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is found within the heart.

From the heart, we connect with,

nourish and develop our soul.

Your soul is your unique inner being.

lt is the part of you which lives many lifetimes

and grows spiritually through countless experiences.

Your soul may have lived on worlds other than Earth,

perhaps on various stars and certainly

in the spiritual worlds between lifetimes.

Yet, it is meant to be here now,

helping to bring light to our planet

for the benefit of many in need.





_;l l � U B L I S H I N G

Copyright© 2020 Alana Fairchild

Artwork Copyright© 2020 A. Andrew Gonzalez

AII rights reserved. Orher than for personal use, no pare of chese

cards or chis book may be reproduced in any way, in whole or pare

wírhour che wrirrcn consenc of che copyright holder or publisher.

These cards are intended for spirirual and emocional guidance only.

They are not intended to replace medica! assistance or treatment.

Published by Blue Angel Publishing"

80 Glen Tower Drive, Glen W.1verley,

Victori a, Australia 3 1 5 0

Evmail: info@blucangelonlinc.con1

Websice: \V\V\

Ediced by jarn¡c Morris

Blue Angel is a registered trademark of

Blue Angel Gallery, Pry, Lrd.

ISBN, 978-1-925538-75-5

lntroduction 7

How to play wich your White Light Oracle 35


l. Magnecism of Eros .46

2. Cupio Dissolvi 49

3. Oboedire 53

4. Anapausis 57

5. Q<:een of che Nagas 61

6. Shekinah 65

7. Seven Blessings of Eve 69

8. Bach Kol... 73

9. Dakini oflnfinite Lighc 77

I O. Arehon Barbelo 81

1 1 . Sacced Scar 85

12. Perfume of Sophia 89

13. Bastee of 174Hz 93

14. Yogini of285Hz 97

1 5 . Spirit Bear of396Hz lOI

16. The Sun of417Hz 105

17. 528Hz Mandala ofche Hearc 109

18. Tantra of639Hz l 13

19. Solve Polluri of741Hz 117

20. Spirit Owl of852Hz 121

2 1 . Seraph of 963Hz l 25

22. Aih Soph Aur 129

23. Beta of Spirit Wolf... 133

24. Alpha of Alcyonc 137

25. Thcra of Venus 14 I

26. Deer of Delta 145

27. Aurora of Gamma 149

28. Epsilon Modulacion .153

29. Beatitude of Sacred Rapture 157

30. Valva ofSeidr 161

31. Shaktipat ofSeahorse 165

32. Lasya of Parvati 169

33. Yeshe Tsogyal 333 l 73

34. Sacramcnt of Extreme Unction 178

35. Pearl ofSharro 182

36. Tcleparhy of Terra Marer 186

37. Oracle ofChaldea 190

38. Ovara Parra 194

39. lvory Wish-Fulfilling Crow 198

40. Sovcreign Queen Maeve 202

4 1 . Alabasrer Tablee of Laylah 206

42. Garuda Suparna 210

43. Karma of Kucuhala 214

44. lshcar's Lion Gare 888 218

What's Next far Your Sacred Pach? 223

About Alana 224

Abour che Arcist 225


The White Light Oracle guides you inco the luminous realm

of the sacred. The sacred is your heart treasure. lt is that which

brings light inco your life. The sacred is precious to you. Ir marters

enough that you are willing to devore yourself to it - even when

that requires courage, sacrifice and growth.

The sacred generates inner warrnrh. lt brings you joy. The

sacred is a healing mirror that shows you the truth of your

experience, which can include a compassionate reílection of your

own suffering. Ir shows you how to heal. It inspires and protects

you. What is sacred for your heart is unique to you. Yet, for

every heart, rhe sacred is an experience of sublime !ove and deep


The sacred can be denied and ignored-at great personal cost

to our wellbeing-yet it can never be lose or damaged. Without it,

life becomes superficial, and we become disconnected, scattered,

perhaps even depressed or driven and obsessive. Without

connection to the sacred, to the heart, we live from a false self. In

such a state, it is not possible to be authentic with ourselves, let

alone with others,

The sacred helps us remember who we are and shows us how

to manifest our inner purpose. We can't know what our hearts

truly want, who we are or what we can offer to rhe world; we

cannot live our true path and higher purpose if we don't know

who we are. lt would be like trying to build a house with no floor.

Genuine fulfilment requires a foundation of authenticity, When

you are on track with that purpose, your life will feel sacred.

The sacred is your refuge and sanctuary. Ir is what recharges

your heart, mind and soul at the deepest levels. It is your friend,

your guide, your guardian and your truth, The sacred is free,

unconditionally generous and giving of itself. It cannot be

manipulated, commercialised or exploited. The sacred evades ali

attempts at such control and grasping. lt always remains pure and

true and flows abundantly when we learn how to be open to it.

The doorway to the sacred is found withín the heart. From rhe

heart, we connect with, nourish and develop our soul. Your soul

is your unique inner being. Ir is the part of you which lives many

lifetimes and grows spiritually through countless experiences.

Your soul may have lived on worlds other than Earth, perhaps

on various stars and certainly in the spiritual worlds between

lifetimes. Yet, it is meant to be here now, helping to bring light to

our planee for the benefit of many in need. Your soul journey will

involve personal healing. As you heal on a personal level, you will

be able to help heal our world, too.

The soul is intelligent and knows what path you need to take

in life. lt is in touch with your spiritual guides and the Earth

Mother, attracting spiritual light, wisdom and practical assistance

on ali levels. Your soul will attract your soul mates and those

souls with whom you need to work through pasr-Iife karma, so

you can become increasingly empowered and free. Your soul

communicates with you through your heart, which is the mother

and queen of che soul. The hearr tunes you into a higher spiritual

intelligence, with a far greater perspective on your life, than your

head. It knows what you need, when and che bese way to attract it.

When we connect with Spirit from che heart, we live in

connection with che sacred and experience che deep beauty and

spiritual mystery oflife. We feel heard and held, even when rhings

are tough, we know that somehow, we are going to get through

it and, even more surprisingly, we trust that something good will

come of it. As we grow spiritually, che soul becomes increasingly

infused with spiritual light, and che sacred spaciousness within

it increases. Ir becomes not only a soul bue a higher self, a living

sacred space wirhin which we can receive blessings, healing and

uplifong consciousness. Our soul is an inner resting place which

can evencually become a universal temple of spiritual love.

Spirit becomes our bese friend. Ir is constant, reliable and

unconditionally loving. Ir doesn't replace che need for human

relationships, bue nor can human relationships replace che need

for spiritual connection. Spiritua! connection enhances all

relationships and promotes healing. Simply being around souls at

that leve! of spiritua! development can feel healing, restare our

sense of peace and even trigger a release of old issues (which is not

comfortable at che time, bue brings relief soon afi:erwards).

When in darkness, we have a greater need of che light. When

we are weary from struggle and suffering, we have more need of

rest. Sometimes, we may feel confused about how to respond

to negativity in ourselves and in our world. The white light­

accessed from our heart and soul-holds che spiritual guidance

and healing we need to find our way.

White light is polychromatic, meaning it holds all che colour

frequencies we need for healing ourselves, each other, our planee

and her many precious creatures. It is divine medicine for rhe

soul, empowering the heart and clarifying the mind. The loving

divine intelligence of white light equips the soul to bring an

end to negacive chought and behaviour. le transforms che soul,

so we become scronger and wiser, capable of rapturous delight

and connecced to our true life path. As che light fills and heals

us, we are being prepared as spiritual channels. The light can chen

How chrough us into all dimensions for the spiricual benefü of all



I am ofcen asked why I write oracle decks, how che inspiration

comes, and how my creative process evolves. Both che inspiration

and che process for each project is unpredictable and unique. I

intuir che seed of a new project as a subt!e spiritual impression.

It might come to me in rneditation, in a dream, in the midst of

a yoga class or whilst driving my car. The steps to translace chat

initial impression into an oracle deck unfolds in its own way. I

don'c feel in control of chat process. I hold space and allow ir to

happen, responding intuitively to what I sense wants to come

rhrough in each deck.

Sometimes, I am inspired with an idea for a deck before

che artist has been found or rhe artwork has been created.

Synchroniciry kicks in, and somehow che artist and I find each

other, In such instances, I mighc send the artisr an outline of che

oracle from which they creare the art. This was the process for !sis

Oracle, Kali Oracle, and Wings of Wisdom.

Ar other times, the artist will reach out to me to write text for

their work. This is how Rumi Oracle carne into being. In thar case,

I had meditated and asked Rumi if he would mind if I wrote an

oracle based on his work. The next day, I received an email from

Rassouli, a wonderful artist and translator of Sufi poetry, asking if

I would be interested in writing a Rumi deck to complement his

art ! I took thac as a cosmic yes and that exquisite project was born.

Ar other times, I sense the spirit of a project afi:er being inspired

by the artwork. I then contact the artist and ask if they would be

interested in creating a deck with me. That was how Sacred Rebels

Oracle and the Mother Mary Oracle carne rogerher,

While sorne projects come out oflefi: field and happen almost

imrnediately, sorne cake years to come to fruition. Bue, once it's

time for me to write, che process is fairly swifi:. I trust a higher

divine wisdom knows what needs to emerge in our collective and

when. As I heed che guidance from Spirit and write, I learn what

is happening for humanity, I see where we are making progress,

spiritually speaking, and where we need sorne extra help.

In my experience, Spirit sees things quite differendy to

how we humans do and, therefore, has a different approach to

resolving problems. When I write a deck, I connect to a spiritual

intel!igence that sees things from a higher perspective. I am

immersed in the world of that particular oracle and the guidance

behind its creation. I ofi:en go on a transformacional journey of my

own as the project comes together. It's deeply healing and sacred.

So, although che pressures of the creative process (sitting a t a desk

for long periods constandy reining in my ever-wandering mind)

can be a challenge, they are a small price to pay for che beaury and

blessing of co-creating wirh Spirit.

This particular project carne through quirky synchronicity. I

had che feeling to create a deck devoted to sacredness and rapture.

The idea rested quietly in my heart for sorne years. Then one

day, when appearing at a spiritual festival, a woman asked me

if I had thought of che art of A. Andrew Gonzalez for a deck.

As soon as she said his name, I recalled seeing his work almost

twenty years prior, when I was struggling to break free from che

control of society and my own upbringing. In his are, I recognised

a sensuality that was spiritual, an eroticism rhat was divine. I

resonated deeply with che freedom, abandon, spiritual light and

healing potency of sublime beauty I felt from his are - of sacred

rapture, ofhealing ecstatic union. It was che opposite of control!

It was ecstatic spiritual immersion. My soul yearned to connect

with what emanated from his imagery.

I instantly felt che cicle, Wbite Light Oracle, and knew it was

che artistic pairing I wanted for chis project. It clicked into place

in my heart. I also felt very grateful for rhat wornan's suggestion.

It was a catalyst for che very deck you are now holding. My

publisher organised che deal a shorr time later, bue it was nearly

five years before I was able to write che project! During that time,

my understanding of ecstatic energies and che barde between soul

and ego for control of che rapturous beauty of Spirit evolved, so I

could write chis deck from a truly authentic place.

I also sensed che human collective had entered a space

where there was sufficient darkness to stimulate che attraction

to che purity of white light, rather than dismissing it as new age

nonsense. There is an expression rhat fits: "There are no atheists

in foxholes." There are points when even che most sceptical

or hardened heart is under so much pressure, in so much fear,

c o n t u s i ó n or pain, that even if it goes against a person's logic or

belief system, chey experience a mystical surrender and reach out

to Spirit. I feel many are at such a point. There is an instinctive

understanding that in che depths of our personal and collective

hell we need a connection to che heavenly, to che Divine, to che

pure, che spiritual, che redeeming- and, most of all, to che joyful

ecstasy of our true and natural inner spiritual presence.

Whilst sorne people find a connection to Spirit chrough

religion, others do not. Yet every heart needs access to che

love, light, wisdom and healing of Spirit. This is one reason I

devore myself to creating beauciful spiritual offerings chat foster

connection to che divine light, irrespective of whether you are

on a religious path. This oracle has been created as a pathway

into che sacred, into your own soul, even if you don't have a

particular belief around such chings. Every human has a soul. Ir's

an expression of our true spiritual nature and is not owned by any

person or collective. Every human has a spiritual path. Many need

to find rheir own path, independent of formal spiritual training or

religious doctrine. I hope my work will support thern in finding


In writing chis deck, ar a time when there is a preponderance of

ego-generated confusion, I wanted to encourage divinely defiant

hope and positivity, We need beautiful dreamers to consciously

collaborate with Spirit to help humanity out of our self-creaced

muddle. Blaming Spirit for what we, through our own free

will, have created doesn't get us anywhere. Blaming each other

doesn't get us very far, either, However, asking Spirit for help in

resolving our problems opens up beauciful pathways ro healing

and resolucion chac benefic all beings.

We need auchentic sources of peace, beaucy, grace and

spirirual light to counreracr negativity and guid e us toward a

more conscruccive vicwpoint so wc can rcsolve our problems

(rarher chan creare more). We need ways to access real spiricual

light, which in curn providcs rcaliscic, life-affirn1ing, posicive

mental and emorional spaces ,vichin which we can rest and realign

oursclves wirh wisdom. This deck. and all my works, have been

creaced for such a purpose.


Sornerírnes, we become intense and serious, even on che spiricual

parh. le is undcrsrandablc. le cakcs scrcngch ro commir ro onc's

spiricual praccices. You wouldn'r bocher íf you didn'r cake ir

scriously. le can be hard and hun,bling work ro deal wich onc's

issues. When you are ,vorking to heal yourself, chere will be

moments whcn che process secrns uncnding! Concinuing on

che pach, especially chen, requires determination and willpower,

,vhich can add up ro a srcrn attitudc.

Thar's nor so bad, bue if wc havc no humour, silliness and

playful plcasurc to balance le, we run che risk of drying oursclves

out, losing passion for che path and missing che beauciful aspects

of che spiritual pach which can lighcen our hcarcs and lift our

spirits. Balancingdiscipline and playfulness help, us make genuine

spiritual progress and scay che course.

Sometitnes, spiritual aspirants make assumptions about

the spiricual path. Sorne, especially if rhey'vc had to be warrior­

like to survive great struggles, assume che path will get harder

as ir bccomcs more advanced. I'n1 noc sure whac chcy think

enlighcenment might be. Perhaps giving up in utter exhauscion

and defeac? That may be one ,vay to attain ir, bue ochers believe

che pach unfolds to become efforclessly joyful, chac ali che hard

work will be over and everyching a breeze.

Neicher vicw is entirely accurate, bue certainly, as the parh

advances. it does tend to narrow, One cannoc quite get a,vay wirh

whar one used to. We need to cake increasing care of our heart to

cace for rhe hearcs of chose around us. Higher scandards of self­

healing are ofi:en needed to con c inue to make spiricual progress.

Those hi gher standards are nor necessarily more demanding,

however. For example. you 1nay need noc to judge yourself as

you once did. Or you might need to cultivare more compassion

for yourself and ochers. Alchough giving up che ego blame-game

tnighr be hard for a time, it ultimately increases rhe peace in your

hearc. So, che narrowing pach is noc such a burden, bue ir can cake

sorne getting used to.

I mcnrion chis because somc challcnges 1nay makc rrying ro

go back to whar we once knew seem appealing. But, while Spirit

is in fi n ic e l y paricnr, we are here to gro,v ar a soul level. Whilsc

demands will be placed upon you as you gro,v, chey can be the

means chrough wh i ch you (eventually) uccess more freedom, l i ght

and peace. Therc are many, n1any beings, rnyself included, who

want you tú succeed. Everyone benefits when you commit tú your

spiritua l path {evcn if ccrtain egos like to ccmplain along che way,

as egos cend to do). This orad e has been creaced to help you scay

true to your path, whilst discovering your bese balance between

spiritual responsibiliry and rambunctious divine delight!


Entering into the sacred does not necessarily require us to be in a

special place physically, although that can be part of ir. I learned

the true meaning of 'sacred ground' when I first visited che holy

city of Varanasi, in India. As I lay on che ground in a resting pose

during my yoga practice, I could feel che centuries of prayer and

devotion that were embedded in that part of the earth, If I had

been distracted, caught up in my thoughts or involved in getting

my yoga postures to look a certain way, I might have missed out

on that incredible experience of che sacred.

We must !et go of ordinary, day-to-day awareness to experience

che sacred. We need to detach, if temporarily, from our concerns

and become present, open and attentive to what is. That means

dropping our stories-as compelling as they can be-and bearing

wimess to life with no script. To be able to do so requires us to

acknowledge, process and unravel our pains of che pase and

concerns about che future and let them drífi away.

Our readiness to heal and lec go depends on our inner spiritual

timing. With spiritual growth, our readiness to Iet go becomes

natural, like the leaves falling from che crees in autumn. lhose

leaves are not forcefully torn away, nor do they cling to the tree

once they are meant to leave the branch and settle upon che earth.

Likewise, our inner soul wisdom of divine timing knows how

to heal and lec go. It may be easier than we thought, or it may
require great courage - bue either way, when we are ready, when
our inner timing is ripe for a shifi, we will know it because it will
As we go through chis process, we will stumble into moments
of inner silence and spaciousness, even if we are not intending to
do so. It can be incredibly beautiful to find oneself in such sacred
rnornents, which seem to happen upon us like a chance meeting
with a truly beloved old friend.
Yet, as modern people, we can often be frightened of sil en ce and
avoid it assiduously, filling it with activity, noise and distraction. I
went to a dinner party recently where rhe 'background' music was
blaring constantly. The space felt frantic rarher than energised. I
sensed che hostess was ensuring any gap in che conversation would
be covered up by che noise. Although I am sure her intention was
to help people relax and connect, it ended up obstructing deeper
conversation and connection. Those rhings need a little more
space to blossom.
To be clear, che soul thrives with play and sound. It has a
dynamic, active and engaged side to it. It also has a magnetic,
rdl.ected and introspective side. So, it also needs silence and
spaciousness, especially as che spiritual parh unfolds. Our souls
fl.ourish when outer world activities are balanced with inner
world divine downtime. We cannot connect with others at a real
and satisfying leve! if we cannot connect with ourselves at such.
Silence and spaciousness are pan of how we can truly connect -
with ourselves, with each other, with Spirit, with che sacred.
Ali things emerge out of silence: from an urge to burst out
laughing ( when you connect with che Divine, you'll realise it has

a tremendous sense of humour), sudden intuitions, peace, bliss
or even an eruption of repressed rage or grief that might shock
you (and also keep things interesting). Silence helps us discover
our sacred being so we can share it with others. If you practice
with silence, you'll evenmally feel a connection with it-and with
yourself and the sacred-even when you are out and about in the
world ( or ata particularly noisy dinner parry).
You'll notice sorne of the card ti des refer to frequencies
and brainwave oscillations. Silence is rhe source of sound,
including these beautiful healing frequencies. 1 had encoded
spiritual energies and mantras into written readings in rhe past,
and rhe results were powerful, so I felt intrigued by the idea of
linking an oracle card with a frequency. 1 aspire to use words in
such a way that the Divine can dance through them, off the page
and into the heart of the reader, shífiíng their energetic field in
helpful ways. This was my intention when writing these messages.
As I was talkingwith my spirimal guidance about this,
I was delighted to receive instruction for an additional project
which relates more specifically to these frequencies through music
and healing for rhe human mind, body and soul. 1 look forward
to sharing it with you. You can stay in touch with me through
my website if you are as fascinated as I am about where Spirit is
leading us with this,


Rapture is the light side of the sacred. It is uplifüng and powerfully

transformative. It helps you release from a place of light, rarher
rhan from the darkness of defeat or despair. However, the soul is
not necessarily meant to be in constant rapture. While the angelic
seraphim can manage it, the more human amongst us have a
different spiritual path, When we are in sacred space, connecred
to our heart and soul, we encounter what we need so we can heal
and grow. We cannot predice what we'll find rhere (an experience
ofjoy or of pain) bue we can be sure it is authenric and ultimately
helpful. The soul learns to disril wisdom from ali our experiences,
even the more challenging ones (sometírnes, especially those).
We find courage and learn to be confident in che face of whatever
life brings our way because we have it within us to move through
those situations. The sacred offers us precious gifi:s, whether they
be through a sunny day ora wild storm in our soul.
When we are ripe for che rapture of divine love, we are
stepping into a cleansing field of bliss. lt is like a shower for the
soul. Afi:er a harrowing day, we might emerge from a refreshing
shower-literal or metaphysical-and feel like ourselves again.
This is good. And enjoyable. Nonerheless, we don't refuse to leave
the bathroom or vow to never get sweaty again. We still engage in
a frenzied session of dance or a deeply challenging yoga practice
or get grubby in che garden or the kitchen, We know the cleansing
power of the shower will be there for us when needed.
So it is with che blissful side of che sacred, such as rapture.
If we believe che spiritual high of sacred ecstasy is better than

che authentic honouring of our wounds, we will have missed che
purpose of rapturous experience - ir empowers us to do and be.
If we try to contrive our experiences of rapture, summoning
it like sorne performing seal, rather than allowing it to emerge
sponraneously, we run che risk of setting ourselves up for spiritual
addicrion, always needing a hit of something we assume muse
be che light. Bue che true light is true love. And true !ove is not
addictive. It is nourishing and strengthening, like a good meal.
When you've had a good meal, you aren't hungry again for a
while. You have what you need to get through your tasks. You may
!ove eating and may have che luxury of being able to eat what you
want when you want, yet you want to include tasks other than
eating in your life.
With chis deck, I wanted to create a practica! pathway to che
sacred experience of your soul - and aurhentic divine rapture in
particular because it is not often understood in intellectualised
modern culture. My hope is that with chis deck you can cake
delight in che light, bue also feel nourished enough by it to
consciously enter che darker experiences of your suffering and che
suffering of our world and recognise there is an opportunity to
grow wisdom as you engage in your courageous healing journey.


Whilst we don't want to become obsessed with che pursuit of

ecstatic, rapcurous states to che point chat we deny our auchencic
life experience, we also want to make sure we don'c shut ourselves
off from thern, They are genuinely nourishing for our life path.
They are sweet treats for che soul. And, as the song lyric goes, a
spoonful ofsugar helps the medicine go down.
If you've learned that control keeps you safe, for exarnple,
you'll probably have sorne self-healing to do before being willing
to dive into ecstatic surrender with Spirit. Similar to opening your
heart to a loving relationship, if you've been hure, it can cake time
to become vulnerable and fall in !ove again. Falling in love with
Spirit takes a similar degree of courage, although remembering
chat Spirit !oves you unconditionally and will never abandon
or neglect you can make rhe prospect of dealing with what lies
between you anda heart open to che Divine much more appealing.
However, there are negacivities that will, if given a chance,
cry to keep you in fear and stop you from healing, growing and
opening to rhe sacred, especially to che wildness of ecstatic divine
embrace. Whecher you believe such concrol-mongering arises
from your own ego ( which we could define as the wounded part
of your mind) or from the spiricually corrupt powerbrokers in a
wisdom-deficient, spiricually dysfunctional culture matters not,
The point is that your resistance to breaking free can come from
within you and from around you.
Resistance is not a bad ching, per se. It is a sign you are
growing. Our task is to become aware chat resistance exists, so

we do not allow it to undermine our progress. If we are feeling
spiritually adept and cheeky, we can even use resistance to grow
our capacity for patience, persistence and sacred rebelliousness. A
delighcful woman once said rhat if someone told her she couldn't
do sornething, then she would make certain she did just that!
Typically, she hada loe of fon demonstrating just how wrong che
naysayers were. There was an abundance of snorr-laughter in our
conversation which just happened to go for exacdy 1 hour, 11
minutes and 11 seconds! The spiritual message of multiple ones
is che ascension path, which thrives in che realm of che sacred and
relates to che frequencies of rapture. (As an aside, if you want to
learn about my passionate obsession with che numbers, I share
chis in my book and app 11.11 Oracle and my book Messages in
tbe Numbers: lhe Universe is Talking to You.)
Why is rhere resistance to beautiful, ecstatic and loving
awakening which spiritually benefits ali beings? The answer
is quite simple. When we are in a state of !ove, we are not in a
state of fear. When we are not in a state of fear, we are not easy to
control. We think for ourselves. We see chings more clearly. We
are increasingly self-dírecred and empowered. We live from che
heart and grow spiritually. Our presence is helpful to others. They,
too, begin to grow and lec go of fear.
The more we are in che truth of !ove, che freer we are from
che manipulations of those in fear. Anyone who wants to have
power over you loses che capacity to influence you as you awaken
As you awaken, you become a spiritual co-creator of a new
system, a birth rnother or founding father of a more consciously
integrated human culture. Bue ego doesn't want !ove to thrive on
earth. It wants to domínate and control, which is che opposite of

what spiritual awakening is about. Anyone who tries to exploir
dysfunctional systems for ego gain will resise che demise of their
fear-ridden feeding ground like a cockroach scuttling away when
che light is switched on. Even if your intention is to set che roach
free with a Tupperware container anda piece of cardboard as a
'cornpassionate relocation device' !
So, we need sorne spiritual street smarts to be wise to whar's
happening. To play smarter, we learn to connect with and rely
upon the light not only for the delight and beaury this brings
us, but for the strength and wisdom if offers us to deal with che
darkness withour losing connection to our innate inner joy ( or
at least not for too long). Awakening our capacity for rapture
doesn't turn us into selfish, hedonistic beings who care not for the
suffering of the world and just chase afi:er personal ple asure. Sacred
rapture awakens us to true inner freedom and empowerment.
It is the capacity and che willingness to act for a greater guiding
purpose not because you have to, or feel guilty if you don't, but
because you can and want to.
Genuinely free hearts recognise che responsibility each
creature has for its own experience (nor the circumstances as
much as their responses to rhern) and want to help in whatever
way they can, to alleviate suffering and help each being find a
better way for rhernselves, That we can do chis from an inner place
ofjoy, spiritual connection and peace is so beautiful.
In this deck, I wanted to capture che realisation rhar, with our
spiritual connection to our real nature and the generous goodwill
of divine helpers, we can learn how to process our pain, lec go,
connect to che light and the rapture it awakens within us and be
present to the suffering we experience and witness with peaceful,

passionate, purposeful responsiveness. There is much we can do
for the greater good. Just how much of that we accomplish begins
with how we choose to be within ourselves.


