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Oracle Of Echoes

2nd Edition Guidebook

Written and Illustrated by Ana Tourian

Oracle Of Echoes
—2nd Edition—

©And Tourian 2021


Introduction.................................................................................... 1
Acknowledgements....................................................................... 2
About this guide............................................................................. 3
A Gift................................................................................................. 4
A Journey......................................................................................... 5
A Warning........................................................................................ 6
Abundance............................................................................. 7
Awaken Inner Force....................................................................... 8
Balance................................................................................... 9
Beyond The Veil............................................................................ 10
Boundaries.................................................................................... 11
Breakthrough................................................................................ 12
Courage.......................................................................................... 14
Create Space................................................................................. 15
Creativity....................................................................................... 16
Death.............................................................................................. 17
Deceit.............................................................................................. 18
Decisions....................................................................................... 19
Depression.................................................................................... 20
Discord........................................................................................... 21
Father Time................................................................................... 22
Fear................................................................................................. 23
God Speaks.................................................................................... 24
Goddess Speaks........................................................................... 25
Healing........................................................................................... 26
Imperfect Beauty................................................................... 30
Inner Child............................................................................. 31
Inner Strength.................................................................................32
Intuition................................................................................. 33
Let Go.................................................................................... 34
Limitless................................................................................ 35
Listen..................................................................................... 36
Look To Nature...................................................................... 37
Look Within........................................................................... 38
New Horizons.................................................................................40
Self Involved...................................................................................44
Shadow Self.....................................................................................48
Silver Lining....................................................................................49
Spirit Guides...................................................................................51
Spirit Heals.....................................................................................52
Symbiosis.............................................................................. 53
The Ancestors.................................................................................54
The Crone..............................................................................55
The Lovers.............................................................................56
The Moon...............................................................................57
The Spinner...........................................................................58
Time To Soar.........................................................................59
Trust................................................................................................ 62
Revealing Truths Spread.......................................................64
The Shadow Spread...............................................................65

I’ve always been fascinated by the intuitive aspects of the human

mind. Although we are immersed in the daily realities of life, each of
us also holds an infinite potential and divine spark which guides us on
our path. The method of communication between Spirit and seeker
has varied through time, from dreams to intuitions to simple seren-
dipitous acts. A particularly effective method of inner communication
is through the use of an oracle deck.
The Oracle of Echoes is the result of such an inspirational
process. Late one night, while working on another project, I began
painting a few of the images, and since then, the flow of images
refused to diminish until its voice and message was heard. Over a
period of roughly one month, the 50 images that make up The
Oracle Of Echoes were born. Uniquely, I also felt inspired to invite
my audience into the creative process in a completely novel way:
I placed an open invitation to those individuals who wanted me to
include aspects or cards that they longed to see within an oracle.
Examples of cards that came out of this collaboration are: The
Crone, Imperfect Beauty, Spirit Heals, Balance, The Ancestors,
Self-Involved, Let Go, and Breakthrough. It is my hope that the
involvement of my audience in the creation of The Oracle of Echoes
will deepen their understanding and value of the deck. The images in
this deck are raw and surrealistic, expressing the wide range of
human emotion and experience.
In 2021 while working on a different project, I was once
again called to the Oracle of Echoes. It was quite unexpected, how-
ever I welcomed the new images that came through. Therefore 10
more additional images have been added to the, making the deck now
a 60 card oracle, complemented with a new backs. Cards such as,
Listen, Serenity, Inner Child, Sever, Trapped, Boundaries to name a
few, are here to build more on the ballance of the Oracle of Echoes.
I hope you'll love this edition just as much!


I thank my family for their support in this endeavor, for the

days and nights they had to put up with my absence. A very special
thank you, goes out to my husband Peter, for the countless hours of
editing that went into this book. I am also humbled and grateful to
the many people that have made this deck possible through their
contributions and insights to the cards. I thank you all!

About this guide

This guidebook was designed to aid you in your reading, to bring life
to the images and pave the way for your own deeper exploration.

Just as with any form of divination, use it and make it your own.
Do not let the words on the page limit your own interpretation of
the cards. Rather, build on what is presented here and draw your
own symbolisms and conclusions. We each bring our own personal
associations based on our upbringings and cultures. By creating your
own system, you will be able to delve deeper in the cards, thereby
accessing their full potential.

