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Materi Pokok : tindakan menawarkan jasa, serta menanggapinya ( Offering Help )

Offering Service/Help used to offer service/help to others. (Offering Service/Help digunakan untuk
menawarkan jasa atau bantuan kepada orang lain.)
Offering Service/Help
• What can I do for you?
• Can I help you?
• Can I do something for you?
• Do you want something to eat?
• Shall I get you something to read?
Accepting Service/Help (Menerima jasa/Bantuan)
• Thank you.
• That’s very kind of you.
• Thanks (very much).
• Lovely.
Refusing Service/Help (Menolak Jasa/Bantuan)
• No, thank you.
• That’s very kind of you, but …
• Thank you for offering, but …
• No, it’s all right, really.
• No, really, I can manage (thanks).

Mr. George is cleaning his garden. He uses many gardening tools such as sickle, hoe, spade,
and big scissors. Billy is offering a help.
Billy : “what are you doing, Dad”
Mr. George : “I am going to plant some vegetables”
Billy : “can I help you?” (offering)
Mr. George : “yes, please clean the soil from the grass after I hoe” (accepting)
Billy : “Certainly, Dad”

Contoh Dialog Asking For Help

Dialogue I
Anita : Hello Ms. Ratu you looks so busy, may I help you?
Ms. Ratu : Yes I am. Could you please bring students’ homework books in my table?
Anita : Sure, and where should I bring it to?
Ms Ratu : Please bring the books to your class, and say sorry to your friends that I may
coming late to the class.
Anita : Okay Miss Ratu. Is there anything else?
Ms Ratu : No it’s enough. Thank you very much for your help Anita.
Anita : Your welcome.
Dialogue II
Rianda : Excuse me. Miss. May I ask you something.
Ms. Sisca : Yes, Rianda. What’s the matter ?
Rianda : May I borrow your dictionary ? I need to look up a new word.
Ms. Sisca : Sure. Here you are.
Rianda : Thank you, Miss. I’ll return it as soon as possible.
Ms. Sisca : No problem.
Contoh Dialog Offering for Help
Dialog I
Mr. Jack : Hello waiter, can you come here for a second?
Waiter : Sure. What can I help you sir?
Mr Jack : Could you bring me some salt?
Waiter : Yes sir. and would you like to try some coffee? We have the best quality in this

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Mr. Jack : Wow it would be really lovely to try it.
Waiter : Ok sir, is there anything can i help you with?
Mr. Jack : No thanks, I think it’s enough.
Waiter : Okay I will bring it to you now.
Dialog II
Kissha : Hey you looks pale, what’s wrong with you?
Helen : My stomach hurts, maybe this is because I didn’t take breakfast this morning.
Kissha : May I bring you to the UKS?
Helen : Sure, It would be really helpful.
Kissha : Would you like me to bring you some foods?
Helen : Yes please.
Kissha : Okay, but I will take you to UKS first then I will bring you foods and medicine.
Helen : Thanks Kissha, It’s very nice of you.
Kissha : It was friends are for.
Soal Exercise Bahasa Inggris Asking and Offering for Help
Read carefully and answer the questions
Dialog 1
Ara :  Good afternoon Mrs.Tina.
Mrs. Tina :  Good afternoon Ara. What are you doing?
Ara :  I’m looking for a book. Could you do a favor for me
Mrs. Tina :  What is it?
Ara :  I need a book about science. Would you mind showing me it?
Mrs. Tina :  No, of course not. Can you look for it on the shelf over there?
Ara :  Umm… I have searched it but I haven’t found it. Would you please look for it
Mrs. Tina :  I have two books of science. Both of them are “My body science” and “A
Philosopher looks al science”. Do you like both of them?
Ara :  Really? Can you lend me the second one, please?
Mrs. Tina :  I’ll lend you if you give it back soon.
Ara :  Certainly. I’ll return it immediately. Thank you.
Mrs. Tina :  You’re welcome.
1. Where does the conversation take place? in the library
2. What is Ara looking for?ara looking for a book
3. How many books does Mrs. Tina have?
4. Which book does Ara borrow? mr tina have two book
5. “I have searched it…..” What does the underlined word mean? book of science
6. “Would you mind showing me it?” What does the underlined word refer to? book
Dialog 2
Rahma : Excuse me, Ma’am.
Teacher : Yes, Rahma. What’s up ?
Rahma : Ma’am. I’m a little bit confused with question number three. Would you be kind
enough to explain me more about it ?
Teacher : Let’s ask the others first
Rahma : O.K.
Teacher : Listen, class. Rahma has a problem with question number three. Can any of you
help Rahma ? What about you Gilang ?
Gilang : I’m really sorry Ma’am. I can’t. Finally, I don’t understand it either.
Teacher : Do you ? Well,…it seems to be everybody’s problem. All right then, I’ll explain
it once again. But first, Yandar, will you clean the blackboard ?
Yandar : Yes, Ma’am.
Teacher : Thank you.
Question :
1. Where do you think the dialog take place ? in the classroom
2. What is Rahma’s problem ? she little confused with question number there
3. Can Gilang help Rahma solve her problem ? How do you know ? no, because gilang said “i
can’t andv he don’t understand it either
4. What is Yandar asked for ? cleaning the blackboard
5. Rahma said “Would you be kind enough to explain me more about it ?”
What does the word “you” refer to ? teacher