The first step to accessing the ecstatic realms of Spirit is dropping

out of our heads and into our hearts. For most peo ple, that requires
a lot of unlearning: unlearning instant judgement, constant
interpretation, reaction to and avoidance of anything that
destabilises what we believe in. As we unlearn such defensiveness,
we drop into the heart realm.
When we are in the heart, we can heal - even heal issues to
do with trust, abandonment, neglect and betrayal. When we heal
enough, we can access the gifis of the heart, such as the spontaneous
recognition of truth, the uprising of responsive spiritual grace and
an embrace of the sacred that can shifi: our mindset and heal us
with love - and the capacity to receive and be healed and broken
free into the expansive beauty of the spiritual light. The heart is
the instrument of such rapture. These states cannot be accessed
via rhe intellect.
When we live more in the heart and less in the head, rapture
can arise unexpectedly - at a dog park, for example. Perhaps you
see a sofi:ly rounded, cloud-like Bichon Frise frolicking about, or
a perfectly coiffed poodle with ridiculously delightful fur puffs.
In such moments, how could you not squeal with delight? Dogs
can be such naturally rapturous creatures. I remember an Afghan

Hound who loved rolling about in the most foul-smelling things
in the park. He gave himself over to rhe experience urterly, in
ecstatic delight and complete concentration ( which appeared to
filter out the disgusted cries of his owner to get away from the
rubbish bin).
Rapture could arise for you when you are setding into an
attempt at meditation. Perhaps you are irritated at your own
mind being busy (as minds tend to be) and then, spontaneously, a
luminous divine presence cuts through al! that and baches you in
such !ove that al! the mental chatter drops away and you are just
held in something pure and beautiful.
Or perhaps you are sitting quiedy somewhere in nature and
for no apparent reason are unexpectedly immersed in a living
experience of intima te connection with al! of life, You don't know
how, but youfiel connected, you recognise, with an intuitive inner
certainty, that you belong to life.
Al! such experiences are beyond logic. They are not controlled
or evoked. It is the heart's capacity to experience divine beauty
thar allows for thern. Unrarned, sacred rapture happens when it
happens. We emerge from these experiences transformed, and in
that transformation are able to effect healing in our world.
When we are genuinely connecred with the spiritual, we
do not become selfish; we do become self-caring. We recognise
that if we don't cake care of our own hearts, minds and bodies,
we are limited in what we can offer for che betterment of che
collective, We recognise we are al! in chis togecher. We stop seeing
things in terms of us and thern and start operating from a deeper
experience of connection within, which eventually maniíests as an
experience of oneness thar breaks chrough che separatist intellect
and connects us to our hearts,


Toe body needs different vitamins and minerals for wellbeing,

and likewise, che soul has need for different kinds of energies. One
of chose energies is sacred rapture. le is scarce in modern society,
which worships intellect, chings making sense, scaying in control
and directing our lives (or believing we are), ali of which are in
opposicion to true ecstasy.
I believe che need for sacred rapture, for ecstatic experience,
is a driving force beneath much addictive acting out, especially
when it involves experiences of forbidden pleasure and issues of
power and control. Toe soul needs to surrender into Spirit. le is
a natural and healchy soul instinct, líke a sunflower seeking che
sun or a child seeking che love, accepcance and protection of its
When a culture is spiricually deficient and chere are so many
controls and fears conditioning che mind to avoid such surrender
(or forgec about Spirit alcogecher), che mind and che soul are
ac odds. However, che need of che soul doesn't vanish. le gets
hijacked by che conditioned mind and distorted into an urge to
be overcaken by someching or someone, a force chac is greacer, bue
not necessarily in a helpful or healing way.
If we cannoc express our genuine need for positive
abandonment inco Spirit, learning che wisdom way of che heart,
chen we abandon ourselves in lesser, and ofi:en negacive, ways. Toe
ego will ofi:en cry to suppress such our soul need with controlling
attitudes and chen lash it wich shame and guilc when one slips
up and does someching forbidden or outside che strict boundaries

imposed by ego, such as embracing a taboo experience. When
we deny authentic emocional experience and are only allowed
to behave in ways that foster a certain appearance, we often feel
depressed and disconnected.
We might seek mood-altering substances as substitutes for
Spirit, utilising less than ideal means to express our otherwise
healthy need for ecstatic altered states. That may be che bese way
we know to alleviate pain when che superior option of spiritual
connection is denied us. However, rhere is no sacredness and
consciousness in such substitutes, so they cannot bring about
genuine healing transformation. The need for constructive
abandonment cannot been mee. Relief is temporary ar bese, and
che negative repercussions can be devastating over the long term.
Abandonment into Spirit has nothing to do with casting
rnoraliry to che wind and hurting other people, or oneself. It is not
about rnorality at ali. Ir is about che hearr's need to be in service,
to be moved by something truly noble and gracious. It is about
Dogs are often recognised as ernbodiments of unconditional
!ove. So friendly and open, ready and willing to !ove anyone! Pure
hearts on four legs. Their orientation is to their master - to love,
please, devore themselves and just be there as rnan's besr friend,
as the expression goes. If a dog is allowed its true nature, this is
how it will behave. If it is abused, it will become fearful and either
cower from life or attack aggressively.
The human heart is not so dífferenr. It needs to be what it
naturally is, to heal if it has been abused and to be allowed to
find its true master - unconditional, powerful, unwavering,
eternal divine !ove. There, it can take shelter, find meaningful

service and feel thar ir borh exists as its own valuable essence and
is immersed in something vast and beautiful and powerful. The
ego is an abusive master to che heart. Only love can be che hearr's
noble master, simultaneously empowering and prorecrlve. This is
why a life wichout che sacred, rhar which is precious to che heart,
cannot creare a hearr-awakened human. Humans wirh shurdown
hearts do not have access to wisdom. They tend to perpetuare
suffering. The state of our world requires heart-awakened humans.
Humanity needs che sacred as a matter of life-saving pracricality.
Myscics and shamans of numerous cultures have underscood
che value of dispensing with condirioning, breaking from che
control of ego and enrering inro altered stares to gain spiricual
insighc and deep healing for oneself and one's community. Yet
rnodern culture often considers che pursuic of che rapturous as
litrle more than escapísm, ifit considers it at all. Spiritual ecstasy
is considered self-indulgent or weird. (Though, fair cal! for che
uniniriaced who encounrers someone in a fic of ecstatic inner
corumunion, ,vhen ali chac is visible is them crying and laughing
like a lunatic, eyes rolling back in their head and dancing or
proscracing chemselves for no apparenc reason. Scill, 1 say, don'r
knock ir unril you've cried ir!)
If we do back away from che messy beaury of sacred rapturous
connection with Spirit, the sort that takes us out of our minds
and ,nakes us utrer fools for divine love, we miss out on bliss. Noc
che happiness which comes from a new coy or falling in love, bue
bliss which is unreasonable, mind-alrering and hearr-restoring
and reconnecrs us to our true selves. Bliss which exists no matter
our circumstances and which, ac che same time, helps us heal
problcms in our lives.
This beautiful and consciously chosen abandonment from ego

and into che spirimal realm offers an imrnediate encounter with
loving divine energies. Immersion in something greater brings
so many gifts. Remrning to source is renewal: it is realignment;
it cleanses and reinforces truth. You can enter into a spirimal
practice feeling stressed about sornerhing which seems irnpossible
to resolve. Bue if you are able to immerse yourself in Spirit, you
can emerge having com plecely overcome it, as though it were little
more than a passing irritation. With ecstatic consciousness, as
with ali true experiences of Spirit, a little cango a long way.
I see che woes that intellect-as-ruler causes. I see human beings
fighring, doing and saying che most terrible things to each other
and themselves, just so they can be right about something. I see ir
with suicide, where one has lose connection to che sacred rapmre
of aliveness and is overwhelmed with che unbearable weight of
suffering. I see ir with those souls who have become so corrupted
and distorted chey think money and power are more important
chan che heart, rhan human beings, than che wisdom of a greater
spirimal intelligence that can teach us rhings we cannot know
without it. I see political arguments and identity politics, which
could teach us something valuable if dealt with wisely, used as
weapons. 1 won't go on about ecological damage because I have
no doubt that in your mornents of darkness, just as in mine, your
heart has wept with grief, despair, horror and confusion about
what to do about humanicy.
And so, we need che light. We need its affirmation of che
positive - not to deny che darkness, suffering and confusion
happening on our planee. And, not from a place that denies che
extent to which humans have become lose from che guiding
grace of inner Spirit which knows how to set all chings right.

Bue, from a place of spiricual intelligence, responsiveness and
creative problem-solving. Sacred rapture is not only pleasure, it
is recalibration. lt is reconnection to Spirit with ali che blessing
that bestows. lt is rhe receipt of divine transmission, a grace that
heals, shows rhe way, renews and realigns. lt is the switching on of
a heart light for many to find their way.
The pains of the world are our pains to heal. When there is
space in our hearts and minds for che sacred, the ecstatíc, and the
rapturous alongside the sufferings and ordinary blisses of simple
living and an embrace of the breach, the genius of the design of
the human bcdy, sunshine and Morher Nature, we empower
ourselves and a more beautiful future for ali.


We need to be careful that we don'r seek to nourish our spirit with

that which cannot truly sustain it. We can respect and appreciate
what this world has to offer and dedícate ourselves to giving
something of heart-value back whilst recognising that there is a
need only spiritual connection can fulfil.
In a society where a brand of car or living in a particular part
of town is held up like the holy grail to which we should dedícate
great effort and time, we muse be extra clever and soulful. We
muse lovingly and compassionacely notice when something is just
plain stupid. We must not be afraid to question wherher there is
a cruer, more healing pleasure than char. The eroticism of Spirit
bangs lustily ar che door and demands entry into the hearts of

such daringly inquisitive and pleasure-seeking souls.
When witnessing such spirit-infused lives, others begin
to question convencional values and wonder if there could be
another way. They become interested in che inner secrets. Their
soul hunger is aroused wirh hope. Oh my god! The relief! This
isn't it, after all! There is more, so much more ... more beautiful,
more real, more meaningful, more honest, more healing, more
truthful, more aspirational, more inspiring, more luminous, more
graceful, more nourishing, more joyful, more loving.
This is not che ego experience of 'more' that instils endless
greed and dissatisfaction. Ir is che heart-centred moreishness
that instils generosity, creativity, hope, boldness and che sacred
rebellious spirit which thrives in co-creating a spiritually infused
and life-affirming world.
The value of rapturous experience can be discerned by what
emerges from it. The proof of che pudding is in che casting, as che
expression goes. Does it help you heal your issues, feel more free,
clear, lo ved and held? Have you grown in sorne way? Are you able
to do something you could nor do befare? Have you discovered
new courage and commitment?
When you notice you are making progress, nor according
to che check-list of che world (which tends toward a malignant
ordering of priorities) bue according to che health of your soul,
then che connection with che sacred, with irs rapture and its
healing mirroring of our struggles, is proved real through its


Genuine ecstatic experience becomes possible at the threshold

between mass consciousness and the mystical consciousness of the
hearr. Whilst the spiritual path can be unpredictable, you can be
sure that we will be tested before any genuine spiritual experience
- not to see if we are 'good enough' but to make sure we can
handle it. Too much of a good rhing is still too much. Spirit is
kind in its withholding, never judgememal. We are granted what
we are ready for and what will lead us into our destiny.
Unresolved pain may arise for us to process, so we can let
go and unite with a deeper, more beautiful truth, This is where
we get to make a choice: deny, avoid, postpone or enter into a
conscious healing journey. Spiritual ecstasy doesn't override free
will, because you cannot demand love. Have you ever tried to love
someone? Or force thern to love you? It doesn't work. Love arises
spontaneously and generously, to the degree your heart is open.
Aurhentic ecstatic experience comes from a heart open
to divine love. It doesn't come from che mind, although it will
awaken, heal and refresh your mind. Ir doesn't come from
sexuality, although it can render sexualicy a sacred experience
of love and connection, vulnerability, intimacy and emocional
healing. It doesn'r come from che material world, although it can
How into che world and evoke sacredness in our lives. It comes
from che heart's connection to the soul, completely open to che
love that is Spirit.
Ic takes effort to dismande che protective layers we have
developed due to past pain. It also requires sorne discipline.

Spiritual surrender requires spiritual strength craining. This
includcs ehe emocional healing and mind training included in the
guidance of chis deck. Ic's an invitacion ro and a preparacion for
sacred rapcure. le is also a guide when you have such experiences
because, beauciful as chey are, rhey tcnd co raccle our cages. Moscly
because rapture is a freeing of consciousness.
When we are becomingfree, ourcgos can freakout. Ego likes to
control what is going on, even if it has to manipulare and fabricare
stories to do it. So, when che ecsratic rapturous consciousness of
che Divine turns things upside down and invites ncw ,vays chac
ejfective!y bring abouc healing and happiness, che ego tends to get
in a srrop. The fact thar che old ways weren't geccing you where
you needcd to go, and were likely creating misery, rather than joy,
doesn't rnatrer to the ego. Ir has a rantrum, anY'vay.
Being kind ro ourselves when ,ve are in fear or confusion
and allowing an oprimistic ancicipacion (based in trust chat che
Universe loves us and is working for our greacer good, always, no
matter what appears ro be) helps us shifi: from ego to soul. The
soul knows how ro work wirh whac is and be open to giving life a
chance to sort out whar needs ro be sorted.
Geert Weggen is a Swedish/Durch national and an interna-
tionally awarded narurc phocographer. He captures and shares che
astonishing gan1ut of emotion of che local squirrel community as
rhey frolic and forage in thc garden oucsidc his kitchen window.
One only has rosee a picture of a squirrel enrhusiastically shoving
his entire head into a flower and che cxpression of pure bliss as che
chccky critcer e,nerges a mornent la ter, to recognise rhar rapture is
porenrially universal for ali creatures,
This deck is your invitation into che brighrncss, bcaucy and

brilliance of your soul connection to spiritual love. I want to
encourage you to rely u pon thar, to ler ir help you and, in doing
so, to learn you are so rnuch more than your ego once had you
believe. May you know rhe light, immcrsc your hcart wirhin it
and find peacc, pleasure and protection for the fulfilment of
your divine nnrure. May your spiritual path awaken che greatest
blessings ofbliss in your life and for ali beings.

Namasrc beloved,

How TO PLAY \v'ITH Youn

You can work ( or play!) with chis deck for readings for yourself or
others, You can use it in groups and choose whether or not you do
che healing processes.


When you first use che deck, or at any time you feel inclined, cake
a few moments to centre yourself. Focus on your breathing and
allow your day-to-day worries to recede as you become present.
Take a breath in and out and then imagine you are aligning
yourself with your heart. Imagine your heart is connected to a
great, luminous spiritual presence. You may sense chis loving
presence in your heart or all around you, extending beyond che
confines of our Universe. lt is vast, timeless, gentle and powerful.
lt is loving, kind, wise, helpful and healing. Lec yourself relax into
your heart, and lec your heart relax into chis spiritual presence.
Now, hold your cards (in che box, if that's easier) over your
heart and with che guidebook in your other hand, read chis prayer

Through unconditional loue, wisdom, peace and compassion,
I askfar healingfar myselfandfar all beings that the divine
truth oJgrace may manifestfar the greatest good. Please bless
and guide all work with this oraclefar that highest good and
loving wisdom. So be it.

Take in a deep breath, imagine thar, from che depths of your

luminous heart, you are gencly blowing healing light onco che
cards, removing any negacivities and infusing thern with divine
You are ready to begin!



Do consider your own layouts if you feel so inspired. If you are

happy to work from che suggested layouts, below, chey are here
for you, too.
You can use che entire process outlined below as a mini-
healing or you can use che questions included in che processes as
your card layouts for a more tradicional oracle reading. Feel free
to use as many or as few of che steps as feels appropríate for che
situation you are seeking guidance on.


When we are experiencing a purification, it may feel like we have

an onslaughc of scuff to deal wich. Whecher ic seems to be arising
from wichin or coming at us from che externa] world rnatters not.
Purification is not a sign that we have done someching wrong. le
is a sign chac we are doing someching righc. We are moving ahead
on our path. Our soul is letting us know it is time to move on and
we are ready. To move on, sorne chings from che pase will need
to be released. Ofcen, it is our accachmenc to whac has been chac
needs to go.
For chat to happen, we may need to feel emocions, acknowledge
a truth, forgive ourselves and ochers and trust in our own healing
timing. There is no need to rush, bue nor do you wanc to suppress
it. There is supporc for che process here.
If you are guiding chis process for anocher person or a group,
simply adapt che wording accordingly. When words need to be
spoken aloud, you can ask che ocher(s) to repeat afcer you, as you
read slowly.
You can use chis process as a healing on its own or in
conjunccion wich che following practice, Session for Sacred
Surrender. You may like to bless che deck before use (see page
Begin wich your hands in prayer. Take a few momencs to feel
connected to yourself. Say chis prayer aloud:

I open my heart to divine wisdom. I ask far unconditional

love and the highest levels oJ white light available to me to

enter my heart. In this sacred space, 1 open to grace, healing,
protection and blessing. So be it.

Now, set your intention for your reading and healing today.
Reflect on what you are feeling and what has led you to consult the
oracle. You may like to formulare an intention to receive healing
in a specific area by stating it aloud or just by clearly focussing on
it in your heart.
Sometimes the oracle will give you an answer that seems to
relate to something else. This is not a mistake. lt is an indication
that che answer to your query is best found through shifi:ing your
focus, even ifjust for a time. If you need an oracle reading, without
being sure why, simply continue on with che process below, rather
than setting a specific intention.
When your heart is sertled and ready, choose your cards for
the session.

Ask the following question aloud, then shuffie rhe deck and
choose a card in whatever way feels best for you.

What is the most helpful higher perspective on how to deal

with in.fluencesfrom my past?

Choose your card, read the message and reflect on its meaning
in your life. If it resonares deeply, you may wish to integrare the
message by completing the short healing process for that card.
Once you have finished workingwith chis card, place it behind
you, as a symbol that it relates to che past, to what is ending.

Ask the following question aloud, then shuffie the deck and
choose a card in whatever way feels best for you.

What is the most helpful higher perspective on how to access

my most beautifulfuture?

Choose your card, read the message and reflect on its meaning in
your life. If you feel it resonares deeply, you may wish to integrare
the message further by completing the short healing process for
that card.
Once you have finished working with the card, place it befo re
you, symbolising thar it relates to the future, to what is coming
into being.

Ask the following question aloud, then shuffie the deck and
choose a card in whatever way feels besr for you.

What is the most helpful higher perspective far how to live

my lije now?

Choose your card, read rhe message and reflecr on its meaning in
your life. If you feel it resonares deeply, you may wish to integrare
the message further by completing rhe short healing process for
that card.
Once you have finished working with che card, place it near
you, symbolising that it relates to the presem moment.
Take a few mornents to notice rhe cards behind you, before
you, and near you. Gaze at the images and ler thern soak into your

mind, body and soul. You can imagine, feel or precend chat whíte
light is radiating from chose images inco your heart, helping you
to furcher integrare che guidance received.
When you have asked your questions, reflecced on your cards
and completed che healingprocess for each card which resonaced,
it is time to sea! your practice. You can do chis by placing your
hands in prayer and feeling a strengchened inner connection
to your own beautiful heart and che light wichin. Then say che
following prayer aloud:

Ihrough the love of the pure divine white light, may ali
benefits oJ tbis practice be sealed and securedfar the greatest
good oJali. Please continue to heal and help me in ali ways. I
take shelter in your loue and grace, so I mayful.fil my soul and
know the beauty oJmy true spiritual nature. So be it.

If you are complecing your practice here, rest and allow yourself
to ground wich gencle physical movemenc. Hydrating wich clean
water will help che energy concinue to How chrough che body.
If you are concinuing your practice wich che next process,
simply follow on wich che instructions below.


This session aims to reframe your view from ego opm1on

to soul wisdom. It is a healing process for unplugging from
unhelpful approaches so you can allow a higher perspective and
spiritual grace to enter your circumstances, bringing protection,
empowerment and inspiration to support a superior resolution.
If you are guiding this process for another person or a group,
simply follow the instructions and adapt che process accordingly.
When words need to be spoken aloud, you can ask the ocher(s) to
repeat afcer you, as you read slowly.
You may like to bless the deck before chesession (see pageXX).
This session can be done on its own or following the Purification
Process above.
Begin wich your hands in prayer. Take a mornent to feel a
connection to your heart, your inner world, and perhaps to the
light within. Say the following prayer aloud:

In tbis sacred space, there is only loue, wisdom, healing,

grace and the purest white light. Al! else departs through
divine protection, healing and grace. In tbis sacred space,
new understanding can emerge far the greatest good. There
is always a loving way through any issue. May the solutions
and healing that bring happiness andfreedom be shown now
far the spiritual benefit ofal! beings. So be it.

If you are continuing from a previous practice, simply skip to the

CARD O NE step below. If you are doing this practice on irs own,

set your intention for your reading and healing, if you would like
to do so. Reflect on what you are feeling and what has led you
to consulr the oracle. You may like to formulate an intention
to receive healing in a specific area by stating it aloud or just by
becoming very clearly focused on that in your heart.
Remember, when the oracle gives you an answer that seems
to relate to sornething else, it is not a mistake. This indicates the
answer to your query is best found through shifi:ing your focus,
even ifjust for a time. If you need an oracle reading, without being
sure why, simply continue on with the process below, without
setting a specific intention.
When your heart is setded and ready, choose your cards for
the session.

Ask rhe following question aloud, then shuffie the deck and
choose a card in whatever way feels best for you.

What does the divine white light want me to understand so I

can release what does not serve my soul'sfulfilment?

Choose your card, read the message and reflect on its meaning for
your life. If you feel it resonates deeply, you may wish to integrare
the message further by completing the shon healing process for
that card.
Once you have finished working with rhe card, place it ar your
left side, to symbolise its relationship with releasing and shedding
that which is no longer helpful or healing.

Ask che following quescion aloud, chen shuffie che deck and
choose a card in whacever way feels bese for you.

What does the divine white light want me to understand

so that 1 can receive the blessings that support my soul's

Choose your card, read che message and reílect on its meaning for
your life. If you feel ic resonares deeply, you may wish to integrare
che message furcher by complecing che shorc healing process for
chac card.
Once you have finished working wich che card, place it to your
righc, where ic symbolises guidance relaced to receiving, to whac is
coming into your life.

Ask che following quescion aloud, chen shuffie che deck and
choose a card in whacever way feels bese for you.

What does thefu?filment ofmy sacred surrender look like?

Choose your card, read che message and reflecc on ics meaning for
your life. If you feel ic resonares deeply, you may wish to integrare
che message furcher by complecing che shorc healing process for
chac card.
Once you have finished working wich che card, place it near
you, even resting on your body, symbolising chac it relaces to che
highesc spiricual potencial of chis process.
Take a few mornents to nocice che cards ac your Jefe, your righc,

and nearest you. Gaze ar che images and lec chem soak inco your
mind, body and soul. You can imagine, fcel or pretend chac whice
light is radiating from rhose images into your heart, helping you
ro further integrare che guidance received.
When you have asked your questions, reAected upon your
cards and compleced che healing processes for each card which
resonated, it is time to seal your practice. You can do chis by
placing your hands in prayer Íor a few ,nomencs and fecling a
strengchened inner connection to your own beauciful heart and
che light wirhin. Toen you can say che following prayer aloud:

Through the grace, generosity, goodness and genius of the

pure divine white light, may ali benefits of this practice be
sealed and securedfar the greatest good ofall. Please continue
to guide, protect, hea! and h!ess me. I immerse myse!Jin the
loving sanctuary oftbe lunzinous divine heart. So be it.

Rest and allow yourself ro ground wich gen de physical movements.

Hydration wirh clean water is beneficial afcer such work.
You have cornplered your healing pracrice.



Trust in what your heart yearns far without concern about

how it will manifest. Take steps toward that which moves
your heart. Reach out far what your soul wants and needs.
Allow yourselfto be vulnerable,far only then can you be truly
held. 1hat which appears out reach or unavailable to you
is closer than you realise.

1he Magnetism Eros is our souls fascination with that which
appears differem and calls to us at a deep level. This soul-deep
attraction inspires us to remain open, be passionate and willing
to engage with life, ocher people and new, vitalising pachways

and practices that inspire us. It keeps us moving on our authentic
life parh, living by the cal! of the heart. This oracle indicares thar
your heart is being called to a particular path or way in life. lt
may not make logical sense, but to honour che cal! of the heart
is to honour che needs of rhe soul. The cal! of the heart can lead
you into unknown and intriguing territory. [t can feel liberating
but also unsettling, as you !et go of known worlds and reach for
rhe unfamiliar. Following such a parh will bring a fresh influx of
energy and expand your understanding of yourself, your life path
and your higher purpose. Ir is meant to be.
Eros is a Greek word for !ove. On a spiritual leve!, Eros is our
passionate, open, engaged !ove for life. When we experience Eros,
we are ready to embrace our journey. It is an affirmation oflife. Its
opposite is the destructive drive, known as Thanatos, which is the
drive behind our undermining, self-defeating and self-harming
behaviours. We may engage in such negative behaviours in a
misguided attempt to heal ourselves or make ourselves feel better.
When we act negatively, despite our best intentions to be positive,
part of us is trying to tell a story that is yet to be fully heard. U mil
that story is heard, we cannot lec it go. We get stuck in a negative
To resolve che negative Thanatos drive within us and in
our world, we need Eros. We need to embrace life, including
our negative experiences. By acknowledging and healing our
suffering, we can find che courage and wisdom to live more fully.
The challenge and gift of Eros leads us into our vulnerabiliry,
From there, we can also recognise our strength and dignity. We
become able to let go and heal.
This oracle brings the message that life has particular gifts to

share with you. There is che promise of deep soulful connection
with your true self and with others - and a healing realisation
that you are truly desired and loved. You are encouraged to
explore new pathways, especially if you feel out of your depth and
a bit vulnerable in doing so - more so if they involve personal
healing. The oracle indicares a path is opening up for you. Ir may
not be che easiest way forward, bue when your heart leaps at che
prospect of ir, know something truly special is unfolding for you
through that pathway, Trust where your heart is leading you.

Take a moment to consciously connect with your breath and
ground your awareness in che present moment. Place your
hands over your heart. Can you connect with what it is to feel
vulnerable? To have needs? This may be easy or difficu!t for you to
acknowledge. Whatever you experience is absolutely fine. To feel
vulnerable, to need to be loved, heard, held and seen, for example,
is acceptable and essential to your human journey.
As you connect with your heart, imagine, feel or intend rhar
a beautiful white light is shining from afar. Ir !oves you and is
reaching out to reassure, comfort and protect you. If you can,
allow it to truly hold you. Relax into its embrace and imagine che
light wrapping itself around you like a loving cloak. As you do
chis, you may sense your heart and mind letting go of a tension
you didn't realise you had been holding. You may sense that chis
white light is in your heart, reaching for you always from deep
Rest in chis awareness foras long as feels bese for you. You have
completed your healing process.


It is time to let go. 1hings are working out in their own way.
Trust that your heart is wise and is leading you on a sord­
healingjourney and the right spiritual path. Spirit wants to
bring you a blessing and a resolution, but you must !et go
and allow it to happen. Events are unfolding arcording to a
higher plan. Even ifyour plan, are going awry, know that
ali will come together at the right time and in the best way
possible. Surrender your struggle and hold on to yourfaith.

You do not necd to be in control in order to be safe and have chings

work out in che bese possible ,vay. In an ofren spiritually deficient

modern culture, we have developed a kind of mystical amnesia.
We have forgotten che genuine, effective and astonishing power
of spiritual intervention rhat can be evoked by an open heart.
This oracle brings you a message from Spirit. There is a
problem in your life that seems very real and substancial. Yet,
if you approach it from a more mystical perspective-desiring
spiritual connection and healing-that issue can dissolve. It can
be absorbed into spiritual light and be healed. lt can transform in
such a way that your current viewpoint of suffering will cease to
exist. There is a path for healingyou have yet to recognise. As you
Ier go of what you think should or must be, you will recognise a
perhaps unexpected path to your true healing and inner fulfilment
opening up befare you.
The Latin phrase cupio dissolvi refers to a desire to dissolve, to
be absorbed into che luminosity of the soul, where there is beauty,
relief and peace. To enrer into such a state requires a loosening of
our attachments and fixations upon our problems in che physical
world. This does not mean we deny our troubles. In letting go, we
give Spirit permission to heal che state ofheart and mind that has
led us into these difficulties. lt can be surprisingjust how much we
hold on to things we wish to be freed from.
lt might help you let go ifyou reflect on whatwould be different
for you if chis problem is no longer in your life. Sometimes, we
might hold on to pain hoping to gain acknowledgement from
a certain person who may just lack che emocional capacity and
spiritual developrnent to grant us a heartfelc apology. Sometimes,
we punish ourselves by holding on to pain, holding impossible
and unhelpful standards of inhuman perfection when we could
forgive ourselves and move on. Spiritually, we have che power

to forgive and free ourselves and orhers. There is so much to be
gained in doing so. lt is a way to heal the heart from emorional
poison, awaken inner peace and freedom and move forward with
our lives.
As we forgive and enter rhe temple of rhe hearr, we can see
beautiful visions of what is now possible. Feelíngs of euphoria
may awaken. We realise we have ser ourselves free from che pase.
A constraint rhat once weighed heavily u pon our hearts has been
case off' by our spiritual will. Knowing we have such a beautiful
power within can bring gratitude and wonder into our hearts.
In rhe spiritual landscape of che heart, we lec go of whac we
rhink and engage with whar we feel. Toe true mystical experience
of divine lovc is not just emorional, ir is transfiguring. Ir helps
us transform ourselves and our lives. This oracle guides you
ro immerse yourself in rhe spiritual light within your heart. A
beauriful and uplifring outcome is being offered to you. Trust in
spirit, lec go and reccive.

Consider any problem you have been wresrling wirh or a painful
situation or inrerpretation of events to whích you are attached. If
you are willing to do so, you can now set an inrcnrion to offer that
artachrnent ro Spirir rhrough this healing process.
Place a hand on your heart and consciously connect to che
How of your breath. Close your eyes and rest for several moments.
Imagine, feel or intend rhar you are now awarc of your hcarc,
experiencing ir from che inside, as rhough you were sitting in the
middle of your hcart chakra. From deep wirhin the centre of your
heart, a pure-whire spiritual light bc::gins to radiare outward. Ir

feels joyful, upliíting, peaceful, expansive.
Now, we practice bhavana, a Sanskrit word that means
infusion. Allow the whice light to gencly infuse inco your being,
líke a sacred cea subcly perfuming and enriching your soul. The
whice light is being absorbed inco your cells, inco your mind, inco
your heart. You feel more seccled, peaceful and blissful as this
process unfolds.
Incend to release your offering inco che light, now, leccing it go
from your hearc. In che light, it can díssolve and cransform. This
process can be gencle and powerful. Sense chat you, your offering,
and the light are one.
Complete chis praccice with manolaya, a Sanskrit word
meaning immersion and complete absorption. Gracefully, choose
to lec everyching else go, and seccle into being one wichin che light.
Take your time and gencly emerge from your luminous
concemplacion when you are ready. Ground yourself, and you
have compleced your practice.


Do not turn away.from your path nor.from whatyou know in

your heart to be true. No matter what appears to be nor what
logic may dictate, trust whatyour heart is tellingyou. You are
saje and protected by Spirit. You are spiritually empowered
with ali you need to manifest your authentic soul path. You
have what it takes to connect with the light and liue that
connection in practica! ways which contribute positive energy
to our human collective.

Oboedire is che Latin basis for che word obedience. Far from
conforming to authoriry, che original meaning was to listen,

to hear and to not turn away. The oracle of Oboedire is about
becoming a sacred rebel, giving up faith in rhe ways of che ,vorld
and cmbracing che ways of the spirit, unconditionally. Thar means
refusing ro torture yourself with horror stories that sociecy and
your own mind conjure up from time to time. This guidance is
encouraging you to connect through your heart with che spiritual
light, wisdom and guidance wirhin. TI1e oracle asks you co believe
in che po,ver of Spirit to show you rhe way through all troubles.
There is a 1nessage from our loving Univcrsc for you. You will feel
ir in your own heart.
You 1nay consider yourself ro be a feisry, indepcndent, strong
pcrson, rarhcr rhan one who is docile and surrendered in spirit.
A vibranr and powerful personality may feel inicial resistance or
confusion when asked ro become soft to che ways of Spirir. Yer
rhis sorr of obedience is nor about giving a,vay your power or
becoming sorneone you are nor. Whcn wc are receprive to Spirit,
we become more unique, not less.
This oracle asks us to ger out of our own ,vay. Oftcn, we make
rhings more dífficuh for ourselves, even when our intentions
are good. This is because we see rhings from a limited or parcial
perspcctivc. This doesn'r mean we should refuse to act at all. lt just
means that as we practice sensing and followíng Spirir-by tuning
in coche heart-c-we will act from a more centred and wísely guided
place. Our actions will be more likely to hit che mark. Whcn
we Aow wirh che greatcr wisdom of Iife. far-reaching, positive
consequences awaken. Recognising rhat Spirit is wiser rhan your
own personal opinion is che prcludc to true awakening. The more
awakened we are, che more genuine benefit for ali beings can
unfold rhrough our endeavours.

To be clear, the guidance of this oracle is not to hand over your
power, nor to seek out Spirit to tell you what to do. lt is always up
to you to exercise your free will and live your life as you choose.
Sometimes, the responsibility behind such freedom might seem
too much. But this is our rask as human beings - to own our
freedom and exercise it with wisdom and delíght. When you trust
your courage more than your doubt, you will be ready to listen to
Spirit and act on what you perceive. You will be capable, willing
and ready to live as a light on this earth.
You are also encouraged to ditch the drug of doubt. Doubt
undermines your confidence and sends you on a mission to gain
approval before making every decision. Approval can become the
hit that alleviates doubr - temporarily. But it prevents you from
building the strength you need to listen for your own spiritual
knowing. You have it within you to be spiritually sovereign.
This oracle asks you to recognise your inner potential and to
practice trusting yourself and your capacity to respond to life's
unpredictable happenings with soul-honouring integrity.

