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“Gulliver’s travels appeared for the first time on the stage on 28th October 1726.Its
immediate and tremendous success was not a matter of chance. Although swift gave a
first and rendered account of his experiences but most of the critics are of the view
that it look life time experience of knowledge for swift to write such a master piece.It
has rarely delighted the young ones and has a deep relationship to the society of his
age.Lesile Stiphen remarks

“This book reveals a reaction about the political religious and intellectual
tendencies of its age”.

Arbuthnot remarks about the relation of Gulliver and society in this words.

“Gulliver is marry man that at his age can write such a marry work .”

Gulliver’s travel is in four volumes a record of four voyages of Samuel Gulliver ,and
his four adventures in four astounding countries . Joseph Horrel says;

‘’The four books themselves are linked by contracts and each illuminates its

Swift not only added a book to literature but it is also regarded as a masterpiece in
world’s literature. It delights the young one’s and became a fanciful story of joy,
pleasure ,delight and excitement .It was not only a funny story but it has also serious
implications .

“It exposed the so-called society of his age with its political, social ,scientific and
religious fallacies and gross gross corruption of man’’

Swift was indeed the spokes man of his age .He has really exposed the so-called
society of his age .His views about his society and world’s views seems to be
reactionary because they thought that ordinary life was not worth living .Swift
uplifted the poor and low class of his society.Arbuthnot said ;
“He is an honest and sincere man who speaks truth when other are afraid of it

Swift serves to give the basic thought and leaves it on reader ‘’ to do the rest ’’In
fact Swift has shown the real image of his contemporary society to his people just
with the aim of his morality.He gave people the basic material for revolution and left
it on the readers do to the rest.He believed that the writer main aim is to motivate
people to come out in their field and come to the revolutionize their lives .Then it
depend on the people that whether they are practical or not .

Swift has shown the gross corruption of his society in school and institutions in four
voyages. In his first voyage to Lilliput he has shown pigmies of six inches .Gulliver
is the man of huge size in Lilliput he has given the name ‘’ Man Mountain” .The
satire in this voyage directed towards the political and religious condition of his
age .Gulliver’s adventures in Lilliput are resembled with the wars and works of
religious and political men of his age but they are hidden under the thick coverage of
satire .We find a playful irony in this episode as William Hazlitt;

“His better genius was his spleen .It was the better acrimony of his temper that
sharpened his other faculties ……….. his playful irony was the result of inward
bitterness of thoughts ’’

In his second voyage to Brobdingnag he has shown the man of enormous size and
he tried to show that how enlarged people in respect of politics and status tread with
all laws and government . Brobdingnag seems to be utopia of Swift while Gulliver
has come from morally corrupt society , so he is completely blind to the moral
values the moral values of his strange city .Introduction of second voyage is based
on moral lesson after giving some detail of English people and that is :

“ Life is a thing to be felt not to be spent’’

The first two voyages show how effectively Swift uses the idea of the great chain of
being .The philosopher Pascal had asked what is man in nature and had thus
answered the question .

“Nothing in comparison with the infinite , and all in comparison with the
nothing , a mean between nothing and everything ’’

The account of Swift’s third voyage to Laputa is regarded as least successful

.However one critic is of the view that it is the funniest portion of the book .It is a
kind of fantacy on two themes under a single metaphor is science and the themes
shown so-called scientific research and obscure. In third voyage , he has shown
the preference of his people in intellect over passion . He has condemned these
feelings and has ridiculed the scientific situations and achievements of his time .In
this section , he has used a metaphor under two themes the sciense and absurd
ideas .Here Swift ;

“Ridiculing philosophers ,scientist,academies,intellectual,in fact all those people

whose theories are useless for practical use ’’

Swift’s fourth voyage to Houyhnhnms marks the climax of the story.The cause of
various attacks of critics is their misunderstanding of this particular portion of the
book . The charge of Misanthropy on Swift is also due to this misunderstanding .It is
true that Swift has shown the one side of the pictures.He proves himself a
misanthrope and says ;

“There is more of evil and wickedness in human nature than goodness’’

The land of Houyhnhnms is a rationalist paradise .The word Houyhnhnms means

“perfection of nature’’ They are embodiment of pure reason.They believe that
reason is alone is sufficient to govern a rational creature. Reason strikes them with
immediate opinion and on contrary passions are unknown to them .

