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Chapter 47

Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
Qinning Wang1 and Thomas V. Riley2,3
Institute of Clinical Pathology & Medical Research, Westmead, Australia, 2The University of Western Australia, Western Australia, Australia,
Division of Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, PathWest Laboratory Medicine, Western Australia, Australia

INTRODUCTION emus, and polyarthritis in sheep and lambs. The organism

causes no known disease in fish but can survive for long
The genus Erysipelothrix contains two recognized main periods of time on the mucoid exterior slime of fish [12].
species, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae and E. tonsillarum.
Another two species have been also proposed
Erysipelothrix sp. strain 1 (E. rhusiopathiae serotype 13)
and Erysipelothrix sp. strain 2 (E. rhusiopathiae serotype
18) [1 3]. In addition, a fifth species has been also E. rhusiopathiae, literally ‘erysipelas thread of red dis-
described as E. inopinata [4]. The genus was classified ease’, has a long history with many nomenclature
into 23 serotypes and type N based on peptidoglycan anti- changes. The earliest member of the genus Erysipelothrix
gens on the cell wall [5 7]. E. rhusiopathiae, formerly was termed E. muriseptica, first isolated by Koch in 1876
the only species of the genus Erysipelothrix, including from the blood of mice with septicaemia. Subsequently,
serovars 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 4, 5, 6, 8 ,9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, Erysipelothrix has been identified as the cause of infec-
19, 21 and type N, is a facultative, non-spore-forming, tion in many animal species and three separate species of
non-acid-fast, rod-shaped Gram-positive bacillus. The the organism, E. muriseptica, E. porci and E. erysipeloid,
organism was first established as a human pathogen late were proposed based on their isolation from mice, pigs
in the nineteenth century. Three forms of human disease and humans, respectively. It was later realized that these
have been described, including a localized cutaneous three organisms were nearly identical strains of the same
lesion form, erysipeloid, which was so-called to distin- species. The name E. insidiosa was proposed for them
guish it from the human streptococcal disease erysipelas, originally by Trevisan in 1885. This and all 36 other
a generalized cutaneous form, and a septicaemic form documented names for the organism were rejected in
often associated with endocarditis [8]. Infection in 1966 in favour of E. rhusiopathiae, a combination that
humans is occupationally related, principally occurring as originated in 1918 [13].
a result of contact with contaminated animals, their pro- Erysipelothrix demonstrated great serological, bio-
ducts or wastes, or soil. Erysipeloid is the most common chemical and antigenic variation between strains.
form of infection in humans. Some other names used to Pathogenicity testing showed that a cluster of avirulent
describe this infection reflect the occupational attributes strains of serotype 7 came predominantly from pig tonsils
of the disease, including whale finger, seal finger, speck [14]. They were later found to be genetically distinct from
finger, blubber finger, fish poisoning, fish handler’s dis- E. rhusiopathiae by DNA base composition and
ease and pork finger [9]. The organism is ubiquitous and DNA DNA homology studies [1]. These strains formed
able to persist for a long period of time in the environ- the basis of a new species, E. tonsillarum, and belonged
ment, including marine locations. It is a pathogen or a to serotypes 3, 7, 10, 14, 20, 22 and 23. Some other
commensal in a wide variety of wild and domestic ani- strains representing serotype 13 (Erysipelothrix sp. strain
mals, birds and fish [10]. Swine erysipelas caused by 1) and 18 (Erysipelothrix sp. strain 2) exhibited low levels
E. rhusiopathiae is the disease of greatest prevalence and of hybridization with type strains of both E. rhusiopathiae
economic importance [11]. Diseases in other animals and E. tonsillarum, indicating that these serotypes may
include erysipelas of farmed turkeys, chickens, ducks and be members of a new genomic species [1 3]. Originally,

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860 PART | 7 Localized Infections

E. tonsillarum was considered morphologically and bio- The results of 16S rRNA analysis indicated that
chemically identical to E. rhusiopathiae, but it was shown E. rhusiopathiae has a closer relationship with Clostridium