Place a hand at your heart and connecc consciously to your breath
as it B.ows in and out. Feel that you are grounded, present and
ready to speak from your heart. When you are ready, say che
following invocation and healing prayer aloud:

I call upon tbe white light ofspiritual grace, divine love and
soul healing. Please help me tune in to clear guidance in all
areas oJconcern in my life. I choose to trust in tbe unfolding
oJa higher loving plan in my life, the divine timing of that

plan and my own capacity to respond and act with wisdom.
1 recognise that 1 am blessed, empowered and protected as 1
fuifii my side oJmy divine soul contract with the Universe. 1
have the courage to continue. 1 have the wisdom to embrace
tbe inner light ofmy heart, helping, healing and guiding me
with grace. 1 have every right to be con.fident in myseif and
trusting ofSpirit.

Place your hands in prayer and [et your mind and heart relax. You
may wish to el ose your eyes and intend that a loving light of Spirit
is around you and within you. Especially notice the top of your
head relaxing in the presence of Spirit.
Ground yourself again in the present moment with a deep
breath in and out. You have completed your healing process.



Do not give up, but allow your heart to disengagefrom your

struggles. Give yourselfmuch­needed rest. You are in a phase
of recovery. Ifyou have been offyour path, you are going
to come back strong. You will regain your spark oJpassion,
inspiration and devotion. A certain order of events needs
to take placefar your soul path to come to fuition. Commit
yourself to your sacredjourney trusting that the right thing
will happen at tbe right time.

The Latín word anapausis refers to the cessation of work so one can
regain strength, renew vitality and heíghren creacive productivity.

It is a rest for success. The oracle of Anapausis advises physical,
emotional and psychological rest to reset yourself. That might
mean switching off without fear or guilt. It is likely to mean giving
up worries and the constant replay of anxiety-ridden speculations.
Find sorne spaciousness and pleasure within and around yourself
so you may experience healing and renewal. If you have been
considering working with a healer, this is confirmation to pursue
such a path.
The oracle also recommends finding spiritual rest, even if
you are still working hard. Spiritual rest happens when we take
sanctuary in the sacred. We give up trying to become sornething
or other and instead tend fully to the task at hand, completely
engaged in the moment. When we do so, we are trusting that the
Universe knows what it is doing and that we are part of a greater
unfolding plan.
In modern culture, we can aspire to become 'sorneone'
- someone visible, someone influential, someone powerful,
someone important. Yet, no matter how much worldly or even
spiritual power a person may appear to have, the idea that one
person is more important than another belongs to the realm of
ego. Spirit leves and respects all beings equally.
What our world needs are more people who are spiritually
connected to their hearts. As you become such a being, others
will seek you out. You don't need to set yourself up as being
anything at all. You can enjoy the relief of giving up any obsession
with appearances or externa! validation. Instead, dive deep into
the nourishing inner realm of your own soul, with trust in all that
is and all that shall be. Free from distracting and disempowering
pursuits, you may connect, rest and restore yourself with a real

sense of your spiritual beaury, value and presence. In che space of
restful immersion, you realise you are enough.
Anapausis brings special guidance for those who have been
going chrough deeply challenging struggles of mind, body and
soul. Perhaps you feel exhausced, confused and afraid. Even if
you are still going strong in che outer world, you have a need for
spinrunl convalescence. You are encouraged to allow yourself
adcquate resc and to engage in activities geared toward healing.
This oracle recognises rhere is someching you have been
working hard ro bring inrc being. With a Iittle more trust in your
spiritual connection. you'll find che way easier and more joyful.
You don't need to push yourself so hard. Spirit can susrain you
through your devotion and commitment, so rhat every effort you
make is more than matched by che inflow of spínrual gracc. Don'r
allow your mind-or che deranged ,vays of chis world-to creare
weariness and yet another drama. Take rest in che spiritual light of
love, rest from fear, rest from anxiety, rest from needing to work it
ali out righc now. Even on your most confusingor most productive
days, you can find renewal in Spirit. le is always available to you,
even right now.

Imagine, feel or intend chat you are being bathed in radiant whíte
light. Ir gently bue effectively rcmoves renracles of attachrnent
chac your ego has gcnerared. Ir allows you to effordessly release
false viewpoincs or misguided ínrerpretarlons of events. le gencly
cleanses and aligns your visions and desires, so rhey are in harmony
with your hearr and rhe Universe. This brings you back ro your
true self.

You can relax and allow chis realignment to happen naturally
in che spiricual light. As you surrender che resdessness of ego,
you can settle into che inner loving ground of your beautiful
heart, There is much for you to receive. You need not chase after
anything or anyone, nor is there a need to free or worry. Now is
che time to rest in a place oflove and trust.
Rest foras long as you need, then ground yourself with a deep
breath in and out. You have cornpleted your healing process.


A sacred task existsfar you to fuifiL It is to befound through

connection to your heart. Be open only to tbose most authentic
teachings which prove helpful to your continued spiritual
progress and personalfreedom. Cleansing your body, mind,
heart and soul will be of particular benejit at this time.
Powerful, subtle energies are helping ensure your success.
Belieoe that many positive synchronicities and unexpected
allies will rally to support you.

The mysterious beings known as Nagas are recognised in spiritual

traditions across India, Nepal and Tibet, as well as in other

shamanic and cultural traditions. Nagas are connected to water
and are extrernely sensitive to pollutions and poisons of all kinds.
They become disturbed when waters are polluted. Since our
bodies are composed of more water rhan anything else, when rhe
waters of our planee are discurbed, so too are we. We can make
gende offerings to the waters of our planee and help heal thern
through our choices. As we do our part to honour and heal
the waters, we help ourselves and che Nagas, who in turn assist
humans to further heal and evolve spiritually.
Certain Nagas, including the Naga �een, are emanations of
enlightened higher beings. The eastern goddess of compassion,
Kuan Yin, is said to assume the form of a benevolent Naga to help
beings in need of her protection. Enlightened Naga beings are
very helpful to humans, protecting secret wisdoms and offering
powerful teachings to those who are wise and committed enough
to use thern for the greater good. The Naga �een helps such
practitioners overcome the numerous poisons that abound in our
world, find deep emocional healing and make significant spiricual
The Queen of the Nagas brings two messages. The first is that,
as you maintain your integrity and take your emocional healing
journey, you are placingyourselfwithin a powerful field of spiritual
protection. Continue to tend to your inner healing and ask for
spiritual protection each day from che higher beings you !ove.
As you continue with such practices, a palpable field of positive
energy accumulates around you, minimising negative infl.uences.
On off days, chis field buffers you from your own mind or factors
outside of your control, such as astrological iníluences or other
people's ego-driven actions. If sorne negativity does enter your

world, its severiry is minimised, and you will recover from che
disturbance more swifi:ly. You can honour chis guidance through
che spiritual protection exercise below.
The second message of chis oracle is that something of great
value is at work in your world. Spirit works with tremendous
subtlery, even when it is accomplishing a masterful stroke of
luminous inspiration and powerful grace. You may nor be fully
aware of che divine protection being granted or of a negativity that
was averted, yet you are being held in grace, nonetheless. If you
are struggling with sorne matter, know that spiritual protection
has prevented che situation from escalating and shall ensure that
che situation is corrected and resolved. The Divine can assume
whatever form will benefit che spiritual seeker to ensure their
continued progress, facilitating che right things at the right time.
There is no need to impose a limit on che limitless resourcefulness
and creative generosity of che Divine at play in your affairs. All
you need do is invite it in and trust.

You may like to pour yourself a glass of water, bless it with love
from your hearr, with gratitude and peaceful thoughts and then
drink it as a sacred libation. You may never consider a glass of
water to be ordinary again! You can rhen say chis prayer aloud:

May ali waters be cleansed, protected and blessed far the

greatest good. 1 open to the unconditionally generous
compassion and wisdom that protects and guides ali true
paths. May tbe positive presence oflight be awakened within
me. May 1 be surrounded by divine protection and spiritual

grace. May 1 ejfortlessly attract all that is needed far my
highest good, far the spiritual benefit ofall beings.

You can rhen bowyour head with your hands in prayer, sensingthat
your own heart has become radiant with spiritual grace and the
white light that is shining through all dimensions for the benefit
of all beings. You may also sense other beings oflight around you,
radiating their !ove to lifi: rhe vibration in all dimensions, so the
pathway to healing and enlightenment opens foral!.
When you are ready, ground yourself in the here and now to
complete your healing process. You can safely do this practice on
a daily basis.


Tbe spiritual worlds want to help you resolve your worldly

concerns. It is safeforyou to rely on Spirit as a loving, protective,
helpful andpractica!presence able to positively ajfect ali areas
ofyour life, includingfacilitating the resolution physical
problems. Do not limit your spirituality to concepts. lnstead,
apply your higher knowledge and principies, grow your
wisdom and live your path. Acknowledge your value as a
person, as a soul, treasure the gift ofyour path, and let your
spirituality integrate with alifacets ofyour life.

Shekinah is a Hebrew word chac cranslaccs as the dwelling place
of the Divine. Shekinah is the embodiment of the light. She is in
us when we are living our spiritual pach, applying our wisdom
and principies so our acrions, our courage, our choices awaken
compassion in our ,vorld. We are che sacred changemakers and
healers of che colleccive. Toe divine electricicy of Spirit needs
willing 'soul bu lbs' to shine forth in the world.
In che esoteric jewish tradition of Kabbalah, Shekinah is
che sacred fe,ninine - che capacicy for and experience of Spirit
encering che soul of a human being. When a soul is approaching
che sacred experience of Shekinah, che ego has given way to sorne
degree. There is enough inner space and hearr-willingness co
surrender and receive so chac Spirit can infuse che soul. Toe soul
bccomes more luminous with white light. We resonare more ,vich
Spirit chan with ego. We feel like our true selves.
When rhe soul becomes Shekínah, a holy dwelling place of
Spírir, our experience is very differenc to che ego-driven way of
living. \Xfe slow down and accomplish chat which is meaningful.
We feel connected to all chat is, so we are inspired ro do whar we
can to hclp, according ro our cendencies and calencs. We co-creare
racher chan compete. We accomplish our aspiracions because we
are no longer in our heads bue praccicing our spiricual pach daily.
Our practices resonare with our hearts, increasing our awareness.
love, prcsence, patience, commitment and peace. Our spiricual
pracrices are our Iífe rafe when che oceans oflife become ,vild and
our magic carpec when we feel sruck and need inspiration and
freedom. Our practices increase our compassion for ourselves
and orhers, When Shekinah is in your reading, you have borh
permission and encouragement from Spirit to embrace spiritual

practices that resonare with your heart and commit to thern -
especially when you think you don't need thern, or they don't
seem to be doing anything for you. Those are che times you need
thern most!
To embrace Shekinah is to embrace action, to commit, to
engage, to walk our talk and to be che light we want to see in
our world. The ideas chat nurture and inspire your heart are
important, bue che actions that transform hesitation, fear and
doubt into boldness, trust and confidence are essential to bring
those ideas to life. You have it wichin you to live your light and
to put all your problems and concerns into che capable hands of
a deeper guiding wisdom. You are not giving away your power in
doing so. You are accually empowering your sacred fulfilment.
This oracle brings notice of an opportunity to apply your
spiritual principies. You are encouraged to consider how you can
live so rhat your inner beliefs and outer actions are in alignment.
This is not about denying che ego and its pains. le is about
having compassion and responding from a place of kindness
and determination to heal. The oracle also suggests a rnarrer of a
material or physical concern can be touched and healed by Spirit.
Your task is to invite Spirit in and allow it to do what it knows
how to do. Find relief in the knowledge that Spirit is with you and
wants you to heal through all matters of concern.

Connect consciously with your heart, allowing yourself to beco me
fully present in chis moment. Noticing che flow of your breath, in
and out, will support chis process of transition into sacred inner
heart space. Place a hand at your heart and say aloud:

I cal! upon Shekinah, sacred feminine presence of the
Divine Spirit within my heart, and wilhin al! hearts.
Awaken, divine sister! We need you! To you, I sttrrender al!
concerns in need ofa higher sofution. I trust that the healing
capabilities of Spirit are far greater than the depressing
scenarios generated by fearful, u;ounded ego! l invite your
sacred presence, protection,grace, blessing and peace to restore
me to my authentic path, to correct ali issues in my lije that
have become tainted or confitsed by ego and ensure my soul's
spiritualji,!filmentfar the benejit ojal! beings. Thank youfar
your loue and presence with me always.

ltnagine, see, feel or intend chat a beautiful whire light is

awakcning in your hcart and radiacing chroughouc ali pares of
you, shining like a whire spiricual sun. le may shine all che colours
of che rainbow from your heart or remain as whire light. The
beauciful rays of light reach chrough all levels and dimensions of
exísrence. Simply lec chis happen, as you surrender into che cffcccs
of your prayer and your practice.
Rest in chis luminous off'ering for as long as fcels righc for
you. Finish wirh your hands in prayer and your head bowed with
respect for life. You have finished your healing process.


A spiritual gift shall enter your heart and manifest as a

blessing in your life. You have innate talents and abilities
which will supportyour soul intoful!, glorious manifestation.
You have been blessed with a beautiful divine destiny toful.fil.
You have natural healing ability. Choose your thoughts and
words so they reflect what you truly wish to put out into the
world because your influence is stronger andfurther reaching
than you realise.

Eve dwelled in che original paradise, che Garden of Eden. She

is che mother of knowledge. From knowledge, wisdom can be

developed. Wisdom is che Egg of Sophia, che divine feminine
power to be a birth mocher ofhigherconsciousness, ro bring forrh
che light ofloving awareness. Eve's oracle is notan ornen ofbeing
case out of paradise. lt is a sign chata false view, which has been
holdingyou captive, is going to give way to a greater understanding
which will empower you ro be a bearer of che light, a priescess or
pricst of che Egg of Sophia. This oracle encourages you to seek
the knowledge you need, to nor be held captive by secrets or
misinformation, and to know chat from rhar kno,vledge, you shall
be able to shed false views-like a snake shedding its skin-and
grow in wisdom. You shall know whar you necd to know and find
your ,vay in truth.
The oraclc also indicares a shifi: a,vay from shame and
confusion, perhaps feeling you have something to prove, or that
you are nor enough, or rhat you have to atone for a failing in
chis or orher Iifenmes. lnstead, your soul is moving you roward
a realisation of che inherent goodness and grace chat is your real
narure. You are blessed. You are granted a unique, unrepeatable
human Iife. Even if you believe in reincarnation, acknowledging
che soul continues to gro,v over many liferimes, chere will only be
onc lifctimc when you are thisyou. Ifyou treasure chis life, you will
become bolder, more fearless, more ,villing to step up as your real
self, more ,villing ro cngagc in healing and say yes to whac makes
your heart sing.
Therc is a rabbinic saying rhat every time a human being
,valks down che streer a choir of angels críes, "Make way, make
,vay, for che in1age of God is approaching!" Loving humanity is
not always easy. Especially when che darker side ofhuman nature
causes such suJfering. Yet chere is ,nuch hcroism, Iove, kindness

and nobility, too. Look to the positive and open your heart to che
best in yourself and those around you. Choose to see and nurture
the spiritual light in yourself and others to the best of your ability.
We are all growing and evolving in our own way. Even those who
trouble your heart are doing their best. Acknowledge that humans
have limited capacities and deserve compassion and a chance to
awaken spiritually, nonetheless. Do not, however, allow yourself
to become a doormat to anyone's ego games. Entrust the spiritual
progress and protection of all beings to the divine feminine, as
you care for yourself and others as consciously as you can.
Certain numbers have a sacred significance rhat crosses
religious and cultural boundaries. Seven is one such number with
significance in Hinduisrn, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Jainism,
Buddhism, Baha'I and rhe New Age. Toe spiritual power of seven
includes a natural charisma and capacity to be an influential
channel for higher wisdom. Toe presence of seven is a sign from
che Universe to reconnect to rhe sacred. Toe oracle of the Seven
Blessings ofEve is a reminder thar you are a sacred being and have
no need to hold yourself hostage to shame, blame, guilt, anger,
judgement or fear. Acknowledge your connection to spiritual
knowledge. Pray, and your prayers shall be answered.

Imagine, see, feel or intend that your mind becomes sofrly and
pleasandy fuzzy, moving from sharp focus into gende streaming
waves of white light. Your head may relax, including the nerves
at the base of your skull, the fascia covering your face, the muscles
around your eyes, cheeks, ears and jaw. Toe top of your head may
feel as if it is melting. You are left feeling peace, clarity anda sense

Recognise that che light is inrelligenr and knows what you
need and when. Ir is bringing an abundance of offerings to you
in che perfect way ar the perfect time. This helps you relax furrher
and lec go.
You can allow these sensations to travel rhrough your enrire
body if you wish. You may like to close your eyes and relax more
deeply. Resr in chis state for as long as feels right for you.
Ground yourself and hydrate. You have complered your
healing process.


Eschew complicated exp!, as you seek the simplicity

ofthe deepest truth ofyour heart. Gent/y butfirm/y cast aside
that iohicb does not resonare as being true far your heart.
Focus upon, and speak from, a higher spiritua! perspective.
Ali prayers are answered at the perject time and in the perfect
toay. You have a powerfu! voice, zvhich can Joster healing and
wisdom on our planet.

Bath Ko1 is a mysterious creacure. She is an angel known as che

divine oracle, che daughtcr of che divine voice, che pure and
true sound of spirir. When she whispers to your heart, you feel

it as an inner knowing, a truth. To honour that inner knowing
likely requires the confrontation of fear or moving in unexpected
directions. Even so, the deep resonance of her truth is more
powerful rhan the resistance we may initially feel as we Jet go
of our limited perspectives and allow ourselves to be guided by
The spiritual voice of Bath Kol is always true, always healing
and always in harmony with the higher loving plan of the Universal
Heart, which is working toward the spiritual fulfilment of all
hearts, Hers is the healing sound, the voice of divine prophecy,
which nor only tells what shall be, but through speaking of the
highest potencial, creares a blessing which manifests the ultimare
goodness within us.
When Barh Kol appears in a reading, an inner spiritual call
may require a leap of fairh, A more authentic, awakened you is
coming to life. Paving the way for the higher self to manifest
typically means that fear and control-based approaches need to
be surrendered. Bath Kol's presence indicares something more
appropriate and vital needs to supersede the limiting srructures
currently in place. As a consequence, she is a portent of spiritual
transformation and material manifestation. Honouring her
guidance requires courage but brings rich reward on many levels.
The oracle of Bath Kol indicares a voice that is true and needs
to be acknowledged. This may be a voice in your own heart which
needs to be heard without judgement or censorship. It may be
an intuitive inner knowing to be recognised. Ir may be a loving
and helpful voice of a reliable guide or friend whom you know
can be trusted. It may be a teaching from a dream or an insight
from a rneditation, or even an inkling that certain happenings or

sighcings are signs froru che Universe to help you on your lift: path.
Barh Kol is che clear voice of communication becween hurnanicy
and higher beings. When called upon, she will assist a human
to accurarely interpret a sign or ornen. Her voice brings claricy.
Therefore, chis oracle indicares a rime of confusion is swifrly
coming to an end.
The oracle also encourages you to practice your po\ver of
discernment. Filrer ego from heart. If a point of vicw lowers
your vibration, makes you feel negarively about yourself or
anorher, increases your confusion or makes matters seern more
complicated, it islikely to be an ego-driven viewpoinr. To consider
whac you might be able ro learn from rhac vicwpoinr, you need to
sertle yourself on more auchentic spiritual ground.

Take a moment ro disconnect froru porenrial distractions and
seek out sacred, quier space where rhere is room for reAccrion.
You n1ay wish to havc a journal and pen wirh you to make notes.
When you are ready, say aloud:

1 cal! upon tbe divine uoice ofBath Kol, guardian ofluminous

communications and clear channel far .spiritual truth and
healing grace. Please biess me with clarity. According to
the ioisdom and merey, and in divine túning, may
I read the .sign.s and hear the voice of truth louder than ali
others. Mayal! beings recetoe tbe guidance they need to find
happine.s.s and .spiritualfreedom.

When you are ready, place one hand over your hearr and consc-

iously connect to your breathing. Notice rhe brearh flowing in
and out. Allow your awareness to connect with your heart. Notice
which sensations, feelings, messages or insights flow as you tune
in to your heart. Notice any strengthening of your intuitive
awareness over che rhree days rhat follow chis exercise. Be open to
your heart and know that its truth will become clear at the perfect
time and in the perfect way.
When che time is right for you, ground yourself and hydrate.
You have cornpleted your healing process.


Seek and you shall jind. Find the teachers and teachings
which fiel pure to your heart, but remember, it is the inner
truth ofyou that ioill ultimately setyoufree. Do not give your
power away, but do trust in a greater guiding wisdom at
work in ali aspects ofyour life. Askfor helpfom enlightened
spiritual beings in any matter of concern and help shall be
granted. Believe ali problems can be resolved and a more
graceful life experience is opening upfar you, now.

A dakini is a supernatural feminine being who inspires spiricual

practice, guides one to actualise siddhis, or spiritual abilities,

and teaches the inner parh of awakening. She protecrs us from
ncgacivirics and restorcs our vital cnergies. She teaches us how to
act wirh ,visdom. She can be a demanding teacher, requiring us
ro rcAecc upon che mysteries she prcsencs chrough our dreams,
inspirations and meditations, then proceed to unravel them. As
we do so, we develop our inner capacicies and bccornc scronger.
These wild, feminine creatures can be gende or 6erce or a
combination ofboch. When she appears in a reading, travel your
path and explore your quescions abouc spiritualicy and awakening
wich confidence, for much progress can be made as you do so.
Sorne dakinis are fully enlighcened, whilsr others are still in
their process of awakening. Truly enlighcened beings have che
abilicy and desirc ro assist all other beings ro enlighcenment.
They know how to lead us along the path because they have
trod ir bcfore us. Bcings of lesser dcvclopmcnr may or may noc
have such helpful intentions. But even if rhey do, how can chey
show us rhe way ,vhen chey themselves have yet to díscover ir?
Truly cnlighrened beings can and do help us in n1any ,vays, from
solving problems we encounter in our daily lives, to c::nsuring we
are talcing che most beneficia! sreps on our spiritual parh. They are
our spiritual fanuly, guiding and assisting us from a place of love
and skilfulness. The Dakini of Infinite Light, Marici, is one such
Marici is connected with che rays of light from che sun. She
is sovereign over ali lesser beings. Her many gifis include che
capaciry to guide one inca enlighcenment, to heal and repair rhat
,vhich has becn separarcd or broken and re provide prorection
during vulnerable transitions, whenever we venture beyond
known ,vorlds - and also from nlisfortune and negativities of all

kind, including being manipulated, controlled or exploited. She
resonates with material abundance, too, and is associated wirh
providing the prosperity we need to live a happy, long life and
make progress on the spiritual path,
This divine goddess of the sun brings light on all levels. We need
light to see clearly, otherwise, we feel confused as to which steps,
if any, to take. This is just as true on emotional and psychological
levels as it is on the physical. Light helps us see what is happening,
rather than making assumptions. When we see what is happening
clearly, we have the opportunity to make rhe best choices.
Toe oracle of the Dakini oJ Infinite Light augurs an increase
of light in your life, This can include a lightening up afi:er a
difiicult time, an increase of clarity from a helpful, healing and
higher perspective or a clear, positive path opening up through
a troublesome time. Her appearance signifies sacred victory. Call
upon her and do not give up !

Begin your practice by consciously connecting with your breath.
Take in a deep brearh and then exhale fully, as though you are
clearing out stale energies from within and purifying yourself.
Repeat that three times.
Place a hand on your heart and slowly say, "MOOOOM."
As you do so, sense a beautiful light, like a radiant spiritual sun,
glowing in your heart. As you continue to make the sound, light
fills you and rhe space around you. lt then reaches out into all
dimensions, delivering light to all beings in need. Relax inro the
sound and light. Repeat this step three times.
Next, say rhe following mantra out loud as many times as you

wish. Ir is recommended thar ir be ar least seven rimes.


{sounds like OHM MAR­IT­SAY MOOM SWA­HAH).

As you repear rhe mantra, sense yourself as a golden rreasure vase,

filling up and glowing with abundant, healing and empowering
light, which benefirs ali beings. Then cese, contemplating che
beautiful light within you and ali around you.
When you are ready, ground yourself and hydcate. You have
complered your healing process.


Your biology and gender are creative and powerjul means

far you to express your soul path. Sometimes, you may fiel
limited by gender constraints or stereotypes, but your spirit
can never be restricted or controlled. Embrace thejourney oJ
what itftels Like to be you, in your own body. There is much
benefit and healing to be gained through an embrace ofyour
Lift journey, including the deeper experience of tbe absolute
fteedom ofyour spirit.

Archon Barbelo is an angel, goddess, divine mother and sacred

space. She is mysterious and powerful. She is che inviolable purity

and truth of your being; che spiritual essence wichin you chac
is eternal and cannot be tainced or distorted, Her presence in a
reading is a sign chac any errors in judgemenc shall be correcced
and any losses shall be restored. If you have been off your pach
or become disconnecced from your real self, she is che innate
understanding and power wichin your heart chac pulls you back
into authentic connection and true direction.
Archon Barbelo teaches che soul che mystery of how we can be
in a male or female body and yet have characceristics of both che
masculine and feminine wichin us. She also helps us understand
how our androgynous spiritual essence can embrace masculine
and feminine energies to accomplish its higher purpose. This
spiritual essence is beyond gender and is not alcered by it in any
When a connection to che androgyny of che spirit is
experienced aurhentically, chere is no rejection of che biology
of che body, nor che gender-based experiences chac che soul has
chosen to fulfil its spiritual mission. We can enjoy our inner
masculine and feminine energies, and engage wich chem to creare,
celebrare, grow spiritually and heal our soul.
Every soul has a unique parh, and yet every soul is here to
find che way home to divine love and inner truth, The feminine
energies in every soul empower our ability to embrace whac is
and find compassion. This allows for che merey, forgiveness and
wisdom that start wich what is and hold space for evolucion inco
whac can be. The masculine energies in every soul encourage
exploration, development and enquiry, stimulacing us to
question everything-which can lead to discernmenc and higher
understanding-and keep us strong. This ensures chat negacivities

are banished from our personal space before they can undermine
our personal healing and spiritual progress. Archon Barbelo helps
us fully experience the masculine and feminine principles as
creative, imeresting and powerful merhods of expression rather
than definitions of who we are.
The value of the body, of gender and biology as ways for che
soul to experience and express itself, is complemented by che
freedom that comes with understanding che spiritual pare of you
is entirely free from constructs of any kind. You can retreat to this
sacred, pure, umouched place within when you need to replenish
your reserves of wisdom and willpower for your life journey.
Connecting with this pare of you can remind you that whilst your
Iife journey and your experiences are importanr and help you to
grow, they do not determine who and what you are. You exist in
che realm of Archon Barbelo, the pure light of divine presence.
Your spirit is always nesded beneath her radiant wings.
Yet, to shine rhat light in che world, where it is rnost needed,
requires you to have a soul journey as a human being- in a physical
body with biology and gender. If you have any concerns about
chis or wish to bring healing to those who have such concerns,
chis oracle brings encouragement. Ask for help and healing from
Divine Spirit that ali souls find truth in their journey, blessed with
merey, wisdom, grace and compassion.

Connect consciously to your breath as ir fl.ows in and out. Become
fully present in chis moment. When you are ready, rest your hands
in prayer against your hearr. Sense your feminine energies in
your lefi: hand and your masculine energies in your right hand.

Feel rhern intermingling. They are different from each other, yet
equally powerful and importanr,
With your hands light!y pressing rogerher, expand your
awareness to include your heart. Feel che concacc of your hands
againsc your chest. Your hearc is che chird awareness, the sense of
yourself as apure loving spiricual being. Sacred Masculine, Sacred
Feminine, Divine Spiric. Allo,vingyourself to recognise che sacred
criune nature of your soul can bring a healing bliss. When you are
rcady, relax your hands and say che follo,ving invocacion aloud:

I cal! upon the luminous wisdom, grace and /ove of our

Spiritual Mother and Spiritual Father, united in the light
of Archon Barbe/o. I accept the gift of this body, mind and
soul. For the spiritual benejit ofal! beings, I ask far healing,
protection and guidance. May all beings recognise their true
spiritual nature and .find bappiness and freedom through
their authentic spiritualjourney.

Give your body sorne !ove! Self-hug. Rest, ground, hydrate. You
have completed your healing process.


Your inner and outer scars are marks ofyour soul's courage.
They are signs ofstrength and suruiual, ofyour willingness to
be alive. The sacred scar speaks ofthat which once causedpain
being transfarmed into higher knowledge and inner power.
Trauma shall be transfarmed through spiritual initiation,
leadingyoufrom woundedness to wisdom. You have nothing
to be ashamed of You can trust your healing process and in
the hidden higher purpose behind things happening as they
do. You are strong andyou shallflourish on all leuels.

