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Lesson 2: Types of
Communication Models
Date: @October 2, 2021



Basic model of communication

sender, receiver, message, channel

added noise, feedback, environment

Terms w same concepts

Sender: speaker, source

Receiver: audience, destination, communicator

studying these models will help us in understanding communication

the sending and receiving of messages to create shared meaning.

Models of Communication
The purpose of a "model" is to offer a visual representation of a concept with the intent
of facilitating the understanding of it. Traditionally speaking, there are three standard
models of the communication process; Linear, Interactive and Transactional. Each
offers a slightly different perspective on the communication process.

Lesson 2: Types of Communication Models 1

Types of Communication Models

Linear Communication Model

oldest model is Aristotle's model of communication

5 elements: speaker, audience, message, occasion (situation),

belied by its name, where a sender encodes a message via a channel and the
message is decoded by the receiver. It is straight-line communication found typically
in mass communication.

Shannon and Weaver were the first to present the linear model of
communication in 1949's The Mathematical Theory of Communication.

Lasswell's Model

somehow based on Aristotle's model

based on 5 questions:

who (sender)

said what (message)

through which channel (channel or medium)

to whom (receiver)

with what ethics

Lesson 2: Types of Communication Models 2

effective as it provides simple and practical way of messaging, and help explain
the message.

Shannon Weaver Model

based on communications between phones

emphasizes the importance of encoding and decoding

5 key parts


encoder (transmitter)


decoder (transmitter)


noise (external noise)

Interactive Communication Model (Internet-based

two-way method of communication with feedback.

feedback is not simultaneous so it provides slow and indirect feedback.

the communication can be linear if receivers do not reply to senders.

indicates mediated and internet-based communication.

Lesson 2: Types of Communication Models 3

Examples: Osgood-Schramm Model of Communication and Westley and
Maclean's Communication Model are interactive communication models.

Transactional Communication Model (face-to-face

face-to-face interaction or "transaction" as dynamic and changeable process that is
not limited to simple definition.

sender and receiver plays the same role simultaneously

simultaneous feedback is the essential component of the transitional models of


communication process is not transactional if there is no feedback.

feedback is direct and very fast.

receiver is compelled too provide feedback.

Lesson 2: Types of Communication Models 4

Three models of communication:
one way and straight-line communication, found typically in mass communication.

begins from the sender


sender has the upper hands and important role

no feedback

receiver has a passive role

ex: watching tv

includes feedback

sender encodes the message, receiver decodes the message

sender becomes a receiver, too

Lesson 2: Types of Communication Models 5

everything is simultaneously (occurring at the same time)

you send and receive message at the same time

message-verbal or nonverbal from sender to receiver

Difference between Linear and Interactive

The linear model holds that a message travels in a straight line from its source, through
a channel, and to its receiver. The interactional model holds that communication travels

Lesson 2: Types of Communication Models 6

in a circle as a sender transmits a message and then the receiver responds with
feedback; thus both parties become sender/receivers.

Difference between the transaction model of

communication and the other communication models?

Lesson 2: Types of Communication Models 7

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