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Ad-Agent System Design


5.1 Introduction to System Design

Design is the phase that indicates the final system. It is the solution, the translation
of requirements into ways of meeting them. In this phase the following elements were designed
namely, dataflow, data stores, processes, procedures. Firstly the logical design was done where
the output, inputs and databases and procedures was formulated in a manner that meets the
project requirements. After logical design physical construction of the system is done.
After analyzing the various functions involved in the system the database and tables
are designed. Care is taken for the field name to be in self explanatory form. Unnecessary fields
are avoided so as not to affect the storage of the system. Care must be taken to design the input
screen in the most user friendly way so as to help even the novice users make entries
approximately in the right place.
All input screens in the system are user friendly. The sizes of all the screens are
standardized. The importance of the software design can be stated with a single word quality.
Design is a place where quality is fostered in software development. Design is the only way
where requirements are actually translated into a finished software product or system.

5.2 Input Design

Inaccurate input data are most common cause of errors in data processing. Errors
entered by data entry operators can be controlled by input design. Input design is the process of
converting user-oriented inputs to a computer-based format. Input data are collected and
organized into groups of similar data.
The goal of designing input data is to make data entry easy, logical and free from errors
as possible. In the design of input the following steps must be considered.
• The allocated space for each field.
• Field sequence, which must match that in the source document.
• The format in which data fields are entered
We have to keep in mind the following things to design the system
• What data to input
• What medium to use

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• The dialogue to guide users in providing input

• Methods for performing input validation and steps to follow when errors occur.
Input design is a part of overall system design which requires very careful attention.
Often the collection of input data is the most expensive part of the system, in terms of the
equipment used; it is the point of most contact for the users with the computer system; and it is
prone to error. If data going into the system is incorrect, then the processing and output will
magnify these errors. Thus the designer has a number of clear objectives in input design.
Some of the input designs are as follows:
• Vehicle Registration
• License Registration
• Permit Registration etc

5.3 Output Design

Outputs from computer systems are required primarily to communicate the result of
processing to users or sometimes to other systems, including machine – based systems. They are
also used to provide a permanent copy of these results for later consultation. These are various
types of output required by most systems, the main ones are:

5.3.1 External outputs

Whose destination is outside the organization and which require special attention because
they project the image of the organization.

5.3.2 Internal outputs

Whose destination is within the organization and which require careful design because
they are the user’s among interface with the computer.

5.3.3 Operational outputs

Whose use is purely within the computer department, e.g. program listings, usage
statistics etc.

5.3.4 Interactive outputs

This involves the user in communicating directly with the computer.

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Output Definition

The outputs should be defined in terms – type of output, content, format, location,
Some of the output designs are as follows:
• View of license registration
• View of vehicle number bidding management.
• Test location reports etc

5.4 Database Design

One of the most important tasks involved in the design phase is the design of data
storage. A database is a collection of interrelated data stored with minimum redundancy to serve
many users quickly and efficiently. The general objective is to make access easy, quick
inexpensive and flexible for the user. Relationships are established between the data items and
unnecessary data items removed.
Normalization is done to get an internal consistency of data and to have minimum
redundancy and maximum stability. This ensures minimizing data storage required, minimizing
chances of data inconsistencies and optimizing for updates. The MySQL database has been
chosen for developing the relevant database.

5.5 Form Design

The forms are used to show the different pages that we use to implement in the
proposed system. They can be used to implement different styles and features for the respective

5.6 Architectural Design

Architectural design represents the structure of data and program components that
are required to build a computer based system. It considers the architectural style that the
system will take, the structure and properties of the components that constitute the style, and the
interrelationships that occur among all architectural of a system.

5.7 System Modules

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Ad-Agent System Design

The project Ad-Agent consists of 5 modules:

Modules are:
1. Registration

2. Request reception

3. Bidding recieved requests

4. Online payment module for providing the payment facilities.

5. An ad posting facility and rating facility

6. Cstomer relationship management


This deals with registration of companies and experts with the site. companies and
experts are given different registration form. Using the details entered by the user in the
registration form user profile are created. Once registered, they will have a login id and password
and redirected to their corresponding pages. Their will be option for changing password ,edit
profile and send feedback to administrator .

Request reception

Receives requests from the company and the admin is responsible for forwarding it to the
experts. Along with the reception of requests the company should provide a bid date , budget
and the expected duration of the project.The request sent by the company is forwarded to the
various exerts by admin.