Sorne expcricnces are hard ro wearher. Even when our inccncion is
to trust, going chrough a challenging time is likely to give rise to
suffering. Consider che mothcr eagle raising her prccious eaglccs
in che sanctuary of a meticulously padded and fiercely defended
nesc. They know safecy and comfort - uncil one day, che mothcr
who provided unceasing nurturance abrupcly pushes chem out of
che nesr and inco che air. She knows chis is how they will learn rhac
chey can Ay.
For che eaglet, there is not yet any such knowledge. Oisorienced
and discurbed, bue evencually innace inscincc overcakes confusion,
and those brave lictle eaglets begin to flap their fledgling wings
during che plummet from che nesc. TI1ey havc learned che purpose
of che cough lesson and grown. Toe trauma of disruption became
cheir iniciacion inco po,ver.
You don't have to enjoy che process of growrh. bue you can
always trust it has your bese intereses ac hearc. However, do noc
confuse negacive, especially traumatic, experiences as someching
Spirit has inAicted upon you. Spiric would lovc your growth to
happen in che mosr joyful and peaceful ways possible. As your
relacionship to Spiric heals and screngchens, chis can be che way
you gro,v, more ofcen than nor. However, Spirit also knows chac
sometimes we are to move chrough incense expericnccs befare wc
can gain access ro che light. Those expcriences can teach us things
only chose who have rruly suffered and broughc cheir suffering to
consciousness and healing can know. The lessons learned include
compassion, wisdom, srrengch and fearlessness, faich in Spiric and
in huruaniry and che recognicion of che challenges of awakening
whilsc having trust in che ultimare po,ver of che light. Such a soul
becorues one truly badass and divine human bcing. a powerful

healer and a light bearer in this world.
The oracle of Sacred Scar lets you know that your greatest
struggles are the pathway to your potencial. You are not being
punished. Those circumstances have not been imposed upon you
by Spirit. But Spirit will work with you to free you of negativities
and bring you into the light, stimulating the sacred alchemical
wisdom within your heart that knows how to distil goodness,
grace and healing from even the most terrible experiences.
If you are deep in suffering now, know that Spirit is wirh you,
loving you and bringing you this oracle - you shall heal. Do not
give up. Proceed until you are exactly where you most want to be.
You have rhe inner spirit to ensure even a negative experience will
only cause positive growrh in you and your life.

Place your hand ar your heart. Take a deep and calming breath in
and out. Repeat three times. Read or say the following, aloud if

1 am a divine soul on a sacredjourney. The wounds that are

healing are where tbe light is most active within me. When
pain gets my attention, it is the divine wisdom within asking
me to notice and learn something helpful and compassionate.
My scars are signs of wisdom gained. The light can and will
assist me in transforming even the most dijficult struggles
into holy paths ofgrace. Healing shall manifest completely,
generously and lovingly, according to divine timing, far the
spiritual benefit oJ ali beings. 1 AM gratejul, strong and

Rest. Reflect. Are there issues you believe cannot heal? Can you
hand them over to Spirit with the belief they can and will be
healed? Repeat the above statement if you feel it would help you
anchor confidence and trust in your heart and mind.
Ground, replenish and hydrate yourself. You have cornplered
your healing process.

u PrRfUM[ or SOPHI,',.


You w;/l be able to sense the bes! timing and approach to

take. To create space far healing and resolution, connect to
your body and ground yourself in the here and noto with
body­friendly practices. You ioill jind your way intuitively
and instinctiveiy even through confusing circumstances,
where one moment you are sure the anstaer is no, and the
next moment, you are sure it is yes. Give up trying to figure
the answer out right now and rema in open, with positioe but
relaxed expectation, that clarity shall emerge spontaneously
according to divine timing.

Trust that your questions about your life will be answered. Even
now, you are in the process of working your way toward the
answers that will bring you clarity and higher understanding.
There is a kindness in how the Universe delivers a message. There
is a story of three rabbis who went into a room and saw God.
One rabbi dropped dead, the other went crazy and the third one
became enlightened! Ir was the same room and the same divine
presence, so what accounts for the different outcomes? When we
are ready for knowledge, divine guidance is incredibly helpful and
healing. However, we may need certain experiences to become
ready. There is as much grace in veiling a truth as in revealing
it. There is a beautiful Sufi teaching that destiny is granted with
compassion. There is a time to prepare for knowledge, a time to
receive it and a time to live it.
There is danger in trying to force knowledge. Force is the
desire to progress faster than is naturally taking place. Ir is a
disconnection from natural rhythrns, the sacred feminine, the
power of knowing and divine timing. The oracle of the Perfume
ofSophia asks you to trust your nose. The spiritual symbolism of
the abiliry to smell is rhe capacity for discernment. In the words of
Juliet, in Romeo andjuliet, "A rose by any other name would smell
as sweet." The nose knows !
As you lean into natural timing rather than trying to force
something to happen, you'll remain connected to your own
ground of being. You won't be pushing to get ahead. You'll be in
connection with yourself. You'll be able to sense with your body
and soul that which might otherwise confuse your mind (with
its tendency to argue first one way, then the other). You will
instinctively sniff out the truth of a situation. Then, you shall be

able to do something useful with rhat knowledge.
Developing che patience required to see us through times
when we cannot know something-with trust and hopefully
sorne equanimity-is an important pare of our soul journey. If
such times evoke fearful and negative predictions or anxiety based
on a lack of belief that you can deal with whatever arises with
grace and dignity, rhen work on those issues. Do what you can do
now. Leave everything else up to che loving and wise workings of
the Universe.
Ifyou are pushing for a resolution, an answer, an understanding
before it is time for you to know, you'll feel frustrated. Ir will be
more constructive and enjoyable for you to engage with what is.
Will it require the development of your character, che capaciry for
parience, for trust and faith, for commitment and devotion, even
when there is no evidence you shall succeed? Yes, likely it shall.
Especially if you are carving a path that is unique and creative.
To live in such a way is wonderfully courageous and inspired
and requires spiritual marurity, Aligning yourself with a greater
wisdom and timing, and surrenderingyourself in its service, is che
basis of spiritual maturity, You will have your answers and, in che
interim, you are doing beautifully. Continue with your journey.

What can you do to connect to your body, feel good and ground
and focus your energies in the here and now? Sorne examples
might be walking in nature, doing sorne stretches or a full yoga
practice, meditating or breathing and relaxation techniques.
When can you do that for yourself? Make a plan to do it and stick
to it.

If rhere is something constructive rhar you can do righr now,
such as sorne deep, cencred breach awareness or ocher fortu of
medicacion or conscious movement, do thac now. That is your
healing process.

L_�--------- J'

13. BASTET OF 174Hz

You've been moving sofastfar so long that you're not realising

how wound up you'ue become. Gently unwind noto, to drop
into a deeper, slower healing rhythm, and you will restore
your body, mind and soul. Things which seem too dijficult
right noto shall soon seem very manageable and even
pleasurable to accomplisb.

The Egyptian cat-headed goddess of dance, festivals, birth,

healing and sacred potions is known as Bastee. Her sacred cult
was one of beauty, pleasure and enjoyment. Worshipping her was
not about ignoring che problems that are pare of being alive. In

fact, just as caes can see in the dark and are natural and skilfu1
hunters, Bastee was often called upon for psychic protection from
hidden negativities and to secure one's life force and enhance
one's vitaliry. In her role as healer and creatri:x of magica1 healing
potions and sacred perfumes, she integra tes healing with pleasure,
relaxation and a sensual connection to the physical world of
nature - including beautifu1 natural oils and jewels made with
precious and serni-precious stones.
Bastee shows us how to slow down and smell the roses, whilst
applying their perfurned oil to our bodíes and breathing in their
high-frequency scent to protect and soothe the heart. She is the
guardian of and guide into the sumptuous feminine paradise
that brings healing, a willingness to connect to rhe earth and the
body, and a capacity to experience sacred healing playfulness,
exuberan ce and natural states of joy.
The healing frequency of 17 4Hz is known as the pain-
relieving frequency. A natural anaesthetic, it is a musical version
of the similar, low-frequency purring of a cat. The cat's purr is
considered medically therapeutic, as is 17 4Hz. This frequency
creares an experience of grounding and slowing down, and evokes
deep healing for body and mind, providing love and peace to
organs and tissues, strengthening your bones and your soul.
The oracle of Bastet of l 74Hz asks you to slow down and cake
sorne time to heal, rest, relax and enjoy your life. Then, you can
more effordessly be source of positive energy. We deal with issues
far more effectively from a place of peace and relaxation than
from stress. If you are interested in exploring any of che sacred arts
of pleasure, including music and sound, food, touch and massage,
healing play, dance, celebration and art, colour therapy or healing

with crystals and oils, this oracle encourages you to do so. Such
avenues are authentic and helpful for your soul healing.
If you've been too hard on yourself, it's time to be kind.
�estion and heal any guilt or shame which have prevented
you from enjoying the natural pleasures of your body. You are
encouraged to enjoy life. Your delight can be a source of positive
energy for yourself and others, too. This life is a gifi: and Bastet oJ
174Hz reminds us that when we are moving too fast, we will miss
out on much, including being present for and sharing ourselves
with our loved ones.
If an issue has been troubling you, this oracle brings guidance
that there is an approach available that can reduce suffering and
increase your feelings ofhappiness. Open your heart to the divine
feminine for guidance and inspiration. Bastet is a portent of joy
and celebration. Believe in the happiness and healing your heart
can create and attract.

Reflect on what brings you joy and pleasure in such a way that
it slows you down and helps you be present. Consider writing a
list of five practices thar help you enter such a state. This might
in elude time in nature or with animals, being in the sun and letting
yourself become pleasandy drowsy, taking a brisk hike, taking a
nap on a rainy afi:ernoon, or immersing yourself in a wonderful
book or a scented bath.
Then visualise, inrend, imagine and open yourself to rhe
pleasurable feelings such ideas evoke. Allow the thought of doing
such things to dissolve sorne of your tension. Notice a shifc in your
body, a deepening and slowing of the breath, as your mind dwells

upon that which will soothe you.
Make an agreement with yourself to incorporare more
pleasure into your life. Make a commitment that you will notice
what happens in terms of your own happiness and the quality of
your interactions with others when you do this, You can finish
your healing process with this prayer:

'Ihrough the lovingpower oJmy own heart, 1 choose to gently

and thoroughly let go ofguilt, shame, judgement or control
which has prevented me fom truly enjoying tbis gi.ft of my
life. May 1 know the delight, pleasure, sensuality and sacred
beauty which will bring peace to my heart and set my soul
free to dwell in harmony with tbe spiritual purpose ofmy life
journey. May ali beings be happy

You have completed your healing process.

14. YOGINI OF 285Hz

Changes in your life, including closing doors or missed

opportunities, are not going to derail your fuifilment.
Realignments are happening based on divine wisdom and
timing. You are being diverted ftom unnecessary obstacles
and suffiring. Trust in how your life path is unfolding. Stay
true to your authentic healingjourney, because it is working,
whether you realise that or not. Signi.ficant inner healing is
taking place.

In numerous spiritual traditíons of che East, such as those from

Nepal, Tibet and India, che yogini is a female spiricual adept, a

practicioner of deep yoga chac awakens a powerful connecrion
with one's real inner being. The yogini holds space for healing
and enlightenmenr, ,noving chrough obscacles and challenges
with wisdom, parience, commitment and often great joy. She is
our spiricual sister, our sacred friend and our guide a\vay fro,n che
bleak, erroneous chinking of ego inro che softened, awakened,
relaxed, gracious \vay of Spirit.
When che Yogini of285Hz makes her presence fdt in a rcading,
ir is a sign chat we are on a powerful healing journey to connect
body, mind and soul wich che cruch of our spiricual narure. We are
working atan inner Ievel to lec go of pase pains and open up to our
cmpo\vcrmcnc and grace, dignicy and legitimacy in che present
moment. This oracle indicares chere is a spiricual approach to heal
any and ali scruggles in our lives.
The tone of 285Hz supports che trearmenr of wounds. cucs,
burns and any orher damaged cissue. le is che tone of opcimal
healch. Just like che yogini who has access to che original vitality of
our spirir and seeks ro infuse chac wellbeing inco che body, mind
and soul, chis tone is healíng, correccing chat which has fallen out
of alignment, bringing ir back ro centre. As che frequency of che
cosmic blueprint, it helps heal our physical body and align us on
our souls journey, synchronising our inner and oucer lives. [f you
have felc conAict between your inner aspirations and your oucer
realicy, che oracle indicaces che time far healing change has come.
Toe soul blueprint is che original spiricual plan for our
developmenc. le is che innate guiding wisdorn wichin each being
rhar knows whar ic is meant to be. An example is che incelligence
wichin a caterpillar chat knows how to move with patience and
process, cransforming incoa buccerAy. The original and purposcful

wisdom of our true nature is life changing. It can dissolve
inherited pains and psychological struggles and allow projections
from others, which may be influencing us (yet are abour their
desíres, not our true namre) to cease to have an effect. Under che
influence of che 285Hz frequency, we embrace who we really are.
If you feel disoriemed or confücted about a choice, trust that
chis chaos is a consequence of a cosmic realignment wirh your life
parh, Move through it with trust in your heart, patience and a
willingness to keep che faith, knowing you will eventually find
your way. The adjustments taking place within you will affect
your outer world. Just like che tumultuous alchemical journey
of che caterpillar transforming into a butterfly, your inner
transformation shall shape you and your world into che beautiful,
inspired, and authentíc form it is meant to be.

Take a moment to consciously connect to your breath. Allow che
brearh to flow in and out and lec yourself relax as you bring your
awareness complecely into chis moment.
Imagine, feel, visualise or intend there are strings within
your hearr, as chough your heart was a sacred instrument of
che luminous realms of Spirit. See, sense, hear, imagine, feel or
pretend that your heart strings are being played by che gen de hand
of Spirit, helping you to remember and embody your true nature.
This can be a gemle experience, a sofi remembering of che real
If you wish to further empower che process, make spontaneous
sounds, as though che vibration of your heart strings is sending
sound from your heart out chrough your chroac. If you can feel

rhose vibrations, you may like ro dance, ro move or make shapes
or evcn rake yoga posrures rhac fcel auchcncic and resonanr in rhe
moment. When you are ready, say rhis prayer aloud:

1 AM. 1 allowfar the spiritual intervention o/divine grace to

recalibrate, realign, heal and renew me so / am empowered,
radian! and have ful/y embodied my original spiritua!
potential and true.fequency. So be it. 1 embrace the healing
empowerment o/my own authenticity.

Resc, ground and hydrace yourself as you are ready. You have
complered your healing process.

JS SP!RtT Bt ... R or J96Hz


You are being bealedftom guili andfear. Such emotions wilf

no fonger steaf your persona! potoer or dissuade you ftom
conjidence, bnppiness and realising your own worth. No
matter how unlikefy it may seem, you are going to emerge
ftom a spirituaf tointer into Light and !ife. The divinefy
ordained time far your !iberation, healing and emergence is
much closer than you rea!ise. Abundan! blessings are stirr1ng
and shaff soon manifest.

Toe freguency of 396Hz is deeply nurcuring and procective. Ir

is che hearc frequency of che Universal Mocher proceccing her

young, deflecting negativity and refusing to overly condition the
youthful mind. She looks out for rhern and provides warnings
lest they wander too far from rheir authentic path. But she also
encourages the child to learn who they are, to courageously
explore their world and to enjoy their freedom.
lrrespective of our personal experience with our biological
mother, the divine mother energy in the soul is loving, protective,
available and kind. This inner rnother !ove enables us to develop
our own sense of personal value, belonging and home. In
connection with the inner divine morher, we feel loved, wanted
and held. We know ourselves well enough to understand what
we need and we value ourselves enough to live in such a way that
our needs are met. We recognise rhat we matter - not more than
any other, but enough to feel self-love and self-respecr. We can
connect to our authentic life parh because we feel worrhy of it.
This nurturing frequency heals the heart and sofi:ens the walls
which keep !ove out, due to past abandonment and betrayal.
When we are more open to life, the path to fruition becomes
more accessible and direct. When we connect with our authentic
path, we can access the abundance of spiritual support available to
us and make the most spiritual progress. That guidance may arise
as a no, ora not right now, oras a yes andgofar it. When we are in
rhe heart, we will clearly sense such guidance and take comfort in
it, rarher than fight against it. As we [et go of our defence systems,
disabling fear and guilt from running our lives, and instead deal
with thern as occasional ínterlopers that need to be cleared and
healed, we stop fearing we will never have what we genuinely
want and need. We realise we are loved, know how to love and are
naturally, innately, beings of love.

This frequency helps che body to ground. Ir helps che mind
seccle into che body, racher chan consrancly fliccing from one
possibiliry to che next, creacing excicemenc bue also an excess of
nervous energy. Ir helps che mind and body play nicely wich each
other, supporcing each ocher, racher chan opposing each orher.
Then, your mind won't be conscancly haranguing your body,
leaving ir feeling bad abouc icself, cired or unhappy or even angry
and rebellious. In chese and other ways, che 396Hz frequency
helps reconcile che push-pull of competing intereses, incegracing
awareness in che heart and providing a clear pachway to a
cranscendenc resolucion where all is for che one higher
This frequency harmonises beaucifully wich che spiricual
medicine of che bear soul totem, Ir encourages our natural abilicy
to find che sweecness in life necessary ro suscain hope and heal
our hearcs. Spirit Bear conneccs us to che restoracive power of
hibernation, chac deep rest of body and mind. If you are highly
scrung and, like many modern people find ir hard to consciously
relax your body and mind rhrough spiricual practices, Spirit Bear
brings che comforc and encouragemenc to allow your mind to resc
wichin che body. Ir is as if che mind were in a cave for renewal, safe
from predators and externa! forces, undiscurbed and able to resc.
This oracle urges you to go wichin, where chere is a cremendous
healing force awakening. Give ir che rime and space ir needs ro do
ics bese work for you.

Find a place to lie down comforcably on your back, wich your
arms and legs slighcly apare and your head slighcly elevaced so

your neck is comforcable. If you tend to cool down as you relax,
as many people do, cover yourself with appropriate layers. If you
have a health condition which prevents you from lying down, seat
yourself comfortably. Say chis prayer:

1 invoke the healing fequency oJ unconditional loue and

wisdom ojthe Divine Motber. May my body, mind and soul
be sheltered in a sanctuary oJprotective grace to fully relax
and deeply heal.

Now, it is time for you to relax. You can play sacred music or
simply listen to your own breath flowing in and out. If the room
can be darkened, this can promote restfulness, too. If you are tired,
you will likely fall asleep rather than simply rest. That is okay.
Gendy ease your muscles into a state of relaxation, allowing thern
to become heavy and settled, Allow your awareness to continue
to drifi within until your mind begins to let go. Your mind may
like to rest within your body or on your breath or to float away in
reverie. Rest for as long as you choose.
Emerging from híbernation can take sorne time and
adjustment. Move slowly if needs be. Ground, nourish and
hydrate your body. You have completed your healing process.

16. THE SUN OF 417Hz

You are being healedfrom guilt andfiar. Such emotions will

no longer steal your personal power or dissuade you from
confidence, happiness and realising your own worth. No
matter how unlikely it may seem, you are going to emerge
from a spiritual winter into light and lijé. 1he divine/y
ordained time far your liberation, healing and emergence is
much closer than you realise. Abundan! blessings are stirrzng
and shall soon manifést.

Our sun is a self-luruinous being. le does noc reAecc light orenergy

from orher sources but rachee generares ics own light. It is quite

literally an enlightened being. The sun is our spiritual mentor,
teaching us how to be spirimally self-reliant when we cannot find
support or guidance externally and need to go it alone for a time.
Such phases can be difficult, but they are temporary, and inner
spiritual strength is built during such times. Sometimes, we don't
realise our own strength until circumstances force us to find out.
Connecting to ones own inner light is a precious and
empowering gifi:. lt allows you to feel spiritually held from
within, Once you have established such an inner connection, you
are unlikely to give your power away again, less prone to being
manipulated and more likely to live in harmony with your soul
values rather than the typically soul-denying priorities of mass
As your soul connects to the inner sun, your relationship to
the light heals. Ir is not seen as separare. Instead, the soul begins
to recognise rhe light as a constant inner reality that can be relied
on for sanctuary. As the soul recognises itself as the higher self, a
being oflight, the fears of the mind no longer domínate che heart
as they used to. The inner light encourages the heart to depend
upon its wisdom, to live as though the light was more real than
the darkness of doubt and worry. The soul turns wirhin, begins
to tap into its own potencial and, in doing so, gains further self-
confidence, spiritual empowerment and loving presence.
If you are criticised, misunderstood or disrespected by those
around you, rely upon your inner connection to che light to see
you through such dark times. You can commune with your inner
light in privare, wirhout needing to explain, justify or even speak
of it to anyone. Your inner light shall continue to shine bright, no
matter what is happening around you.

The frequency of417Hz is a spiritual truth serum. lt undoes
false perceptions and dismantles circumstances and siruations
that are not mennr for the souL When a challenging situation is
helping che soul ro gro\v, chis frequency will help you undersrand
how to work through it in a soul-centred way, staying connected
to che light wirhin. If a siruation-such as a toxic relationship-is
creating a barrier between the soul and rhe light, weakening its
abiliry ro evolve and causing ir ro become sruck in trauma and
negative patterns, chis frequency will dismantle che negative
circumsrances. You ahvays have free will, but your capacicy to
cxcrcisc rhac free will in a self-loving way will become more
available to you.
The 417Hz frequency facilitares a healing shífi into rhe
vibrarion of rhe higher self. Your aurhenric life path is direcred by
your higher self. As it is unique, there is no use comparing your
path to any other path in order to determine its validity and value.
Your true life path may lead you away from che familiar, directly
into worlds unknown. The moment che soul cakes its auchencic
path, wondrous awakening can cake place. There is a feeling of
closeness and connection coche sacred. This frequency helps wipe
away experiences of alienacion and re-escablish a deep and loving
conncction wirh che Universe. Ir cleanses traumatic experiences
and memories and any malignanr habirs formed as a consequcnce
of past pain to allow che soul to experíence true kindness,
compassion and love for self and orhers. In chis oracle, ir signifies
that no rrmtrer whar's happening in your life, you've got chis.

Take a moment to connect consciously to your breath as it flows in
and out. Let yourself ground in rhe here and now as you become
fully present.
Imagine, visualise, feel or intend that your awareness is
travelling inside of you, on your breath. As you brearhe in,
your awareness moves deeper within. As you breathe out, your
awareness drops lower and deeper within,
As you enter your inner world, you naturally move into the
openness and spaciousness of your inner self. Within its depths
you become aware of a point of light. Simply by noticing it, you
immediarely merge with it. Ir fills you with love and peace and
surrounds you with healing and protection.
This is the light of your inner sun, your higher self. As much as
you can, allow yourself to become mindless in that light. There is
just light. Radiant beautiful light.
Be in this for as long as feels good. Return slowly to the body
by following your breath as it Hows in and out. Ground and take
care to hydrate yourself over the hours which follow. You have
cornpleted your healing process.

17. 528Hz MANDALA OF

Sometimes, aspects oJ our life fa!! apart or don't go to plan.

This is so they can come back together in a beautifu! new
tvay. Trust in the goodness, in the inevitable bfessing ofyour
destiny falling into place. Do not trust your fears. Put your
faith in the !ove ofyour heart. A heartfelt wish is going to

The mandala of che heart is che expression of che divine fcminine

power within. Ir is che life-changing experience of love, healing,

compassion, deep repair and rescoracion chac can only happen
when we feel safe and loved enough to truly let go. Despite whac
che wounded opinions of ego mighe have onc bclicvc, love is
che most powerful consciousness on che planee. lt is also highly
intelligent. As we open to heal with che frequency of love in our
hearts, wc naturally evoke posirive cffccts in che lives of others,
too. We atrract positive intervention from Spirit. Pach,vays open
up. Magic happens.
Love is che parh ro the transformacional, che alche,nicaJ and
che miraculous. le is che means by which ncgativc patterns are
reversed and che original purity and beauty of our in nace spiritual
perfeccion can manifesr icself in ali dimcnsions, including che
physical. We may feel we are bumbling along, yet we are blessed
with an invisible, po,verful field of grace moving wirh us, ensuring
chac our actions yield che bese outcomes and chat we attract what
we truly want and need.
Thc heart has access to a wisdom more powerful than logic
and which can overcome any obstacle. To enter into chac wisdom,
we have co trust in somcthing grcatcr than our own opinions and
our allegiance ro our hisrory. Your heart is more chan connecced
ro che Universal Hearc, ic is a holographic emanation, pare of
che sacred mandala of che divine feminine heart and, as such,
holds divine genius and po,ver. le wanrs ro manifest chat which
is evolving, new, inspired and beauriful. To belíeve rhar history
muse repeat irself, or chac whac we i,nagine is che limit of what can
happcn, is to deny che po,ver of che heart and che generosity of
divine grace. We need radical lovers and inspired drea,ners who
dare co invite in che mosr oudandishly blessed interventions of
che Universal Heart for ali beings. You have it wichin your heart

to be one of those prayer alchemists for humanity.
528Hz is che love frequency of creation. The choices, decisions
and projects inspired by leve have countless and far-reaching
positive effects. As we tune in to that inner frequency, we connect
to all hearts in a powerful alchemical network which delivers
an infusion of divine protection and uplifi:ing wisdom into rhe
human collective. Priestesses, sound alchemists and heart healers
work with these frequencies, understanding their capacity to
evoke the alchemical and the miraculous. These are our spiritual
brorhers and sisters, cultivating and radiating the consciousness
of love, that soothing and courage-inducing medicine of the soul.
In a reading, chis oracle affirms that honouring deep soul
bonds and sharing healing with your soul cribe is an important
facet of your purpose. You have rhe power of !ove in your heart.
It is che healing spiritual glue that can bring people together for a
higher purpose. Ir inspires orhers and generares positive energy to
lighten che emocional load many souls carry.
When 528Hz Mandala oJthe Heart appears in your reading,
you are being put on notice that the divine feminine has a vis ion for
your soul and is organising events accordingly. She will guide you
through your heart, and with her protection, the manifesrarion of
your soul parh is assured.

Take a moment to consciously connect to che flow of your breath.
Let che brearh How in and out and allow yourself to deepen and
lengthen the breaths, especially che exhalation. Lightly place a
hand over your heart with reverence and respect.
Allow your awareness to travel on che breath, going deeper

and deeper and dropping into your heart. You can feel, imagine,
see or inrend that your heart is a sacred temple, a beautiful place
filled with light and space.
Rest within your heart, with !ove and acknowledgement of irs
precious nature. If there is pain in your hearr from chis or other
lifetirnes, you can witness it gencly and with compassion, chus
allowing it to dissolve in the beauty, light, space and !ove.
Allow your sense of !ove for your heart, and che !ove that your
heart has for you, to become strong and nourishing. Become
peaceful and healed through your own heart connection, now.
You do not need to force anything. Love holds space for ali
experiences. You can rest in that sacred holding of the heart.
When you have rested for long enough, ground and hydrate
yourself. You have completed your healing process.

is. TANTRA OF 639Hz

Be open to that which seems unfamiliar or dijferent. You

will experience a breakthrough as you embrace an unusual
approach. You are on a soul path oJ accelerated spiritual
growth, which is swifter but not always easier. You do not
have to contrive your own bappiness, but you can dip into
tbe bliss within your body to lighten your mental state and
remind yourselfeverything is working out beautifully.

Tantra is che conscious, creative intermingling of che sacred

masculine and sacred feminine energies that dwell within every
human heart. When one chooses to honour che interplay of these

l 13
sacred energies, we become able to engage with che mysteries of
our life and respond creatively. Tantra is che refusal to mm away
from your life experiences-even che painful ones-because you
recognise that, with wisdom, spirimal growth can emerge from
all things. Tantra is che willingness of your heart to thoroughly
embrace that which might be difficult or different to what
we expect, and through such open-minded, open-hearted
engagement, discover a capacity to love and become wise. Tantra
is che sacred relationship of che spirit and che body which creates
che soul, with all its precious gifi:s of healing, creativity, !ove and
higher consciousness.
Toe frequency of 639Hz evokes unity, It moves beneath
conflict and grounds us in sirnplicity, connection and !ove. When
Tantra of639Hz is in a reading, soul connections=-whecher twin
Hames, soul mates, spirit guides or soul cribes-are especially
significant to our spirimal growth. This frequency enhances the
capacity for conscious and healing interaction berween those who
have been at odds. Ic is a loving cosmic bliss bomb which breaks
che toxic grip of ego and facilitates soulful connection and karmic
healing. If you have been working through relacionship issues, chis
oracle brings good news for healing and resolution.
This frequency also clears and screngchens che energy flow
through che inner syscems of che body, promotingcellular renewal.
Toe heart healing broughc about by chis frequency heighcens our
spirimal awareness so we can navigace in both our relacionships
and our environments with more discernment and ski!!. When
we cannot control our environments, we can work to become
masterful of our own energy. Toe oracle brings reassurance. This
frequency re-establishes our connection to che spirimal realms of

love, light and sacred, healing beauty. It is the sublime frequency
of ecstatic sereniry, These beautiful energies can enter our field
and creare a moveable spiritual feast which will nourish, support,
protect and shelter us, no matter the environment we may be
moving through.
The oracle of Tantra oJ 63 9Hz asks you to allow connection.
Do not zone out and turn away from what is happening, even
when it is painful. Be gentle with yourself, but be persistent on
your path, If you cannot proceed along a certain course, find
another way, and do not abandon your dreams. Be receptive and
yet also deterrnined and dynamic. If you have been worrying
about a situation, this oracle advises you are working your way
through it, whatever support you need shall be provided and you
are further along than you realise. The highest divine outcome is
aiready being woven through your soul and into your experience.
Things may not go to plan, but they are still going to work out.

Imagine, intend, visualise or feel a beautiful ribbon of golden
light. le is fluid, like a river of rnolren gold, radiant like sunshine.
It is curling and swirling freely, as though it is dancing around you.
lt is as though an invisible cosmic dancer is guiding it through the
air in stunning patterns of playful grace. Allow yourself to beco me
mesmerised by its golden, shining beaury,
Then, become aware of a beautiful ribbon of silver light. It is
fluid, like a river of gleaming liquid silver, enchanting as foil lunar
light gracing che surface of a still lake. lt is floating and Howing
ali around you, as though an invisible cosmic dancer is guiding it
through the air with skill and pleasure. You are hypnotised by its

silver, shining beaucy.
Then, become aware that these ribbons of gold and silver
light are interacting. They separare and intertwine, moving with
freedom and imelligence, rising and falling in embrace with each
orher, It is absolutely beautiful to behold. Lec yourself relish it, feel
healed by it. These ribbons of light and life are your own golden
masculine and silver feminine channels of energy within che soul.
Now, it is time to rest and relax, allowing your experience to
settle. When you are ready, ground and hydrate your body. You
have cornpleted your healing process.