Traditionally, it’s a good thing to take a moment to consecrate your

cards. This can be done in a number of ways: passing them through
incense, or exposing them to the full Moon are two very effective
ways. The purpose is to clear away unwanted energies that might
impact your readings, bringing them to a neutral starting point.

Building a relationship with your deck is important. Spend time with

each card and examine it from different perspectives. A very helpful
exercise is to write down what each card means to you before reading
the given meanings of the cards.

Lastly, trust your intuition and don’t doubt your instincts. The inner
whisper which is heard when first glancing at your cards- before
consciousness and rationality can take over- will be your aid in
conducting a powerful and accurate reading.

A Gift — What greater gift is there than the gift of new life and
hope? The flower grows up from the earth, yet moves beyond it into
a new plane. If this card shows up in your spread, your wishes will
surely come to pass. Just as a flower from a loved one, this card brings
hope, happiness, and peace.

A Journey — Journeys can take many forms. They can be physi-
cal journeys to new cultures and lands, or even deeper, more distant
journeys of the soul. These latter journeys can shed new light on our
worldview and open up spiritual paths that illuminate new aspects
of reality. These can be just as thrilling and life changing. When this
card appears, you’re about to embark on an exciting inner or outer
trip. Enjoy the ride!

A Warning — In ancient Greek mythology, ravens were the
messengers of the god Apollo, associated with prophecy. Here the
raven is in full flight, while above him lurks an ominous figure. If this
card appears in your reading, it is a direct warning. Be mindful of
the path you are walking upon. Keep an open eye and don’t allow
yourself to be distracted. Be clever and ever watchful, as the raven.

Abundance — She walks in grace and beauty, carrying the fruits
and flowers of the earth. She is Demeter, goddess of the earth and
harvest, bearer of fertility and life. If you’ve had scarcity in your life,
that is about to change. This is a time for abundance on all levels,
whether spiritually, materially, or financially. If you’ve had any
creative projects on hold, now would be the perfect time to put them
into action, for a period of plenty arrives.

Awaken Inner Force — Within each of us resides a dormant
power, an indomitable dragon with all of its infinite potential. The
dragon is insatiable in its desire to take on new endeavors. It matters
not the outer appearance: incredible strength and will resides in even
the most feeble looking among us. It is the unstoppable Divine Force
flowing inside each of us that drives, creates, and destroys. Do not try
to subdue or hide it, for it has a roar that must be heard.

Balance — A young man stands perfectly poised upon one leg,
holding within himself the light of the glorious Sun and the dark of
the mysterious Moon. He is a pillar that separates yet unites the two
forces within his embrace and in so doing becomes one with them.
Strive to bring balance in your life. Perhaps there are aspects of your
psyche that need to be examined and considered. That balance will
be achieved through calm introspection and persistence.

Beyond The Veil — There is an intrinsic connection that we share
with each and every one of our loved ones. This connection goes
deep and pierces the veil between life and death. At times, we are able
to move beyond our present reality to the one that follows. Guided by
our love for those departed, our soul reaches out and touches theirs.
Here, birds, creatures of song and flight, bring back upon their wings
the souls of departed loved ones. They remind us that we are not
alone, for they are with us always. Talk to them, for they are listening.

Boundaries— This is a time to become aware of your own bound-
aries. Whether they are physical, emotional, or even psychological, we
all have them. Sometimes we overextend ourselves, ignoring certain
signs that our bodies and minds give us. This card signals a time to
pause and reflect on your life and your limits. Boundaries are im-
portant, even with the people that are in our lives. Have you pushed
yourself to the edge of what you’re willing to accept? This card
speaks of your internal truths and your own limits.

Breakthrough — She dives through fire into the cold fresh water,
her body straight, like an arrow. Her determination is palpable.
Within the water we are weightless, all burdens lifted. This card
speaks of courage to break through the cycles and not being afraid
to leap. Some situations require you to be brave. You must release
yourself from obligations that oppress you and abusive relationships.
However, in order to succeed, you must be prepared for the changes
that come and the price that must be paid. Nothing is gained without
sacrifice, and the sacrifice here is comfort and the familiar.

Chaos — How many times have we felt like we’ve lost control,
unable to pinpoint the cause of our distress? Or, if we actually do find
it, we find ourselves incapable of eradicating it? Within the card, we
find a person in the midst of distress. A swirling tornado, surrounds
her head, entrapping her in the chaos. At this particular time, when
things spiral out of control, it is wise to rein in your mind and try to
focus on a single aspect. Don’t try to tackle everything at once. In
doing so, you will lose energy, or even worse, accomplish nothing.

