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HEAT EXCHANGERS CONTENTS INTRODUCTION oo. ceeeeessseeeeeseseesseeneee HOW TO USE THE PROGRAM MATERIALS. ........ HOW TO USE THE SELF-TEACHING FRAMES ....... SAMPLE FRAMES Workbook Period 1 ...... ‘Transfer of Heat by Conduction and Convection, Fiuid ‘Turbulence and Velocity, Flow Arrangement, Surface Area Workbook Period 2 ‘Tube-side and Shell-side Flow Arrangements, Fixed ‘Tubesheot Exchanger, Floating Head Exchanger, U-Tube Exchanger Workbook Period 3 ....e sss eeeseeeeeeeeeeeeees Condensers, Heat Exchanger Systems, Heat Exchanger Operations, Troubleshooting PAGE 37 INTRODUCTION Heat exchangers play an important role in nearty every manufacturing and processing industry. And, while there are many different types of heat exchangers, they all provide the same basic service - which is to transfer heat from one process stream to another. This transfer or recycling of heat allows us to save vast amounts of energy every year. This program wil! introduce you to the various factors that affect heat exchange efficiency. We will show you ‘several different designs for shell and tube exchangers and discuss their applications as condensers, reboilers, waste heat boilers, and coolers. The program also covers heat exchanger maintenance, troubleshooting, and start-up and shutdown procedures. Before starting the program, read "HOW TO USE THE PROGRAM MATERIALS’ and "HOW TO USE THE SELF-TEACHING FRAMES” on the following pages. HOW TO USE THE PROGRAM MATERIALS in this program you begin by watching the video portion of the program. This section runs about five mintas. Then you turn to an exercise in the workbook when instructed by the narrator. The workbook introduces you to new learning material and reviews what you leaned in the video segment. Once you have finished working and reviewing the material in the workbook, you will be given instructions to view the next part of the videotape. Going from the video material to the manual and then back to the video material again helps you apply what you are leaming. This instructional method also reinforces important information so that you thoroughly understand one concept before moving on to the next. Here is how instructions in the workbook are arranged: Pree R aR TG) STOP OR START THE TAPE, OR Cyn MU ORL VIDEOTAPE EQUIPMENT WILL RUS mC ONE OE ou Ret SDs seeLs Peel Most workbook exercises will foliow this outline: 1. You view part of the videotape program. 2. The taped narration tells you to stop the equipment. 8. In the workbook, you read over several vocabulary words until you are familiar with them. 4. You read a short paragraph that introduces some new leaming material. 5. Next, you work the new leaming material, which is a series of setf-teaching "frames." You read and answer the questions at your own pace. 6. At the end of the workbook period, you work a short review. The review questions are a setf-test for your benefit so you can check your leaming progress. 7. Alter the review, you view the next part of the program. Before you start the program, you should get instructions from the person who administers your training on how to operate the equipment. HOW TO USE THE SELF-TEACHING FRAMES. The workbook questions and problems included in the new loaning material are written in a series of setf- teaching “frames." Each frame gives you some information and asks you to make use of it. Or, the frame refers to a drawing and asks questions or poses a problem about it. Seff-teaching frames are divided into two columns. The left-hand column on the page has the leaming material. You read this material first. The right-hand column has the correct response or responses for the frame. You read the right-harid column after you write in or select a correct answer to the frame. Here's an example: ‘The material to leam or read is always on the left-hand side of the page. Answers are on the right-hand side, You shouid cover up the (right- /left-) hand side of the right- page. It's important to know that self-teaching frames are not a test. They are a way to help you leam faster and more. effectively. You leam the correct response to each frame before you move to the next frame and leam additional material ‘SAMPLE FRAMES Read this frame and use the information it gives to fll in the blank. Cover the right-hand column. ‘A micrometer is an instrument designed to measure in ‘thousandths of an inch. ‘Amicrometer is a good too! for measuring very __ differences in size. small Move the mask down to uncover the work at the right of the frame. If you have filled the blank with ‘small’ or a word that means the same, go to the next frame. ‘This drawing of a micrometer provides information that will help you fill in the next blanks: TO BE MEASURED J HUB ‘Seven major parts are shown in the drawing, but only the _—_____andthe___ contact anvil; spindle ‘he object to be measured, The next sample frame calls for a choice. Circle or undertine the sppropriate word. ‘Of the two parts that contact the object, only the (anvil / spindle ) moves. spindle ‘The Salf-teaching frames in the workbook will be similar to the frames you just worked. Remember to cover the response column with the cardboard mask. Read the frame. Use the information, a set of drawings, or information you have already leamed to fill in the blanks or make a choice. Move the mask down and check the response column, Go on to the next frame, Be sure that you write in all your answers. This helps you leam more than if you just think about the correct answer for each frame. OBJECTIVES WORKBOOK PERIOD NUMBER 1 AT THE COMPLETION OF THIS WORKBOOK PERIOD, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO: VOCABULARY — 1. Identify the