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I believe there is a lot of power in our words. If we say something enough times even if we don’t
believe it to begin with it eventually becomes our truth. Nothing is more powerful or more
limiting than the spoken word, and in education we say a lot of words. Some words push kids
and peers forward, while some words stop others dead in their tracks. Imagine a school where
teaching is considered to be a profession rather than a trade. Students aren't consumers
of facts. They are active creators of knowledge. Schools aren't just brick they're
centers of lifelong learning. And, most important, teaching is recognized as one of the
most challenging and respected career choices, absolutely vital to the social, cultural,
and economic health of our nation. Today, the seeds of such a dramatic transformation
in education are being planted. Prompted by massive revolutions in knowledge,
information technology, and public demand for better learning, schools nationwide are
slowly but surely restructuring themselves. Mindset influences everything self-esteem,
health, relationships, and careers. It’s often just as powerful as circumstances in determining the
course of your life. Unlike random situations, however, mindset is something you can learn
to control. What’s more, shifting your perspective is not all that difficult. And it can improve
your life in profound ways, starting now. In the 21st-century teaching and learning teacher must
teaches Students how to become more flexible at all times. It means utilizing everything that is
important in today's world so that students will be able to live and prepared for their future.
Never stops motivating the students to learn more.

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