“They are far from love , friendship,curiosity,fear,sorrow,anger and hatred’’

Yahoos are quite opposite to Houyhnhnms .They are evil mischievous,lustful and
irrational .Yahoos are dehumanized creature ,represent emotional self of man .Swift
prefers horses on human beings .So he is charge with the charge of misanthropy .

We see that everything is clear and simple in its style except the allusions.The brief
account of Gulliver’s four travels shows his adventures , dangers,and excitements
that he faced during his journey.
Q2 Jonathan Swift as a social satire

“Gulliver’s travels” is a great work of social satire. Swift age was

an age of smug complacency. Corruption was rampart and people were
seeking pleasure in doing any evil without any having any least compunction
on their side . Thus Jonathan swift tears the veil of smug complacency off to
expose the reality which people had blinded themselves. In Gulliver’s travel
from voyage to voyage, there is a satire of politics, human physiognomy,
intellect and on moral shortcoming
Social satire:

In the first voyage to Liliput ,Swift satirizes on politics and political tactics
practised in England through the picture of liliput .Swift mocks the manner which
political offices were
awarded by English king in his time. Flimnap , the treasurer,represent Sir Robert
Walpole , the prime Minister of England. Dancing on tight ropes symbolizes
Walpole’skill in Parliament tactics and political intrigues .
Reldreseal represents Lord Carteret who was Ingratiated by Walpole to become
Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.The ancient temple in which Gulliver was housed might
be an oblique reference to Westminster Hall where Charles-l had been condemn to
death , SWIFT mocks at the English king's
conferment of there fine silk threads to his political favourite
Swift is also pithy on his detail of the annoyance of the Empress of Liliput on
extinguishing the fire of her palace is a a reference to queen Anne ‘s annoyance
with him on writing
“A Tale of a Tub “in which Swift had attacked religious abuses but queen
misinterpreted the book and got annoyed Swift satire become amusing when Gulliver
speaks of the conflict that highlight the theological dispute, between the big – Endian
and the little- Endians in Liliput . Thus Swift ridiculing the conflict between the
Roman Catholic and Protestant.
In the second voyage to Brobdingnag, Swift satires on the conciseness and
ugliness of the human body.Here Swift looks at the mankind with different lenses.
People in the Brobdingnag are 60 to 80 feet height . Not only men and women are
huge in size but every object of life is of enormous size which give a sheer contrast
image than that of Liliput . Gulliver here is an object of curiosity due to his micro
size . Gulliver gives an account , to the king of Brobdingnag of the life of his
own country , the trade the wars, the conflicts in religion , the rift between the
political parties ---the king mocks and observe how contemptible is human grandeur
which is being mimicked by such diminutive insects as Gulliver . The king mocks at
the human race of which Gulliver is the represent
“” It cannot but conclude the bulk of your natives to be the most pernicious race
of little odious vermin that nature ever suffered to crawl upon the surface of the
earth. “”

Swift satirizes the ugly sights of human human physiognomy . There is a man with
a huge tumor in his neck;another beggar has wooden legs ,each about two feet
high .But the most hateful sight is that of the lice crawling on their clothes .This
description reinforces Swift ‘s views of to ugliness and foulness of the human body.

In the third voyage to various islands there is a satire on human intellect,misuse of

his sagacity on science . Here swift satire in not very bitter yet it envelopes the follies
and absurdities made by man on the name of scientific Progress.

“” Their hands were inclined either to the right or to the left one of their
eyes turned inward,and the other directly up to Zenith””

Here Swift mocks at the diverted intellect of scientists, academics, planners and all
those who only proceed theories and are practically nil.Swift also satirizes historian
and literary critics through Gulliver’s interviews with the ghost of famous dean,

In the fourth voyage to Houyhnhnm there is a sharp and poignant satire on

human moral short comings .This voyage contains the most crosswise and offensive
satire on mankind . Here horses are ruling over man.