function of heat exchangers. — 2, Contrast conduction and convection as methods of transferring heat. — 3. Describe the effect of temperature difference and surface area on the efficiency of heat exchangers. - 4, State how turbulence, velocity and flow direction affect the efficiency of heat exchangers. FLUID — a substance that tends to flow and take the shape of its container. CONDUCTION - the movement of heat from an area of high temperature to an CONVECTION — heat transfer within aliquid or gas by the movernent of area of low temperature within a substance or between two ‘substances in direct physical contact. and faling currents. LAMINAR FLOW ~ Jow velocity flow in which each particle of fluid moves in a path ‘STATIC FILM parallel to the paths of all other particles. a layer of slow moving fluid that adheres to the pipe wall ‘even when flow in the center of the pipe is turbulent. TURBULENT FLOW ~ rapid flow with eddies and cross currents in the main body of the stream which cause the fluid particles to mix. NEW LEARNING MATERIAL Work the self-teaching frames starting on the next page. Be sure to use the cardboard mask to cover the response column on the right-hand side of each page. ‘SELF-TEACHING FRAMES Introduction 10. Heat is a form of Like other forms of energy, heat can be. ‘The movement of heat from a region of high temperature to @ region of lower temperature within a substance or between two substances in direct physical contact is called For instance, if a container of hot water is placed touching a container of cold water, eventually the temperature of the cold water ‘And, the temperature of the hot water ‘That's because the heat is being_____ from one container to the other. Itis moving through the walls of the container by conduction. Conduction continues until the heat is evenly distributed thoughout the substance. Once the temperatures of the liq uids are the same, heat transfer ( starts / stops ). ‘The material through which the heat passes is called the Glass is a better conductor of heat than is wood. Thus, heat will move through glass (faster / slower) than through wood. Thickness and length also affect the rate of conduction. if ‘equal amounts of heat are applied to these pieces of steel, it will take longer for the heat to pass through (A/B). = A 8 transferred, or moved ‘conduction increases, of rises decreases, or falls transferred, or moved ‘stops conductor "4, 2 13. 14 18. 16. 17. 18, Similarly, if two steel rods are heated at one end, it will take longer for the heat to move to the end of rod (A/ B). A standard measure o! the rate at which conduction takes Place is called thermal conductivity. Thermal conductivity takes into account whether a material is a conductor. It also takes into account the and thickness of the conductor. Finally, thermal conductivity is affected, by the temperature between the wo conductors. This drawing represents a room containing a heat source at one end. The air which touches the heat source is heated by ‘As the air touching the heat source is heated, it expands and becomes ( lighter / heavier ) Because it is lighter, the hot air ‘As the warm air rises, cooler air from the floor level moves up and contacts the source of heat. It, too, becomes lighter from expansion and good length difference conduc lightor rises 19. at. 23. 24. This process is repeated again and again and produces a flow pattern. As the air flows around the room, it carries with it ‘As watm and cool ait meet at the center of the room, the cit- cular pattern is interrupted and turbulence occurs. ‘The turbulence causes the warm air and cool air to mix. AS they mix, heats transferred from the. air tothe PEE Har This heat transfer within a liquid or a'gas by the mixing of one portion with another is called convection. Heat is transferred from the heat source to the air by (conduction J convection ) and from the warm air to the cool ‘air by ( conduction / convection ). ‘A heat exchanger uses a combination of both conduction and convection to move = from one substanca to another. ‘Suppose that this simple heat exchanger contains a hot sub- stance that flows through the tube and @ cool substance that flows through the shell Sinee the temperature of the substance flowing through the tube is different from the temperature in the shall, flows through the tube walls. ‘The amount of heat that flows depends on the temperature between the substance inside the tube and the substance outside the tube. heat warm 00! conduction convection heat heat difference 27. 25. Typically, fluids flow through tubes in two distinct ways. LAMINAR FLOW TURBULENT FLOW ‘There is a great deal of mixing in the (turbulent / laminar ) turbulent flow. 26, The fluid flows smoothly in flow. laminar This drawing shows fluid flowing near the wall of a tube. STATIC FILM TURBULENT FLOW ‘TUBE WALL The fluid flowing closest to the wall of the tube (is / isn’t) isn't turbulent. 28. That's because the friction of the fluid against the wall causes the fluid to move more slowty. This slower moving fluid acts asa covering the tube wall 29. The static film is an insulator which ( promotes / inhibits ) the transfer of heat from the tube wall to the fluid in the center of the tube. 30. Since molecules of fluid mix more readily in a turbulent flow, you would expect that a fivic in turbulent flow would absorb hheat (faster / slower than fluid in a laminar flow. 31. So, it follows that the time it takes heat to move through the static film can be decreased by increasing the of the fluid flow. 82. The greater the turbulence of the flow through the tube, the thinner the buildup on the tube. 33. And, the thinner the static film, the (faster / slower) the heat transfer rate. 34, The type of flow in which heat transfer is most efficient, then, is (laminar / turbulent ) flow. Direction of Flow 95. We've seen that heat flows from one fluid to another if there isa_____in temperature between the two fluids. 