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AU : 2020-2021

Section : Mastère Bigdata

Série Dataframe (3) en Python

Date : Décembre 2020 Responsable du cours : Yousfi Souheib

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Exercise 1 :
1. Write a Pandas program to import and display given excel data (coalpublic2020.xls)
into a Pandas dataframe.
2. Write a Pandas program to read specific columns (1,3,4) from coalpublic2020.xls file.
3. Write a Pandas program to import given excel data (coalpublic2020.xls) into a da-
taframe and find a specific MSHA ID = 103451.
4. Write a Pandas program to import given excel data (coalpublic2020.xls) into a data-
frame and draw a bar plot where each bar will represent one of the top 10 production.
Exercise 2 :
1. Write a Pandas program to import given csv file movies metadata.csv into a data-
frame and calculate the number of votes garnered by the 70% movie.
2. Write a Pandas program to display the movies (title, runtime) longer than 30 minutes
and shorter than 360 minutes.
3. Write a Pandas program to display the movies (title, number of votes) that received
500 votes.
Exercise 3 :
1. Write a Pandas program to display all the records of REGIONS.csv file.
2. Write a Pandas program to select distinct department id from employees.csv.
3. Write a Pandas program to display the first and last name, and department number
for all employees whose last name is ”McEwen”.
4. Write a Pandas program to display the ID for those employees who did two or more
jobs in the past.
5. Write a Pandas program to display for each first name employees it’s department name.

♣ Bon travail

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