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Questionnaire for Self-evaluation document on __________________________

program Filled by Technical Assistant

Good morning/Afternoon/Evening, Dear Respondent, We are from Dire Dawa Institute of

Technology (DDIT), ______________________________(quality committee members). We are
in the way of conducting a Self-evaluation document on the
_______________________________ program. Hence, this Questionnaire designed in order to
prepare a trustworthy and objective report as requested by (HERQA). You are kindly requested
to complete the question sincerely and honestly. All the information you provide will be kept
private and will be not used for any other purpose except for the intended academic study. We
would like to thank you in advance for sparing for your time and cooperating with us in this Self-
evaluation program.
NB: You may not provide your name.
Put an "X" mark in the boxes for close-ended and give a brief description of open-ended
questions accordingly from the table1 and 2 blow:

Part-I: General Information

1. Gender
Male: Female:
2. Qualification
3. Experience
<2 years: 2-4 years:

4-6 years: >6 years:

Part-II: Specific Information

You are kindly requested to respond to each questions by putting an “X" mark under the
appropriate number that suits your personal option. Choice a number from 0 to 5 as well as Yes
or No answers the following questions.

Table 1: Shows the meaning of the value in the 6-point scoring scale.

The meaning of the value in the 6-point scoring scale is as follows:

Scoring scale Assessment of the program quality
0 Nothing (no documents, no plans, no evidence) present
1 This subject is in the planning stage
2 Documents available, but no clear evidence that they are used
3 Documents available and evidence that they are used
4 Clear evidence on the efficiency of the aspect
5 Example of best practices

Table 2: Shows the quality and improvement activities, the 6-point scale

For looking at the quality and improvement activities, the 6-point scale could also be read as follows:
Scoring scale Quality and improvement activities
0 Absolutely inadequate; immediate improvements must provided
1 Inadequate, improvements necessary
2 Inadequate, but minor improvements will make it adequate
3 Adequate as expected
4 Better than adequate
5 Example of best practices

Focus Area- 3. Educational Resource yes No Remark

The Program is offered after the resources to support the
1 Program have been identified and put in place.      
Adequate lecture/seminar/tutorial/class rooms with sufficient
2 audio visual facilities;      
Access to an adequate collection of appropriate and up-to-date
books, reports, journals including audiovisual and electronic
resources required to support the needs of the Program and
3 research amongst staff and students;      
Computer laboratories with facilities for word processing,
spreadsheet, database, and presentation tasks, internet
4 connection, and online-searching of databases;      
Moot court, demonstration room, specialized computer lab,
basic sciences lab, workshops, studio and other skill/simulation
laboratories sufficient to provide practical and hands-on
training for students according to Program needs; and
5 (accreditation an reaccreditation guideline )      
Sufficient access to relevant software and hardware according
6 to the needs of the Programs and students      
The physical facilities for the Program comply with the relevant
7 laws, and with health and safety regulations      
The educational resources, services and facilities for the
Program are periodically reviewed to assess the quality and
8 appropriateness for current education and training needs.      
There is reliable arrangement made to meet the Programs
specific requirements in practical attachment (where high-end
facilities are required but not available in-house, the
Program/HEP should make arrangement with other institutions
9 for access).      
1 Students are provided with adequate social spaces/ lounges for
0 relaxation.      
Students are provided with at least first aid clinic and
1 counseling room where the specific need of students can be met
1 purpose
Students are provided with counseling room where their
1 specific needs can be met.
Provision of physical facilities is sufficient and appropriate for
1 the physically challenged.
The financial allocation dedicated to the Program is sufficient
1 to achieve its purpose.

NB: Criterion, the overall opinion should be based on the achievement or fulfillment of the
criterion as a whole. It should not be computed based on the average score of the statements
under each criterion.

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