Michael Jackson sang and J.K Rowling wrote. Live a life full of fulfillment, passion and joy. Make
your energy travel the world and inspire people to become human beings with beautiful hearts.
Love your loved ones and pay attention to the smallest details when caring for people. No
matter who you are, you can make a difference in people’s lives. The five minutes you give to
someone can change his or her life forever, triggering breakthrough for that person. The ‘good
morning’ you say to someone can make the day of that person beautiful. The smile you give to a
stranger can bubble his or her happiness.

When you are born in this world, you do not come with a manual, clearly explaining what you
have to do. You are left on your own to learn, fall, get injured, get up and grow. You have to fight
the battle of life on your own. You have to manifest through experiences that you get as you
walk on this path of the unknown. Indeed, life is a collection of experiences gathered. As I
needed guidance how to navigate in life, I tried to look for people to help me out. I met many
people, we talked and for sure, they have share knowledge and their experiences which have
definitely enriched my life.
However, I still felt that I was missing something in life. With time, I did realize that there was
something bigger in the Universe. This realization came each time I was travelling to another
country on a plane. Each time, as I watched the location of the plane in the small screen in front
of me, I felt more and more helpless and not having any control of the moment. What if the
plane gets a technical issue in the middle of the ocean? What if we all get drown in the might
ocean? All those thought would invade my monkey mind. I also realized how big the world was
although we have tried making it smaller with improving technology and faster communication.
We are definitely living in a huge world. If the world is that big, how big is the Universe? Imagine
how infinite our Universe is with those known and unknown galaxies and planets. Then the
question that I asked myself was always what is that force or energy which is moving those
planets? There is a definitely a supreme force or a super being or a big energy controlling us.
As I started asking question, I started getting answers either in dreams or through people who
would appear out of nowhere. I started designing lessons of life that would be able to help me
and help others as well. The very purpose of this book is to aid persons who feel that their
minds are clogged with inharmoniousness, who feel that they are lost in the abyss of nowhere
while having no flashlight to guide them through this matrix of emotions and who feel that the
path of ignorance is a cul-de-sac.

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