Courage — She looks upon you with fierce, focused eyes, ready to
take on the world and anyone who might stand in her way. She is a
warrior, strong and fearless. When this card appears in your spread,
it is time for you to be like the warrior. Be resolute and firm in your
convictions. Do not allow yourself to be pressured into situations that
will work against you. The time has come to stand strong with all the
courage that you can muster.

Create Space — Within the flames of life, a figure is seen in a
meditative pose. She is serene and unaffected by the scene around
her. She is in the bosom of creation, in the tumultuous energies that
are the makings of life, and the mundanity of the world. The message
this card brings is simple, yet so hard to accomplish in our daily lives.
Create a space to unwind, to be yourself and be at peace. Find that
little corner in your home, whether physical or mental. It’s a direct
call to meditate, to give your mind a new state of being.

Creativity — The woman on this card dances, full of liveliness
and jubilance, fearless of the outcomes of her movements. For her
the journey is what matters, not the destination. Forever changing and
evolving, the antithesis of stagnation, this is the spirit’s playground,
a place for it to express its innermost desires and dreams. Creativity
can find multiple outlets for its energetic presence. Here, chaos gives
birth to order in prolific splendor.

Death — Death can mean so many things. However we must always
remember that Death at its core, represents the unknown. A figure
is seen emerging from its cocoon. It does not remember the old, or
pity what was lost. It is now free of its constraints, ready to spread its
wings and explore without boundaries. A new life awaits, different
than the one before. Fear of the unknown is what makes death so
intriguing. Your life, as you know it, will go through a major change
and transition. Death can bring new life and take an old one away.

Deceit — It comes like a thief in the night. It shatters our beliefs
and sometimes friendships. It’s unexpected yet we are bewildered and
don’t understand how we couldn’t see it coming. We forget though,
that we are not without fault. For who in their life has been free from
subtle acts of deception? Are you free of guilt? The thief has one act
of mischief, while we on the other hand, have many. For we will bring
accusation in our mind, to multiple people. Sure we know who the
culprit is. Prepare yourself to be tricked, someone is around you that
cannot be trusted.

Decisions — A snow-covered path cuts through a dark and
mysterious wood. A moment soon arrives when a decision must be
made. Reflect carefully and choose wisely, for many paths cannot be
walked again. Seek guidance and counsel within and without. Notice
the bird that sits on a branch just above the path. Never forget that
Spirit guides and calls to you every step of your journey. If you will
but take the time to listen, you will surely hear Her voice.

Depression — See the figure as she lies mourning. The air around
her quivers with the tension that is released, her sorrow palpable. She
is utterly alone. As she lies there, her long hair melts within the earth
around her as if trying to liberate her from her angst. Yet underneath
all this hides a great strength. For like a mountain, she is strong and
unmovable. This too shall pass, and the mountain will remain.

Discord — This is the story of the Apple of Discord. According to Greek
mythology, Zeus planned a wedding feast for the nymph Thetis and her love,
Perseus. All the gods and goddesses were invited, except for Eris, the Goddess of
Discord. When she learned of the party, Eris became furious and decided to take
her revenge. During the party, she flung a golden apple, inscribed with the words
“for the fairest” into the crowd. Arguments and fights erupted. Out of the ensu-
ing battle for the apple, three goddesses emerged: Athena, the Goddess of War,
Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty, and Hera, Zeus’s own wife and the Goddess
of Marriage. To resolve the dispute, they turned to Zeus, asking him to choose
who would receive the golden apple. When this card appears, it’s a warning that
there is discord and disharmony afoot. Even a seemingly small, insignificant act
can erupt into a much larger issue, if not managed properly. Do not nurture
the seed of discord by adding water to its roots. Rather, cut off its sustenance and
move on. You will be much better off for it.

Father Time — His presence cannot be seen but it is felt by all. He
is Father Time, and he paves the way towards eternity. He has no
quarrels with mankind, though he journeys with it in its quest for love
and meaning. He can sustain a moment of laughter or erase the pain
of loss. His footsteps echo in our lives creating memories that live
on through generations. The answer to your question is Time. The
past paves the way of the future, and the present holds the keys to its
outcome. Only time can bring clarity to the mind.