36. Assume that fluid is flowing in the same direction along the inside and the Outside of a tube, and that the fluid inside is hotter than the outside fluid. Heat is transferred from the -_______ fluid to the fluid. static film inhibits faster turbulence static fitm taster turbulent difference inside outside a. 38. 39. 40, a ‘The temperature of the hotter fluid ( increases / decreases }. decreases As heat is transferred to the colder fluid its temperature increases Al the fluid represented here is flowing in the same direction, POINT POINT POINT A B c The temperature of the tube-side (hot) fluid is greatest at point (A/B/C). A ‘The temperature of the inside fluid is lowest at point (A / B / c). c The temperature of the outside (colder) fluid is lowest at paint (AIBIC) A 42. This graph shows the temperature of the two fluids in relation to the length of the tube. us % 120+ > : 7 zm # — 5 ie oneeneon e« E> oF Flow és ae En ror vr war ‘TEMPERATURES ALONG THE EXCHANGER, WITH FLOW IN THE SAME DIRECTION The ditference in temperature is greatest at point (A / B/C) 43, The heat transfer rate (depends / does not depend) on the temperature difference. 44. The heat transfer rate is greatest at point (A/B/C). 45, At point C there (is / is no ) temperature difference. 46. At point C heat (is / is not) transterred. 47. Here, the fluids are flowing countercurrently, POINT POINT POINT In this kind of flow, the fiuids are flowing in (the same direction / opposite directions ). depends isno is not opposite directions 49. 50. 51. 82. 53, ‘The temperature of the hotter inside fluid is greatest at (A /B IC). A ‘The temperature of the inside fluid decreases in the direction (AtoC/C tA). Atoc The outside colder fluid is coolest at (A/B/C) c The outside fluid is hottest at (A/B/C). A This graph shows the temperature change in the heat exchanger shown in No. 47. 140 a 10 { —— _ y 1204 ——_+ zed E> omecrion e™ I [oF FLow o Lt s = Fw a 6 t Pont Pom Pow « 8 © TEMPERATURES ALONG THE EXCHANGER WITH COUNTERCURRENT FLOW {n counterfiow, the temperature difference along the tube is (more constant / less constant ) than the tersperature ‘more constant difference in parallet flow. ‘The heat transfer rate in counterfiow varies ( considerably / litte) over the length of the tube. tittle Counterflow is more efficient than parallel flow because it allows heat to be transferred across the length of the tube. entre 10 85. Heat transfer rate is also affected by surface area, Surtace area is the amount of exposed conductor that heat can move through. ‘The more surface area, the faster heat can move between two substances. Far example, look at these two heat exchangers. WATER OVERFLOW In both these exchangers, the fluid entering the tubes is and the fluid entering hot oil. the shellis_ - cool water 56, Heat is transferred from the hot oil flowing through the tubes 10 the cool water flowing through the shell. The conductor of heat in both cases is the tube wall 57. Heat exchanger (A / B)has a greater amount of exposed 8 ‘conductor, " 58. With more surface area, more heat can transfer between ‘two substances, so the more efficient heat exchanger is (A/B). 8 59. The more efficient shell and tube exchangers increase effi- ciency by using a tube bundle instead of just one tube. They are more efficient because the collection of tubes pro- vides more through surface area which the heat can move. 60. Here is a shell and tube exchanger. RSE SIDEINLET SHELL-SIDE INLET HOT OlL COOL WATER TUBESHEETS TUBE-SIDE OUTLET COOLED OI SHELL-SIDE OUTLET WARM WATER, This type of exchanger utilizes a tube to bundle transfer heat. Shell and tube exchangers similar to this are widely used throughout industry. Design may differ depending on the particular use, but all shell and tube exchangers contain the same basic parts, We'll iearn ‘more about heat exchanger design and application in Part 2 of this program, 12 REVIEW WORKBOOK PERIOD ‘NUMBER 1 ‘Answer these review questions. Then go to the answers on the back of this page. You don’t need to use the mask for the review. 1 Heat exchangers conserve energy and lower industrial heating costs by: ‘A. transferring heat from a hot substance that would otherwise be lost to a ‘coo! substance that requires heating. B. increasing the total amount of heat energy that is contained by two fluids. C._using more gas and less electricity to heat fluids. Ina heat exchanger, heat is moved by: ‘A. conduction. B. convection. ‘C. Both A and B Which of the following is the best conductor of heat? Which of the following does not affect the efficiency of a heat exchanger? ‘Conducting material Surface area Relative humidity Flow arrangement gop> Here are illustrations of the two kinds of fluid flow. A. Laminar 8, Turbulent Which type of flow is more likely to cause a buildup of static film on the tube walls? 13 ANSWERS ITEMS 1 THROUGH 5 ‘A. transferring heat from a hot substance that would otherwise be lost to a cool substance that requires heating. C. Both Aand B D. Copper C. Relative humidity A. Laminar 14 6. Here are examples of parallel and countercurrent flow. B. COUNTERCURRENT Which flow arrangement is most etficiont? ANSWER ITEM 6 6. 8. Countercurrent 16 7. Hot fluid flowing through a tube bundle will surrender its heat more efficiently than Not fluid flowing through a single tube ~ why? Choose one: ‘A. Because there's more turbulence B. Because there's more surface area C. Because there's greater velocity 7 ANSWER tTEM 7 7. &. Because there's more surface area OEM MN OR ees ERO RC Or! AND START THE TAPE 18 WORKBOOK PERIOD NUMBER 2 OBJECTIVES AT THE COMPLETION OF THI$ WORKBOOK PERIOD, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO: 1. Identify three types of baffles and their uses. 2. Recognize the cause of stress in heat exchangers. 