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Futsal Court Management System is developed to give an efficient system to the Futsal
Court management. In the existing system, customer needs to come to the futsal court to
make a booking. [2] However, by using this system, they can make the online booking
anywhere and anytime. This system covers online booking for customer and online
system for staffs.

2. Problem Statement

The major problems related to the futsal court is about their booking services. Some of
them are listed below:
 Most of people today having a busy lifestyle. However, basically, the people must
come to the Futsal Court to book court and other resources. And what if at the
same time, all of the court has fully booked. For sure, they are just wasting their
time. [3]
 The owner also keeps or records their booking data in a log book. The chance and
probability the data might lose are high.
 Another problem that can occur is when the team wants to book the futsal court,
there always happens the clashing between another teams. This happens because
the manual system does not have a proper management to handle it [3]

3. Objective

The main aim of this project is to design & develop a system which would assist the
people who love to play futsal and futsal court owner. The overall objectives of the
project are:
 To develop a web-based system of futsal court booking.
 To give confirmation message to the customer to approve booking.
 To save or record all booking data information in a database system which is
more secure.

4. Scope and limitation

The system is developed for the several different scopes.

 Customer – Enable customers booking court and other resources by using online
 Staffs – Edit equipment and all court’s management by using online system.
 Database–To store all the booking data securely.

The limitation for this system are:

 Requires internet
 Use paper coupon for package/membership

 Use online application
 Internal auditing
5. Methodology

5.1 Requirement Identification

5.1.1 Study of existing system: The current system in the Futsal Court that has been
used by the staffs and customers are only the manual system. This manual
system operates by recording all the booking data in a log book. Users need to
call or come to the Futsal Court by themselves to check the availability of the
court. After that, staffs need to check the logbook to see the recorded booking
data. If the court is available at the needed time, customers can proceed with
their booking process. And staffs will update the booking data in their
logbook. However, if the court is not available and has been booked, the
booking process will automatically terminate.

5.1.2 Requirement Collection: For the development of this system the things
that have to be collected are the number of grounds in the court,
number of arriving customers daily, availability of equipment and many
other resources. Use Case diagrams for Admin, Customer and Owner of the
court are created that are quite helpful for the development of the system. The
Use Case diagrams are as below:

Fig: Use Case diagram for the Admin and Customer

Fig: Use Case diagram for the Futsal Owner

5.2 Feasibility Study

 Technical: The system is prepared using visual C# language in .NET
Framework 4.5. So it will run online in any computer. All the functioning is
performed online so it will deliver a successful result or output.

 Operational: The system will be web based and has many good features for
the customer as well as staffs of the court. There is no any type of complex
coding so it is feasible to run and operate. And also it is easy to use and

 Economical: The system is created with open source taking the help of
different types of web pages and books. It is prepared with very much less
investment and doesn’t need high cost to install it. so it can be economically

5.3 Tools
5.3.1 Analysis and Design tools: Use of CASE tools accelerates the development of
project to produce desired result and helps to uncover flaws before moving

ahead with next stage in software development. Some of the CASE tools are
Analysis tool, Design tool, Documentation tool and Diagram tools.
Analysis tools help to gather requirements, automatically check for any
inconsistency, inaccuracy in the diagrams, data redundancies. Design tools
help software designers to design the block structure of the software, which
may further be broken down in smaller modules. [1] Documentation tools
generate documents for technical users and end users.
Diagram tools are used to represent system components, data and control flow
among various software components and system structure in a graphical form.
For example,, Flow Chart Maker tool for creating state of the

5.3.2 Implementation tools: The front End and Back End tools for the
implementation of this system are ASP.Net and SQL server. ASP.Net is used
as Front End and SQL server as Back End. HTML, CSS and JavaScript are
also used to design the webpage of the online system. Microsoft Visual Studio
Ultimate 2013 and Microsoft SQL server 2008 R2 are the two computer
software used.

6 High level design of Proposed System (by system flow chart)


Go to Login page of
the system

Input Username and


Verify Username No
& Password Display Error message


User (Staff and Manager) Futsal

Save User data Database
manages the system



Fig: overall flow chart of the system

7 Gantt Chart to show the projected time planning

8 Expected Outcome

Result of the tasks in this project is a computerized online system developed successfully
and completely with login, customer details, booking process, time and date that
available in schedule. The expected output of is an up-to-date system that increases data
management and data collection of the customers’ details in any futsal court. The system
improves access and exchange of information among and between management and
customers of any futsal court.

9 References

[1] Kitchenham, B. A. (1990). Software engineering for large software

systems. London: Elsevier Applied Science.
[2] Azmi, W. A. (2012). Futsal court management system. Kuantan, Pahang:
[3] Senior Project Proposal. (n.d.). Retrieved September 27, 2016, from

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