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You want someone to do something for you. Say it politely. Number 1 is an example.
1. Turn up the fan.
Answer : Could you turn up the fan, please?
2. Turn on the computer
Answer : rina ,can you turn on the computer
3. Turn off the television
Answer : pleace turn off the television
4. Switch off the cell phone
Answer : pleace turn on the cellphone ,adi
5. Switch on the computer
Answer : pleace turn on the computer
6. Speak loudly
Answer : can you speak lauder niko
1. You : Your bag look so heavy. ….
your friend : Thanks. I need it you so much.
A. may I help you?
B. I think you can bring it.
C. Where do you put it?
D. Can you help me?
2. You : Hi, can you pick my sister up? I’m so busy.
Your friend : …. I am busy too.
A. What time does your sister go home?
B. Yes, I can.
C. I am sorry.
D. I don’t have any vehicles to pick your sister.
Guest : Excuse me, but ….. (3) ?
Staff : Of course ma’am, ….. (4)?
Guest : Someone just stole my purse off my shoulder outside the hotel.
Staff : Are you OK?
Guest : Yes, just shaken up a bit.
Staff : Why don’t you sit down here and I’ll call the police for you.
Guest : …… (5).
3. A. Can you help me?
B. Can I help you?
C. Would you like some help?
D. Can I give you a hand?
4. A. Could you give me a hand?
B. Would you mind helping me out?
C. Could you help me please?
D. what can I do for you?
5. A. Thanks for the advice.
B. No thanks, I’ve got it.
C. Thank you. I appreciate your help.
D. Thanks, I’ll try that.
Exercise: Answer the following questions!
Bryan : Nugy, where are you?
Nugy : I’m in the house. What’s matter?
Bryan : oh _____________ .
Nugy : I’d like to help you. For what?

1. Complete the dialogue above with suitable expression ….

A. Would you like some help?
B. Sorry, I can’t help you
C. Could I possibly ask you to help me?
D. Let me help you
E. No, you don’t need to help

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Romy : May I help you ?
Deny : Hmmm. Don’t bother yourself, thanks. 

2. The underlined sentence express ….

A. Asking help
B. Giving help
C. Offering help
D. Refusing an offer
E. Accepting an offer

Elsa : Will you help me to build a snowman?

Olaf : Yes, of course. _____ .

3. Complete the dialogue above ….

A. I won’t
B. I will
C. I will not
D. Will I ?
E. Shall I ?

Complete the dialogue below (for questions number 4 and 5)

Mr Iqbal : Jon, come here please!
Andy : Yes, sir. I’m coming.
Mr Iqbal : (4) __________ the goods to the shop, please?
Andy : With pleasure, sir.
Mr Iqbal : Don’t forget to put into the correct case!
Andy : (5) ______, sir.
Mr Iqbal : Thanks.