3. Recognize the use of a double tubesheet. ~ 4. Identity the types of heat exchangers that allow for thermal ‘expansion and give the advantages and disadvantages for each. VOCABULARY BAFFLE - a plate which deflects or directs fluid flow. in heat exchangers, batfies are most often used to increase the turbulence of fluid. SEDIMENT - deposits that settle to the bottom of a liquid. NEW LEARNING MATERIAL, Work the self-teaching frames starting on the next page. Be sure to use the cardboard mask to cover the response cofumn on the right-hand side of each page. 19 SELF-TEACHING FRAMES In Part Two, we looked at ways in which altering the flow arrange- ment can improve heat exchanger efficiency. 1. Flow arrangement (can / cannot ) be altered through both the can shell and tubes. 2. A channel head can be built into the head battle end of the exchanger to direct the flow through the first half of the tubes in one direction, and the second half of the tubes in the opposite direction. 3. Compare the two-pass arrangement with the four-pass arrangement. FLOATING HEAD BAFFLES ‘A four-pass arrangement requires channel two head baffies and Toating head battie(s). one a 4 Increasing the number of passes requires the number of baffies. Increasing the number of passes with baffles increases the efficiency of the exchanger because each time the tube-side fluid flows through the exchanger, it will surrender more of its _—_____ 0 the cooler shet-side fluid. ‘Shell-side Flow Arrangements Look at Exhibit 1 6. 10. Exhibit 1 shows the six most common shell arrangements. In one-pass shell, the shl-side fluid enters one end of the ‘exchanger and exits through the ‘end. ‘A tworpass requires that the fluid enter and exit through the (same end / different end )of the exchanger. A split flow arrangement divides incoming shelt-side fluid into ‘separate streams. And, a double split flow divides the st —___ separate streams. ‘The effective time that the shellside fluid is in contact with the tubes increases as the number of passes Baffles and Flow Arrangement n 12. 13. ‘You'l recall from Workbook Period 1 that in both laminar and turbulent flow a layer of fluid surrounds each tube and acts as an insulator. It is this static film that acts to (increase / decrease ) the rate of heat transfer. Baffles break up the flow, decreasing the layer of —_ nnd increasing heat transfor. iterating the baffies causes the shell-side fluid to come in ‘contact with the. ‘a number of times. increasing ‘opposite ‘same end four increases static film tubes EXHIBIT BOOKLET HEAT EXCHANGERS This center section cortains the exhibits. t may be pulled out of the book for easy reference without upsetting the frame sequence. © 1983, 1992 Howel Training Company EXHIBIT 1 ‘SHELL-SIDE FLOW SHELL TYPES (ONE-PASS SHELL ‘TWOPASS SHELL WITH LONGITUDINAL BAFFLE KETTLE-TYPE REBOILER EXHIBIT 2 CONDENSER OVERHEAD PRODUCT FRACTIONATING TOWER, WARM WATER HOT VAPORS, ‘aa (GOTT) \ > a Wi) REFLUX AND OVERHEAD PRODUCT COOL WATER, EXHIBIT 3 KETTLE-TYPE REBOILER ISOBUTANE VAPOR ISOBUTANE LIQUID ISOBUTANE. TO REACTOR ISOBUTANE VAPOR OUT LIQUID ISOBUTANE. EXHIBIT 4 THERMOSYPHON REBOILER PROPANE AND PROPYLENE 50% VAPOR— 50% LIQUID ate FRACTIONATING TOWER (DE-ETHANIZER) PROPANE AND PROPYLENE 50% VAPOR — 50% LIQUID CONDENSATION THERMOSYPHON REBOILER PROPANE AND PROPYLENE ALL LIQUID PROPANE AND PROPYLENE 400% LIQUID EXHIBIT 5. COOLERS KEROSENE STORAGE TANK CRUDE PRE-HEAT EXCHANGERS CRUDE TO FEED HEAT FURNACE, HOT KEROSENE cRUOE FROM STORAGE WATER, COOL TO COOLING TOWER KEROSENE WATER FROM COOLING TOWER EXHIBIT 6 WASTE HEAT BOILER, ‘STEAM STEAM DRUM FRACTIONATING WATER HOT OIL, Demlopet an Otted Dy: HIG Alonledge vanster company 19831 Northwest Freeway, Suite 520 ‘Houston, Texas 77040-5215 (713) 460-4460 (@00) 527-1851 14. Some types of baffles may allow sediment to accumulate, which leads to fouling. Whether a baffie is cut horizontally or vertically depends on the type of fluid and on the operation. In this example, the baffle most likely to catch suspended ‘materials is the ( vertical / horizontal ) baffle. horizontal HORIZONTAL 15. When an exchanger is handling a dirty shell-side fluid, a (vertical / horizontal ) baftie will allow the deposits to pass vertical through. 16. Here is an illustration of impingement battles in a heat ‘exchanger. IMPINGEMENT BAFFLES: Impingement battles are used to Soften the impact of high inlet velocities, which can _______ the tubes. 17. In addition to reducing erosion, impingement baffles spread the Row tothe sides of the exchanger, eneuring tat the fut contacts all of the 18. increasing fluid/tube contact fer rate. the heat trans 19. Longitudinal baffles are sometimes used to split shellside flow into two or more passes. As the drawing shows, longitudinal batfies allow for the return, or double pass, through the exchanger. LONGITUDINAL BAFFLES Three longitudinal baffles would provide for passes through the exchanger. 24 erode tubes increases four Heat Exchanger Equipment 20. 21. 22. 24, 28. 