Tune in to your heart, and you will be able to .find your

way through any negative or toxic situation. Engage in self
healing and space clearing. Commit to regular practices that
help you connect to your inner light. Your light shall not be
overcome by any darkness or negativity. Take time to clean
your heart and mind ofnegativity by focusing on tbe divine
beings that bringjoy to your heart. It is appropriatefaryou to
desire your oum personal and sacred space and access it daily.

We live in an age of heightened environmental, emotional and

spiritual pollution. During such a world age, it takes more work

co experiencc claricy, puricy and originalicy. Ofcen, che bulk of
our challenge is simply ,varding off furcher negacive influences
and arrcmpring co dislodge che coxins pcrmeartng our energy
field, psychologically, physically and emotionally. The onslaught
concinues with chernícal coxins in foods, polluced occans which
contaminare sea life, and che bombardment of eleccromagnecic
radiacion. When cechnological developmenr lacks commensuratc
wisdom, such is che current case, progress contains a shadow side
of harm to our planee and her crea cures, including us humans.
Higher beings are lovingly and faithfully to assist
souls in rheir transition from fear to a love-based inncr orientarion
- and to becomc strong enough to ward off furcher negacive
influences and reverse che toxic culture within themselves and
our world. A shifc is available for hearts ,villing to exchange che
constan e baccle wirh relencless negativicy for beinga so urce oflight,
love and peaceful abidingon chis planee. When chese hearcs reside
in an inner place of purity, they are able to bring unconditional
love and spacious primordial wisdom into our world for che
spiritual benefit of ali beings. With their positive enthusiasm for
che hcaling for all beings, chcy can do much good in che world.
To be around such hearts insrils peace and relaxacion, hopefulness
and vitalicy wirh¡n che soul.
The frequency of 741Hz cleans things up. So/ve polluti is a
Lacin expression which means to clear pollutants and toxins. This
frequency focuses on clearing, freeing che hold of negativity and
allo,ving che natural ,vay-of bright, beauciful manifestation-
co unfold. This frequency works to clear infections and
elecrro,nagnecic radiation fro,n che body. le also actuncs onc to
che harmonlcs of che quantum field, che reorganising principie of

the higher self which knows what you are and how to dislodge
and disengage from that which is inauthentic and obstructive to
your radiant being.
When this oracle appears in a reading it is a call to clear
yourself and your space in ways that feel aflirming, inspiring
and beautiful for you. Trust that no matter how much gunk rhe
ego-driven actions of humans might generate, it is no match for
the power of Spirit ar play in willing human hearts. May all such
hearts join with Spirit and with each other to clear and bless all
creatures for the greatest good.

Bring your awareness into the present moment as you ground
yourself by feeling your feet connecting to the earth. Ler there
be a feeling of pleasant heaviness as your feet pull the energy
down from your heart and toward the earth. It is as if the feet
can discharge unwanted energies, which the Earth Mother-with
her alchemical skill of transmutation-can utilise as fertiliser for
new life
Place a hand over your heart. Feel your connection with
yourself, with the light within, with the spiritual vastness that is
the light within your heart. See, imagine, feel or intend that rhe
heart connection to the spiritual light is becoming stronger and
more powerful as you gendy tune your awareness to it.
If you can relax and allow it, that intelligent inner light will
begin to clear, cleanse, heal, renew and protect you from within
your cells. le will move out into all aspects of your lite. You may
feel this at a sub de level, but even if you feel noching, you can trust
it is happening, anyway.

You can further empower your process with rhis prayer:

1 call upon the pure white light far cleansing, realignment,

renewal and protection, now. May 1 be protected Jrom ali
negativities, purged Jrom ali malignant energies and beld
in tbe sanctity oj the light, in ali dimensions of my being. 1
sbed and release that which obstructs my luminous and true
nature. Through divine merey and grace, far the spiritual
benefis ofall beings, so be it.

When you are ready, ground yourself and hydrate well. You have
completed your healing process.

20. SPIRIT O\.vL OF 852Hz

Recalibration to a higher order of divine purpose is in

progress. It is not always a smooth ride, but it is safe to be
fearless as you gently bold space far new ways of thinking,
living and seeing to emerge. You are encouraged to let go of
opinions and beliefsystems that cannot supportyou in higher
fequency states. You shall soon recognise a truth that cuts
through confusion andfrees you to proceed with loue, peace
and higher understanding.

Spirit Owl is the wisdom bearer, the one who perceives the
imended meaning underlying words and the truth behind

appearances. Even in darkness, Spirit Owl senses subtle movernents
with accuracy. The heightened senses ofSpirit Owl are akin to the
supernatural perception of the higher self. Your higher self sees
through illusion and with compassion. Ic astutely recognises the
agendas of the ego and tunes into the empowering energies of rhe
Universe to find a constructive way to express its loving purpose.
Spirit Owl enhances your connection to your higher self,
guiding you beneath the compelling nature of appearances,
where a vastly different and spiritually empowering perspective
is available to you. From such heightened awareness, you can
accurarely intuit the complex drives ar work in yourself and others,
This makes it easier to have compassion, outwit negativity, and
make decisions that are helpful and healing, rather than adding to
the confusion or disorder. When Spirit Owl appears in a reading,
a mystery is soon to be solved, and rhe ensuing clarity will bring
relief and spiritual reward. As Spirit Owl is a message bearer,
chis oracle is also a positive ornen for your furure, a sign rhat a
seemingly impossible or impenetrable situation is unravelling.
852Hz is the frequency of higher-self connection, which
favours the clearing of rhe mind and an awakening of genuine
insight and higher understanding. The frequency of 852Hz opens
one to perceive light and communicate with the realms ofhigher
light beings. With such clarity of mind, ir is easy to recognise
lower leve! beings who do not operare from unconditional love
and pure wisdom. There is no attraction to such beings, but a
compassionate attitude toward thern. What attracts the soul
ar this high frequency is the pure light of wisdom, grace and
spiritual liberation, to which rhe soul is drawn for nourishment
and restoration.

When we are rhirsty, we do not reach for an empty glass, we
reach for one that is foil. Seek nourishment thar can truly offer
what you need. There is no sense in seeking something another
cannot provide you because of rheir spirimal limitations. You can
only find it from rhose who are able to give it. Keep chis in mind
as you awaken che inner eye of wisdom. Seek the purest !ove to
nurture your heart and share it freely.
852Hz is a love-enhancing, freedom-generating frequency
of che visionary. The third eye of the soul is the awakened inner
eye which sees things as they are without fear - because rhere is
knowledge that healing is possible. We are ready for such vision
when our hearts are ready to be free. Then, we are prepared to stop
fantasising, start creating and act with more wisdom because we
have more clarity,
The oracle of Spirit Owl oJ 852Hz reconnects you to your
authentic soul path and higher purpose. It is a sign that your
mind is tuning in to something true. Ir augurs clear seeing and
higher understanding. You will be freed from a struggle and set on
a creative, empowering and effective path of manitestation. This is
a blessing of creative psychological füe. Trust rhat the more you
lec go the more you will experience renewal and stunning spiritual
rebirrh. The pase is truly over and a new era is dawning.

Connect consciously to your breath. As you exhale, imagine,
intend, feel or visualise your energy grounding in deeper
connection to che Earth Morher, You can close your eyes if you
wish, feeling that the grounding process is enabling a stronger
interna! orientation, moving your awareness inwards and

downwards, setcling into che interior deprhs of your being.
Within rhat interior realm there is much spaciousness. le is
alive, viral and receprive. Into that inrellígent void you can release
anyrhing you have held on to rnentally, physically or emotionally.
Ir is peaceful to do chis. Ir is enjoyable to do chis. You become
more of your true and efforcless natural self as chis happens.
Gencly allow attachments to be dissolved lovingly and set free
into chat spaciousness.
The spaciousness is a sacred womb of the Universal Goddess.
Out of that emptiness many beautiful new creations will emerge.
Continue with chis process foras long as feels bese for you.
When you are ready, slowly follow your breath back to your
physical body in che here and now. Ground yourself by feeling
your earrh connection and allowing sorne movement. Hydrate
your body with clean, fresh water in abundance, with gratitude.
You have cornpleced your healing process.

21. SERAPH OF 963Hz

Practice connecting to the joy that is always deep within

you. Pay attention to what brings you exquisite delight. !J
you don't know what tbat is, you are guided to experiment
and explore! Connecting to tbe joyful capacity ofyour heart
will heal so much negativity and uncertainty. Let your heart
relax. Allow the spiritual grace that wishes to reorder your
life to manifest its miraculous magic.

The seraphim are angelic beings of an extremely high vibration.

They are angelic mystics, in constant devotion and adoracion of
che Divine. When we passionately fall in love with a divine face of

luminous grace, whether it be a person who has entered our lives
as if they have dropped straight from heaven onto earth or we feel
our hearr awakening to new deprhs of love in meditation with
our spirit guides, we are in harmony with che seraphim. When
we go through a struggle and are somehow fortunate enough
to recognise che protective and healing action of divine grace
intervening on our behalf, we can shifi to such gratitude we just
want to kiss che sky and singa !ove song to che Universe. Then we
are in touch wich our own inner seraph.
Sorne egos project their narcissistic wounding and lack of
romantic imagination onto Spirit, concluding rhat che Divine
muse be rather vain if it wants swarms of angels flying about
constantly singing its praises. They don't understand that che
Divine asks for our love so it can give of itself to us. When we feel
[ove, when we are in love, our hearts are open and receptive. The
Divine isn't interested in praise for its own sake, but for what we
can receive when our hearts are opened by it.
When you have a beauciful experience, fall in love, enjoy che
bese mea! of your life, see a film that awakens your mind, do you
not want to tell others about it? Our world can seem a bleak and
spiritually barren place. We need jubilant mystical hearts who
know the secret of esoteric ecstasy and are divinely drunk in their
celestial communion. We need to see thern happily stumbling
about as lovestruck fools, starding our intellects with their
brilliant ramblings, opening our hearts wich their purposeful
passions. We too need such loving delight with che Divine so we
cannot help but want to call forth in wondrous gratitude and
declare our !ove from che rooftops for all to hear and feel. This
oracle brings a message straight from che Divine to you: Let me

The tone of 963Hz unlocks the radiant luminosity of your
light body. This body oflight is the inner essence of your physical
structure and yet is not constrained by it. Your light body is your
interna! interface between the spiritual plane and the physical
plane. Ir is where healing, bliss and inspiration How unimpeded.
The higher worlds transmit consciousness-raising light codes
directly into your body of light, affirming your original soul note
and preventing the ego from obscuring your spiritual light so that
you can manifesr your rnost authentic life parh.
This telepathy of light between spirit and your inner being
gives rise to knowing without knowing how you know. This oracle
guides you to trust such inner knowledge, even if it doesn't always
seem logical. Spirit is guiding you. The Universe will provide
ample resources to support you doing what you have come to this
planet to do. There is no need to turn away from what your heart
adores and every reason to embrace it with total trust. Connection
with this tone plugs us into the inner intricacies of our ecstatic
energy field, where we can partake of the miraculous medicine of
love and light and be reminded that we can handle anything that
comes our way, with grace.
Spiritual infusions of light and wisdom, such as those that
travel on the 963Hz frequency are alchemical. They are able
to distil value from any circumstance and transform it. This
frequency is a cosmic particle accelerator, which facilitares
graceful return to the loving wisdom and crea ti ve resourcefulness
of Spirit. Seraph oJ 963Hz brings a message that the light and
whatever it arouses in your heart and alighrs in your being-with
passionate gratitude and delicious hunger for more-is powerful
enough to capture, captivate and heal you. In doing so, it opens

che \vay to manifestation. Praises to our generous, graceful, loving

You n1ay like to work with a journal for chis exercise. Contemplace
and brieAy describe severa! moments when you felt joy, gracicude,
vitaliry and aliveness. Thcy n1ay be cvcryday events or a special
event or unusual occurrence.
As you record your cxpcriences, you nlighc be able to open
your hearr wirh gratitudc far chose experiences. Perhaps you can
cultivare a feeling of wonder and appreciarion far how marvellous
life can be. You nlight sense your life as precious. When you are
ready, say the following aloud:

May 1 connect wilh my own depth, sincerity and gratitude

Jór !ifé. May my heart and its depth oflove, capacityfar atoe
and appreciation of mystery be empowered and protected by
the light. May 1foil in !ove with the true beauty ofmy sacred
lifi path. From the Universal Heart, to my heart, to the
hearts ofali beings, may spiritual !ove and blessingjlourish.

You have compleced your healing proccss.


A w,iy through the struggle has already been createdfar you,

andyou are beingled onto that path. Your authentic soulpath
may inc!ude recognition and acclaim, notable success and
admiration. Be grateful, but do not be dazzled or distracted
by such experiences. Focus on what connects you to your heart
and grounds you in the simplicity of spiritua! truth, tohicb
is the practice oflove, kindness and peace. 1/Jis will allow far
successful progress in the material toorld tvithout disturbing
the sanctity ofyour sou!.

In che myst1c1sm of che Kabbalah, Ain Soph Aur is che firsc
and truesc light. le emerges from che absolure, which is pure
ernptiness, beyond all characteristics, phenomena and form. The
capacicy to creare someching from apparencly noching is one of
che ddinitions of magic. Ain Soph Aur is che Universe pulling
rabbits out of hats on a cosmic scale. Because che spiricual light
emerges from che spaciousness of infinite potentiality, ic is
imbued wich endless creativity, resourcefulness and spontaneous
responsiveness. Whacever is needed is made rnanifest, provided to
che receptive hearc and will benefic all beings.
Receptivicy is che key to unlocking chis white light magic of
che Spiric. When we are open to it, surrendered to its wisdom
and willing to place chac wisdom above our own opinions, we
are capable of receiving and beneficing from it. If we are crying to
dictare its course, to contrive and control ic to meet our needs as
we chink chey should be mee, then we are not being recepcive. The
pach of control and dominance is regressive. le is not sacred magic
and it is not of che Spirit.
Ain Soph Aur illuminaces che ways of sacred soul magic
chac creare healing and deep fulfilment. le recognises chere is a
problem yet does noc dwell on it nor evoke toxic mind games
of blame and shame. le focuses on solucions. Underneach fancy
words, ouclandish claims and cornplex doctrines, che light of
Spiric is recognised by its effect. Genuine spiricual connection
helps us oucgrow our problems. Ego will tell you a sicuation is too
complicaced or someone else is to blame - or, if you could just
change chis one ching, healing could happen. Bue, when you are in
ego you are not spiricually effective. You will be locked in suffering
and confusion.

As a human being, you are able to use your free will as you
choose. You can focus on che negative and distance yourself from
che light, refuse to trust and insist you always know bese. You can
choose to feel unappreciaced, becrayed or afraid when life does
its unpredictable dance. Spirit will love you and seek to help you
even when you use your free will in such a way. Ar any time, you
can choose to say, "Enough of chat misery !" And, open your heart
to connect wich che higher crea tive and healing incelligence of che
light. No rnatter how much our wounded minds or broken hearcs
may believe a situation cannot be healed, Ain Soph Aur is always
chere. lt reminds us chat, whecher we can see it or not, chere is a
spiritual path chrough all troubles. Thar path can be so beauciful
we will become profoundly grateful for che struggle which caused
us to grow ( even if we never wish to repeat che experience).
Acknowledgement is che beginning of healing. If someching
isn't quite righc, be kind and wise enough to admic it. Toen seek
out che genuine light, which will evoke peace in your heart. Have
che courage and trust to lec go of approaches that will not lead you
anywhere worch going. As you open yourself to what is-even che
unexpeccedly difficulc twists of face-you will become ever closer
to che radiant grace and luminous clarity, which is reassuringyou,
healing you, guiding you and loving you.

Connect consciously to your body and your breach and bring
yourself fully into chis present moment. Imagine you can release
all choughcs, fears and obsessions abouc your problems or
concerns, even if just for chis exercise. You could imagine dusting
chem off your auric field as chough you were dusting off liccle

bits of spiderweb that had become stuck to you whilst walking
along a garden parh. You may like to play at such spiritual dusting
through your energy field for a few moments, now. It will increase
your clarity of mind and presence in your body.
When you are ready, say the following prayer aloud:

I call upon the pure light oJ wisdom, compassion and divine

love. I invite tbe genius oJ spiritual grace to enter into my
heart and, with merey, clear tbe path to the highest loving
consciousness. I loosen my mental and emotional grip on
fixed opinions and open with trust to the higher wisdom and
creative path that will set my heartfree. May ali beings know
such merciful grace and generous assistancefar their greatest

Now, imagine, feel, intend or visualise that you are resting in a

beautiful field of light for as long as feels good for you. As your
personal energy field has been cleared and sheltered through
your practice thus far, you are now free and able to feel, sense
or perceive the beautiful light which holds you tenderly in its
spiritual embrace.
When you are ready, genrly guide yourself back to this
moment by following che flow of your breath in and out. Hydrate
and ground yourself. You have completed your healing process.

lJ BETA Of SPlkl f wocr


Give yourself enough rest. Only then will you be ab/e to

ground yourseif' enough to cultivate facus and rnotivation
to Jidfil your path. You wi/1 Jind a way through any tricky
situation as you tune in to your instincts and trust your
oum timing. From times o/ change and uncertainty comes
conjidence, !ove and resilience. Ernbrace transition. Commit
to your task.s and stayfacused but beflexible in your approach.
You have the ski!! to intuitively handle any issue.

Spirit Wolf skilfully guides us through transition and uncertainty.

He enhances instinct, incuirion and presence, so \Ve can sense

and avoid possible sabotage or traps and incelligendy and safely
find our way around them. Spirit Wolf tunes us into our instincts
withour creating paranoia or hyper-arousal. This is the medicine
of awareness and engagement that comes from tuning in without
fear, rather than from defensiveness, suspicion and building walls
against life.
Where direct confrontation could stall a resolution or make
matters worse, Spirit Wolf teaches us to sofi:en our energy, appear
less threatening and therefore minimise che chance che other party
reacting aggressively out of fear. This enhances che possibility of
resolution. Spirit Wolf calls for lunar wisdom, for honouring
che non-racional knowing of intuition, for trusting our spiritual
instincts and inner sense of timing. He is che unconventional
yet reliable pathfinder, He shows us how to be flexible while
remaining connected to our higher purpose.
Beta ofSpirit Wolfbrings che message that your resourcefulness
and capacity to meet your needs is greater than you realise.
We have it within us to engage all situations with courage and
willingness. We will always find a way through. As Spirit Wolf
thrives in cheerful, playful social bonding with his cribe, there
is also a reminder that connection is an essential ingredient
in our approach to life. To thrive and have as much fon as che
intelligent, playful, successful, adaptable and resourceful wolf, we
need love in our lives. To experience love, we muse be willing to
reach out, open up and run che risk of letting love in - as well as
to share it unconditionally, without thought for what we can get
out of it ( which would transform che beautiful gifi: oflove into a
manipulative tool of ego).
Beta brainwaves oscillate berween 14Hz and 40Hz. Ir is che

pattern of our waking state when our alertness and reasoning
are heighcened. If our beta waves become excessive, it can be
challenging to transition into more relaxed states, and che result
is increased stress. Stress is a significant problem for che human
colleccive, and che negative impact on our healch and our planee
is considerable. le is easier for a relaxed mind to access clarity and
Beta waves are stimulating, and while heightened arousal is
beneficia! in small doses at appropriate times, if chis becomes
our dominant way of being our stress levels will compromise
our wellbeing and our wisdom. The excess of anxiety-relaced
disorders affecting humanity ar chis time is one symptom of
beca brainwaves in overdrive. Beta helps us get chings done,
bue imbalanced, it disconnects us from che nourishing sacred
feminine presence within che heart chat generares contentment.
Beta excess is progress ar any cose. Beta deficiency results in lack
of focus and inattention to what is happening, so problems are
not readily solved. Spirit Wolf brings a healing recalibration of
our beta waves, so we can avoid depression and feel motivated, yet
also know when to step back and reconnect to che slower healing
rhyrhrns of che heart and soul.

Give yourself a refreshing, invigorating body rub - perhaps
start at your scalp, by rubbing your head in a way chat alleviates
tension bue is also slightly stimulating. You may like to put slight
pressure on che top of your head, che base of your skull where it
meets che neck and also behind che ears down to che jaw. Then
rub your shoulders, especially where neck and shoulders meet.

You may then Iike to make fists and lightly pummel or briskly rub
your lower back and hips. If you wish, you can continue with chis
motion down the length of each leg and the soles of your feet.
When you have completed this self-massage, take sorne slow,
deep breaths and give yourself a chance to ground with gentle,
playful movements - perhaps a few star jumps or even a quick
jog on che spot, depending on what feels good. Say aloud:

I have it within me to accomplish my soulful tasks withfacus

and effictiveness. I trust myself to find my way, according
to my own heart wisdom and with the strength oJ Spirit
that keeps me motivated to continue on my path, while also
meeting my needsfar rest and replenishment.

Recognise that you are a creative powerhouse who refuses to

be obstructed on your path, Own your deterrnined, wolf-like
badassery ! You have completed your healing process.

r- 24. ALPIIA or ALCYON[ �·1


A positive twist of fate and a windfall of good fortune

are destined far you. Brightness and hope will alleviate
negativity and give you the strength tojindyour way through
a time ofadversity or challenge. Finally, you will experience
peace, love and deep connection with your true selfand the
Universe. Good things are on their way to you.

The brightest star in the Pleiades star system, Alcyone, holds

the frequency of love, the sacred feminine healing power of
compassion and the grace of merey. In the rnyths of ancient
Greece, Alcyone was so in !ove with her husband Ceyx that she

referred to him as 'Zeus,' and he referred to her as the divine wite
of Zeus, 'Hera,' Zeus was so irritated by such grandiosity that
when Ceyx was at sea, Zeus struck his ship wich a lightning bolt.
In her grief, Alcyone chrew herself into che sea. Moved by merey,
che gods transformed the lovers into kingfishers. These birds
embody che spiritual medicine of abundance, Iove, prosperity,
peace and happiness, bringing blessings of hope and healing to
The Halcyon Days take their name from this goddess curned
kingfisher. They are che seven days on eicher side of che shorcest
day of che year, che wincer solstice. During chis time, chere are said
to be no storms, only peaceful weacher. Legend has it that the
god of the winds calms al! storms during chis period so Alcyone
can nest safely. The term now symbolises a period of luminous
grace amidst a challenging time, during which one can rest in
tranquillicy. le is also an ornen of more peaceful days of !ove and
prosperity ahead.
Alcyone is the goddess of grace and merey, especially in che
face of heart-wrenching loss. She reassures us chat we will find
a way through and chac chere is comfort for us when we need
it, even if furcher work needs to be done before we can be fully
released into a new era of happiness. When Alpha oJ Alcyone
makes an appearance, we are near to che deepesc, darkest phase of
our suffering and can trust we are already beginning to emerge on
the other side.
Alpha brainwaves are deep, calming waves. They are what
we experience when daydreaming or slipping into peaceful
relaxation or meditation. In che alpha state, imagination and
incuition are heightened, as such these brainwaves are a gateway

into che subconscious mind. As che bridge between conscious,
everyday awareness and deep, alcered states, alpha waves allow us
to be awake and functioning, while connecced to an inner well
of wisdom and support. If we are in stimulacion overload, alpha-
blocking can occur. Learning to consciously switch off and relax
by dropping into che 8Hz to 12Hz range helps us rnelt away stress
and cune in to our intuition, withouc becoming too floacy and
The oracle of Alpha of Alcyone supporcs us in relaxing and
reconnecting to optimism, even during tough times. In such a
state, we will realise chac dífiiculties will eventually come to an
end and we will be provided for. This oracle brings guidance chaca
new realicy ofhappiness is available to us even now, as we steadily
make our way to che light of a happy new start,

Find a place where you can rest wichouc being discracced or
discurbed and sertle into a comforcable posicion. If possible, have
someching rescful and beauciful to look ac, such as crees or che
ocean or sorne beloved cryscals or sacred objeccs. Become aware of
your breathing. Lec your focus be sofi: and diffuse. Nocice che rise
and fall of your breach and allow ic to become slower and deeper
wichouc forcing it. If chere is cension in your body, use chac same,
sofi:, diffuse focus to relax chac pare of your body a liccle.
Allow your mind to drift, wichouc crying to hold on to any
idea, wichouc crying to follow any choughc bue jusc sofi:ly, Huidly,
open to che play of imagination. You may become a liccle drowsy,
or you may jusc feel increasingly relaxed. Aim to get to che state
where, if you had to calk wich someone, it would cake you a few

moments ro speak and you ,vould do so slowly, rarher rhan swífily
formularing your choughcs. Enjoy che sofcening of your mental
Toen allow your i,naginarion ro drifi: inro che heart as rhough
it was a genrle, shining inner temple of whire light. See rwo
kingfisher birds Aying and playing rogecher. One lovingly pro teces
che orher as she lays her eggs. The realm is peaceful and still. You
1nay even feel sorne emorion ,velling up as you connect ro che
energy of such a gende paradise. Lec your heart feel whar ir needs
ro feel. Jusc be.
Drcamiiy and sofi:ly repeac che manera, "I embrace spiricual
grace" severa! times. You may even wanr to dance or meditare a
licrle upon char mantra. When you have resred inc his space for
as long as feels good, slowly and genrly guide yourselfback to che
presenc moment and a somewhar ,nore alerr state by using your
breach and grounding yourself. You have completed your healing


Attune yourselj to higher consciousness by choosing to access

the purest fequencies of loue within. Acknowledge lower
fequencies such asjudgement,faar, doubt or shame when they
arise within or around you, but do not give them a footbold
in your heart. You are readyfar higher understanding, to see
things in a new and more positive light. Allow your inner
knowing to guide you on a unique, beautiful and highly
spiritual life path.

Venus is our morning and evening star, rhe srellar goddess and
guardian of transitional awareness and higher consciousness of the

heart. She is the wayshower of light and fifi:h dimensional reality
(also known as unity consciousness). Her spiritual guardianship
of humanity will be complete when our mass consciousness is
based on love, light and divine feminine wisdom. When you
connect with Venusian energy, it is an opporcunity for increased
love, magnetism and spiritual charisma, a chance to shine your
light and manifest your soul purpose with increased grace,
synchronicity and sacred artistry, Her appearance in a reading
signifies a time of creative and spiritual awakening. It is a reminder
of the power of rhe heart and our ability to rise again afi:er a time
of karmic heaviness.
The souls of Venus, her sons and daughters upon this earth,
are not spiritually bound by the mass consciousness of the human
collective. They naturally vibrare at a more loving frequency.
They can be genuinely astonished by the cruelty, meanness and
displays of dominan ce that typify the dark side of human nature.
Yet they have chosen to temporarily incarnate and bind their
souls temporarily to the laws of nature. As they grow alongside
their beloved earthly brothers and sisters, they share the higher
resonance of their heart light, opening up the way for human
The spiritual sons and daughters of Venus belong here, yet
at an inner level they know they are not from here. This oracle
reminds you that you are not bound by the ways of this world and
rhat pare ofyour higher purpose is to help heal, sofi:en and awaken
humanity. Even if you find it hard to feel at home on earrh,
perhaps sensing you are from the stars-Venus or otherwise-
know you are meant to be here, and that you belong in a very
special way. There is a home here for you with the Earth Mother,

You are loved and needed and will artracr wharever support you
require to fulfil your destiny. Venus souls have a particular calent
Íor creating bcaury, \Vorking wich light and spiricual energy, and
calling to them wharever they want and need. You have your own
healingjourney, and par[ of thar journey is your spiritual rraining
in rhe ways of che earth ar chis time. This will teach you what is
needed [O heal yourselí and orhcrs. You don'c need to be aíraid oí
che ways of che world. You are part oí a spiritual team thar is here
to help transíorm mass consciousness.
Tueca is che narrow range berween 7Hz and 8Hz, which we
access during deeper meditations and light sleep, including the
dream srare. Toe brain enters chis stare during che 'in-berween'
times, such as when we are íalling asleep or waking up Írom deep
sleep. Thcse are moments in which our capaciry to creare our
consciousness is heighcened. Ar chese times, we become aware oí
decp-scarcd programmmg and are ablc to heal by reíraming ir.
During chis srate, you are conscious, yet your body is deeply
relaxed. You see everyday realities through che inner spiritual
eye and come to underseand yourselí and your liíe wirh spiritual
insighc. Pur simply. you may see rhings differenrly when you are in
che thera srate, and your liíe 1nay make much more sense ro you.
In a reading, che appearance oí chis oracle is a special reassurance
from Spirit rhac everyching is uníolding wirhin che protective
grace oí divine love, even ií somcrimes ir appears nor to be so! Ir
also indicares chat you have rhe power to heal yourselí and change
your life Íor che better.

Find a place where you can relax, such as your bed or lounge,
without being disturbed or distracted. Place your hand on your
heart and say che following prayer:

I call upon the spiritual guidance which loves me

unconditionally, and the higher guiding angels of Venus
and Theta, that I may experience, through grace, merey and
compassion, that which is most benejicial to my wellbeing,far
the greatest spiritual good ofall sentient beings.

It is now time to go through a relaxation process. You can do this in

whatever way works for you, but you may like to use visualisation
and your breath to imagine you are sofi:ly and gendy letting your
mind settle into your body and your body settle into che earth.
As you relax, feel increasingly srill and rest your awareness in che
present moment. Let your awareness continue to sertle and rest
deeper within, rather than focusing on what is happening around
you. You may be aware of sounds, for example, but as you turn
your awareness within, they will have less effect on you.
You are neither fully alert nor fully asleep. You can be aware
of che world around you, yet focused on nothing in particular.
lmpressions will come and go. Rest, drift, be in chis in-between
state of being foras long as you like.
When you have had enough of chis experience, ground
yourself with sorne physical movements. You may not realise how
far you have drifred out of everyday awareness until you begin to
return to it. Take your time to ground yourself fully. You have
completed your healing process.


Without any force, you can overcome even extreme

negativities. Your real nature is gentle, which is powerful in
its own unique way. You do not need to become somethingyou
are not. You can confidently and ejfectively invoke spiritual
protection fom the light. You can never be dominated or
bullied at a spiritual leuel; because the real you is always
empowered and protected in the light.