later that E. tonsillarum could ferment sucrose, while innocuum [29]. Both organisms contain lysine in their cell
E. rhusiopathiae could not [1]. In addition, the majority wall. C. innocuum is a member of the RNA cluster which
of E. tonsillarum strains (96%) were avirulent while 66% contains the mycoplasmas and which itself is part of the
of E. rhusiopathiae strains produced disease in swine much broader clostridial group [30]. Phylogenetic analysis
[15]. On the other hand, a study found that E. tonsillarum based on Hsp70 sequences in the dnaK (hsp70) gene
was isolated from systemic sites from 3.4% of the car- region of Mycoplasma capricolum showed that
casses that were negative for E. rhusiopathiae, indicating Mycoplasma species branched with the low G 1 C content
the potential importance of this organism in the pathogen- Gram-positive group of bacteria including Lactobacillus
esis of swine erysipelas [16]. Comparison of protein com- and Erysipelothrix species in 87% and 96% of the boot-
position using a computerized evaluation method revealed strap replicates, respectively, indicating the close evolu-
that the geometric mean of the similarities was 0.980 6 tionary relationship of Erysipelothrix to this group [31a].
0.018 between E. rhusiopathiae strains, 0.979 6 0.013 for Most recent complete genome sequence analysis
E. tonsillarum strains and 0.932 6 0.036 between the reveals that the overall features of the E. rhusiopathiae
strains of other Erysipelothrix species. However, the study genome are similar to those of other Gram-positive bacte-
did not establish a threshold value applicable for identifi- ria. However, it lacks many orthologous genes for the bio-
cation of a given strain to species level [17]. Phylogenetic synthesis of wall teichoic acids (WTA) and lipoteichoic
analysis of 16S rRNA genes of E. rhusiopathiae and acids (LTA) and the dltABCD operon. It has a complete
E. tonsillarum showed that both sequences are almost loss of fatty acid biosynthesis pathways and lacks the
identical (99.8%) with only three nucleotide differences genes for the biosynthesis of many amino acids, cofactors
[18]. Although it has been suggested that 16S rRNA and vitamins. These indicate reductive genome evolution.
sequences can be used routinely to distinguish and estab- The E. rhusiopathiae genome represents evolutionary
lish relationships between genera and well-resolved spe- traits of both Firmicutes and Mollicutes and provides new
cies, very recently diverged species like E. rhusiopathiae insights into its evolutionary adaptations for intracellular
and E. tonsillarum may not be distinguishable [19]. survival [31b].
E. rhusiopathiae is most likely to be confused with
other Gram-positive, non-sporing, rod-shaped bacteria,
such as members of the genera Brochothrix, EPIDEMIOLOGY OF ERYSIPELOTHRIX
Corynebacterium, Lactobacillus, Listeria and Kurthia. It
was once considered a close relative of the Listeria genus,
but studies of cell wall peptidoglycan [20], fatty acid E. rhusiopathiae is ubiquitous in nature, being found
patterns [21], DNA hybridization [22], and numerical wherever nitrogenous substances decompose [32]. E. rhu-
taxonomic studies [23,24] did not support this relation- siopathiae and infections caused by this organism are
ship. Erysipelothrix can be distinguished from Listeria in worldwide in distribution, and affect a wide variety of
cell wall composition, as Erysipelothrix contains lysine vertebrate and invertebrate species, including swine,
and glycine while Listeria contains mesodiaminopimelic sheep, cattle, horses, dogs, cats, mice, kangaroos, rein-
acid [25]. No common antigens between strains of deer, bears, numbats, rodents, seals, sea lions, cetaceans,
Erysipelothrix and Listeria monocytogenes were detected mink, chipmunks, crustaceans, fresh- and saltwater
by immunodiffusion or passive haemagglutination tests fish, crocodiles, caymen, stable flies, houseflies, ticks,
[26]. Brochothrix and Corynebacterium were also distin- mites, mouse lice, turkeys, chickens, hens, ducks,
guished from E. rhusiopathiae on the basis of containing geese, guinea fowl, pigeons, sparrows, kakapo, starlings,
mesodiaminopimelic acid in the cell wall. The catalase eagles, parrots, pheasants, peacocks, quail, parakeets, mud
test can distinguish E. rhusiopathiae from catalase- hens, canaries, finches, siskins, thrushes, blackbirds, tur-
positive Kurthia species. A closer relationship of tledoves and white storks [9,12,33 38]. Human disease
Erysipelothrix to the family Lactobacillaceae than to can originate from an animal or environmental source.