Fear — When left unchecked, fear is one of the most destructive
forces. It can make itself known subtly or suddenly. It can come in
waves or bursts that leave us in states of dread and panic. Although
we forget, that our survival is linked to fear, an emotion that tells us
when something is wrong. Fear can induce biological responses that
sometimes can save our lives. So, we should not neglect the usefulness
of this emotion, but analyze where it source springs from. The Fear
card depicts two messages, the first is the physical transformation
that it induced within the figure. The second, the winding snake that
appears to strike. The snake, a symbol of knowledge, is attempting
to free itself from the fearful figure. To break free from the vessel that
no longer can withstand its presence. You need to ask yourself, why
are you afraid? Are you afraid of evolving, of growing out of your
comfort zone? Are you afraid of knowing?

God Speaks — He is powerful yet gentle, wise and all-knowing.
His energy is that of the sky, and when he whispers to you, his voice
can be heard throughout your entire being. His depiction in the card
emphasizes his connection between earth and sky. His base is the
heavens yet his crown emanates unto earth. From his throat chakra
emanates waves of golden light. He has no beginning and no end,
hence his figure instead terminates in a continuous spiral, a symbol
that represents the pathway from outer consciousness, related to the
ego and materialism, to the inner consciousness, synonymous with the
soul and higher spiritual purpose.

Goddess Speaks — The Goddess takes shape as she’s walking
the earth, her colors that of rust and earth- colors of fall. She is the
female counterpart to the Godhead, bringing balance to the universe.
She is the Mother that lends her ear to your woes. Her guidance is
best heard when you commune within her world. She restores and
heals. Her presence can be felt on the wings of the hawk, in the hoot
of the owl and the smell of the earth. She walks with you, by your
side, the Eternal Mother, who brings forth the fruits of the earth and
quenches the thirst for compassion. Look within to find her, for She is
always present within you. Look for her in the falling leaf, in the tear
that breaks, in the song of the wind.

Healing — In this card, a bud of new life surges from the earth
and ashes. It is young and vulnerable at this stage, but it’s potential is
great. Through care and persistence, the bud may one day become a
mighty oak. This is a time for healing and regaining strength. When
this card appears, it harbinges a period of well being. For those that
are seeking physical and emotional healing, this card signals just that.
It predicts a period where the life force will increase and bring the
much needed elixir of sustenance. It is important to aid the process of
healing by not overtaxing yourself. If you go against the basic laws of
maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you are denying yourself the chance
of a full recovery.

Home — “Home is where the heart is” summarizes well our
common experience. For many of us, home is where we feel comfort
and protection, and where we can be ourselves without judgement.
When this card is drawn, go back to the place that brings you a total
feeling of support, whether mentally or physically. Perhaps it is a call
to visit or phone family, or a time to go within to your Sacred Home.
Whatever the case, seek your peace and that place where you feel
most comfortable and safe.


Honesty — A young man stands before you. His gaze is steady and
unwavering. He is here to bare all truths; his heart is an open book for
all to see. Releasing all that was once hidden or forgotten, he is now
free. When this card appears, it signals a time of honesty and open-
ness with yourself and those around you. Honesty sheds light of those
things that were obscured by fear, releasing you of burdens that are
no longer needed.

Hope — A light, faint against the darkness and unrest, glimmers
in the distance. Hope is the spark that never dies, and its warm,
comforting light brightens our darkest moments, no matter the night.
Perhaps it is hard right now to see where the tunnel might end, but
one thing is certain: all tunnels do. This too shall pass, and you will be
the braver, the wiser, and the stronger for it.

Imperfect Beauty — Do not shy away from the dark moments,
from the struggles of the night. Do not hide your imperfections. For these
are the reminders of your strengths and your uniqueness in this world.
Beauty can be imperfect, for within the scars lies proof of the battle. Be
authentic, be open, be yourself. Below the sea and its exterior beauty
hides a world that yearns for survival. It’s all a matter of perspective and
time. The only thing that can bring clarity to the imperfection that you
are so desperate to conceal is time and objectivity. This card shows just
that. A young man, his body changed by the struggles of life, sits peaceful-
ly. We see this perseverance within nature. Like trees that struggle to work
their roots around obstacles, twisting and turning, deforming in order to
sustain life they become stronger for their limitations. His serenity does
not come from relying on his external imperfections, but from his internal
view of the world. A small sparrow rests upon his shoulder, drawn to his
inner peace.
Inner Child — The inner child awaits patiently, sitting at the edges
of your mind, always present yet sometimes forgotten. Neverthe-
less, the inner child is here now, to guide you and bring forth those
aspects of yourself that have been dormant for some time. If there
are any past wounds that need healing, now is the time to skeek to
understand them, by re-evaluating periods or moments of your child-
hood that have contoured the person you are today. Take the time to
delve deeper, to discover if there are any issues that are blocking you
currently. The inner child can be playful and joyous and see things
though a prism of purity. What things brought you joy in the past?