26. Heat exchangers are designed to allow the maximum heat transter rate at mimimum. ‘And, baffies help keep the flow (laminar / turbulent) and flowing through the tubes closer to the optimum speed or While the difference in temperature between fiuids promotes heat transfer, it can also cause some problems because heat causes metal to in length. {In some exchangers, the tubes and tubesheets are fixed to the shell. Therefore, they are (free to move / prevented from expanding). For this reason, fluids varying greatly in temperature (should /should not ) be used in fixed tubesheet exchangers. When the tubes lengthen because of heat, stress is placed on the tubes and tubesheet. TUBESHEET ‘A tube can come loose, allowing fluid to feak between the tube wall and the opening in the. Leaks can resutt in the contamination of one fluid by another. To guard against this, a double tubeshest can be used in cases where a cannot be tolerated. 25 cost, or expense turbulent velocity expand, or increase prevented from expanding ‘should not. 27. The double tubesheet design provides a space between the tubesheets. DOUBLE TUBESHEET Ita leak does occur, fluid passes into the space and can be safely trom the exchanger. drained, or removed U-Tube or U-Bend Exchangers 28. This is a U-tube exchanger: HEAD A baffled channel head is bolted between the shell and the channel head 7 cover 29. a. 34. & ‘The tubesheet and tube bundle form a unit ‘By unbolting the channel head from the shell, the tubesheet and tube bundle can be removed from the shell so the inside / outside ) of the tubes can be cleaned. However, the bend in the tubes inhibits cleaning and inspect- ing the of the tubes. Since the tube bundle in a U-tube exchanger is fastened to only one tubesheet, the tubes are ( free to expand / prevented from expanding ). U-tube exchangers can be used where the temperature differ- ence between shell-side ‘and tube-side fluids is Notice the flow patterns in a U-tube exchanger. UPPER HOT CHAMBER Olt. LOWER CHAMBER: ‘The baffle dividing the channel head directs incoming tube~ side fluid through the ( uppet / lower ) tube openings. ‘Tube-side Mluid flows through the tubes, around the bend, and into the. ‘chamber. Tube-side flow, in this case, is ( one-pass / two-pass ) flow. Shell-side flow in this exchanger is ( one-pass / two-pass } flow. cutside inside tree to expand ‘reat, high, or large Floating Head Exchangers 37. In this exchanger, the tubesheet on the right is bolted between the channel and shell in a fixed position. FLOATING HEAD COVER But, the tubesheet on the left, together with a cover, floats inside the shell, it is (fee to move / unable to move ) horizontally. 38. And, since the tube bundle and floating head can move hori- zontally, the tubes are free to —_____ and 39. After unbolting the channe! flange and the stationary tubesheet, the tube bundle and the floating head can be removed. TUBE BUNDLE FLOATING HEAD This allows you to dean and inspect the ______of, the tubes. free to move expand contract outside 40. 4. 42, {In this illustration, the shell cover and the floating head cover have been removed. ‘SHELL COVER FLOATING HEAD COVER This provides access to both tubesheets and to the of the tubes. By removing the floating head cover and the channel cover, it is possible to inspect and clean the of the tubes. In a floating-head exchanger (all / some) parts of the ‘exchanger can be inspected and cleaned. This drawing illustrates a disadvantage of the floating head ‘exchanger. You'll notice a_______ between the tube bundle and the shel, CLEARANCE ‘The clearance is caused by bolts connecting the floating head to the tubesheet. ‘Since no tubes can occupy this space, the space is inside inside clearance wasted 45. 46. Jn addition, some fluid moves through the space rather than past the tube bundle For these reasons, the clearance space between the shell and tube bundle may ____ the efficiency or effective. reduce ness of the floating head exchanger, . REVIEW WORKBOOK PERIOD NUMBER 2 1. Increasing the number of times that the hot tube-side fluid passes through the exchanger: A. increases heat transfer efficiency. B. decreases heat transfer efficiency. C. does not atfect heat transter efficiency. 2. Here Is a picture ot a channel head baffle, which routes the fluid through the exchanger. How many passes will it torce the fluid to make. A. One B, Two C. Three ©. Four 3 ANSWERS ITEMS 1 AND 2 1. A. increases heat transter efficiency. 2 B Two Below are illustrations of the three most comman types ot shellside baffles. Identify each using items 3-5. 9. The longitudinal baffies are in heat exchanger 4, The segmental betes are in heat exchanger 5. The impingement batfies are in heat exchanger ANSWERS ITEMS 3 THROUGH 5 3. B. Longitudinal batfles 4, A. Segmental baffies 5. C. Impingement baffles 10. Impingement baffles: ‘A. reduce erosion of tubes caused by high inlet velocities. B. direct the flow to the sides of the exchanger, ensuring that the fluid contacts all of the tubes. C. Both of the above Fluids that vary greatly in temperature should not be used in a: A. floating head exchanger. B. fixed tubesheet exchanger. ©. Utube exchanger. Which design provides a space into which fiuid can drain safely if a teak occurs? ‘A. Fixed tubesheet exchanger B. Double tubesheet exchanger C. Floating heat exchanger D. U-tube exchanger ‘Which design forces the tube-side fluid to make a double pass through the ‘exchanger? ‘A. Fixed tubesheet exchanger B. Double tubesheet exchanger C. Floating head exchanger D. U-tube exchanger ‘Which exchanger provides the best access for cleaning and inspecting? ‘A. Fixed tubesheet exchanger B. Double tubesheet exchanger C. Floating head exchanger D. U-tube exchanger 6 7. 