Bidding Requests

The requests sent to the various experts are get bided by the experts with the time period needed
and the expected amount. Acoording to the bidding done by the experts company will accept one project
among these .

Online payment module

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Online payment module provides the payment of experts and also to receive the payment
from the company. From the company the money receives through an account number and the
agency pays it to the experts and takes a commission also.

Ad posting and rating facility

In this module experts can upload their previous works and also get rated. According to
the analysis of the previous works done by an expert the company can rate the experts.

Customer relationship management

Both the companies and experts can post their comments and feedbacks through this site
and the admin will forward or reply for this comments.

5.8 Data Flow Diagram

5.8.1 Introduction to DFD

A data flow diagram is a graphical technique that depicts information flow and
transforms that are applied as data from input to output. The DFD is used to represent increasing
information flow and functional details. A level 0 DFD, also called a fundamental system model
or a context model, represents the entire software elements as a single bible with input and
output indicated by incoming and outgoing arrows respectively. Additional process and
information flow parts are represented in the next level i.e. Level 1 DFD. Each of the process
represented at Level 1 are sub functions of over all system depicted in the context model. Any
processes, which are complex in Level 1, will be further represented into sub functions in the
next level .i.e. Level 2.
DFD is a means of representing a system at any level of detail with a graphic network of
symbols showing data flows, data stores, data processes, data sources/destinations.
The goal of data flow diagramming is to have a commonly understood model of a system.
The diagram is the basis of structured system analysis. Data flow diagram area supported by
other techniques of structured systems analysis such as data structured diagrams, data

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dictionaries, and procedure representing technique such as decision table, decision trees, and
structured English.
The basic elements of DFD are:
Circle-Used to represent processes
Arrows-Used to represent data flow
Rectangles-Used to represent external entities
Open end boxes-Used to represent data store
In the normal convention, logical DFD can be completed using only 4 notations.

Data flow symbols

: Entities (Source or destination of data).

: Data flow.

: Process that transforms incoming data into outgoing.

: Data Store.

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Context level DFD for Ad-Agent

First level DFD for Ad-Agent

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Ad-Agent System Design

Second level DFD for Requesting Ads

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Ad-Agent System Design

Second level DFD for Registration

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Ad-Agent System Design

Second level DFD for Viewing, Uploading and Rating Ads

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Ad-Agent System Design

Second level DFD for Customer Relationship Management

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Ad-Agent System Design

5.9 Table structure


Attributes Datatype Constraints

bId Int(11) Primary key
accNo Int(15)
pin Int(7)
balance (decimal(12,2)


Attributes Datatype Constraints

bidId int(11) Primary key
bidMsg varchar(150)
duration varchar(15)
expAmount decimal(9,2)
date date
msgId int(11) Foreign Key
expId int(11) Foreign Key
status int(11)
refId int(11)


Attributes Datatype Constraints

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cmtId int(11) Primary key

comment varchar(250)
whoId int(11) Foreign Key
date date
toId int(11) Foreign Key
status int(11)
subject varchar(50)
reply varchar(150)


Attributes Datatype Constraints

cmpId int(11) Primary key
cmpName varchar(20)
cmpAddress varchar(50)
phoneNo int(11)
emailId varchar(25)
directorName varchar(20)
directorNo varchar(50)
directorEmail varchar(25)
lid int(11) Foreign Key


Attributes Datatype Constraints

expId int(11) Primary key
expName varchar(20)
expType varchar(20)
address varchar(50)
phoneNo int(11)

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emailId varchar(25)
prewrkdesc varchar(100)
bankId varchar(12) Foreign Key
ratingId int(11) Foreign Key
lid int(11) Foreign Key


Attributes Datatype Constraints

loginId int(11) Primary key
userName varchar(15)
password varchar(10)
status |int(11)
role varchar(15)


Attributes Datatype Constraints

mId int(11) Primary key
mediaType char(15)
mediaDesc varchar(30)


Attributes Datatype Constraints

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msgId int(11) Primary key

message varchar(500)
senderId int(11) Foreign Key
receiverId int(11)
date date
biddate date
status int(11)
duration varchar(15)
budget decimal(9,2)
refId int(11) Foreign Key


Attributes Datatype Constraints

ratingId int(11) Primary key
sAdId int(11)
rating varchar(20)
expId int(11) Foreign Key

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