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MY CANCER STORY by Mary Dalton

Her name is Mary Dalton and this video publishes on 14 December 2015; this is
started when his back pain, she and his family didn’t know why. They try to X-ray but the
result is nothing until August 2015 it was started to hurt again and Mary fever for two weeks,
they go to the doctor and Mary’s parent decide to get an X-ray again. And the results , doctor
find 2 big mass in her back and has metastases to her lung and chest wall. Seven days Mary
treated in hospital to do biopsy and Mary Dalton have Ewing sarcoma which is very rare
from of bone cancer, she said so hurt to hear that you have something in your body that’s
trying to kill you and you know nothing about is.

Her life changed 180 degrees, now Mary always at home or hospital, hospital like the
second place for her. Most of the day she drawing, reading, writing, sanding massage to her
friend and watching the movie like grey’s anatomy, now she is focusing with drawing,
sometimes she will go to friend’s house, store like the other child. But she can’t do that
because she have to do things that are medical. Mary has 14 round treatments of
chemotherapy plus surgery and radiation. She have already completed six round of
chemotherapy and the next step is surgery or radiation they have to look at the PET scab
result. PET scan is the treatment which must be done Mary, it is like a giant X- ray machine
and it takes 45 minute, and she said it is very longer and boring. The first time chemotherapy
makes her so tired, nausea and very sick.

Now she have gastric tube in her stomach because he was not eating and she lost so
much weight and his heir fell out because the effects chemotherapy. Before she lost her heir
she cut that and donating to kids or cancer survivor and she really happy about that because
she can share it to requiring and make the girls look beautiful with hair. And now she like use
hat with the pom-pom. And now she didn’t worry about it because she no needs to brush it.

The thing that helps Mary remain strong until now is the amount of support she has
been getting from friend, family, doctor and the other people. All gifs, messages, and latters
make Mary so happy. And one small action like if people like and comment her picture on
Instagram, tweeter or youtube can make Mary fell loved and it is more than anythhing, she
felt like luckiest women.

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