The description of Yahoos( who represent human beings )given to is by Gulliver is

pathic .

“”Yet I confess I never saw any sensitive being so detestable on

all accounts; and more I come near them the more hateful

they grew””

By contrast the Houyhnhnms are noble and benevolent animals who are governed
by reason and who lead an ordered life .So it was a lathel attack on human race to be
represented inferior to Houyhnhnms mentally and morally .Gulliver tells master
houyhnhnms of all the evils and vices that were prevailing in European countries .He
also tells us about deadly weapons and wars and corruption of ministers.He also tells
us about the life style of the Yahoos .

Finally we conclude that “”Gulliver’s travels “” is a great piece of art containing

social satire in it .Every satirist heart a reformist. Swift also wants to reform the
society pinpointing the vices and shortcomings in it .So he has been very successful
in accomplishing his self-imposed duty.

Q3Gulliver’s Travels: A Social and Political Allegory

What is Allegory?

Allegory means a story supported two levels, “apparent level and deeper”. Swift’s

polemical tour de force ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ may be a multi-genre text working on
many levels. It is directly a folk-myth, a pleasant children's story,
a wonderful travelogue, a neurotic fantasy, and an unequivocal moral tale. Each of
the four books—recounting four voyages to fictional exotic lands—may have a
special theme but all are the attempts to deflate excessive human pride. Critics hail
the work as a satiric reflection on the shortcomings of Enlightenment thought.

The form and structure of the entire work enhances Swift's purpose. By using
outlandish humans like midgets and giants, Swift allows us to look at the fallacies of
mankind without being overly frightened. As Tuveson points out, "In Gulliver's
Travels there may be a constant shuttling back and forth between real and unreal,
normal and absurd.”
From the beginning the Lilliputians arouse our interest and win our liking. The
pigmies of Lilliput ingeniously capture the enormous whom chance has sew their
shore. Gulliver becomes an object of curiosity. he's instantly given the name “Man-
Mountain”. the way during which several ladders are applied by the Lilliputians to
feed Gulliver and therefore the way Gulliver cripples the fleet of Blefuscu by his
hand is incredible and exciting. Similarly the customs of Lilliputians, their dancing
on the tight rope, conflict between Big Endians and tiny Endians, and between high
heel and low heel also are an excellent source of amusement to us. Moreover, “they
bury dead with their head directly downward because they hold an opinion that in
eleven thousand moons, they're all to rise again” which catches our attention.

Next, Gulliver reaches the island of Brobdingnag whose inhabitants are giants with a
proportionately gigantic landscape. Here, Gulliver is exhibited as a curious midget,
and features a number of local dramas like fighting giant rats. He is frightened by a
puppy, rendered ludicrous by the tricks of a mischievous monkey and embarrassed by
the lascivious antics of the Maids of Honour. Gulliver’s adventures in Brobdingnag
keep the interest of a young reader alive.

The voyage to Laputa, Lagado and other islands is additionally filled with interesting
and mysterious incidents. In Laputa, the Flying Island, every eatable thing e.g. the
mutton, the beef, or the pudding, is given geometrical shape or the form of
instrument. the way during which flappers are employed to draw the eye of their
master and therefore the way tailor takes his measure by employing a quadrant, rule
and compasses is additionally very funny. The experiments which are ongoing at the
academy of projector in Lagado are preposterous and fantastic.

In the fourth voyage, Gulliver’s adventure touches the apex once we see him within
the land of Houyhnhnms, the philosophical horses. The horses can ask each other and
may even teach their language to a person's being. They so skilled and ingenious that
they will execute such improbable tasks as threading needles or carrying trays, then
complacent in their belief that they're the “Perfection of Nature”.