Corynebacteriaceae was revealed using enzyme and Swine erysipelas caused by E. rhusiopathiae is the dis-
DNA-based ratio studies [21]. In a study of more than 200 ease of greatest prevalence and economic importance. It is
strains of coryneform bacteria using morphological, physi- economically detrimental to the pig industries of North
ological and biochemical tests and computer analysis, America, Europe, Asia and Australia [11]. Polyarthritis of
Erysipelothrix was most closely related to Streptococcus sheep and lambs, and erysipelas in calves, ducks and
pyogenes [27]. Further molecular taxonomic studies have domestic turkeys are also economically significant dis-
concluded that the genus Erysipelothrix is a distinct cluster eases caused by E. rhusiopathiae [10,12]. The domestic
of organisms, most similar to the streptococci [9,28]. pig is the most important reservoir of E. rhusiopathiae.
Chapter | 47 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae 861

It is estimated that 30 50% of healthy swine harbour the Swine erysipelas caused by E. rhusiopathiae is seen in
organism in their tonsils and other lymphoid tissues [39]. three forms: acute, subacute and chronic [10,11,33].
Carriers can discharge the organism in their faeces, urine, Acute erysipelas in swine is characterized by sudden
saliva and nasal secretions, creating an important source of death or general signs of septicaemia. The infection is
infection. Soil, bedding, food and water can be contami- caused by virulent organisms and bacteraemia usually
nated by infected pigs, leading to the indirect transmission develops within 24 hours of exposure, quickly resulting in
of the organism [11]. Over 30 species of wild birds and at clinical signs of generalized infection and septicaemia.
least 50 species of wild mammals [40,41] are known to Presence of diffuse areas of erythema and sometimes
harbour E. rhusiopathiae, providing an extensive reservoir. vesicles, petechiae and necrosis are also characteristic
The organism can survive for long periods in marine envir- features.
onments. It survives and grows on the exterior mucoid Subacute erysipelas shows signs that are less severe
slime of fish without causing disease in the host [12]. The than the acute form. The animals do not appear as sick.
slime on fish appears to be an important source of infec- Cutaneous lesions, urticarial or diamond-skin lesions
tion for man. The organism has been isolated from the appear as early as the second or third day after exposure
environment but this may be secondary in importance to to infection. These lesions may in a few days gradually
animal reservoirs as a source of E. rhusiopathiae. lose their swelling and coloration, and disappear with no
Although E. rhusiopathiae is killed by moist heat at 55 C subsequent effect other than a superficial desquamation.
for 15 min, it is resistant to many food preservation meth- In other instances, the lesions overlap and cover large
ods, such as salting, pickling and smoking [10]. It was areas of the skin. The intensity of these skin lesions has a
long believed that the organism could live in soil indefi- direct relation to the prognosis. Light pink to light pur-
nitely. However, some studies have not supported this and plish red lesions will disappear within several days
found that the organism survived for a maximum of only whereas the deep-purplish-red lesions can precede either
35 days in soil under various conditions of temperature, death or necrosis of the skin.
pH, moisture content and organic content [42]. The chronic form of infection may follow acute or
E. rhusiopathiae infection in humans is occupationally subacute disease and is characterized most commonly by
related. It occurs mostly in those people whose jobs are signs of local arthritis or proliferative pathological
closely associated with contaminated animals, their pro- changes in the heart (endocarditis). Chronic arthritis
ducts or wastes, or soil. Individuals with the highest risk of results in joints showing various degrees of stiffness and
exposure include butchers, abattoir workers, veterinarians, enlargement. This is the most important clinical manifes-
farmers, fishermen, fish-handlers and housewives [9]. tation of swine erysipelas from an economic standpoint.