Inner Strength — The Lion here represents man’s external shell.
The fearsome beast opens his mouth to roar and lets out a terrible
sound that subdues even the most frightening of his foes. Crawling
out from the jaws of the beast is the true, hidden power of man:
his determination and will. When properly applied, his relentless
drive can defy the predictable and create the impossible. This is our
greatest gift from the gods and goddesses: the power to define and
redefine ourselves, to reach beyond imposed limitations, whether
physical or mental.

Intuition — An image arises from the haze, the figure of a face in
peaceful meditation. He closes his eyes to see, his sight transfixed on
the inner realms. His inner eye is opened, his intuition is his guide. He
ascends a staircase of light and color, rising to higher planes. When
this card appears, separate yourself from the world, and seek your
guidance inwardly.

Let Go — An old, worn out, weary dock fades into the distance.
What once was useful and full of purpose is no longer so. In its day,
this dock may have served as a point of departure for mariners or
travelers, with hearts and hopes set on strange lands. Now, however,
it can no longer serve its purpose. Something in your life which once
had purpose and direction no longer does. All things come and go
in time, even time. Change is the only constant. While it might be
frightening, consider where you might need to let go.

Limitless — The form of a woman lives within a tree, limitless
and infinite in its potential. Whether through its own branches
reaching ever onwards and upwards to the sky, or through its creation
of the next generation in its seed, the tree grows and evolves without
boundaries or borders. You are as that tree. Embrace your True Self,
and allow your infinite potential to emerge.

Listen — How many of us stop and listen -truly listen- to the
Universe and its message? Take a moment to yourself, set aside all
your tasks and simply listen. This card appears if you have any
pressing questions that have no current answers or resolutions. The
Universe is always listening. Sometimes the answers are already there,
you just have to quiet the chatter. And don't be surprised if they come
when you least expect it.

Look To Nature — Nature has provided us not only with the
physical sustenance that our bodies need, but with all the patterns and
mysteries that help us to find our way. Change is her only constant,
yet she renews herself endlessly. When this card is chosen, seek after
Nature; commune with her. Listen to the stories that she has to tell,
for they are wonderful, rich, and reveal the mystery of life itself.

Look Within — A spiral of energy leads inward to the deepest and
truest parts of the Self. Do not fear the truths which may be found
here, for they are constant, leading and guiding our lives whether we
acknowledge them or not. By coming to know and accept them, we
can master them, rather than being mastered by them. How deep is
your own world? Dive in and explore, for here you will find answers
that cannot be found elsewhere.

Loss — Anyone who has ever experienced a true loss knows just
how profound the heartache can be. When it is a dear loved one, it
is as if a piece of you has been erased with them. Still, the seed of
loss is gain; one cannot exist without the other. Your wounds are fresh
now, and it may still be time to tend to them. But in time, you will
come to appreciate the gain which this experience brought into
your life. Every experience, even the most grim, holds the seeds for
understanding, growth, and renewal.

New Horizons — The Sun, the source of light and life, sets
each night, but rises again each morning. If you’ve drawn this card,
know that new horizons and opportunities are approaching. Of
course, navigating the murky waters of change requires a skilled
hand, but if you are prepared to meet the challenge, new opportuni-
ties await.

Protection — There are times in life when our own strength fails,
and we are obligated to rely on the help of others. This is not a sign
of weakness, but rather a strength, in that it teaches us how to receive
love. Or is there someone who may be in need your strength? Here,
an ethereal figure wrapped in gold defends one who is incapable of
defending himself. In times of distress, do not fear, for Spirit’s divine
messengers are with you, comforting, protecting, and shielding you.

Reflection — A woman divines within the cup of life. She seeks
understanding and knowledge of things that have passed and those
that are to come. Yet what she’s found is her knowing inner eye star-
ing back. The understanding you so desperately seek is within you
now and always has been. There comes a time when we must accept
ourselves as we are, Self-reflection is the key.