10. ANSWERS ITEMS 6 THROUGH 10 C. Both Aand B 8. Fixed tubesheet exchanger B. Double tubesheet exchanger D. Ustube exchanger C. Floating head exchanger ry Pi Teen eNO Careers: NOSSO EN Ror’ Panetta WORKBOOK PERIOD NUMBER 3 AT THE COMPLETION OF THIS WORKBOOK PERIOD, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO: ~ 1, Describe the function of a condenser. - 2. Describe how the kettle-type and thermosyphon-type_ reboilers are used with a distilation system. ~ 3. Give the difference between parallel and series connection on a heat transfer unit. 4. Identify a way to control the temperature in a heat exchanger. ~ 5. identify the steps that are followed to bring an exchanger ‘on-line and off-ine. = 6, Describe how fouling may affect the exchanger's temperature and pressure. — 7. Describe the three methods used to test for leaks in an exchanger. FOULING - deposits of sediment or other materials on the walls of heat exchanger tubes that restrict flow and efficient heat transfer. SEDIMENTATION - a type of fouling caused by deposits of dirt, clay or dust. Work the self-teaching frames starting on the next page. Be sure to use the cardboard mask to cover the response column on the right-hand side of each page. 'SELF-TEACHING FRAMES 1. A condenser is a type of heat exchanger that heat from a fluid that requires 2. Condensers can use either or as the cooling medium, 3. This is a water-cooled condenser. ‘STEAM IN WARM WATER ‘The shell-side fluid in this condenser is. 4. The tube-side fluid is cool 5. As the steam flows across the tubes, it releases some of its to the water, 6. When the steam is cooled, it to water and falls into the hot well at the bottom of the condenser. steam water heat condenses 7 10, 1. 12. 13, Here is an air-cooled condenser. Air-cooled condensers are especially valuable where water is very scarce. FINNED Sienm TUBING Ld CONDENSATE our. In this type of condenser, the steam is fed into the Aan is used to biow. across the tubes. ‘The tubes have ________, which increase the heat transfer surtace area. ‘As the cool air blows across the tubes, it absorbs heat from the inside the tubes, This lowers the temperature of the steam, causing it to con- dense to Because water is a better conductor of heat, an air-cooled exchanger (is / is not) as efficient as a water-cooled exchanger. But, because it uses air instead of water to cool, this type of ‘exchanger (is / is not) very economical fins, steam water, or liquid ig not Heat Exchanger Systems Reter to Exhibit 2. 14, 15, 16. v7, The heat exchanger system shown in Exhibit 2 includes a fractionating tower and a The condenser uses medium. as the cooling Hot vapors from the tower are cooled and liquified as they ass across the condenser's Some of this liquid is drawn off as ovezhead product. The rest is used as tower. Refer to Exhibit 3. to coo! hot vapors inside the 18, The system shown in Exhibit 3 consists of a furnace, a depro- 19, 20. 22. 24. panizer, and a type reboiler. ‘A reboiler is another type of heat exchanger in which one of the fluids changes its physica! state. It is an important compo- ent in any system. Let's look at how the system works. The furnace heats which is then pumped into the tubes of the reboiler. Liquid isobutane flows from the bottom of the depropanizer into the ( shell / tubes ) of the reboiler. ‘The heat from the oil moves through the tube walls to heat the . Which begins to boll. ‘The isobutane vapors are then channeled back to the depro- Panizer where they allowing distillation to take place, the liquid on the trays, ‘After the oil passes through the reboiler, it is sent back to the Refer to Exhibit 4 for reheating. 25. This exhibit shows another type of reboiler ~ a thermosyphon ‘eboiter. Its purpose is to keep the deethanizer operating at the proper at condenser water tubes reflux kettle distillation. it shell isobutane heat fumace temperature 31 ‘A fauid (propane and propylene) from the bottom of the frac- tionating tower is heated in the reboiler and goes back to the tower as a combination of fiquid and —__ vapor ‘A thermosyphon reboiler works like a kettle reboiler in that both break down a liquid into vapor and liquid components. However, the liquid and vapor are removed in separate streams only in the (kettle-type reboiler / thermosyphon reboiler). kettle-type reboiler ‘As Exhibit 4 shows, the propane and propylene are (shel side / tube-side ). tube-side ‘The shell-side inlet fuid is steam In the process of giving up heat to vaporize the propane and Propylene, the steam ———____ condenses When the shellside steam leaves the exchanger, it has con- densed and is a liquid, or condensate This drawing represents flow on the outside of one tube and on the inside of another. VAPOR-LIQUID MIXTURE: WATER OUTSIDE OF. As the steam gives up heat, it condenses on the outside of the tubes as. water 33. The water collects and runs out the of the exchanger. Inside the tubes, the heat given up by the steam causes ‘some of the propane-propylene to bail. The boiling begins closer to the of the tube bundle. A mixture of vapor and liquid is (heavier / lighter ) than an equal volume of liquid only. Since the vapor-liquid mixture is lighter than the liquid enter- ing the inlet, t moves ( upward / downward } in the tubes. 37. This natural citculation is called thermosyphon. ‘Moving liquid through a thermosyphon reboiler (does / does ot) require a pump. 38. The flow of liquid is produced by the formation of 39. Vapor in the tubes flows rapidly, carrying with it entrained droplets of fiquid, Since they leave the exchanger in one stream, a vapor space (is 1 is not ) necessary. Look at Exhibit § 40. As you'll recall from the audio-visual portion of this program, coolers are used to lower the _____of a liquid or vapor. 41, Often more than one unit is required to do the job, In Exhibit 5, two heat exchangers are used to _______ the Crude oil, and to begin cooling the kerosene. 