4. The suitable expression is ….

A. Can you bring
B. Can I bring
C. May I bring
D. Don’t bring
E. I would like to bring

5. The suitable expression is ….

A. Sorry, I can’t
B. I wish I could help you
C. I’m bussy
D. I need some help
E. Don’t worry

Arrange the sentences below into a good dialogue.

7 A : Do you want more sugar in your orange juice?
1 A : Would you like me to help you, Sir?
5 A : Okay. Meatball, a plate of rice and sandwich. Anything else?
3 A : Wait a minute, please. And what would you like to eat?
2 B : Yes, thank you. I would like a glass of orange juice.
6 B : No, thank you.
8 B : Yes, of course. I like sweet orange juice.
4 B : I’d like, meatball, a plate of rice and sandwich.

1 A : Would you like me to help you, Sir?

2 B : Yes, thank you. I would like a glass of orange juice
3 A : Wait a minute, please. And what would you like to eat?
4 B : I’d like, meatball, a plate of rice and sandwich
5 A : Okay. Meatball, a plate of rice and sandwich. Anything else?
6 B : No, thank you.
7 A : Do you want more sugar in your orange juice?
8 B : Yes, of course. I like sweet orange juice.
*Do The Best*
Latihan Soal

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Direction: Read this dialogues and answer the question below by choosing the best answer (A,
B, C, D or E )
1. John : Hello, Jean. Where have you been?
Jean : Hi, John. I just bought few kilograms of apples in the market.
John : Do you need some help to carry the apples?
Jean : _______
The suitable respond to complete the dialogue is ….
A. I don’t know
B. Why?
C. Of course, that’s very kind of you
D. I will help you
E. Good bye

2. Ronald : You look so busy. _______

Marry : No, thank you. I can handle them.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ….
A. I will leave you alone
B. Would you like some help?
C. Do you want to help me?
D. Sure, I would like to
E. Yes, please

3. Andy : I heard there will be a concert tonight. Would you like to go with me?
Sam : I’m afraid I cannot.
Andy : Why? I think you really love the band.
Sam : Yes, I do. But I have many works at home.
Andy : Let me help you, then.
Sam : ___________
Andy : Never mind. That’s what friend should do.
What should Sam say?
A. I really appreciate your help
B. I don’t need your help
C. I am fine, thank you
D. I will go, too
E. Don’t worry

Complete the dialogue below (question 4 and 5)

Judy : Good morning, Sir. Do you have science book about animal anatomy?
Shopkeeper : Of course, dear. We have the book that you want. ______ (4) to show the
Judy : I am fine, Sir. I can find by myself. I have other books to find, too.
Shopkeeper : ________(5). Take your time.
Judy : Thank you, Sir.

4. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …..

A. I would like
B. Can you
C. Do not go
D. Would you like me
E. May I

5. What should the shopkeeper say?

A. I am busy
B. Sorry
C. Thank you
D. Will you go?
E. That’s okay
6. Romy : Sir, would you like me to close the window for you?
Mr. Arthur : Yes, please. It’s very cold inside.
The underlined sentence express:
A. Asking help
B. Offering help
C. Refusing something
D. Accepting an offer
E. Suggestion

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7. Ela : Mom, do you need some help? You look so busy this morning.
Mom : Of course, dear. I need another pair of hands to wash the dish.
The underlined sentence expresses ….
A. Accepting help
B. Offering help
C. Refusing help
D. Looking for something
E. Apologizing

8. Bob : Sony, will you join me to build a birdhouse?

Sony : Sure, _______. I am really excited.
Complete the dialogue above with right expression ….
A. I don’t want to.
B. I am busy today
C. I will
D. I will not
E. I have to go

9. Jane: You look pale.

Jim : I've got a serious headache.
Jane : ....................
A. Let me take you to the restaurant.
B. What about a glass of avocado juice?
C. Let me take you to the hospital.
D. Would you like fried or steamed chicken?
E. Thanks

10. Natasha : I want to go shopping but I don't have any vehicle.

Wanda : .................................
A. Shall I take you to the hospital with my car?
B. Shall I take you to the school with my car?
C. Shall I take you to the market with my car?
D. Shall I take you to the zoo with my car?
E. Shall I take you to the museum with my car

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