Rest — As a light and playful butterfly, our soul soars through the air
before alighting on a leaf to rest. How many of us know when to stop
and take a moment? Now is the time to look after yourself. Don’t let
your wings flutter to the point of exhaustion. Seek rest, repose, and
recharge your spirit.

Self Involved — We all go through periods of self-involvement,
times when we are so focused on our own view of the world that
we can no longer hear what others around us are saying. We ask
questions, but don’t hear the answers, trapped in a prison of our own
making. When this card appears, look outside yourself to those that
you call family or friends for guidance.

Self-Sabotage — A never-ending battle rages on within us between
our higher and lower natures. Our True Self seeks to ascend, though
the way be steep and narrow. Our lower nature, though, clings to the
familiar, resisting the change with blind fear and fury. In the process
of stripping down your potential you lose part of the self. Stand up
and don’t let your fears govern you, but be strong and move forward.

Serenity — If you’ve struggled recently to find peace of mind, this
card announces that you will soon discover it. A period of stillness
and quiet will envelop your mind, one that you have not felt in a long
while. We experience these moments as rare and hard to come by.
However, deep down, it is our natural spiritual state. To maintain this
state, seek to reassert balance within your life.

Sever — Here we see a man, taking flight. He needs no wings to
propel himself forward, now that the silver etheric cord, which once
kept him anchored to the past has been severed. Each one of us forms
etheric cords to other people. It is through these invisible ribbons of
energy that we establish bonds and exchange astral energies. They bind
us tightly to our loved ones, making our relationships stronger. How-
ever, other times such cords link us to individuals in our past that do
not serve our highest purpose. These relationships can be energetically
draining. If you’ve been struggling to distance yourself from someone,
perhaps it is time to sever that etheric cord. Close your eyes and visual-
ize your etheric cords, sometimes they appear as silver ribbons. Are
there any that don’t shine brightly, that have lost their luminous luster?
Are there any that appear to be draining your own etheric energy?
Only you can answer these questions. Remember that etheric cords can
always be strengthened or formed again, if that is what you wish.

Shadow Self — A woman appears to be calm and poised. Inside,
however, her shadow self struggles for expression and recognition.
As the psychologist Carl Jung said, “To confront a person with his
shadow is to show him his own light.” Do not succumb to your
imperfections, but own and accept them. Thus can you proceed safely
into the light. If you draw this card, consider carefully whether you
are sublimating or suppressing your true desires.

Silver Lining — It is sometimes hard to see the positive aspect
when you're in the midst of a negative experience. The vibrant colors
of life can be dimmed in those moments, and all we seem notice is the
damage that has been done. However, there is always a silver lining
that can be dicovered in any situation. Sometimes the only thing that
will bring it to the surface is time.

Sorrow — As the saying goes, “The eyes are the windows of the
soul”. Here, those windows are washed by the waters of grief. A
period of mourning awaits. Yet always remember that the soul is
timeless, and endures beyond loss and death. While this period is
temporary and will pass, the memories of your beloved will remain.

Spirit Guides — Shadowy figures emerge from a plane beyond
space and time. They are the Spirit Guides, who’ve been with you
from the beginning. They are the whispers in the wind that warn you,
the gentle breezes that embrace you. Listen now for their message.
Look for them in your dreams or through messengers in your daily
routine, for they travel on the bridges of reality, equally comfortable
in both spiritual and physical realms.

Spirit Heals — The Great Spirit is always present, for It knows
that healing begins first within you. Therefore, let yourself become
open and allow yourself to heal. Sometimes your own spirit needs
to heal before your body does. The Cosmos is a web of intelligence
and care, so don’t be surprised if help comes from unexpected places.
The warm embrace of a friend, a kind word from a stranger are not
random acts, but may be Spirit seeking to heal.

Symbiosis — Two souls, male and female, yin and yang, flow
and unite in the guise of an infinity symbol. Through the balance
of opposing forces, harmony and peace are achieved. When this
card surfaces, a period of collaboration and cooperation arrives.

The Ancestors — As the unseen roots of the tree anchor and
nourish the visible portions, so are we rooted and raised by those who
have come before us. Our ancestors form a bridge between this world
and the world to come. When this card is drawn, meditate on your
loved ones who have passed over; consider closely their wisdom
and counsel.