So on the apparent level, all the four voyages contain the situations and incidents
filled with delightful adventures a really">during a very funny and interesting
manner and one can hardly reckon that these funny episodes of adventure can bear in
deep sense a very lethal and poignant satire on the follies and absurdities of

The first voyage especially contains Swift's the foremost memorable shots at the
political figures of his time. Flimnap’s dancing on the tight rope symbolizes Sir
Robert Walpole’s dexterity in parliamentary tactics and political intrigues. The
phrase “one of the king’s cushions” refers to at least one of king George I’s
mistresses who helped to revive Walpole after his fall in 1717. High Admiral Skyresh
Bolgolam which seems to be Gulliver’s ‘mortal enemy’ represents Earl of
Nottingham while Reldresal may represent Lord Townshend or Lord Carteret who
was appointed Lord Lieutenant of eire by Walpole.

Gulliver’s extinguishing of the hearth within the queen’s palace is an allegorical

regard to Queen Anne’s annoyance with Swift on writing “A Tale of a Tub”. The
queen misinterpreted the book and got annoyed. The conflict between the Big-
Endians and therefore the Small-Endians in which “eleven thousand persons have, at
several times, suffered death instead of undergo break their eggs at the smaller
end” is the satirical allusion to the bitter schism and theological disputes between
Roman Catholics and Protestants. Similarly Swift pokes fun at ‘Whigs’ and ‘Tories’
the 2 political parties in England by distinguishing from their low heels and high

In the second voyage of Gulliver, there may be a general satire on humanity and

human physiognomy. Much of this voyage is formed from lampooning British
political history. After Gulliver tries to extol the virtues of his country-men, the king
deduces that the history of Gulliver’s country “was only a heap of conspiracies,
rebellions, murders, massacres, revolutions, banishments” etc. When Gulliver tries to
enhance his condition by offering him the key of gun-powder, the king is horrified
and dismissively concludes that “the bulk of your natives to be the foremost
pernicious race of little odious vermin that nature ever suffered to crawl upon the
surface of the earth”

In the description Laputa, “Floating or Flying island”, there is satirical allusion to

English constitution and British colonial policy. The revolt of Lindalino becomes an
allegory of Irish revolt against England and England’s violent foreign and internal
politics. Swift also takes shots on certain ‘high-minded’ intellectuals who literally
have their heads within the clouds. Among the sights Gulliver visits in his third
voyage to Laputa, is that the grand academy of Lagado, full of ‘projectors’ whose job
is to return up with new ideas and inventions. The scientists are here busy trying “to
extract sunbeams out of cucumbers, to convert human excrement into its original
food, to create houses from the roof downwards to the inspiration, to get silk from
cobwebs”. This description is that the firm pointer to Swift’s cynical view of up to
date science and Royal Society of England

In his fourth and therefore the last voyage to the country of Houyhnhnmms, Gulliver
faces yet one more inversion and there's a sharp-pointed satire on human moral
shortcomings. Human beings here are represented as Yahoos—filthy, mischievous,
gluttonous, ugly monsters that covet for some ‘shining stones’.

By contrast, the Houhnhnms are noble and benevolent animals governed naturally
and Reason and their “grand maxim, is to cultivate reason, and to be wholly governed
by it.” . So it's a lethal attack on the humanity to be represented inferior to horses
mentally and morally. Gulliver tells his master-Houyhnhnm of all the evils and vices
that were prevailing in European countries. Gulliver also tells about the various
deadly weapons and therefore the wars in western countries which were fought
sometimes thanks to the “ambitions of princes” and sometimes due to “corruption of
the ministers.”

Thus we will conclude that “Gulliver’s Travels” may be a great work of allegory. the
entire book is written during a fanciful manner, but beneath the fiction and under the
surface there lies a significant purpose “to vex the planet instead of divert it”.

Q4Swift as a misanthrope
Swift isn't misanthrope rather he's a philanthrope .It is the
misunderstanding of these who think swift as a misanthrope . Gulliver’s travels is an
anatomy of attribute , a sardonic looking-glass ,often criticized for its apparent
misanthropy. it had been an indictment ,and it had been hottest among those that
were indicted.

On the topic of misanthropy Swift famously said ,” Principally I hate

and detest that animal called man “
In a letter to Pope Swift wrote :

I even have ever hated all Nations professions and communities and every one my is
towards individual .

