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PAGE 1: SKY Darkness filled the sky as the crickets started singing.

The cold breeze brushed

the skin of those outside while some are slowly going into their slumbers.

PAGE 2: There was a young boy named Daniel. Shortly after his dinner with his family, he took
a bath and wore his favorite pajamas so he could ready himself to bed.

PAGE 3: As Daniel drifted himself to his dream world, he suddenly woke up to an unfamiliar
place. He felt as though in space and he can see floating doors everywhere.

PAGE 4: Until a strange creature appeared in front of him. “Where am I?” The little boy asked.
The creature replied, “You are in your world of dreams. However, should you not complete the
challenges I give to you, you will never wake up.” As Daniel now know his situation, he listened
to the creature’s demands. The said creature wanted Daniel to enter the four doors that represent
the four rounds and complete the challenges given.

PAGE 5: Therefore, Daniel decided to enter the first door and he was greeted by a peaceful and
beautiful scenery. He heard the creature speak, “Daniel, once the sky darkens, a typhoon is
coming. Your challenge now begins.” After its warning, the creature suddenly disappeared,
leaving the boy surprised.

PAGE 6: Daniel doesn’t exactly know what his challenge is but the warning never left his mind.
Thus, he prepared everything for the upcoming typhoon. Later that evening, the disaster did
come. While he sheltered himself inside an abandoned house, there he witnessed how the strong
wind blew the leaves and branches away from the trees. As the typhoon’s momentum finally
died down in the morning, Daniel went out but the creature showed itself again.

PAGE 7: The creature asked him, “Daniel, tell me how you prepared before the typhoon.” The
boy showed the creature his backpack and inside, there are food, clothing, rope, and medicinal
herbs he could find. Satisfied with what it saw, it replied, “Very well, your challenge for this
round is to get ready before a typhoon therefore, you passed the first round. Let this be a lesson
to you that before a disaster you must get everything ready, Daniel.” Daniel nodded happily and
the creature then teleported themselves back to the unfamiliar place and let Daniel choose
another door.

PAGE 8: After choosing, Daniel entered the second door. Branches are scattering everywhere as
he realized the place was just struck by a typhoon from the first round then suddenly, a scream
can be heard from the distance. He tried looking at the creature but it's no longer to be found so
Daniel decided to find where the voice came from alone. Until from the distance, he saw an
overflowed river and a girl can be seen struggling to get out of the water. Daniel, as alert as he is,
get his rope from his backpack, tied the other end to the nearest tree while he threw the other to
the girl which she successfully caught and Daniel started pulling her out. At last, he saved the
Page9: Daniel and the girl who introduced herself as Kianna, tried to find a house to shelter.
Daniel lent his spare clothes, used his medicinal herbs on her mild injuries, and gave her some
food. Until the girl suddenly asked, "Why did you save a stranger?" Daniel responded, "Because
I believe there's nothing wrong on helping others who needed it. You needed help so I gave it to
you," Kianna’s lips curved a smile when she suddenly disappeared and at her place, was the
creature. Page

10: The boy was taken aback as the creature spoke, "Congratulations once again, Daniel. The
purpose of this round is to show your true kindness and you never failed to show it thus, you
passed the second round. Now, let us go back," The creature once again teleported themselves
and let Daniel enter the third door.

Page 11: After entering, he suddenly felt a tremendous heat coming from his place. The creature
was nowhere to be found again and Daniel tried to observe his surrounding and he realized he's
inside a house. "Just in: The earthquake has been constantly increasing in frequency due to the
active volcano ahead and might erupt within an hour. Those who live 40 miles radius away from
the volcano are in danger zones so we ask you to continue evacuating," He heard the creature's
voice in the television.

Page 12:, The boy went near the television and there he noticed a senior citizen sitting in front.
"Daniel, use the remaining time to evacuate before it erupts. Be reminded of the second round,"
the creature continued before the television turned off. Daniel was in complete confusion.
Second round? He thought. Daniel was told by the creature to evacuate but he couldn't leave the
elderly behind so he tried to approach him but the said elderly refused.

Page 13: minutes have passed but the elderly still keep on refusing to evacuate until he finally
spoke, "Why are you so eager to help me out? Didn't you say you help people because they are in
need? But I am not asking for one. Plus, I'm the only person left who hasn't evacuated so you can
go alone." Daniel finally understood why the creature told him to be reminded of the second
round. He answered, "For me sir, life is important even if they may be my family or a stranger's,
I still think we all should value it. That's why I don't want your life to be taken away by such a
disaster so please come with me to evacuate." The elderly was finally convinced and now they
started to evacuate.

Page 14:, As they enter the evacuation center, the creature approached them and Daniel also
noticed that there was no one around but only the three of them. The creature clapped,
"Congratulations for passing the third round. I hope you learned a lot from the first 3 rounds you
had." Daniel grinned while nodding. Before they teleported back to the unfamiliar place, the
volcano's eruption was heard.

Page 15:, SHELF Finally, the creature asked Daniel to enter the last door left. The moment
Daniel entered through it, he felt the ground shaking and he was inside a house again, he noticed.
“Due to the volcanic eruption, a strong tremor of the ground is occurring. For your last challenge
for this fourth round, you are to solve a mathematical problem."
Page 16:. “Take a look of that rubber ducky on the shelf,” Daniel watched as the rubber ducky
fell from the shelf due to the earthquake and Daniel caught it after its fourth rebound. “The
rubber duck on the shelf fell from a height of 24 meters bounces back ¼ (one-fourth) of a
distance it has dropped after each fall, how far will it rebound the fourth time? I will give you 20
minutes to answer.” 20 minutes have passed and Daniel finally found the right answer. His
answer was asked by the creature and Daniel showed his answer saying, ‘The rubber duck’s
distance after its 4th rebound is 3/12 meters.’

Page 17: The creature applauded him and it was about to end the challenge when Daniel
suddenly asked the creature a question out of his child curiosity. “We were already taught about
rain and flood but what about volcanoes? What caused them to form?” “Very well, there’s this
what we call plates which are pieces of the earth’s crust. Due to differential heating, it caused
convection currents which made the plates move. At the edges of the moving plates, the three
plate boundaries can be found. First is the convergent plate boundary where two plates are
colliding, the denser plate subducts beneath the lighter one. Second, divergent plate boundary
where the plates move away from each other and lastly, transform plate boundary wherein the
plates are sliding past each other,” The creature explained which Daniel responded with a smile
and a “thank you”.

Page 18: “Now that I have answered your question, I congratulate you for the fifth time Daniel
for completing the challenges that I gave to you. You can now wake up. It was a good journey
with you,” the creature bid. “But how can I, Mr. Creature?” The boy asked. “Just close your eyes
Daniel, and you’ll see,” and so, Daniel did what he was told.

Page 19: “Daniel, it’s time for breakfast!” He heard his mom knock as he slowly sat up from bed.
His lips formed a smile. It is indeed a great journey inside his world of dreams.

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