42, Two more are used to further _____ the kerosene for storage. bottom top lighter upward does not vapor is not temperature: preheat 43. This drawing shows two ways to connect heat transfer units into a stream. | SERIES CONNECTION ON THE TUBESIDE PARALLEL CONNECTION ON THE TUBESIDE The incoming flow is split in a ( parallel / series ) connection. {na series connection, (all / only a part) of the stream goes through each exéhanger. Im Exhibit 5, the shell-side kerosene flows in ( series / parallel ) through the coolers. 46, The tubeside water flows in (series / paralel) through the cooters. | 47. Notice the connection on the crude preheaters. ‘They are connected in _______ on bath the tube- . side and the sheil-side. Look at Exhibit 6 48. Finally, fet's review the waste heat boiler. The waste heat boiler uses the waste heat from ot ol, which must be cooled before it is stored, to produce ________ for the plant ‘steam system. 49. Hot oil, the shell-side fluid, is drawn off the bottom of the _ tower. parallel series parallel parallel steam fractionating 50. The tube-side fluid is water drawn from the 51. Oil entering the shell flows (straight through and out / back and forth across the tubes ). 52. AS it absorbs heat from the oil, some of the water starts to boil in the first half of the tubes. STEAM WATER DROPLETS VAPOR BUBBLES By the time the water gets to the other end, most of the ‘space in the tubes is taken up by 53. At the end of the tubs, the steam tlows along with the unvaporized water, which is in the form of small 54. So, the fluid leaving the boiler is a______of steam and water. 55. When the vaporliquid mixture enters the steam drum, the droplets of water fall to the bottom. ‘The lighter steam remains in the (top / bottom) half of the steam drum and is sent to the plant steam system. Heat Exchanger Operations 56. Every exchanger is designed to operate at a temperature and pressure listed on a plate attached to the exchanger. If the exchanger is operated at a pressure that is higher than the one specified, chances of tube or shell failure ( decrease / increase ). steam drum back and forth across the tubes droplets mixture top increase 87. 58. 60. 61. 63, Running an exchanger above specified temperatures can also ‘cause problems! For example, in a typical recirculating water ‘system, corrosion inhibitors and acid keep scale dissolved in the fluid. High temperature may cause the scale to precipitate out and the exchanger. i {f the fouling builds up, it will _______fluid flow. In other processes, where heat is used to separate water and hydrocarbons, too low a temperature will also (increase / decrease) the éxchanger’s efficiency, ‘One way of controlling temperature in the exchanger is by controlling the rate of water flow. For instance, decreasing the rate of water flaw will ( dacrease/ increase) the rate at which heat leaves the exchanger Therefore, the temperature inside the exchanger However, the velocity of the cooling water cannot be allowed |and its temperature must not be allowed to go too high, or solids entrained in the fluids right precipitate and_______ | the exchanger. Starting up a heat exchanger and bringing it to operating tem- perature after it has been out of service must be done care- fully. There are several considerations. Be sure that the {ubes are completely clean and free from any type of, : ‘Any sediment or debris left in the tubes may —___ fluid flow, and eventually require that the ‘exchanger be taken out of service for cleaning. It is also important to purge the exchanger with inert gas or ‘steam to ensure that there will be no mixing of hydrocarbons and air, which is potentially : ‘The shell and tue bundle of the exchangers may be made of different materials which will react ( similarly / differently ) to temperature changes. foul restrict decrease decrease increases, or rises foul fouling restrict explosive, or dangerous, oF hazardous differently 67. nm. 74, %. 76. ‘A sudden temperature change will cause (rapid / slow) ‘expansion of the exchanger parts. It the shell and tubes expand at different rates, the exchanger Parts will be subjected to. The stress on the exchanger parts may result in tubes. Therefore, during start-up or shutdown, any temperature changes must be made ( slowly / rapidly ). Cold fluid should never be suddenly introduced into a hot ‘exchanger. Similarly, hot fluid should never be suddenly intro- ‘duced into a ‘exchanger. ‘As you start up the exchanger, the cooling fluid is introduced first. Then the hot fluid is gradually added and the exchanger is brought up to temperature. Similarly, when shutting down the exchanger, the flow of hot fluid is stopped first. With no input of hot fluid, the exchanger gradually 7 Then the flow of fluid is stopped. Correct operating temperature can be found on the name plate of the exchanger itself or on the specification sheets provided by the manufacturer. If the exchanger gets too hot, it may cause damage to the Temperatures above or below specifications may aitow ‘sediment to drop out of the fluid and exchanger. Keep a close eye on your temperature and pressure gages. They will often aiert you to problems within the exchanger. The best way to detect changes in temperature and pressure is to keep a record of your observations. Keeping records will alow you to recognize a problem imme- diately and correct it. This ensures that the heat transter rate remains. a7 rapid broken, or ruptured slowly cold ‘operating cools tubes efficient Troubleshooting 78. 3 85. 