He admits that the Chief end of all his labour is “to vex the planet instead of divert it”

Swift so violently ‘vexed’ the planet that different critics from his own
time to the present day have bitterly criticized him.Thackeray attacked his book
claiming it to be “filthy in word,filthy in thought ,furious ,raging, obscene”.Walter
Scott condemns Swift’s attack on mankind as severe, unjust and degrading “.

William Hazlitt however defends Swift against these charges :

What a libel is that this upon mankind ! What a convincing proof of misanthropy !
What presumption and what malice prepense, to shew men what they're , and to show
them what they need to be ! “

Gulliver’s travels as a magnifying mirror to point out us our faults

in order that we will see how far we've strayed from reasonable behavior .

Paul Turner writes of Gulliver’sfour voyages .” The four pictures form a

series ,in which the view grows gradually darker ,that is, they represent stages in
Gulliver’s disillusionment “.

within the first a part of the book , Swift takes us to the land of midgets, the “
attribute creatures less than six inches high . Lilliput may be a miniature empire with
a touch monarch who entitled himself as * delight and terror of the .universe “.

In Liliput ,which is ,quite literally, a microcosm ,the vices and follies not
merely of England but of all mankind are epitomized . The humanity viewed in
miniature ,at first seems rather charming, malicious, treacherous and revengeful
.They are able to sacrifice all human feeling ,whether towards Gulliver or the Blefus
cudians ,to their own poetry In Brobdingnag, however ,it is as we are watching
humanity through a hand glass Gulliver is usually repulsed by both the dimensions
and coarseness of physical bodies of the Brobdingnagians . But Swift throws during a
nice twist with the primary two parts of Gulliver’s Travels . Through the
Brobdingnagians are more repulsive physically due to their size , they're categorized
by Gulliver as “the least corrupted “.

When Gulliver gives brief description of the political and legal institutions of
England to Brobdingnagian king, the king dismissively concludes “the bulk of your
natives to be the foremost pernicious race of little odious vermin that nature ever
suffered to crawl upon the surface of the world. “

Swift was never one among the optimistis typical of his century. He didn't
believe that the age of science was a triumph . Science and reason needed limits, and
that they didn't require absolute devotion . so as to satirize mankind generally and
science especially ,Swift takes us to an imagery floating island where the inhabitants
were wholly engrossed in their fruitless meditation.

Swift's alleged misanthropy reaches its crescendo within the fourth voyage of
Gulliver. As Gulliver reaches land governd by philosophical horses Houyhnhnms ,he
is instantly confronted with a pack of Yahoos which give him such an obnoxious and
disgusting treatment that he develops an intense hatred for them ,owing to their vile
physical appearance and their filthy and mischievous way of life Gulliver highlights “
Upon the entire , I never behold altogether my travels so disagreeable an animal, nor
one against which I naturally conceived so strong an antipathy “.

The Houhnhnms ,on the opposite hand ,are edued with a proportionable
degree of reason and oderly and rational, acute and judicious “ .They know neither
love nor grief nor lust nor ambition for they face each of those phenomena with
stoical calm .Their cardinal virtues are friendship and benevolence . The
Houyhnhnms are the perfection of nature while the Yahoos …..were observed to be
the foremost unteachable of all brutes.

Gulliver’s epiphany occurs he identifies himself With the detestable Yahoos

My horror and astonishment aren't to be described , once I observed during this

abominable animal an ideal human figure.

The theme of Gulliver’s hatred of mankind is climaxed when he told he

must leave Houyhnhnmland . He exclaims “that the certain prospect of an
unnatural death was the smallest amount of my evils, for …….how could i feel
with temper of passing my days among Yahoos .” Thus Gulliver would die than
live among his own race of Yahoo
That is that the reason we don’t identify Gulliver with swift and ,inspite of Gulliver’s
misanthropy, we call swift an excellent philanthropist. As he himself says :

I write for the noblest end , to tell and instruct mankind “


 Charles Lamb is a shining star within the sky of English essay. He's called the prince
among English essayists. His essays are the best in English prose. He delivered to
prose the best qualities of Romanticism. Lamb's readers appreciate him for his
wisdom, for his humanity, for his genial humour, for his profound pathos, for his
sweet temperament and for his style.