However, infection has been associated with a wide vari- E. rhusiopathiae causes polyarthritis in sheep and
ety of occupations, including poultry-processing workers, lambs [10]. The disease was recognized as early as 1913
meat inspectors, rendering plant workers, knackers, animal in Europe and later in the USA, Australia and New
caretakers, bone button makers, game handlers, furriers, Zealand. It is seen in lambs beginning from 2 3 months
leather workers, soap makers, fertilizer workers, sewer of age. The affected animals develop a stiff gait. Lesions
workers, bacteriology laboratory workers and stockyard are only found in the joints and one or several may be
workers [12]. The common names for human infection affected. The involved joint is usually swollen and the
reflect this occupational mode of acquisition. These include joint capsule is thickened. Animals seldom die from the
whale finger, seal finger, speck finger, blubber finger, fish infection.
poisoning, fish handler’s disease, and pork finger. Infection E. rhusiopathiae is pathogenic for many domestic and
is initiated either by an injury to the skin with infective wild birds. On rare occasions infection has been seen in
material or when a previous injury is contaminated. Most cattle, causing arthritis in calves. Wild birds including tur-
cases in humans and other animals may occur via scratches keys, chickens, geese, ducks, parrots, mud hens, pigeons
or puncture wounds of the skin [12]. and quail, have also been reported to be affected. Turkeys
are the birds most often and most seriously affected. They
exhibit a cyanotic skin that is most obvious as blue comb.
The lesion consists of massive haemorrhages and pete-
chiae in the breast and leg muscles. The birds become
The disease caused by E. rhusiopathiae manifests in a droopy, develop diarrhoea and die. There are reports of
similar way in animals and humans. Erysipelas and poly- large outbreaks in ducks and starlings. Disease in chicken
arthritis are typical forms of infection in animals. flocks has occurred but is rarely reported [10].
Erysipeloid, a local skin infection or cellulitis, is a com- Clinical manifestations seen in humans closely resem-
mon infection form in humans. Generalized skin infection ble those seen in swine. There are three clinical categories
and septicaemia are seen sometimes in severe cases. of human disease: a localized cutaneous form, erysipeloid;
862 PART | 7 Localized Infections

a generalized cutaneous form; and a septicaemic form a direct causal relationship between E. rhusiopathiae and
which is often associated with endocarditis [33]. ‘crayfish poisoning’ was not proved due to the presence of
Erysipeloid is the most common form of human infec- other potential pathogens, the results were suggestive.
tion. It is an acute localized cutaneous infection usually Recent reports of septicaemia and aortic valve endocarditis
occurring on the hand or fingers, described as a local cellu- due to E. rhusiopathiae in a homeless man [53] and non-
litis. The lesion consists of a well-defined, slightly ele- specific E. rhusiopathiae bacteraemia in a patient with
vated, violaceous zone, the peripheral edge of which subclinical alcoholic liver disease and not fitting the occu-
spreads as the centre fades. The pain is often severe and pational demographic typically affected by this bacterium
may be described as a burning, throbbing or itching sensa- [54] show the continuing importance of this organism.