Sorne rhings can only happen when we lec go ar the deepest inner
leve! - regenerative healing is one of them. Shamans of old
understood that to obrain transformational awareness one has to

sever chemselves from che world as one knows ir, to unlearn what
one once knew to be reborn. In rhar rebirth, a new understanding
and vitality, clarity and purpose can emerge. Toe shamanic realm
is the realrn of che delta brainwave, the starc of decp sleep. Here,
one is completely unconscious. There is temporary paralysis at
this level which allows for the decpese healing and renewal. Hcre,
che gateway to rhe universal mind is enrered and rhe precious
recalibrating trcasures ofhealing are gained. In delta, we surrender
completely to a great and powerful intelligence far beyond our
At OHz to 4Hz, delta waves are rhe slowest and most
stabilising of che brainwaves. This is the stare in which the body
recovers from injury and the brain has a chance to check offits list
of deferred repairs and healing and resrore optima! function. This
includes the capacity to learn and the hcalthy functioning of thc
immune system - physically and also emotionally, so we are not
contaminated or confused by the emotional or psychic workings
of rhe world around us. This oracle brings guidance that rhe
healing you need cannot come from logical sources but rcquires
a deep letting go and restructunng from within. Consider what
practices and people could help facilitare chis proccss in your lifc.
Consider how you may value and encourage deep, restorative
sleep and regular retreats as part of your lifescyle.
The Greek nymph Taygete called upon her beloved goddess
Artcnlis to protect her from unwanced advances fro,n a powerful
suitor. In response, the goddess transformed Taygete into a doe,
so she would be safe from harm. Taygete ceaches us rhar we can
become vulnerable like che gen de deer, in rhe spiritual sanctuary
of our devotion, prorecred by a greater source. Toen, rhere is no

need to become aggressive or harsh to defend ourselves from
the aggression of another, We can lec go and allow ourselves to
be held. This is a way to ward off negativities wirhout needing to
disconnect from our softness and grace. Even if you are dealing
with intense negativities from a particularly powerful opponent,
Deer of Delta encourages you to call for spiritual intervention
with complete confidence in the grace that will instantly and
consistently be besrowed, Your strength and power can flow from
your spiritual connection. If you have been advised to toughen
up, you are encouraged to instead remain true to yourself and find
your srrength within.

Be seated somewhere comfortable. If you are a visual person, you
can follow the visualisation below, allowing the symbols to enter
into your soul without having to analyse or interpret thern. If you
are more of a feeling person, read the description below aloud,
noticing any emotions or sensations rhar arise as you do so and
allowing rhern to soak into your soul without needing to analyse
or interpret rhern.
To prepare yourself, connect consciously with your breath
as it flows in and out. Allow the breath to become deeper and
more complete, calming and centringyou in rhe present moment.
You may place a hand over your heart to connect with your inner
essence. Relax. Allow yourself to beco me receptive at a heart level,
open and willing to rake in symbolic nourishment to empower,
protect and heal you. When you are ready, read and visualise or
feel the following description:

You are at che edge of a green foresr on a mild spring day.
Sunlight íilrers sofi:ly chrough che canopy, creating a golden haze.
A small clearing is illumined by che diffuse light. There, a sweet
doe gently nuzzles at sorne grasses. She is peaceful and intent upon
her task. The scene exudes a feeling of tranquillicy. You see chat
tranquillicy as a field of energy. lt is a protective bubble of light
that encapsulares che deer and keeps her safe. You have che sense
that even chough she may appear to be alone, she is protected by
an invisible field of grace. Despite her apparent vulnerability, you
feel safety and power around Spirit Deer. She survives and thrives
whilst being in her own true nature.
Rest in chis visualisation or feeling for as long as you choose.
If you wish to do so, allow that feeling of gentleness and safety to
emerge from within your own heart and envelop you in a bubble
of protective spiricual light as you drifc into deeper rest or even
When you are ready to emerge, place both hands at your heart.
Allow yourself time to fully enter che here and now. Ground and
hydrate yourself. You have completed your healing process.


It is time to letgo ojwhat has been. You are swiftly outgrowing

your past. Explore and commit to a spiritual practice that
supports your personal transformation so that you can cross
tbe threshold befare you now. Embrace your freedom to be
creative in your approach, rather than doggedly committing
yourselfto yourprevious ideas orplans. You have the spiritual
intelligence necessary to evolve. Continue your healing
journey with trust that a positive outcome is imminent.

Aurora is the Roman goddess of the dawn, the bringer of light

and initiatrix of a new cycle or chapter in your life. She is the

luminous dispcller of darkness, che Aickering Haruc of hope in
che hearc thac can burn into such a radiant holy fire thar even che
greatest challenges do not cause che soul co curn away in fear. Her
presence in a reading signifies a fresh scart and che overcoming of
an old cycle.
Gamma waves are high frequency, rypically 40Hz in humans,
bue exrending ro higher levels wirh hyper-gamma oscillaring ac
around lOOHz. Associated wirh spiritual insighr and claricy, pure
vision and breakrhrough awareness, che gan11na srate is associated
wirh high-lcvcl processing chac lcads to integracion and evolurion.
Wich che gamma frequency, we transform knowledge inco
wisdcm chrough applicarion. Wc cap inco our abilicy to integrare
informacion and, in doing so, are cruly healed and rransformed.
As che world around us bccomcs increasing complex, che
capacicy for superior processing is swiftly becoming necessary
for che spiricual, emotional, psychological and evcn physical
wellbeing of humanity. There is a strong link berween spiricual
practices such as meditation and che producrion of gan1n1a wavcs.
When we experience a heighcened srare of spiritual awareness,
an expansive sense of being or a powerful conneccion wirh che
Universe or Spiric, our brain is in gamma mode.
Shifi:ingour grey�maccer gears into garnma waves can facilicarc
che breaking up of scagnanc rnodes of rhinking and behaving.
This is che sacred frequc::ncy of evolucion. Humans who are sruck
in pacccrns rcpcac che sanie scorics, che sanie words, che same
choughcs over and over, as chough on a repeaced loop. The soul
can begin ro withcr wichin such conscriccion. Whac is needed is
someching new and increasingly alive, such as the Jife-stimularing
grace of encounccrs with che unfaruiliar. Conneccion to gamma

waves can enhance our capacity to embrace che unfarniliar, and
through that openness of being, constructive adaptation is
enhanced. Our way ofbeing becomes more fluid, responsive and
creative. We engage with our experiences and grow positively
through how we respond to what is happening.
Aurora oJ Gamma indicates a shiíi into a new cycle, but
also che growing presence of che light within, which is the
creative light of Spirit. Tuning in to that light opens up options
for living soulfully, away from che grip of ignorance, no longer
constantly ensnared by che compelling but ulrimately fraudulent
conjurations of ego. Her new era is an inner transformation with
positive externa! consequences. Trust in what your inner light is
manifesting in your heart and in our world.

Settle into a comforrable posirion and consciously connect with
your breath as ir Hows in and out. When you are ready, close your
eyes and relax. Focus on your brearh, allowing it to become deeper
and slower, perhaps even with a slight pause afi:er inhalation
and a slight pause afi:er exhalation. As you relax, the pauses may
lengrhen. Allow this to be natural and unforced.
Your awareness can gently settle wirhin the centre of your
brain. Let rhere be a sofi: light rhere, glowing, expanding and
bringing a sense of peace, openness and relaxarion inro your brain.
Rest here for as long as feels good.
As your awareness gently settles within the centre of your
hearr, lec there be a sofi: light rhere, glowing, expanding and
bringing a sense of peace, openness and relaxation into your heart.
Rest here for as long as feels good.

Your awareness rhen genrly serrles within your lower belly.
There is a sofr light rhere, glowing. expanding and bringing a sen se
of peace, openness and relaxarion into your sromach, belly and
down to your colon. Resr here foras long as feels good.
These rhree lights align so rhat a soli bridge oflight can form
berwecn rhem. The bridge riscs, connccting thc lowcr body co
your heart and your heart to your brain. Ler your awareness rest
ar che top of your head. Lec rhere be light and srillness benearh
any acriviry going on wirhin or around you. Rest here for as long
as you ,vish.
When you are ready, bring your awareness back ro che ourer
surfaces of your body and che How of your brearh. Take as much
time as you need to ground yourself and hydrate your body. You
have complered your healing process.


Gather your energies and go within to regenerate. Let your

actions match your inner rhythms, rather than trying to
force yourselfto keep pace with externa! cues. Commit to your
own natural timing and pace. As you ground and connect
to your centre, you will realise your spiritual power to be at
cause in any situation ofconcern. You have such goodness and
light within you, let go ofshaming or blaming. Embrace the
spiritual beauty within.

Reaching inspired spiritual heighcs requires commitmenc to

developing powerful, deep roots. A mature creacive offering

takes longer to produce than that which is ephemeral and swifi:ly
supplanced by whatever is next. To embrace che patience required
for such building, surrender che need for immediate gratification.
We muse become so confidenc in che authenticity and value of
our process thar we are not in need of externa! evídence to bolster
our courage. We can enjoy validation along che way bue muse not
turn away if it is absenc for a time - especially if rhose around us
appear to be moving faster. With such confidence and courage,
we will be able to deepen and slow our breath and our restless
nature and allow for che inner workings of our souls to manifest
beautiíul healing magic. This oracle asks you to ground yourself,
believe in your potencial, commit to your path and be patienc so
great things can happen for you.
Although che flash of stunning insight happens in an instant,
it follows a complex orchestration of purification and preparation.
There is genius in patience and perseverance. They are che
hallmarks of nature's long game of brearhtakingly di verse creative
display. When we immerse ourselves in che sacred feminine
wisdom that underpins Mother Nature's rapturous creativity, we
live differently. We allow ourselves to not know what is coming
next, to not need to have che entire picture before we trust things
are going to work out. We use our power to attune and allow
rather than to direct and demand. We shifi from ego to soul and,
in doing so, can embody our divine potencial. This oracle asks you
to trust in what is happening in your life. It doesn't need to make
sense in order for you to benefit from it.
Épsilon brainwaves are extremely slow, and their frequency
is lower than convencional equipmenc can measure. They are
indicative of che way che brain operares outside of che usual

modes of thinking, as per che dictares of mass consciousness. In
epsilon state, the brain reaches its lowest and slowest oscillations,
between O.SHz and just above OHz. In that place, extraordinary
states of consciousness are accessed, including a pure awareness
of the nature of being, che deepest levels of insight and che
regenerative bliss of spiritual emptiness. This oracle asks you to
switch off and tune in. The greater perspective you'll find can
bring you tremendous peace.
Ir is fascinating that when in super-slow epsilon che brain
produces effects similar to that of che hyper-gamma state and che
even faster-over 1 OOHz-oscillations of lambda brainwaves.
The brain operares in che sacred feminine territory of loops and
spirals, rather than linear progression and at chis point of extreme
polarity, there is reconnection and an experience of unity that
shatters che extreme tension of difference. The super-fase patterns
appear to be riding on the super-slow epsilon modulation. In
epsilon, we find rhe wisdom of rhe yogis oflndia, who taught rhat
in sitting still we overtake those who are running. This oracle asks
you to put your fairh in che spiritual power of your path, dedicare
yourself to your personal development and seek out the loving
presence of those upon the earth and in spirit who nurture your
heart and protect your soul.

As you settle into a comfortable position, connect consciously to
your breath as it flows in and out. When you are ready, close your
eyes and relax. Focus on the breath, allowing it to become deeper
and slower, perhaps even with a slight pause alter inhalation
and a slíght pause alter exhalation. As you relax, the pauses may

lengthen. Allow chis to be natural and unforced.
When you are ready, allow your awareness to gently and
respectfully centre itself wirhin your physical brain. You can
intend, visualise, imagine or feel there are subtle gears or dials
in your brain. Your brain knows how to shifi gears or turn down
dials so it can move from everyday awareness into a more relaxed
state, As rhose gears shifi or dials turn, relaxation increases into
positive and euphoric feelings.
Excess energy, perhaps excess heat or inflammation, begins to
disperse throughout your body, discharging through che hands
and feet. This allows for furrher pleasurable relaxation of the brain
and a sense of powerful stillness spreading through the brain and
rhe body.
A peaceful field of energy begins to radiare out from your
brain in all directions. This happens naturally to the degree that
is appropriate and helpful for you now. Resr here for as long as
you wish.
When you are ready to emerge, slowly rerurn by focusing on
the surface of your skin and rhe flow of the breath, Allow the
breath to deepen and become stronger. Complete your process by
grounding and hydrating your body.

-"' Bt \TITUO( Of
S ccarc R.\PTUII(


Let your true sel[ be seen. Search far the deeper spiritual
purpose and opportunity far healing beneath conjlict and
sujfering. Jfyou have been in pain, this oracle brings a message
o/ajoyfu! breakthrough. Your sou! is grotuing stronger, more
able to have faith in wisdom than in judgement or doubt.
Commit to your spiritua! path and know you are rnaking
progress, euen if things seem more diflicu!tfar a time. Know
that any such diffimlty is part ofyour healing and that you
will successful/y move through it. Trust yourself

To feel rhar you are fully seen, loved and recognised for who you
are, honours your true self To be witnessed in such a state, truly
beheld in ali of your uniquencss, quirkincss, vulnerability and
strength, is deeply empowering. This is how Spirit sees you, so
when you conncct wich Spiric you learn ro love yourself and othcrs
unconditionally and become generous with your forgiveness.
You are also less likely ro be hoodwinked by ego. You start ro scc
yourself and orhers ar the soul level.
When we are beheld, che need to behold arises. We nced
to bear wirncss to the sacred, to acknowledge what is true,
which rneans cutting through the fog of illusion, decepcion and
confusion wirh che clarifying knife of higher perception. There is
quanrum power in pure vision. le empo\vers che viewer and also
rhar which is viewed. Seeing from a posicion of inner spirirual
truch, we look below che surface - which has alchemical pocency
to set healing in morion.
Whar vision of yourself or ochers do you eirher cling ro or
free yourself from? How mighr your choice eicher encourage
or impede soul awakening? When life is cough, you can admire
rhe courage ir cakes ro gro\V. There is a compliment inherent in
being allorred lífe challenges. If something big has shown up on
someone's parh. chen che Universe is basically saying char they are
enough of a spiritual badass to deal wirh ic. Ic's a vote of divine
confidcncc. If you or anocher are barcling somerhing. you can
choose to feel awe and respecc, rather rhan fear and despair.
Raprure is a scare of inrensely pleasurable joy rhar lifi:s ene
inco communion with rhe sublime and rhe sacred. Ir is noc only
a personal cxpcricnce bue also a rransfusion of divine dclighc
inco che collective soul of humaniry. This is che kind of joy that

is generous, soulful, wichout reason or agenda and delighcfully
concagious. le is a wakeup call. le shifcs any scubborn clinging to
negacivicy. le refreshes che soul and nourishes che heart. le reminds
us chac everyching is okay. Rapture is che astonishmenc, che sudden
incake of breach, in response to an inner realisation of someching
beauciful and beyond description. le cears us out of our misery and
despair and plugs us inca an electrical currenc of enlighcenmenc.
The darkness is cleared in an inscanc.
A beacicude is a blessing, che highesc blessing. The oracle of
Beatitude of Sacred Rapture brings guidance chac che beautiful,
healing truth of Spirit is your realicy. All else is a nighcmarish
misuse of imaginacion by che ego. When you sense Spirit at
work in your life, cocally crustworchy and having your back, you
are seeing clearly. When your hopeful heart feels empowered,
you are in a zone of cruch. Trust in chose momencs. Recall chem
whenever you can. Counc all your positive momencs and wins,
no matter how inconsequencial chey may appear. Every one of
chem is a precious drop of divine necear nourishing your heart.
Allow yourself to see and be seen. And remember chac even in che
tremors, trials and tribulacions of human life, you are a radianc
soul who is growing ever more luminous chrough che wisdom,
compassion and strengch discilled chrough chose experiences.
Look for che light beneath all phenomena, and you shall know
che peace and love chac is wich all beings, always.

Beco me present and connect wich your heart in a rescful, respeccful
manner. You may do chis by lighcly rescing your hand over your
heart and feeling for its presence beneach your hand - not only

as a marvellous physical organ, bue also as a spiritual temple of
!ove. As you exhale, your awareness can drop from your head to
your heart. As you inhale, your awareness can recrear a little more
from che appearances of che outer world and feel pulled, lovingly
and gently, toward che inner magnetic field of che heart.
Within che heart you can see, feel and become aware of a
beauciful eye. lt is an eye of light, an eye of protection, an eye of
wisdom and non-judgement, of clear vision and spiritual sight.
This is not a clinical eye, which assesses. lt is a compassionate eye,
which sees the luminous inner reality of che soul and che sacred
destiny of all beings.
The trappings of opinion and preconceived ideas are like
che nets of fishermen. The ocean of !ove within che heart glides
right through thern. In che heart there is wisdom and !ove. There
is healing. There is truth and courage. This same love-wisdom
is in che hearts of all beings. You can imagine ir gently stirring,
awakening, bringing peace, che connection between all
beings more conscious. We are not alone. We matter to each other
at a deep spiritual level. Lec yourself rest beneath che appearances
of conflict and separation and pain. Partake of che sacred heart-
tonic of all-embracing, all-encompassing !ove.
When you are ready to complete your healing process, slowly
emerge by focusing on che sensations of che air or clothing upon
your skin. Then ground and hydrate yourself. You have completed
your healing process.


Your inner spiritual power can heal circumstances in your

life and our world in ways greater than you realise. journey
within to gain clarity and conscious redirection ojyour inner
energies toward what you wish to manifest. Do not try to
control what is happening. lnstead, work to bring positive
influence to bear, so that you may contribute constructively
toward shaping the outcomefar tbe greatest good.

From che Norse traditions of Scandinavia comes che sorcery of

seidr (say­der), che practice of cracking open an egg in order to
read, and also shape, che future, The egg is a symbol of iníinite

divine potencial and che beginning of new life, Seidr is a mysterious
soothsaying or visionary practice, which also involves shamanic
healing, to divine an appropriate pathway chrough times of
trouble and communal strife. Through prayer, chane and binding
magic, as well as visionary practices in an altered state-all of
which are supported by focused collective intention-a powerful
healing takes place. The appearance of chis oracle indicates that
your soul talents, whatever they may be, can be of influence in
che world. If you dedícate yourself to personal developmenc for
che greater good, you can contribute to che spiritual evolution of
Even if our intentions are pure, believing we know what should
happen to whom, and when, is che working of che ego and not che
soul. We may want che bese for all beings, bue we cannot know
why their path is unfolding as it is or what their soul needs to
learn. Seidr is a practice of shadows and spellcasting, binding and
release, which could be used for higher purpose or personal gain.
lt dwells upon che borders of moralicy. The spiritual maturity of
che practitioner will determine whether its effects are for good
or ill. This oracle advises us that good intentions are not enough
to ensure che outcome of our efforts is beneficial. We need che
wisdom that comes rhrough surrendering into divine incelligence.
With an awakened heart, it is possible to be a clear channel
for spiricual light in chis world, dedicaring our soul talencs to
overcoming hace and divisiveness.
Traditionally, che practitioner of seidr was a spiritual leader
known as volva or volur ('soothsayer' or 'seer'), spa­kona ('woman
of prophecy') or seio­kona ('woman of magic'). She would not
work alone bue called upon community members to empower

che practice. When we choose to align our actions- wich our
heart truths, we become che spiricual birchmochers and founding
fachers of a more spiricually advanced humanicy. Tremendous
creacive power is generated when a group comes togecher in
focused practice. If you seek to work wich ochers, be aware of che
positive potencial and proceed wich incegricy and care.
The patron goddess of seidr is Freya, che Norse goddess wich
an insaciable appetite for pleasure, life, sensualicy, che Iiner chings
and uncondicional freedom to be as she chooses. She is also a
goddess of war. Hence, she not afraid to encer inco barde nor
!ove. Her husband, Odin, is associaced wich prophecy, inspiracion
and ecstasy. When he is away from her, she weeps red-gold tears.
No scranger to suffering or ecscacic pleasure, Freya is che divine
volva. She reminds humanicy of boch our innate spiritual power
to embrace all of life and che inner spiricual resources we have to
make it chrough any difficulcy wichout compromising our hearcs.
The are of seidr is one of colleccive dreaming and doing. le
is che abilicy to move in darkness, to become wise to our own
potencial to become manipulacive, concrolling and cherefore
negacive - and to oucsmarc chac by consciously choosing to bring
!ove, freedom, spiricedness and passion (che hallmarks of our
presiding sorceress Freya) into our lives. The message of chis oracle
is chac you are able to bring a positive influence inco whacever
sicuacions or circumscances unfold in your life. Dedicare yourself
to goodness. Believe in your power to effect positive change.

Consciously connect to your breach, noticing rhe inhalacion
and exhalation and allowíng rhem to become deeper and slower.
Allow your brearh to help you move into che interiority of your
being, rhe realm of che sacred, che spirirual field of !ove, wh¡re
light and blcssing that is wirhin your heart and which empo\vers
your practice.
As you seccle into che inner realm, scc, fccl or inrcnd ro
connect with powerful. vitalised threads of light. Those threads
are glowing, luminous wirh grace, spiritual incelligence and
divine po\ver. They intertwine with each orher, forming a rope
of light, which can bind any darkness wirhin your heart, body,
mind or soul. Allow che rope to enact higher will. As ir wraps
around dark.ness, it gently but firmly drains the power out of rhat
darkness. The darkncss is relcased inro light, and thc encrgy Ao\VS
into rhe rope, making ir even more luminous and powertu].
Allow chis process to occur for as long as feels helpful and
good. Toen allow che rope oflighr to dissolve and cransfonn into a
radiant egg of white light, forming a prorective egg-shaped bubble
oflighr around you.
Rcrurn to thc hcre and now by becoming awarc of the
sensations of your and your breath. Ground yourself wirh
sorne physical movcmcnr and hydration. You have completcd
your healing process.


As you embrace your inner essence, you will be at peace with

who you are, including your vulnerability, and no longer
see the need to confarm to social ideals which have no true
resonance far your heart. You are encouraged to trust your
intuitive recognition ojwhich environments and relationships
harmonise well with you, supporting your spiritual growth
and wellbeing on all levels. You have the innate capacity to
manifest. Relax and you shall attract allyou need.

Volarile or overly rest!ess seas compromise the wellbeing of the

seahorse. Such intensity drains their energy, forcing rhern to

go against their naturally gentle way of being. They thrive in
environments that are calm and accommodate their slow, graceful
movements. Rather than aggressively hunting, seahorses patiently
wait until what they need comes their way, and then actively
receive it.
Seahorse has a relationship of commensalism with seagrass and
coral. Commensalism is che medicine of connection, protection
and stabilisation, In such a relationship, we receive what we
need without being parasitic. We intelligently seek out sources
that naturally support us, rather than attempting to manipulare
someone or something to be other than what it is. In che case of
che seahorse, as it hides from predators in rhe seagrass and steadies
itself on coral, neither seagrass nor coral are harmed.
Toe symbiotic relationship of seahorse and its helpful friends
reflects che supportive nature of che relationship berween soul
and Spirit. Spirit will provide whatever support che soul requires
to thrive. In Greek rnyth, che seahorse is hippokampos, which
translates as 'horse of che sea.' Known both as steeds of che gods
and as benevolent creatures who prevented sailors from drowning
or becoming lose at sea, seahorses are a symbol of protection. They
are about out-rnanoeuvring negative forces and bringing grace
and peace. Seahorse is our guardian when we are going through
challenging times, especially on an emocional level.
Shaktipat is a transmission of grace. It is an enlightening gifi:
of energy that enables mastery. Shaktipat oJ Seahorse empowers
us to instinctively seek environments that are conducive to our
well-being, rather than damaging ourselves by trying to adapt
to externa! situations or societal values. Ir teaches that we are
enough, and we have che innate spiritual magnetism to attract

what we need in our lives. We gravitare away from falsehood and
toward authentic being. Named for its seahorse-like shape, che
hippocampus is che neural centre in che human brain. It helps us
navigate our way in che world and find where we can thrive and
bese avoid negative influences.
Each seahorse has a unique coronet or crown on che top
of its head. It is said that, like human fingerprints, no two are
completely alike. This oracle assures you thar your path and what
supports you will be unique. If you attempt to fit into social
constructs or diques that don't reflect your essence, you will
weaken yourself and become more susceptible to negacivity. You
are encouraged to consider what is natural and bese for you, to be
honest and authentic, even in your vulnerability. It is only from
that place that you can respond appropriately. When you are in
your authenticiry, much power and grace shall rally to support
you. Toe world can seem unfriendly or unsupportive at times, bue
chis oracle reassures you that, as you honour who you are, you will
naturally find friends and attract supportive assistance to obrain
all you need to thrive.

Take a moment to place your hand on your heart and imagine,
feel, intend and desire to really connect to your true inner self.
You can imagine going benearh che layers of your appearance and
outer self into che inner realm of your soul. Say aloud:

I trust in the uniqueness, sacred beauty, higher purpose

and perfect inner potential that I AM. I surrender into the
unconditionally loving acceptance that Spirit hasfar me and

beed the encourage1nent to be my true 5elf Ido not need to
adapt, compromise or alter myself to be like anyone e/se. My
true nature is divineiy deJigned� and I Jeek to cast off ego­
concepts like tattered old clothes, Jtanding peaceful, luminous
and unJhackled in nly oton true nature. From that place o/
truth, 1 feel connected to my heart. 1 can easi/y attract ali!
desire from this place ofauthenticity and integrity. May ali
being5 knoio sucb peace, comfort and !ove.

You can resr in chis connection with yourself. hand on heart if

you choose, for as long as feels righc for you. Then ground and
hydrace. You have complered your healing process.


There is a gentler way to proceed and obtain the same, or even

greater, ejfect. Tame the wild and ftenzied workings theoJ
mind by groundingyourselfwith beauty, pleasure and grace.
Violence and its negative ejfects shall be overcome and healed
through feminine gentleness and inner spiritual strength.
This oracle is a sign greatfuture happiness.

Parvati is che Universal Mother in her gentle aspect. Although,

as with al! mothers, her fierce side will emerge if it's needed to
protect her children. She is beautiful and benevolent and evokes
che qualities of !ove, connection, creativity and devotion to a

higher purpose. The Divine Goddess has many narnes, and Parvati
is also known as Jagatambe, che Mother of che Universe. Her son
is Ganesha, che elephant-headed deiry who fosters success in
all new ventures, protection from obstacles and is of particular
benefit to those who feel drawn to write.
Parvati is mother to all and her presence in a reading augurs
success on every level. With Lakshrni, che goddess of wealth,
love and spiritual enlíghtenmenr, and Saraswati, che goddess of
wisdorn, music and creativity, Parvati is Trideoi, the sacred triune
of feminine nature or triple goddess of Hinduism. Parvati is rhe
divine archetype of che vital, competent, creative and loving
woman. When her oracle appears, there is an opportunity to heal
one's mother wounds and one's relationship with the feminine
more generally. She helps heal wounded hearts and teaches us
how to belong to ourselves, just as we are, rather than abandoning
ourselves to please others, As Tridevi, when you connect with
Parvati, you also connect with Lakshmi and Saraswati, as all three
are one. So, chis oracle also brings cornfort for matters to do with
material prosperity, !ove relationships, expressing your voice and
fulfilling your higher purpose.
Parvati is che consort and wife of che wild god Shiva. He loves
to meditare and has a fierce temper when distracted from his
spiritual practice. Wrathful as he can be, he is a protector deity
and che destroyer of evil. Parvari stirnulates her husband's passion
through her skilful practice of yoga. He is roused from meditation
by che powerful energy she generares, and he perforrns his fierce
cosmic dance, Tandava, which brings an end to that which needs
to be annihilated so new life can emerge.
The vigour of Shiva's dance in our lives can be intense.

Parvari's dance, Lasya, provides balance and calming grace when
the soul needs gentleness and comfort. Parvati dances her dance
of happiness, leading us along our parh without requiring us
to concinually push ourselves beyond our limits. Her wisdom
protects us from breakdown, guiding us inco breakthrough. Her
oracle indicares that, even though we may grow through incense
challenges, there is a calming influence whích can help us if we are
willing to allow for it and be kind to ourselves.
When Parvati knows that a more dramatic incervencion is
che only way to conquer a particular evil in our lives, she will
manifesc as che ferocious goddess Kali. One story holds chac Kali
was so intent on destruction rhat the fate of che world hung in
che balance! So, her husband, Shiva, appeared before her as a
crying babe, which inscantly evoked her maternal instinccs and
calmed her back inco her scace as Parvati. We can trust chat che
Divine Mother !oves us and responds to what is needed, but also
knows how to gec chings done wichout being more heavy-handed
than necessary. She is genuinely moved by our suffering and will
manifest in whacever forms are needed to heal. Her oracle asks
you to invoke her and trust whac transpires is for your healing and
spiritual fulfilmenc. Give up che notion chat the deepest issues
require the most difficult path to heal. Let her Lasya dance of
happiness and grace unveil a gentler and more loving way.

Connect consciously wich your breach, as you become fully
presenc in the here and now. As you breache in, your awareness
disconnects from discractions around you. As you exhale, your
awareness sectles deeper within. Your awareness is like a white

feather, drifiing clown through che air. Rocking ever so slighdy
to one side and then che other, it finally settles upon che inner
bedrock of your being. In chis state of inner connection, you can
say che following invocation:

For the spiritual benejit oJ ali beings, 1 call upon the

Divine Mother Parvati far her blessings of spiritual grace,
happiness, wisdom and healing. May 1 recognise and
embrace the gentlest pathfar ejfective healing and loving self
transformation. May the triple blessing o/Tridevi grace my
soulfar the ultimate benejit to ali souls. So be it.