   BEGINNING: Born during a class family, Lamb came in touch with Cole ridge.
He started his career as a poet but couldn't succeed. He acquired immortal
recognition as an essayist. From 1820 to 1833, essay writing was his main
occupation. He wrote under the pseudonym of Elia. His first essay appeared within
the London Magazine in 1820. the primary volume of his essays was published in
1823 as Essays Of Elia and therefore the second because the Last Essays Of Elia in
1833. Each essay of Lamb may be a little wonder. Here we discover a fine
combination of wit, fancy, anecdote and reflection. consistent with Cazamian, he's in
particular an artist.


personal and autobiographical. They reflect his nobility of his soul, his disposition,
his simplicity, his geniality and his charity. Lamb talks about his relatives, friends
and acquaintances. But he's silent about the murder of his mother for the sake of his
sister. it had been she who killed Lamb's mother. He often changes the name of his
relations and mystifies the character by blending facts with fiction. Such deviations
don't alter the reality. he's friendly and intimate the reader. He takes him into his
confidence on private affairs. He frankly tells us about his childhood, his boyhood
and his manhood. Throughout his essays he remains uniquely personal and
autobiographical. His humanity is visible everywhere. Though the essays are
autobiographical, Lamb never gives the impression of being vain or proud. he's
greatest egoist without the touch of egotism.

   VARIETY OF THEME: Lamb's essays exhibit infinite variety. Here is God's

plenty. His essays satisfy the appetite of each taste. In his essays Lamb reveals
himself. he's a visualiser of memories. His essays provides a glimpse into his life and
thought. The essay 'Dream Children' is noted for its autobiographical description. it's
a reverie. the rationale behind the creation of this essay is that the death of his brother
John. It unveils the author's soul. it's filled with pathos. ' A Bachelor's Complaint' is
additionally an autobiographical and humorous essay. Here Lamb describes various
oddities of the married couples.

   HUMOUR AND PATHOS: As a humorist Lamb is unsurpassable in English

prose. there's no humorist more original than Lamb. His style is an expression of his
humour. He often interrupted a grave discussion with a light-weight jest. His essays
are marked with all reminder humour and delicate irony. Puns, absurd details, funny
situations and boisterous laughter usually occur in his essays. There are even
harmless strokes of fun at him and at others. The element of humour is balanced with
a tinge of sadness and a vein of reflectiveness. Pathos is an important aspect of his
humour. it's a consciousness of the pathetic in life that made him laugh. He laughed
to save lots of himself from weeping. Nostalgia and wistful longing often underlie his
laughter. In short, Lamb's humour may be a blend of jest and tears. ' The Dream
Children' is remarkable for its blend of humour and pathos.

   LAMB'S STYLE: Lamb's style is that the expression of his personality. His style
is inimitable. His essays have the charm of poetry. Conversational ease,
epigrammatic depth, emotional flexibility, reminiscent allusiveness all mark the
essays of Elia. Lamb's style is natural and original. he's remarkably influenced by the
17th century writers like Brown, Burton and Fuller. He often used obsolete latinised
words. Allusiveness may be a marked feature of his style. He often quotes from the
old writers to precise his feelings. Lamb makes frequent use of irony and pun. J. C.
Powys writes,' Elia's style is that the only thing in English prose which will be called
absolutely perfect.'

   CONCLUSION: Thus Lamb is that the finest and most charming of all English
essayists. He brought perfection to art of essay writing. it's Lamb who combines all
the essential elements of essay writing in his essays with great artistic excellence. In
short, Lamb's essays are a perennial source of interest and delight to all or any the
readers of English literature. Lamb remains one among the best-loved essayists of
English literature not just for the nobility of his life and gentleness of heart but also
for producing a body of literature unique in value.