tion. Systemic symptoms can occur in some cases: fever,
joint aches, lymphadenitis and lymphadenopathy. Arthritis
of an adjacent joint may be seen. The absence of suppura- VIRULENCE FACTORS
tion, lack of pitting oedema, and disproportionate pain
help to distinguish erysipeloid from staphylococcal or
streptococcal infection. The disease is self-limiting and E. rhusiopathiae strains are known to vary considerably
usually resolves in 3 4 weeks without therapy [28]. in virulence. Very little is known about the mechanisms
The generalized cutaneous form of the disease caused of pathogenicity and no toxin has been associated with
by E. rhusiopathiae involves lesions that progress from this organism. Some virulence factors have been sug-
the initial site to other locations on the body or appear at gested. The presence of a neuraminidase and a hyaluroni-
remote areas. The lesions are similar to those of the local- dase was recognized early, and a correlation between the
ized form, but bullous lesions can also occur. Systemic amount of neuraminidase produced and the virulence of
symptoms such as fever and joint pains are more frequent strains was noted [55,56]. A protective antigen from the
than in the localized form. The clinical course is more cell surface was characterized and considered to be a
protracted and recurrences are common [32]. heat-labile capsule that may be important in the pathoge-
Septicaemia is a more serious manifestation of E. rhu- nicity of the disease [57]. Other surface proteins such as
siopathiae infection, almost always linked to endocarditis. SpaA and 66 64-kDa antigens have been defined and
It rarely develops from localized infection. Fifty cases their roles in virulence have been suggested [58,59a]. In
with systemic infection in 15 years were reported with an vitro adhesion assays demonstrated that adherence may be
extremely high incidence (90%) of endocarditis [8]. an important virulence determinant for E. rhusiopathiae
A high male-to-female ratio was found among patients in pigs [60,61].
with E. rhusiopathiae endocarditis, which may reflect Neuraminidase is an enzyme responsible for cleavage
occupational exposure, and a greater propensity for of sialic acids from sialo-glycoconjugates such as glyco-
involvement of the aortic valves [28]. The mortality was proteins, glycolipids, and oligo- and polysaccharides.
38%, almost double the rate for endocarditis with other Sialic acids are widely distributed on the surfaces of
bacteria. Nearly 60% of patients had normal heart valves eukaryotic cells as terminal non-reducing residues, and on
before they were affected. Congestive heart failure, pres- glycoproteins. Removal of the sialic acid residues from
ent in 80% of patients, was the most common complica- these cells and important glycoproteins may serve the
tion of endocarditis. nutritional requirements of bacteria as well as disrupting
Other human infections associated with E. rhusio- many host functions [62].
pathiae include chronic arthritis, cerebral infection, osse- Studies on the production of neuraminidase by
ous necrosis of the thumb and intracranial abscess. Over Erysipelothrix species have not been extensive. The pres-
the last 20 years, some new disease manifestations have ence of neuraminidase in E. rhusiopathiae was first recog-
been reported. These include erysipeloid with coexisting nized using immunoelectrophoresis and paper
orf virus infection [43], persistent bacteraemia in a hospi- chromatography [63]. A correlation between the average
talized patient [44], bacteraemia in an HIV-positive amount of neuraminidase produced in different media and
patient [45] and immunocompetent patients [46a c], the virulence of strains was noted [55]. Enzyme activity
endocarditis with acute renal failure [47], septicaemia and was detected only in supernatants of cultures of E. rhusio-
lupus nephritis [48], septicaemia in a neonate [49], septic pathiae in cooked meat broth and Todd Hewitt broth sup-
arthritis in adults and children [50a,b], and a case of mul- plemented with horse serum. Neuraminidase activity was
tiple brain infarctions associated with E. rhusiopathiae not detected in the non-pathogenic Erysipelothrix spp.
endocarditis [51]. E. rhusiopathiae has been implicated in such as E. tonsillarum, suggesting its possible role as a
an occupational infection known as ‘crayfish poisoning’, virulence factor [64].
which affects lobster fishermen in western Australia and Neuraminidase as a virulence factor was demonstrated
bears a clinical resemblance to erysipeloid [52]. Although by comparing parent strains of E. rhusiopathiae and their
Chapter | 47 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae 863

lysogenic variants. A decrease in neuraminidase in lyso- The virulent parent strain resisted phagocytosis by murine
gens was accompanied by a decrease in virulence [65]. polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs), whereas all the
Specific antibody activity against E. rhusiopathiae neur- mutants were susceptible to phagocytosis. Intracellular
aminidase has been demonstrated in the serum of swine survival mediated by the capsule was also examined.
