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21 y/o malay male presented due to lt meniscal swelling

 Associated with bruising

 Limited ROM
 Preceded by trauma : mode of trauma : leg stucked in drain
 PS : 10/10
 No fever/ hx of MVA
 Social hx : student
 PE : Vitals normal, limited ROM

Learning points

 What are the important clinical questions to ask if pt with acl injury?
- Weightbearing
- locking
 What is the anatomy of acl, pcl and meniscus?
 Which muscle undergoes disused atrophy first? Vastus medialis
 How do you measure muscle wasting? 20 cm above the tibial tuberosity, it is significant
if got difference > 3 cm
 In this case patient has paraesthesia.? Pt under epidural, might not be ale to walk or
 How is the confirmatory dx is made? Using what modality? MRI
 What are the differentials for this pt?
 What is the conservative management used for this pt? What is the acronym called?
 What is operative management?
 What is the post op management?
 What are the complications?
 NAME two complications due to acl

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