The recent essay Work is one from the speeches of Ruskin's book "Crown of wild
olive". He delivers this speech to workingmen in the working institution. The essay is
the socio-economic criticism of European industrialization and outcome of the
industrialization. This essay shows Ruskin's rage against the machine and it
dehumanization in an industrial era. When machines were invented and factories and
industries were established there was no value for workers working by hand. This
industrialization created a competition among industrial people. Ruskin gives value
to product by hand and

He says,

"The thing created without toil is worthless and

"Machine ornaments are no ornaments at all".

The industrialization of Europe created class distinctions among people. Here Ruskin
talks about to eliminate this class differences by the justice and honesty with the

The main idea in the Essay The war Ruskin makes one of his major contributions to

theory when he points out that art does not imitate the natural world but makes
statements about it. According to him, painting uses structures of proportional
relationships between colors and forms to convey man's phenomenological
experience of the external world. Ruskin talks about the types of war but he
beautifully attachéd the idea of art with war.

In the essay Machine Throughout his life, Ruskin compared the industrialized
English landscape with the great Gothic architecture of medieval cities. One can only
imagine what Ruskin would say about today's engineered wood or viny! siding.
Ruskin said:

"It is only good for God to create without toil;

which man can create without toil is worthless:

machine ornaments are no ornaments at all."


INTRODUCTION: Hazlitt is a shining name within the history of English literature.
He earned wide acclaim as an essayist. His contribution to English essay is

HAZLITT'S STYLE: Hazlitt was an excellent prose writer and stylist. He wrote
with convictions which were deep and firm. He wrote with an aim to speak together
with his readers. Although he didn't strain after any particular style, he had a method
of his own. it's called the familiar style.

FAMILIAR STYLE: Hazlitt cultivated a private style which is named personal

style. Hazlitt himself describes the features of his style. This style is free from
affectation or vulgarity. It rejects all that's loose and unconnected. It doesn't use the
foremost fashionable word but the simplest word in common use. The words aren't
thrown together in any random combination. it's the essence of conversation. In short,
Hazlitt's style is natural yet admirably calculated for effect and communication. it's
precision and purity of expression.

THE USE OF WORDS : Hazlitt's style is characterised by clarity, vigour and force.
during this context words play important role. Hazlitt had a rare command over
words. He doesn't use archaic, irrelevant and superfluous words. consistent with him
the words should be contextually meaningful. he's averse to pompous style. He used
proper words at proper places.
FIGURES OF SPEECH, SENTENCE: Hazlitt frequently uses figures of speech to
stress his point of view. These figures are well integrated with the over-all essay and
increase the vividness and clarity of expression. His essays are replete with vivid
descriptions. He even describes abstract ideas in concrete terms. Once he says 'The
mind of a person is sort of a clock that's always running down, and requires to be as
constantly wound up'. Hazlitt's sentences are brief and abrupt, vigoruos and direct.
He often writes balanced, antithetical sentences to present the contrasting ideas.

APHORISM: consistent with Hugh Walker, 'Hazlitt is one among the masters of
aphorism. Like Bacon he's aphoristic. His essays are remarkable for the pregnancy of
expression, where one sentence would bear expansion into an essay. When Hazlitt
becomes violent in his prejudices, the force of his language is dominated by a tough
tone. At that point his sentences fall like blows of the hammer on the anvile. Hazlitt
is additionally praised for the utilization of epigrams and paradoxes. He are often
copious but never verbose. Another quality of his style is that the use of quotation.
He often quotes excessively.

AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL ELEMENT: within the hands of Hazlitt, essay became a

way of self-expression. He puts himself within the centre whatever be the subject of
the essay. He often glides into the past. He weaves the feel of his essays by the
threads of memory. He, thus, reveals his life and mind. he's passionately alive to men
and matters around him within the present. If he finds foibles and frailties in them, he
ridicules them. His writings are thus extensively utilized for exposing the follies of
the society and human life generally.

INFORMALITY: Hazlitt puts his ideas in an off-the-cuff manner. In spite of this

informality Hazlitt's essays aren't light in nature. they're serious and thought
provoking. it's said that Hazlitt is more curious about ideas than form. a number one
ideas is talked about. Thus new ideas are brought forward. This essayist has
conveyed his enjoyment and observation through his essays.

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