Now imagine, feel, visualise or intend that you see a glorious

goddess of white light-graceful, kind and lovingly devored to
you-gazing upon you. From her loving gaze emerges a protective
field of powerful white light which enters your body, heart, mind
and soul, clearing and healing and blessing you from within.
That light expands to sofi:ly touch, bless, heal and illuminate ali
che spaces within and around you, on every level, through ali
dimensions. Lec chis happen to che extent you can. Allow it to feel
as euphoric or peaceful as you wish.
Rest in chis energy for a time. When you are ready, bring
yourself back to che present moment by grounding yourself,
connecting with che Row of che breath in and out and hydrating
your body. You have completed your healing process.

I lJ YUHE 't �OCM� 333 1


You shall overcome al! obstacles. Success is imminent, so stay

connected to your path no matter what and continue to apply
yourse/f Allow your spiritua!path to support you in al! areas
ofyour !ifé. Live by your spiritual beliefi. Seek out the support
oJyour spiritual brothers and sisters far help when needed,
but a/so trust that you are intimately and directly connected
to the powe,fu! divine light tuithin. 1here can be a dramatic
healing breakthrough when you re/y upon your spiritual

Spiritual teachings from Bhutan hold that the great Indian
master Padmasambhava (PAHD­MAH­SUM­BAH­VAJ­í) was
called to Bhutan from Tibet to subdue demons that were causing
difiicultíes for che people of che Paro Valley. He Hew from Tiber
to Bhutan on che back of a supernatural tigress, landing at a cave
high up in che cliffs ofBhutan. He spent che next three years, three
monrhs, three weeks and three days meditating and performing
rituals to subdue che demons of che land, liberating Bhutan from
terror into peace.
The supernarural tigress is believed to have been Yeshe Tsogyal
(YESH­EE SOG­YAAL), a yogini guardian for humanity andan
emanation of the compassionate goddess of peace, prosperity
and long life known as White Tara. Yeshe Tsogyal's power is that
of che tiger siddha or 'medicine' of spirit tiger. Her presence in
a reading indicares that a boldness of spirit and willingness to
engage your challenges will creare che path to inevitable success.
She represents our ability to generare che spiritual power necessary
to accomplish what needs to manifest for che greatest good. This
oracle encourages you to call upon your higher spiritual guides
for assistance. This empowers rhern to bring their light to che
world through you, and for you to grow in your own spiritual
advancement, too. Rernernber, enlightenment is a team effort,
with extraordinary individual players working together as one.
You belong on such a team.
Tiger skin is depicred in sacred iconography to represent
fearless enlighcenment that cuts through ali obstacles. Deities
such as Tara in her fierce emanation of Ekajati and her ferocious
expression as rhe wrachful protective feminine deiry Palden Lhamo,
and wild Lord Shiva are ofi:en pictured wearing, or seated upon,

tiger skins. This represents che indomitable will that conquers
negativities because it refuses to be overcome. Numerous divine
beings are depicted moving through che worlds, with the tiger as
their sacred mount, enabling thern to accomplish their spiritual
purpose. Tiger is a symbol far navigating treacherous territory,
and che triumph of light over darkness. Tiger's spirit medicine
can control che poisons of anger and hacred, transfarming thern
into passion, claricy and unwavering commicment to one's higher
The oracle of Yeshe Tsogyal 333 augurs empowerment and
healing by assuming a confident attitude and taking sceps
farward. le indicares chat a negative time is drawing to a clase and
encourages commitment to che task of overcoming negativities
through spiritual practices suited to you. le doesn't matter if
you feel like a beginner or are uncertain of how to meditare, far
exarnple. Yeshe Tsogyal became enlightened because she made
progress, one step at a time, attracting the right teachers and
guides to assist her. You have the precious gifi: of such a path, It is
good karma to have such a path and it creares further good karma
when you pursue it.
The repeated three symbolises that all manner of assistance
and support will be granted to ensure your attainment. This will
include the gifi:s of appropriate teachings and teachers, friends,
healers, synchronicity, circumstance and opportunity. Trust rhe
Universe and go far what you want with boldness and courage.
Finally, chis oracle indicares triumph over even che most severely
negative energies - with che help of supernatural intervention if
needs be. To actívate chat blessing, be determined to prevail. Fully
empower che beneficia! workings of che light in your life and in

our world. Truly, you are a lightworker. Embrace it and live it.

Be seated somewhere comfonable. If you are a visual person,
follow the visualisation below, allowing the symbols to enter your
soul without having to analyse or interpret them. If you are more
of a feeling person, read the description below aloud, noticing any
emotions or sensations rhat arise as you do so and allowing rhern
to soak into your soul wirhout needing to analyse or interpret
To prepare yourself, connect consciously with your brearh as
it flows in and out. Allow the breath to become deeper and more
complete, calming and centring you in che present moment. You
may like to place a hand over your heart to connect you with your
soul essence. Relax. Become receptive at your soul level, open and
willing to take in symbolic nourishment to empower, protect
and heal you. When you are ready, read and visualise or feel the
following description:

You see a brilliant white sun. It sbines radiant uibite Light

through continually shifting mandalas oJ sacred geometric
patterns. f!Vtives of Light move through you, sloio, deep and
healing. Out oJtbe most Luminous centre ofthis sun, a solar
tiger of white Light stalks farth. You see the numbers 333
emblazoned above her. Light continues to amplify itself,
reacbing far and ioide, into every dimension. There is no
barrier that can withstand it. The waves ofLight continue to
move through you, sloio, powerful and deep.

Rest for as long as you feel is bese, allowing che process to soak
into che depths of your soul. Ground and hydrate yourself. You
have completed your healing process.


Your heart knows how to let go so you canfindpeace. It is time

faryou to experience spiritual closure. A beautiful new reality
is opening upfar you. Entering it requires you to release your
attachment to the past. You have been inwardly preparing
far a powerful rebirth. Now is tbe time to trust in what is
meant far you and move toward it with an open, trusting
heart and peaceful mind.

In an ideal world, we would finish our inner work, be cornplerely

healed, check it off the list and move on without any issues from

the past intruding into our present life. In a more realistic view, we
do our best to muddle through, gaining enough understanding
and healing to attain sorne degree of closure and move on as best
we can, fl.icking off remnants of the past which can arise, even
whilst we are doing our best to [et go. In an even more challenging
mm of our growth spiral, we may know something has run its
course and no longer belongs in our world and yet have trouble
exorcising the past and its pains, confusions or attachments, so
it bleeds through into the present - even though we know it
doesn't belong there,
To avoid the taint of the past causing unnecessary issues in the
present, the oracle of the Sacrament Extreme Unction brings
powerful spiritual last rites so you can be cleansed and liberated
into rhe fullness of your next phase. In the Catholic tradition,
extreme unction is performed at the time of physical passing to
cleanse the soul and allow it to gracefully leave the body and enter
the afterlife. In the context of this oracle, the symbolic equivalent
of rhe sacrament is the powerful intervention of Spirit to free you
from the grip of what has been. Ir is a liberation from habit and
rhe compelling Jure of the familiar. It is divine forgiveness and
'Extreme unction' translates into 'last anointing.' Whilst
spiritual grace will be with you always, and blessing is always
available to the receptive heart, this oracle wishes to bring to your
attention rhe ending of a particularly smbborn pattern. As it does,
you will feel greater freedom and a new lease on life, as if you are
being born again within this lifetime. It augurs significant and
permanent healing release.
As the expression goes, every saint has a past and every sinner

has a future. This oracle encourages you to embrace your future
and let go of che emocional and psychological burdens you have
been carrying for yourself and, likely, for many others-ancestors
and more-for far too long. Sometimes we martyr ourselves to
che pain of che past, or even attempt to carry rhe suffering of
others, holding it within our hearts as if rhat can alleviate rhe
burden of another or create healing. Ali that happens in such
instances is that suffering increases. Let yourself off the hook of
guilt, shame or blame. Give yourself permission to acknowledge
that ali people, including you, have done their best. The Universe
is offering you a powerful spiritual gift. Your heart knows how to
receive it. Let go. There is no turning back. Ir is time to start anew.
It is your time to be happy and free.

Imagine, feel, see or intend rhat you are resting within an egg of
pure white light. It feels so beautiful, safe-and somehow ancient,
familiar and grounding-to be in chis egg of light. Allow it to
be the right size for you, large enough to feel spacious and close
enough so you feel supported and held.
As you rest within chis spiritual egg of light, you may see,
sense, hear, feel or recognise at a deep leve! that sacred words and
loving prayers are being said for you. These prayers come from rhe
hearts, minds and voices of luminous enlightened higher beings
who love you and are looking out for you.
These words of blessing permeate che shell of your sacred egg
of light. They gently infuse che space in the form of whire light,
which holds ali the colours and ali the sacred sounds. They ever
so gently touch che top of your head, your eyes, ears, nosrrils,

lips, heart, throat, hands, genitals, base of che spine and feet. You
experience tenderness, unconditional !ove, peace and rnerciful
grace tending to you ar an intimare and caring leve!.
Within chis egg of light, you can heal. You may see, sense,
feel or recognise that negative energy is expelled from ali levels
of your being, ejected out of che porous shell of che egg and
toward che loving higher beings, who know what is needed for
such energies to be healed. As you no longer carry these energíes,
you feel increasingly free. Any shackles around your soul fall away,
becoming nothing more than dust, before disappearing. You sense
che seeds of negative karma being cleansed and dissolving in che
light. Resr here foras long as you wish.
You are blessed and ready to begin anew.
When you are ready, slowly and firmly bring yourself back
into che here and now by following che flow of your breath and
becoming aware of any sensations on your skin. Ground and
hydrate yourself. You have cornpleted your healing process.


Taking responsibilityfar your experiences empowers you. You

are going to resolve an issue through spiritual inspiration and
higher guidance. You ioill rise up in full connection to your
spirit and access a wealth divine treasure. 1hat which has
brought darkness into your world shall submit to tbe light
and be transformed. Have courage and commitment to your
awakening, faryou are a precious being and cangofar on the
spiritualpath ibis lifetime.

Sharro is a Tibetan word meaning to arise or manifest and shine

with radiant spiritual light. Sharro is the outcome of sacred

alchemy. It is che manifestation of the pearl beyond price. Created
in the depths of the ocean, hidden away in a clam shell away
from prying eyes, chis pearl symbolises a beautiful blessing of
unexpected grace. It began when an irritant caused che formation
of a luminescent coating. The healing response to that inicial
intrusion resulted in an organic creation of inestimable beaury,
value and uniqueness, so chis pearl can be a sacred catalyst.
To arise spiritually, manifesting one's own priceless soul pearl,
we are required to respond to an initially unwanted situation in
such a way that our soul light and power is increased as a resulr,
This soul alchemy evokes the inner pearl of radiant being. Such
spiritual wisdom cannot be bought or sold, controlled nor
exploited. It is perfect, nourishing grace, always free and always
radiant with light. Ir is che inspirational triumph of creativity and
In the inner work of self-transformation, we take that which
appears negative and utilise it to increase our goodness. However,
we need to take care not to attribute the negativities to divine will
that are actually caused by humans. Human beings have free will.
Without it, there could be no growth, only a following of rules.
For che soul, life is sornerhíng like a multidimensional art class. Ir is
allowed to creare with absolute freedom, with the understanding
that it will be responsible for its creations. That opens the path for
truly beautiíul and blessed offerings to the collective. Ir also opens
the path to expressions of free will that creare suffering.
Whether our choices creare liberation or enslavement to pain
is the responsibility of human beings. This body has been given
to us that we may learn and grow spiritually. We are ali in that
process, varying in our capacities and awareness, but ulrimately

progressing together. If sorne members of our human family are in
such pain, rhey can only creare furrher pain, rhat is che ir choice. As
a group, we work to heal che causes of rhat pain to free rhem-and
che rest of us-c-from such a tragic use of free will. \Vhen rare and
precious rnembers of our human family develop such luminous
awarencss rhar, exuding light, rhey call us into grearer peace and
happiness, then rhose of us who are able to receive and share whar
,hey olter do so for che benefit of ali.
From a deeply pained place of confusion, sorne souls cry out
in anger roward che Divine, ,vondering why there is disease and
suffering and cruelcy on chis planee. We need ro undcrsrand che
difference berween caking an ego-creaced situation and working
wirh ir so rhar ir can become divine and bclieving che ego-creared
sicuacion was divine to begin with. Spirir does not wish you or any
creature to becomc sick or ro suffer. In its infinire resourcefulness
and love-c-with ful! respecr for your free will, which enables you
ro gro\v according ro your own pace and purpose-Spirit wíl!
provide parh after path of healing resolurion. Ir is up ro us when,
or íf we answer rhar call.
This oracle has emerged in your reading because you have
che capaciry to become a light bearer. Safeguard your energy yer
trust that the light within is strong enough rosee you rhrough any
srrugglc and cvencually cransfonn ir into a precious pearl of sacred
empowermenc. You have wisdom in your divinely alchemical
hearr. You shall arise wich dignicy.

Place one hand on your heart. Feel your connection to yourself
in chis presem moment. When you are ready, say che following

I assumeful/ responsibilityfar myselfand my life path. I cal/

upon the enlightened heart of tbe Universe to assist me to
manifest my divine potential through grace, merey and loue,
far the greatest spiritual benejit oJall beings.

Sense the wisdom and power of your heart. It has che ability to
guide you from within and to receive infinite wisdom and healing
energies from che Universe. Sense that although you walk your
own path you are not alone.
Finish the process by again connecting your hand to your
heart and feeling what it would be like for you to only make
choices that resonated with your heart. You have completed your
healing process.


Tbe pathway far your spiritual fuifilment and the sacred

manifestation of your purpose is not necessarily logical
and will evolve organically. The skilful and unpredictable
workings of the Earth Mother are supporting your soul
journey unconditionally. Following up on inspired ideas
and allowingfor unexpected shifts in direction are integral
to the manifestation ofyour soulpurpose. Commit to an idea
thatJeels good to your heart. Even if it seems improbable or
unattainable, it will manifest successfully.

Earth Mother, or Terra Mater in Latin, is so much more than a
physical being. She is also a goddess of great spiritual development
- not to mention creative pizazz! As a masterful practitioner of
artful evolution, she creares butterflies from caterpillars, massive
oak crees from marvellously odd little acorns and a radiant soul
from che flesh of a human infused with che eternal Spirit. Her
mind-bending skill in che miraculous magic of evolucionary
manifestation can be relied upon to evoke far greater sublime
beauty and rapturous delíghr than even che most inspired human
imagination can conjure. As a sacred feminine being, she knows
how to nurture che essence of ali beings inro fulfilment. She
knows what your soul is divinely intended to become and whac
you need to meet your destiny. She has che resources and wisdom
to support each soul in such a way chat chere is benefit for ali
beings. This is che applied genius of ecosystem intelligence. Ic is
che antithesis of che lone wolf rnenraliry of che ego and che heart-
warming, spiritually empowering reality that none of us is in chis
We can learn to feel hdd in chis unity consciousness,
understanding that we have our own special role in che greater
scheme of things. This will likely involve a process of healing pase
wounds of abandonment, neglecc and betrayal. Such healing
allows us to gently cleanse che heart and settle into life with more
trust and peace. We will undersrand that as we fulfil our own
heart we are concributing toward che fulfilment of ali hearts.
We will recognise at a deep intuitive, cellular leve! that our soul
fulfilment is never just about us as individuals. Whenever there is
a genuine spiritual win, every being benefüs. Egos may not Iike it.
They may feel jealous or denied, and will likely whinge and whine

and perhaps try to undermine your spiritual progress by labelling
your work as selfish or deluded or irrelevant. That is what egos do.
Best to note it, have compassion for it, then ignore it and get on
with your sacred task.
The oracle of Telepathy of Terra Mater comes to you with che
guidance that Earth Mother knows your spiritual destiny and how
to help you fulfil your life purpose - because, of course, that is
why you are here in a body. She is on the side of your soul - of ali
souls, actually, beca use whilst egos may be at war, che soul is always
on the same side: that oflove, evolution and enlightenment.
The ways of Terra Mater are che ways of che divine feminine
creatrix. She knows how to shape your life path to avoid pitfalls
and provide you with ali you need to know and experience, so
you are prepared for your next steps. She consistently nurtures
the soul through che most improbable evolutionary leaps. One
only has to contemplare rhe existence of a butterfly and how it
becomes as such to know that logic and the predictable are not
often her creative markers. She prefers the astonishing over the
racional. What does chis mean? Don'r let your inrellect srífle your
imagination. Trust in che inspired idea, unconventional guidance
and heart-honouring intuitions that occur to you. Earrh Mother
will heal your soul and speak to your heart through the teleparhic
transmitter of your body. Take time to tune in to your body and
to her guiding genius.

If practical, you can complete chis process in nature. You could
also make an offering by respectfully gathering treasured items
such as a leaf or flower, crystal, feather, scented woods and resins,

and creace a medicine bundle.
Become aware of your breach Ao\ving in and out. Drop inco
your conneccion wich the natural realm of our Earth Mother by
grounding your awareness at your feet. You may sense che natural
energy exchange chac flows between che soles of your fect and che
earth's energy field. Become presenc.
linagine your feec can feel, hear, sense and receive thc sacrcd
cransmissions of che Earch Goddess. Let those transmissions rise
up your legs and travel ro your hearc, along your arms and out
through your hands. In response to chis, you may allow your
body to make spontaneous movements to sound, to medicare, to
dance, to cxpress from an authentic place wirhour interprecing or
Lct chose transmissions continue to risc up to your chroac,
where they can whirl in a sacred vortex ofblue light, integracing
inco your syscen1. Thac bluc s,virling light moves inwardly to bring
you blessings and radiaces ourwardly co support che opening of
your soul voice.
Allow your awareness co naturally seccle ac your feec again.
Feel, imagine or intend to communicarc love and gracicude to
che Earch Mocher from youc hearc chrough che soles of your
feet. Sense che sacred bond bctween you and che earch. There is
a conscancly Aowing exchange of healing and communication
bcrween you. Let go of what you havc thought or deruandcd or
expecred or feared. Instead, be in chis embodied communion with
your Mocher, now. She !oves you, and she knows bese.
Resc, play and express here for as long as feels good. You have
complered your healing process.


Continue on your healing journey with entbusiasm, but

without forcing things to happen more quickly than Jeels
natural. Sometimes, the body will be ready to let go iobilst the
mind is still holding on. At other times, the mind may need to
be patient as the body processes an experience. Trust in your
own timing and rhythm. There's no need to be impatient or
to judge yourself. You are summoning the spiritualfortitude
to tackle an issue which has previously held you back. When
the time is right, the healing shall happen more easily than
ifyou tried to pushforward prematurely. Things are going to
work out. Be positive.

There are times when being present in che body and fceling our
cruch is challenging. We ,nay be unsure how to hold space for our
own emotional and psychological srates. Hurnans are cornplex
creacures, and che auchencic healing journey requires us ro have
patience wich ourselves. We need to know when ir is safc to delve
incoa maccer wirh full fairh chac, even if chings feel out of control,
we are connecred ro a powerful supporcivc spiritual necwork and
our own wisdom - and that's enough to handle whatever arises
(even if wc trcmblc somewhar during che process).
We can imagine chat rhe wounded self lives in a room in che
rnansion of our soul. When chac room has noc been encered in a
long time, ir n1ay have becorne a scary place in our minds, a place
to avoid. Toar is pare ofhow humans procecc theruselves. Living
in such a splir and defended srare is not tenable forever. Bue, far
a time, it can serve a useful purpose, allowíng us to build che
strengrh and awareness we nced to addrcss che situacion. We do
whar wc can to grow and prepare ro cnrer rhac room, ro open it
and rescue che beautiful aspect of our soul chat's been waiting for
such a time to come.
To prepare for such a heroic healing moment, wc can
connect wich che spiricual realms oflighc as a source oflove and
strength. During such downnme wich che Divine, we can learn
about ourselves beyond our wounded pares. While we know
we have sorne healing ro do, we also understand thar alongsidc
our vulnerabilicy rhere is courage, wisdom and confidence. By
acknowledgíng our wounds and also affirming our strengrhs, wc
ready ourselves ro cake our nexr sreps.
Toe Chaldean is che devorcc coche lighc ofSpiric. Whcn che
Oracle oJChaldea comes to you, it is an encourage1nent to rely on

the light. Embrace practices that help you feel connecred to che
light. Grow your trust in the spirit within you. This is not about
ignoring where you need healing. It is about knowing at a deep
level that you are loved, spiritual guided, divinely held, worthy
and capable of healing. As your trust in the spiritual light within
you and your connection to the spiritual worlds increases, so too
will your readiness to acknowledge and engage with that which
needs healing. You'll feel safe and supported and ready to move
You may feel your relationship with Spirit is already strong
enough to support such a process. In chis case, the oracle is an
encouragement to embrace your readiness and allow che grace of
your spiritual journey to expand into all areas of your life. This
oracle augurs a spiritual growth spurt, a forward leap on your
path of healing and awakening. Ir is a reminder that no matter
how large a challenge may loom, you can continue to grow your
spiritual connection, so it is always more powerful than anything

Find a comfortable position in which to relax. If you would
like to light a candle for chis process, do so with care for safety
considerations. You could also have a crystal, or anything else that
reminds you of the light, placed where you can gaze upon it.
Connect consciously to your breathing, noticing che flow of
che breath in and out. Allow your breath to lengthen and deepen
naturally. Let yourself beco me fully present in this moment. You
can then imagine, feel, visualise or intend you are drifi:ing into a
beautiful realm oflight. You may like to close your eyes or gaze at

a beautiful crystal or flickering candle to help you relax and sense
che light on an inner leve!.
Allow your awareness to dwell in che sofi: and inviting inner
realm oflight. Let it be a pleasurable and soothing experience. Let
che light cake on various colours if that suits you. What colours
feel best? You can imagine, feel, visualise or intend rhat your soul
can absorb those colours with delight and pleasure, as though an
inner hunger or thirst is being fulfilled, resulting in further peace
and relaxation.
Be in this process of Iighr-barhíng colour therapy for as long
as feels good for you. When you are ready, ground yourself with
sorne gen de physical movements and hydrate your body. You have
completed your healing process.


Out ofconfusion, a clear and progressive pathway is opening

up far you. It is an auspicious time to give generously oJ
yourself to others, enriching the quality ofyour connections,
expressing spiritual blessings ofgoodwill and encouragement
fom your heart. A powerful blessing is entering your world.
A prayer is now being answered in a beautiful way. Spirit
gives .freely and generously ofall good things, and tbe task of
humanity is to learn how to receive. The key to receiving is an
open, surrendered, generous and trusting heart.

The Holy Grail is che sacred chalice. It is a powerful, living,
regenerative and deeply healing symbol of hope and blessing. It
will inceract with each soul in its own way. For your soul, that
may involve a recognition that che light is always seeking you,
wancing to fill and heal and bless and protect you, to initiate you
into awareness of che realms oflight, beauey and divine presence.
It may remind your heart to receive, chat you are capable ofbeing
a channel for goodness, grace, abundance and pure light. Ic may
be recognised as a sign of a future blessing, of something truly
desired finally coming to pass.
The sacred grail is hope; it is blessing. le is boch a portent of
fulfilment and che inner means by which we connect with che
loving language oflighr and truly receive. In Sanskrit, patra means
'gobler' or 'vessel,' le is not only an object bue can be a teaching or
even a sublime teacher or heavenly being wíthin whom we can
dwell. Ic is chat which holds us in a loving way, our sofi: place to fall.
In learning how to receive, we also learn how to be received, how
to be fully beheld, which is an expression of unconditional love.
When we experience being so loved, we learn how to leve in such
a way, too. We become a true receiver, nurturer and protector of
che heart. The sacred chalice reminds us of our potencial to hold,
bue also of che generosity of che Universe in providing for us so
we, too, can be held and receive all we need.
Dvara is Sanskrit for a pathway, an openingor portal, a doorway
or even a means or method. The oracle of Dvara Patra indicares
che way for your deepest fulfilment is via che receptive faculcy
of che sacred feminine. The feminine way is organic, creative,
responsive, spontaneous and effective. le is not constrained by
our human perceptions of what is or is not possible. To honour

and empower che sacred feminine genius in our lives requires a
considerable shifi away from mainstream conditioning and into
spiritual surrender. Allowing her mechod, rather chan blocking
her loving creativity in our lives, entails che movement from head
to heart.
That means you will not necessarily understand how a situation
will work out. Yet, you will feel inner guidance to proceed in a
particular way. Your inner guidance will ofi:en seem to disregard
che otherwise convincing realities of che outer world. Thar inner
wisdom has allegiance to a deeper truth than appearances can
convey. You may wonder at times if you are crazy to follow an
interna! guidance system so at odds with che way che rnajority of
people move about in chis world, yet you will know in che deprhs
of your being rhat your inner guidance is true and wise. As you
invert your priorities from ego to soul, you'll invert your locus of
orientation from head to heart, from outer to inner realicy. You
will trust what your heart knows, whether or not it makes sense
to your logical mind - or to anyone else's, for chat matter. This
oracle foretells a happy. hearrfelt manitestation, a true blessing
coming to life,

Connect consciously with your body in chis moment by placing
a hand at your heart and feeling yourself breathing. Imagine,
visualise, feel or intend chat you have spiricual wings oflight chat
open from che depths of your soul. They wrap around che earth
and her creatures with !ove and light, for protection, for sofi:ening
of suffering, for comfort and for creating che hope necessary for
a being to keep reaching out for help until they make che righc

connection, with the right source of nourishment, ac the right
time. That connection will activare a healing trip-switch which
will allow thern to break the grip of past pain and enter into
present-time aliveness with more happiness and freedom than
ever before. Just be in the goodness of grace and light. Let it
nourish you as you give.
Perhaps you become aware that, as you stretch your spiritual
wings to offer more, you spontaneously and naturally receive
more, empowering your intention to share with the capacity to do
so. The more you want to hold, rhe more you muse grow in your
capacity to be spiritually held. Allow beautiful beings of light
who are vaster, more powerful and gentler than you have ever
connected with previously, to move into your field. They are pure
and of the light. They hold you as you hold yourself, your loved
ones, our planet.
Relax in this state ofbeing held and holding. Perhaps you begin
to feel the blending of the two states until there is no division, just
a field of loving holding in which you immerse yourself. Rest here
for however long feels good.
When you are ready, ground yourself back in the present
moment with movement and hydration. You have completed
your healing process.


You can have what you truly want. Such knowledge helps
sojten and release fiar, grasping, control and doubt. Have
conjidence that the Universe hears your prayers and is even
now leading you into that which you seek. You can take
sanctuary ioitbin your spiritual connection whenever you
need stabilisation and protection against the fluctuations of
the external world. No matter what is happening around
you, there is a way through to thefuljilment ofyourpotential.

Bhusunda is the mysterious Hindu sage who assumes the form
of a crow and lives atop che magical wish-fulfilling tree, thriving
wherher there be feast or famine in the world. As a highly evolved
supernatural being, he has oudived rhe ending of numerous world
ages. No calamity or cataclysm can shake the powerful divine tree
or the creatures who live within its shelrer, lhe sacred tree is a
place of sanctuary and protection, where no harm can befall any
of its inhabitants.
lhe wish-fulfilling tree is a spiritual symbol for rhe soul, the
heart and the divine bodhisattvas or enlightened sages who guide
and protect humanity. It represents a high level of consciousness,
which is abundant and in harmony with the Universe and
therefore blissful, free and generous. lhis oracle reminds you that
as you align with Spirit you are aligning wirh a powerful field
of grace, which has protective and strengrhening qualities. It is
a spiritual tonic with effect in all dimensions and all realms of
existen ce.
lhe price for such sacred empowerment is the surrender
of one's ego. lhis is a lifelong journey for most of us, rarher
than a one-time event. We recondition our mind in the ways of
Spirit again and again. We disentangle our hearts from societal
conditioning based in fear, dominance, greed, victimisation - of
getting one's personal desires mer at any cost. We recognise there
is a profound difference between taking and receiving. We trust in
what is destined for us.
Stories abound in the Hindu tradition of various wish-
fulfilling manifestations - from goddesses to rrees, to cows and
gems. When someone sought to possess the wish-fulfilling treasure
for their own personal use, rhey would always be rhwarred by the

higher spiritual intelligence of love, which cannot be comrolled
or manipulated bue remains as it is - pure and generously giving
all that is needed to the receptive heart.
Ivory is an organic material, like bone, which makes up rhe
tusks and teeth of numerous animals of land and sea. Tusks are
used to brush away vegetation and obstacles to help an animal
move through its environment. Therefore, one metaphysical
correspondence of ivory is the ability to move through even
inhospitable environments successfully. The message of the Ivory
Wisb­Fulfilling Crow is that one does not have to dominare or
manipulare others to attain success. It is enough to align with
Spirit and trust that your sacred inner work is suflicienr to attract
whatever is needed to manifest your higher purpose. You can
attain what you seek by becoming and radiating, rather than
through contriving or manipulating.
Bhusunda teaches that when the cosmic fire of transformation
becomes too intense, we can focus upon the sacred waters. When
rhe winds ofchange blow ferociously, we focus upon the mountain.
When the waters become such rhat we fear becoming submerged,
it is best to focus upon the movement of the air. He is describing
rhe way of responsiveness and balance. You can recognise what
is happening and adjust your sails to suit the winds, rather than
trying to change the ways of nature, This oracle guides you to trust
that you will reach your destination, even when there are forces
beyond your control. You don't need to be more powerful than
oppressive forces to overcome them. In connection with your
heart temple ofSpirit, you will be empowered to proceed on your
parh with abundance, wisdom and joy.

Rest and relax for a few moments, becoming present. Notice your
breath Bowing in and out. Allow your awareness to move within
and lec go of attachments to che outer world for a time.
Imagine, see, feel or preterid that as you relax and become
sofi:ly focused on your breathing you enter into a luminous, in-
between world ofhealing, grace and beauty. You see, sense or feel
che loving presence of a divine cree oflight. le is bustling with life.
le is scrong, ancient, protective and beautiful. le houses various
divine creatures of light, including a wise, old ivory crow, sitting
peacefully at che top of che divine cree. Your fearhered friend
may watch you or caw at you. This realm is timeless, luminous
and eternal. You understand that no matter what happens, it
will always be there, just as beauriful and sacred as it is now. This
knowledge makes you happy.
Then imagine, see, feel or intend thar your soul is receiving
an infusion of light from that eternal realm. You may feel a
nourishing and euphoric oneness with chis beautiful realm. Lec
yourself soak in that experience foras long as feels good.
When you are ready, ground yourself by becoming aware of
sensations on your skin and che Bow of your breath in and out.
Know rhat your soul is always able to connect with rhar eternal
light within.
Hydrate yourself and allow your body sorne movement, too.
You have complered your healing process.