87. Trouble in a al exchanger is almost always indicated by changes in températures, pressures, or flow rates. ‘One comman problem is fouling. Fouling is a general term which describes the buildup of various kinds of deposits on the parts of the exchanger. Foulng in an exshanger causes a general of efficiency. If fouling restricts the passage of fluid, the drop in pressure across the exchanger wil! ( decrease / increase ). In other words, if takes (less / more ) pressure to move the fluids through thelexchanger. Fouling may slo cause the flow rate through the exchanger to___|- So, an incteaséd pressure drop across the exchanger, a lower flow raté, and a general loss of efficiency are all symptoms of 7 Leaks are more difficult to detect than fouling because they cause less obvious changes in temperatures, pressures, and flow rates. Depending on the size of the leak, this type of problem may resutt in a loss oflheat exchange etticiency or cause the pres- sure drop across the exchanger to ( decrease / increase ), In the event that the operator suspects leaks inside the exchanger, preliminary tests can be made without dis- mantiing. Such tests cat be run on either the tube.side or -side of the exchanger. If the two fluids in the exchanger have different physic Properties (like water and cil it is usually ( easy / difficult) to tell them apart. The easiest way ots fr faks so take a sample om the (higher / lower ) pressure fluid. If the fluids are water and oil, for example, then it is easy to see if there is a teak by just _______at the sample. 8 loss, or decrease increase more decrease fouling Shell 90. 1 92, 95, If the fluids are very similar, a chemical test ( may / may not ) be necessary. If visual or chemical tests do not indicate a leak, the exchanger may need to be taken out of service for further testing. These further tests are called hydrostatic tests because they usually invalve using under pressure. In the case of a tube-side test, the shelkside fluid is drained, and a drain point, such as @ disconnected lower nozzle or bleeder valve, is left ( open / closed }. The tube-side fluid is replaced with water under pressure whieh fills the tube bundle. If there are leaks in the tubes or at the tube ends, the pres- surized water in the tube bundle wil be forced through the leak points into the The fluid will accumulate in the bottom of the shell and even- tually run out the ________ points where it can be observed by the operator. Because the leak may be small and because fluid must acou- ulate in the shell before it will run from the drain point, such 4 test usually takes ( some time / ite time ). The same kind of test can be made on the shaitside of the ‘exchanger. In @ shell-side test, the tube-side of the exchanger is drained of fluid, and a tube-side is left open. ‘The shell is filed with water under pressure. Fluid running from the tube-side drain point will indicate a in the tube bundle. If preliminary tests indicate a leak, the exchanger is partially dismantled to determine the of the leak through further tests. may water open shell drain some time rain point source, or cause 99. 100, 101. 102, 103. During shutdown and start-up operations, nitrogen or other inert gases are used to purge the exchanger of hydrocarbons and air. These inert gases are sometimes trapped in an exchanger where they interfere with the heat transfer process. The effectiveness of a heat exchanger is ( enhanced / reduced) by the presence of inert gases. This type of problem can be solved by SESSSEESEL gases to the atmosphere. Air and noncondénsible vapors cause special problems in condensers. | Air in a water- poled Gonenser causes vapor binding, which reduces the efficiency of the heat To help eliminate vapor binding, @ __ is provided in the water exit line. Noncondensible vapors in the process side of the condenser can also cause a_____ buildup in the exchanger. Because the vend do not condense, they take up surface area in the condenser. A loss in surface area causes a loss in the capacity of the condénser. This can be corrected by venting the process side of the con- denser to release the noncondensible : reduced venting, or removing vent pressure cooling gases 2, REVIEW WORKBOOK PERIOD NUMBER 3 . Condensers use water or ait to hot vapors. A. heat 8. cool ©. pressurize A kettle-type reboiler Serves to heat liquids so that the vapors can be used for A. distillation 8. cooling ‘The general term for the build-up of deposits on the parts of ‘an exchanger Is called: A. sealing, 8B. corrosion. ©. algae. 0. fouling. Amixture of both liquid and vapor exits the tube-side in the -type reboiler. A. kettle: B. thermosyphon . Connecting heat transfer units can be done in several ways. tte tube side flow passes trough each exchanger, the connection is. A. parallel 8. series 7 To put a heat exchanger on-line, which fluid should be introduced first? A. The cooling fluid 8. The hot fluid C. Both the cooling and the hot fluid are introduced at the ‘same time. 3t - B. cool . DB. fouling. 1. B, thermosyphon oH Ra wN A. distillation. B. series i A The cooing ula ANSWERS ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6 10. 1. If you find that the temperature inside the heat exchanger is too low, fower the: A. pressure of the hot fluid. B. temperature of the hot fluid. ©. velocity of the cooling water. D. temperature of the cooling water. . Which of the following inaicates fouling? A. Fluid flow restriction 8. A decrease in heat transfer efficiency C. An increase in pressure drop D. All ofthe above . One way to determine if there are leaks is to take a sample of the fluid which is under the ‘and visually check for a mixture of two fluids. pressure A. higher B. lower When taking a heat exchanger offline, the flow of the id is stopped first. A. cool B. hot If the tube-side and sheil-side fluids are similar in appearance, test the sample chemically or perform a test. A. ionic B. pour C. hydrostatic C. velocity othe cooling water. D. Al of the above B. lower | Brot | |. C. hycrostate | | | | I ! i ANSWERS ITEMS 7 THROUGH 11 TSMC Rohs ESR a SSL ng)

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