The Crone — As the wisdom of the Earth herself, she rises as
an old, hoary mountain: timeless, eternal, and full in her years.
She is the Crone, the archetypal Wise Woman. She is rich with
experience and understanding, a source of guidance, calm support,
and knowing compassion. When this card appears, commune with
nature and take the time to consult your inner voice. Seek out the
wisdom of your elders, for they alone have walked the road of
life well.

The Lovers — Two merge to become one through a union of body
and, more importantly, soul. An unbreakable, inseverable cord unites
them, permitting perfect and complete connection. When this card
presents itself, a kindred spirit is about. Be prepared for the emotional
intimacy this entails, and learn of yourself that you may most richly
learn of the other.

The Moon — The Light of the Night hovers above the wilderness,
illuminating all the dark places. The silhouette of a figure can just
barely be made out, gazing up in wonder at its beauty and mystery.
For all her beauty, though, the Moon offers but reflected light; her
revelations are not full. When this card is drawn, intuitions, dreams,
and feelings may come, but they are often hazy and incomplete. You
may feel as though you’re groping around in the dark. Patience and
reflection will see you through.

The Spinner — The Spinner arrives to bring major changes in your
life. She binds and weaves the threads of time and space, destiny and
chance. She holds both the hourglass and the wheel of life. She spins
life’s strands and calls on you to prepare. For better or worse, things
are about to get interesting. What was once up, may possibly come
down, and what was down could quickly come up. Regardless of its
direction, this card comes with an active force of change. While it is
not always comfortable, it is necessary to evolve and learn.

Time To Soar — A bird lights upon a branch, resting and waiting
for the right moment to arrive. That moment is now. Seize it and soar
to new heights and climes. As denoted by the inner eye, your journey
may be physical or mental, material or spiritual. Either way, this card
clearly indicates that the time has come to act. So spread your wings
and let the winds carry you aloft.

Transformation — This is a beautiful time for you. Karmic
energies have come to pass. You are now going through a spiritual
transition that will bring forth a truer potential. Be aware, though,
that with transformation and growth come new responsibilities, so
embrace yours and be ever thankful for this opportunity.

Trapped— Confined within a small square space, the person desper-
ately gazes at the keyhole below him. He appears defeated, unaware
that the means of his escape is within his grasp. The key has been
wrapped around his ankle the whole time. He’s simply been too over-
whelmed by his predicament to notice this crucial element. It doesn’t
matter how he got into this position to begin with. What matters now
is that he has the means and ability to liberates himself. If you’ve
drawn this card, remember that if you feel trapped or confined, stay
focused and keep calm. The key is often closer than you think.

Trust— She approaches with a peaceful, poised expression. She
presents her heart, for she has complete and utter trust that she is safe.
Some experiences call for skepticism, while others call for faith. Here,
faith flows as the very blood in our veins. This card calls you to adopt
an attitude of confidence that all is well, and all will be well.

Vulnerability — A woman, naked and exposed, is curled up within
a broken shell in a position of protection. She is vulnerable in this
new stage of life, but that vulnerability is her greatest strength. By
permitting herself to be vulnerable, she is born to new experiences
and opportunities. If this card appears in your draw, allow yourself to
take risks, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone. You are
ready and strong enough to be born into new experiences.

Revealing Truths Spread

This spread is designed to help you uncover elements currently

hidden in your life. At the same time revealing what the divine has
planned for you based on the choices you have made thus far.
Shuffle de cards as usual and select one card for each
position as illustrated above.

1. The Known — This is the aspects of your life that you are
presently aware of.

2. The Unknown — This is the element in your life that is

currently hidden from you.

3. The Seeker — This is what you truly wish to discover and know.

4. Divine Charge — This is what God and Goddess have chosen to

bestow upon you.

5. Future — This is what the future holds based on your current path.

6. The Rogue Card — Current situation can change should you

choose to embody this card.

The Shadow Spread

This spread is designed to help you see all aspects of the question
at hand.
Select a card from the deck that best represents the
problem and set it aside (this card will be position 1), then shuffle the
rest of the deck as usual.

1. Current Issue/ problem — This represents the problem or issue

that is plaguing you at the moment.

Continue placing the cards in the order shown. You will now have
two columns.

Column 1: Shadow Aspect- Cards 2,4 and 6. These cards reveal

the hidden, darker truths buried deep that could surface one day.

Column 2: Light Aspect - Cards 3, 5 and 7. These cards reveal

the most positive aspects that could be come to pass with time.


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