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Value what is sacred to you by protecting itftom interference,

even that which may be well­intentioned. Be compassionate,
but set .firm boundaries. Jóu are going to triumph over a
negative situation. It will take courage, but you have more
than enough inner strength, resourcefulness and boldness to
accomplish whatyou wish to attain. Do not give up. You have
the ability to connect with higher worlds, so open your heart
and mind to the light.

At che portal between everyday reality and che rapture of

unchecked aliveness stands Sovereign Queen Maeve. She is an

initiatrix, taking us beyond the constraints of polite moralism
and into che bliss, sacred passion, grit and astuteness needed to
cultivare and protect rhe light. Goddess, warrior, �een of che
Fae, and fearless guardian and protector of territory, Maeve is wild
and determined. She stimulates confidence, encouraging one not
to shy away but, rather, to assertively engage with life and claim
your true place in che world. She encourages us to refuse to allow
our sacred territory to be imruded upon by unworthy rulers,
wherher they be critica! voices in our own mind or ego-driven
interlopers. Maeve is the instinct to engage when challenged, to
call on recruits and use all the inner wisdom and talent at your
disposal so you can assert the light and refuse to be put down or
denied your rightful place.
Protecting territory from a spiritual perspective is unlike che
grasping and self-serving of the ego that wishes to obtain whatever
it can for its own benefit. This world needs souls who are willing
and able to hold sacred space and refuse to allow it to become
comaminated by greed, jealousy, hate or confusion. This is an
act of courage and selflessness. Such an act of courage serves all
beings. To be a son or daughter of Maeve requires sorne spiritual
chops. It takes feisty refusal to be dominated or controlled. Ic also
takes che wisdom to recognise that one can lovingly accept all that
is without judgement whilst discerning when and how to set a
firm boundary, lest sacred space be trampled upon and defiled by
Rapture is a pathway out of control and into che sacred and
consciously chosen abandonment into something greater than
self. When the ocean into which we plunge ourselves is that of the
Spirit, rhen our ecstasy becomes a revitalising, frequency-raising,

soul-empowering experience which manifests pathways to victory
where, in a lower-state of awareness, there appeared to be no hope.
If we honour our need for communion with the sacred realms, we
will give ourselves the time and space we need to integrare relevant
practices into our lives. Committing to spiritual practice requires
the self-possession to know what matters to you, irrespective
of whether another-or society in general-can recognise the
wisdom in your values.
Sovereigmy is self-possession. It is the belonging to oneself
that happens imernally as we claim our being and commit to our
unique life journey. True spiritual sovereignty exists outside of
social mores. lt is nor about becoming subversive or disrespectful
to others, but rarher about seeking out freedom ofbeing. This leads
to you naturally becoming an active presence which dismandes
enslaving social mores and stimulates society to mature spiritually.
This oracle asks you to come home to yourself again and again.
Know you are strong enough to live your life and chart your
course in communion with the sacred. In Sanskrit, svaraj is 'self-
rule; and, as the meaning of raj is also 'radiance,' it can also mean
'self-luminous.' Do not allow your destiny to rest in the hands of
others, Recognise that che light within is your true ruler. You have
che power to light yourself up with Spirit. Commit to what you
can do and believe the realms of the Divine are working with you.
Do not be dissuaded. You shall be victorious.

If you resonate with the term 'inner queen,' then use that as guided
below. If you prefer che term 'inner king,' or sorne other term to
express the spiritual sovereign or divine inner ruler, feel free to use

that instead, substituting as necessary in che text below.
Place a hand over your heart and, when you are ready, stare
che following declaration of divine independence and spiricual

I choose my ownfree will to respect and serve tbe spiritually
sovereign inner queen who resides within my heart. Through
merciful compassion and empowering wisdom, I ask far
divine assistance that is of ultimate spiritual benefit to ali
beings to assist me in releasing false allegiances, breaking
tbe bonds of impoverished servitude and connecting to the
strength, dignity, grace and boldness of the sacred jire and
Spirit ioitbin me. May I loue with courage, may I live with
conjidence, may I have tbe wisdom to abide in authenticity
and determination. May ali beings spiritually
through my light in this world and beyond. So be it.

Sense che inner dignity of your true nature. Lec everything else fall
away. You have cornplered your healing process.


You are remembering at a soul leoel. You are tapping into

greater awareness andan understanding ofyour highest lije
purpose shall become even clearer to you. This may evoke
unsettling change within you, but that change is necessaryfar
a new way to manijest. You are protected and guided at all
times, especially when you feel uncertain about your course.
You are truly loved.

The angel Laylah heralds from Talmudic scriptures. Unlike any

other angel, she is specifically described as a feminine being.

Laylah is a reminder chac there is a place only che feminine can fill.
If we accempt ro live our lives skewed roward che masculine, we
will miss out. There is great value in masculine tendencies toward
exploracion, adventure, progress and developmenr. However, che
feminine tendencies toward compassion, acceptance, kindness
and 1nercy are a balancing necessity. For humanity to survive,
chese dual wisdoms need to find balance and integrare into
marure expression in every human heart. The appearance of
Laylah in a reading suggests che fenlinine muse lead ac chis time.
Allow che way to be shown, racher chan directing a path based on
your curren e pcrspeccive.
Laylah is a guardian angel wacching over all transirions,
including che cransicion of che soul into the embryo during
conception and rhe guiding of che soul out of rhe body and into
che realms oflight when a physical life draws ro a close. Alabasrer
was lauded by che ancient Egyptians as a guardian srone, which
leads che soul toward che light during times of transicion. The
Alabaster Tablet of Lay/ah indicares rhar you are navigating a
significant transirion. le may be chac your oucer life is going
through change, or it may be thac inner changes are happening
within your soul -or boch. You n1ay noc know how to traverse
che shífiíng inner and ourer landscapes, bur the oracle advises you
rhac chis grcac angel is guidingyou faichfully and effeccively.
In rhe Talmud, Laylah teaches wisdom ro ali souls before
they are born. She chen srrikes che upper lip of che infant ar che
mornenr of birth, creating che indentation ar che upper lip and
causing che child to forgec everything chey know. Life is chen che
journey of reconnection and rediscovery. The alabaster tablee is a
cryscalline scripture. Irs vibración encourages the soul to seek the

light and che spiritual parh, sparking remembrance of inner truth.
le helps us remember che sacred purpose for which we were born.
If you feel out of your depth, or in need of more information or
understanding, chis oracle reassures you rhat it is okay to not
know everything righc now. The answers you need shall become
clear at che right time. All is within.
Laylah is maternal, protective and devoted to che human
collective. Her name can translate as 'nighr,' She is able to traverse
our own spiritual nights - whether they be che periods before,
afi:er or during our lives when we are going through a dark night of
che soul. Laylah is there, reminding us that Spirit will always show
a way and within us is che wisdom to find it.
Crystals are embodied light, and alabaster in particular
emanares che white light frequencies. It is highly reputed as a
drawing stone, absorbing negative energies and attracting che
light of Spirit into your heart and life. The alabaster tablee is
created from a sheet of alabaster thar energetically sheaths che
soul, defl.ecting interference through its invisible protective
shield. This oracle encourages you to perform a spiritual cleansing
that feels right for you, sealing your work with a protective shield
of white light. You can accomplish chis by calling upon che
Alabaster Tablee of Laylah, combining che sacred earth medicine
of alabaster and che celestial angelic protection of Laylah using
che healing process, below.

As you relax and become increasingly aware of your brearh
fl.owing in and out, allow yourself to be present in chis moment.
Lec your awareness shifi: from che daily world to che sacred inner

world. You can see, sense, visualise or feel that sacred inner world
as you read or listen to che description below.

There is a point o/Light within your heart. As you notice that

Light, it rapidly expands, and you fiel a sense oJ Love and
recognition. You know­without knowing how you know­
that this Light is a fiend fom Long, Long ago. The light
becomes a beautifulfiminine angel. Her Light sbines Like a
gentle sun, and you fiel warmed in her presence. She casts
her hand anda path appears. It is your path, tbe best wayfar
you to proceed. Notice how youfiel about tbis path. Can you
accept it? Embrace it? Trust it] As you take a step, you realise
she is with you. Your heart then remembers she has always
been with you and shall always be with you.

Settle into chis connection with her for as long as you wish,
knowing that, even when you return to your daily activities, your
remembrance of her being with you during chis exercise will have
shified something deeply for you. lt will allow you to trust and
feel more loved and connected to that which is beautiful and true.
To complete chis healing process, ground yourself with sorne
gentle movement and plenty ofhydration.


Cuftivate conjidence in yourseif. You have the inner spiritua!

power to dea! uJisely and ejfectively u;ith an)' situation. Don't
allow anyone to take advantage ofyour kind nature. Rejlect
upon what action fie!s best far you to take, and then fol!ow
through with decisiueness. Do not allow negativity to get a
grip in your Life. Positive energy and outcomes are indicated.

Garuda is rhe mystical king of che birds, a mighry eagle-like

divine creacure celebraced in che spiritua1 tradicions of che East.
In Sanskric, suparna means 'ro have powcrfu] wings and fl.y well.'
This has spiricual significance, as Garuda can cover great distances

and reach tremendous heights. Garuda's earchly counterpart, che
eagle, is said to use che powerful winds of a storrn to fly above
it, rather than get caught within it. The eagle spirit is a wisdom
teacher, one who advises how to ucilise che storms of ego to fuel
your capacity to rise spiritually, to face problems head on and use
rhern to heal and grow.
Eagle seeks higher sanctuary, where negativities can be dealt
with before they cause furcher problems. Another Sanskrir word
accorded to Garuda is vishari, which essentially means 'conqueror
of poisons.' Garuda Suparna augurs a time when you will need
to rise above che pettiness of ego and ensure you nip negativities
in che bud, lest chey become powerful enough to cause havoc in
your heart. You don't need to become ensnared within che drama
of ego.
Garuda fights on che side of che light and is a bringer of
powerful protection and hope and is a symbol of rebirth, He is a
capable warrior. His dark side can be seen in rhar he is merciless.
In Buddhism, he is known as che dignity of wisdom. Sometimes
our compassion can outweigh our wisdom. Our ernpathy allows
troublesome behaviours or circumstances to fester and develop
into far greater problems Jacer on. If we had listened to our
wisdom, we would have cut them off at che root. Bue, while it can
be harder to do so Jacer, it is not impossible, and ir is Garuda who
teaches us to be unyielding when that is what wisdom calls for.
EagJe socialises with its own kind. Therefore, an aspect of
its medicine is to seek those who resonare ar a similar spiritual
frequency and are committed to a higher path. Such kindred
spirits will not necessarily have che same belief systems. They
may seem quite different to you in many ways. Yet, if someone

has a commitment to honouring rhe hearts of ali beings, they are
likely to be good company for your soul. Garuda eagle medicine
empowers us to discern che real quality of our relacionships. The
company you kcep can have a profound effect. You have che
spiritual right and responsibility to choose which company you
keep. You don'r need ro judge, for everyone is caking rheir own
journey and working to heal their karma. Bue you do need ro
Garuda has che myscical powerto gro,v or shrink, dependingon
what is needed to accomplish his heroic casks. By becorning large
enough to block che sun and cause chunderscorms just by flapping
his wings, to becorning small enough co hide in a crevice to craftily
avoid capture, Garuda ceaches us when ro step up and shine bright
and bold and when to lly under che proverbial radar. The oraclc
of Garuda Suparna is a talismán of divine prorection and soul-
smart strategy. Garuda is a wild spirit, free and instinccive. His is
che wisdom and empowermenc needed to rise above negativity,
not from avoidance, bue from a place of wisdom and clariry. This
oracle guides you to rely on your instincts and be true to your
heart. In doing so, you may not ahvays look like a perfect person
from che oucside, but you are proceeding in resonance with your
own heart wisdom.

Ir's time ro imagine you are a mighcy eagle! Spread your arms as
rhough they were wings and 'fly' around your room. You may
swoop oc soar efforclcssly. If you can safely stand on a chair or a
step, do so. Imagine, intend, sense or feel rhar you are gazing down
at your life from a higher perspeccive. Whar do you sec? Are chere

issues that need to be dealc with immediarely, before they escalare?
Do you need to make yourself unavailable to certain negativicies?
Do you need to wichdraw and seek spiritual connection whilst
a storm beneath you unfolds? Give yourself permission to see,
sense, feel and acknowledge your own wisdom.
When you are ready, ground yourself safely in your 'nest,'
Place your hands in prayer at your heart and bow. You are bowing
to che light, to divine wisdom, to Garuda, che Eagle Spirit Teacher
within your soul, and to che great gifi: of life which enables ali
souls to grow and evolve.
You can complete your healing process by coming back to che
here and now, remembering your human self and human name
and hydrating your body.


Your sacred soul passion is powerful enough to shift the state

ofyour inner reality and your outer experience, so commit
to what truly ignites your heart and do not be dissuaded
by anything or anyone. If you are seeking to make a
commitment, do so when it truly connects you to your heart.
Follow your genuine, meaningful bliss. Know that no matter
what appears to be, you shallprevail. You shall arise.

Kutuhala is a Sanskrit term that translates as 'that which excites

wonder.' Even if it dcesn't seem like it will lead us anywhere
practical, following our bliss can allow for something beautiful

and deeply fulfilling to unfold. We ofi:en pursue what is sensible
and secure. Yet, what could be more appropriate (or divinely and
delightfully inappropriate) than pursuing a path so incoxicating,
so fascinating, so utterly mesmerising to che spirit that, no matter
what challenges arise, you feel so much !ove and commitmenc
and passion you shall not turn away. That is the stuff of potencial
greatness! We might cal! it being led by our hearts. Kumhala is
permission to do just that.
The shadow side, or unconscious pursuit, of kutuhala is seen
when we chase our bliss in such a way thar nothing genuine ever
gets a chance to mature. We might be lured by greener grass and
chase afi:er every new possibility like a butterfly flitting from place
to place. This doesn'r involve che heart but, rarher, che rest!ess
mind, which acts from fear and avoidance rather rhan using
passionate devotion as its foundation.
The commitmenc that emerges out of true kutuhala is not
about clipping one's wings, but about growing thern and learning
how to fly skillfully. Without commitmenc, one takes a leap, tries
to fly, fails and rather than going through che process again and
again uncil rhere is understanding that leads to rnastery, one tries
to ride a bike-or surf dance, teach, heal or innumerable other
things-never giving any a chance to settle and evolve. There is
inherenc wisdom in kutuhala. Lec yourself be truly excited and
inspired. Allow yourself to smmble, to not know, to become che
holy mess that precedes sacred rebirth. When your attraction is
deep and soulful, you will have che capacity to stay che course,
even through difficulties. Don't allow rhe ego to tell you that che
struggle muse be asigna path isn't right for you, and chus dragyou
away in search of a substitute paradise.

The oracle of Karma oJ Kutuhala can relate to chose times
when you are just discovering che path, feeling inexplicably
fascinated by something and are encouraged to explore just what
che true nature of that fascination could be. Then, che karma of
wonder is guiding us to fulfil che deepest longings of our soul and
attain spiritual freedom in che process. We ofi:en chink of karma
as negative, bue positive karma is our connection to guiding grace,
che soul's delighc that empowers us to live with joy and rapture.
We can cultivare positive karma in che way we live our life - from
che heart, with forgiveness, a sense of worth and gencleness in our
hearts. This oracle guides you toward spiricual empowerment,
your abilicy-even today-to create somethingpositive, gracious,
loving. What ways of being and which praccices would enhance
your ability to be a generator of positive karma chis lifetime?
Small steps can lead to great accomplishmencs when we stick to a
path. Be patient in your passion, and you shall go far.
This oracle encourages you to recognise that, in its own
inimitable way, Spirit is practical. le just tends to go vía che
deliriously rapturous, astonishing and deeply healing route.
Trust what you love and lec your heart lead you. You, and your
life, shall become luminous, sanctified in che grace of alchemical
transformation. An unexpected and miraculous arising is at hand.

Take a moment to connect consciously with your breach. Breathe
in and out slowly and deeply, allowing che breath to naturally
lengchen - and perhaps even allow for pauses on each side of che
inhalation and exhalation. Place a hand on your heart and say che
following aloud:

1 cal! upon the heart wisdom of sacred passion and higher
purpose. May 1 be graced with the discernment to recognise
what is true, valuable, authentic and genuinely purposejul
in my !ife. May 1 release ali e/se with a sense ofhumour and
a willingness to recognise that I have learned something
usefa!. 1 allow myself to be inspired rather than ftightened
by the passions o/my heart. 1 choose to Learn}rom what l !ove
and be led through what inspires and excites me. 1 trust the
passion in my heart is the same passion the Universe has far
me and that the inspired, excited, curiousfaelings are cosmic
breadcrumbs leading me along my rightfal path. May ali
beings be guided lo"ing/y tofo/fil their highest divine destiny.

Allow yourself to see, sense or feel a light within your heart. lt

is playful, excired and curious. When your mind or feer alighc
u pon somerhíng relevant to your soul journey, your hearr tingles
with spiritual electricity, lighringyou up from wichin, leaving you
feeling as though anything is possible and rhere is an endless parh
of creativiry, beauty-sacred and dccply healing and liberating-
for you ro explore and share. Tune in to that feeling. Know it is
safe to trust ir.
When you are ready, place both hands at your heart and just
acknowledge your own heart as being a bcautiful and sacred
instrument for which you are grateful. You havc complcted your
healing process.



Your heart has a heightened connection with tbe higher

realms consciousness and light. A blessing, empowerment
andpositive ornen shall enteryour world. Doors ioill openfar
you. Abundance and prosperity are headed your way. Take
care ofyour heart. Ask far spiritual assistance, and it shall
be granted. Something negative is going to transfarm into
something very positive.

Ishcar is che Queen of che Nighc, a dark goddess of!oss and leccing
go, bue also a priescess of light, who holds che keys to renewal
from suffering. She is relencless in her pursuit of che pach to true

inner freedom. She ,villingly surrenders her arrachmenrs and her
idencities, even separacing herself cemporarily froru her lovcd
ones, ,vich such boldness and confidence chat she crosses inco
realms where ochers dare noc go. She experienccs vulnerabilicy,
and in chac state discovers deep cruth.
Ishrar is che capaciry of rhe soul ro integrare our expcricnccs.
Afi:cr reaching che grearesr deprhs of suffering, she emerges and
is reinsrared upon her rightful rhronc with even grcarer wisdom,
spiritual power and compassion. In a reading. she is a guardian and
symbol of resurrecrion. You shall rise again. Those who have felr
as rhough rheir identity or any orher marker of securiry has been
torn a,vay from rhcm are her children. They will find rheir ,vay
back to peace and prosperity under her auspices. If you have been
suffering, chis oracle indicares an end of rhe srruggle is imminent.
You shall be restored wirh so much more rhan you have lose.
Ishtar is depicted in che Q;1een o{ tbe Night rdief rhar dates
back over four rhousand years, from ancicnt Babylon, which was
locared in rhe lands of present-day sourhern Iraq. She is a bird
woman priesress, with ralons and wmgs, Aanked by owls and
lions. She holds sacred cools-a rod and ring-in her hands, is
bejewelled and nakcd, symbolising her po,ver and freedom. Her
sy,nbols are che gace, che eighr-poinred srar and rhe lion. She is
considercd che goddess of rhe planee Venus, buc che star Sirius
is also sacred ro her. Irs rise each year marks her asccnr frcm
rhe dark rcalms, ,vhich ensures prosperity and good forcune for
che year ahead. Her jcwels and rools represent her grcat po,ver
and cffcctiveness. The srars represenr her higher consciousness
and loving wisdom, and are a sign of great blessing for your lifc,
indicacing prosperity, peace, healing and love.

The Lion's Gate falls when che sun is in Leo. Leo is che sign
of che Lion, che astrological ruler of the heart and che animal
totern sacred to Ishtar, The rising of Sirius took place on 26 july,
in ancient Egypt, which marked che beginning of che Egyptian
new year. In modern times and different latitudes, che date for che
rising of Sirius varíes considerably. Nonetheless, che eighth day
of che eighrh momh is considered especially potent, and when
combined with che eight-pointed star of Ishtar, che numerical
frequency of che spiritual portal or doorway that opens on 8
August becomes 888.
The 888 frequency will stimulate your soul in its unique way.
It facilitares a deepening intimacy between che spiritual worlds
and rhe earth plane, an amplification of light and an outpouring
of positive blessing for humanity. It is believed many, if nor all,
cosmic avatars who come to earth as advanced spiritual guides
hail from Sirius and make their blessings increasingly available to
hurnanity during chis opening between the worlds.
This oracle brings a message of a breakthrough and healing,
of a significant Iighrening up of your life and the end of a deeply
challenging cycle in your life. There is a special divine dispensation
augured by che oracle of Ishtar's Lion Gate 888. Where hope has
been difiicult to find, or all seems lost, che light shall return and
beautiful blessings are destined to unfold in your life.

Connect to your breath flowing in and out, helping you to come
fully into chis present moment. When you are ready, say che
following prayer aloud:

May the enlightened heart that truly loues humanity bringfarth the
compassion, merey, grace and protection needed so all beings may
gain spiritual benejit, feedom, truth andpeace.

See, sense, intend or feel a radiant star rising above che horizon,
bringingwith it che beginning of a new dawn. Ir is a white powerful
sun, emanating rainbow-coloured rays of hope, wisdom, peace,
abundance and !ove. You become aware of a second brilliant white
sun, our sun, following its rise above che horizon. Two massive,
radiant white spiritual suns emanare ali colours and blessings on
their rays. Both are visible on che horizon. There is a sense that
something very special is happening, an unusually powerful and
unconditionally positive portal of healing is opening up for ali
hearts. Let yourself rest in che dual lights of these suns, as they
soak into your soul.
You can imagine you carry the light of these two suns in your
heart, always, and chat through your heart-and ali willing and
capable hearts-che lights of these suns shine continuously on the
inner dimensions for the spiritual benefit of ali beings.
You may like to rest a hand on your heart to ground chis
acknowledgement, capacicy and vision. Bring yourself back to
che here and now with sorne physical movement and plenty of
hydracion. You have cornplered your healing process.


My heart knows and loves yours. To �upport your sacred heart

path chis lifetime, my heart has created an abundance of sacrcd
offcrings. Thcy includc a year-long online-healer-training
program called Soul Guidance and Sacred Mcntoring". There are
trainingopportunicics in The Kuan Yin Transmission'", a powerful,
yet elegantly simple form of sacred energy healing, where l share
beauciful healing cechniqucs co connect wich che divine feminine
in rhe form of Kuan Yin, Tara, Mother Mary, !sis and Kali. There
is music and healing chac draws from che sacred frcqucncics we'vc
explored cogecher in chis deck, too. 1 also facilitare inspirationa]
retreats ro sacred places, have creaced 1nany rncdiration albums,
healing music albums, books and oracle decks to encourage your
spiritual awakcning, soul cn1po\vern1ent and personal healing.
Your light is so needed on this planet. My work is n1y offering
from che light within me chat honours che light within you. Ir is
namaste from my sou1 to yours.
If you'd like to know more about whar is available for your
path, visir my online home at
Wishing you true heal ing and delighr on your pach of
awakening and recurn to yourself.

With love and blessings,



From 1ny earlíesr memories, conscious connection wirh Spirir has

been as natural as breathing to me. When something is natural
for you, especially if ir has been that way since childhood, you
can assume it is natural for everyone. Ir took many years for me
to realise my sensicivicy, healing ability and innate awareness
of che spiritual was unusual and that ir could help people. I
creare beautiful offerings in the form of books, oracles, musíc,
meditations and craining programs to supporc che discovery and
manifesrarion of the truth of your divine nature so that you can
live wirh freedom, couragc, happiness and peace. If you would like
ro find out more, please visir me at my online home:


A. Andrew Gonzalez is an internationally renowned transfig-

urative visionary artist from San Antonio, Texas, USA, who
currently lives in France. Known for their unique sculptural
look and a power to move and inspire che viewer, his works are
exhibited in museums, galleries and collections, both public and
A recognized master of airbrushing, Gonzalez brings rogether
a unique subtractive painting technique with the classical
idealization of che human figure and animal spirits to create
exalted imagery with spiritual and visionary thernes, Gonzalez
describes his art as soul work and aspires to creare mystical love
poems to che soul.


h..:�xYw Healing Guidance from our

Universal Mother


Open your heart and cake che


The Universal Mother belongs to

humanity and we belong her. You are invited into che wisdom
temple of her heart, a place of sanctuary, miraculous grace and
Begin your experience of1he Kuan Yin Transmission"through
che insight, wisdom and inspirational stories ofbest-selling author
Alana Fairchild. Complete with stunning full-colour artwork,
inspirational channelling and powerful healing processes to guide
you into deeper conscious connection with che Universal Mother,
chis beautiful book unites Kuan Yin ( Goddess of Compassion),
Tara (Ancient Star Mother), Kali (fierce Black Madonna of
India), Isis (winged Goddess of Magic and Soul Alchemy),
Mother Mary (Madonna of Miracles), and more. Discover what
it's really like to live as a channel of che sacred feminine. Embrace
your magnificent divine destiny.

ISBN: 978­1­925538­60­l
312 pages, jull­colour, hardcover book.



Rise of che Soul Tri be of Sacred
Guardians & Inspired Visionaries

Arrwork by Isabel Bryna

A new world is being born. It is

founded upon love and higher
consciousness, instead of fear, hace
and greed. This new world is gaining
ground, becoming stronger, yet it also needs its protectors during
chis precious and important time of birth, Earth Warriors are the
guardians, guides and way-showers for che new world, inspiring
its people to prosper and thrive in harmony with che wisdom of
life. Defying convention and living from the heart, Earth Warriors
urge the human race forward with enormous positive energy
and a passionate desire for meaningful contribution and sacred
purpose. Willing to shake things up for che right cause, che Earrh
Warriors bring truth out of darkness, when others who trade in
fear would wish to keep it hidden.
Earth Warriors Oracle taps into universal tribal wisdom and
pure spiritual guidance to empower your soul with courage and
optimism to discover che Earth Warrior within and fulfil its
sacred purpose.

ISBN: 978­1­925538­29­8
44 cards and 216­page guidebook, packaged in a hardcover box set.


Guidance and Empowerment for
Those Who Love the Light

Artwork by Mario Duguay

This deck is for those who feel an inner

calling to connect with divine light and
higher frequencies of consciousness to
bring healing to the world. You can
creare a positive contribution to our planet, evolve spiritually,
and develop your innate abilities to work with energy through
different healing modalities, channelling, and communicating
with higher beings such as angels, ascended masters and other
spiritual guides. You can help humanity shifi from fear to love.
You might already know you are a líghrworker, or maybe you
wonder if you are meant to be a healer or guide for others on their
spiritual journey. If you are attracted to this deck, then your soul is
telling you that you are a Iighrworker, and you have a life purpose
that involves healing yourself and the Earth. Lightworker Oracle
is designed to support your deeper awakening, empower you and
encourage you to fulfil your divine life purpose.

ISBN 978­1­925538­00­7
44 cards and 140­page guidebook set, packaged in a hardcover box.


Healing Affirmation Oracle from
Nature's Angels

Artwork by Lindy Longhurst

Glide into che future with Wings of Wisdom's

uplifiíng philosophy, inspiring guidance
and empowering affirmations. Be taken to
new heights of awareness as you discover
dragonfly delights, visionary eagle, playful faery, daring falcon,
shining firefly, elegant swan and orher soul guardians from che
natural and mythical worlds. Imbued with supportive, healing
and positively powerful insight from renowned spiritual aurhor,
Alana Fairchild, chis deck is sure to help you find your wings,
open your heart, and lec your spirit soar.
The 44 whimsically illustrated cards feature keywords, short
messages and affirmations to help you align with che energy,
love and learning of these wise soul guardians. The 72-page
guidebook includes unique layouts and deeper meanings for
more comprehensive card interpretations. It's time to fly!

ISBN: 978­1­925538­52­6
44 cards and guidebook, packaged in a hardcover box.



The 3 Cs, Crisis, Confusion, Chaos

333 Oracle ofHearc Wisdom
55 Keys
Crystal Masters 333
Crystal Angels 444
Crystal Goddesses 888
Crystal Stars 11.11
The Kuan Yin Transrnission"
Love your Inner Goddess
Magic oflsis
Messages in the Numbers
What to do when you don't know what to do
Wisdom ofKuan Yin


Kuan Yin: A Visual Meditation



Goddess lsis Journal

Kuan Yin Oracle Journal
Lightworker Journal
Sacred Rebels Journal
Wild Divine Journal
Crystal MandalaJournal
Earth Warriors Journal
Love Your Inner Goddess Journal


Butterfly Affirmations
Crystal Mandala Oracle
Divine Circus Oracle
Earth Warriors Oracle
lsis Oracle
lsis Oracle: Pocket Edition
Journey of Love
Kuan Yin Oracle
Kuan Yin Oracle: Pocket Edition


The Kuan Yin Transmission'"

Lighcworker Oracle
Love Your lnner Goddess Oracle
Mocher Mary Oracle
Rumi Oracle
Sacred Rebels Oracle
Wild Kuan Yin Oracle
Wild Kuan Yin Oracle: Pockec Edicion
Wings ofWisdom Affirmation Cards


Black Madonna
Chakra Medicacions
Christ Consciousness Meditations
Divine Locus Mother
For Love & Light on Eacch
Ganesha: Medications for Spirítual Succcss
Holy Sisters
Inner Power
lsis Power of che Priestess
The Kuan Yin Transmission"
Meditations with God
Meditations with Sekhmet & Narasimha


Mother Mary: Meditations for Grace

Mystical Healing
Past Life Healing
Radian ce
Rumí Meditations
Star Child
Voice of the Soul


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