with chronic erysipelas, in commercial equine antierysipe- Although the virulent E. rhusiopathiae Fujisawa-SmR
las serum, and in the serum of rabbits hyperimmunized strain and its acapsular mutants were both ingested, even
with a preparation of neuraminidase from the organism, in the presence of normal serum, the number of ingested
which also induced a low level of protection in mice to acapsular mutant bacteria was three- to four-fold greater
E. rhusiopathiae infection [11]. Neuraminidase may serve than the parent strain. Thus, the virulence of E. rhusio-
as a key in pathogenesis of arteritis and thrombocytopenia pathiae is associated with the capsule and resistance to
in rats experimentally infected with the organism. The phagocytosis [72].
adhesion of bacteria to a cultured cell line from the rat Adhesion assays in vitro showed that strains of E. rhu-
aorta was closely related to the release of sialic acid from siopathiae virulent for swine and mice adhered better to
endothelial cells (ECs). It was significant that more bacteria porcine kidney cell lines PK-15 and ESK than avirulent
adhered to neuraminidase-treated ECs, and bacterial adhe- strains [61]. Bratberg [60] reported that E. rhusiopathiae
sion was inhibited dose-dependently by N-acetylneuramin- isolated from swine affected with endocarditis or septiace-
lactose, a substrate of bacterial neuraminidase. It was also mia showed a higher degree of adherence to fresh heart
observed that bacterial invasion in vivo is always valves of swine in organ culture than did strains isolated
associated with desialated sites of arterial regions [66,67]. from other sources.
Macromolecular complexes induce the secretion of the Two adhesive surface proteins (RspA and RspB) have
enzyme and results from the rabbit skin test confirmed been identified from E. rhusiopathiae [73] and their
the role of E. rhusiopathiae neuraminidase as a virulence genes cloned and characterized. The recombinant pro-
factor with a role in the spread of infection [67]. teins showed a high degree of binding to polystyrene,
Hyaluronidase is a spreading factor that facilitates the fibronectin, and types I and IV collagens. The deduced
dissemination of some pathogens into tissues. It has been proteins contained the C-terminal anchoring motif
detected in both virulent and avirulent E. rhusiopathiae LPXTG, preceded by repeats of consensus amino acid
strains [68] and production by individual strains was sequences that are present in many other Gram-positive
inconsistent with pathogenic properties. The role of hyal- bacteria. Participation of both proteins in early adherence
uronidase in the pathogenesis of Erysipelothrix infection to an inert surface and binding to extracellular matrix
remains controversial. Shimoji et al. [69] utilized suggested that these proteins constitute a novel class of
transposon mutagenesis with Tn916 to construct mutants cell surface components which are involved in the initial
defective in hyaluronidase production. Most step of biofilm formation. Adherence may therefore be an
hyaluronidase-negative mutants were avirulent for mice important determinant of virulence for E. rhusiopathiae.
and had also lost the capsule, whereas a virulent Several other surface proteins have been defined in
hyaluronidase-negative mutant still possessed the capsule. E. rhusiopathiae. The 64 66-kDa antigen in Triton X-
They suggested that the lack of virulence of most of the 100 extracts is located on the cell surface of the organism
hyaluronidase-negative mutants could be attributed to loss [58]. This protein appears to play a role in virulence
of the capsule, and that hyaluronidase was not essential because it is less expressed on strains of low or moderate
for the pathogenesis of infection in mice. virulence than on highly virulent strains. High concentra-
Early in 1970, a protective 200-kDa surface glycolipo- tions of 64-, 66- and 43-kDa proteins, which were called
protein complex antigen from E. rhusiopathiae was iso- P64 (64 and 66 kDa) and P43 (43 kDa) proteins, were
lated and characterized [70,71]. This antigen was easily obtained by alkaline treatment of whole cells. It was sug-
released into the culture medium. Lachmann and Deicher gested that a specific antibody against the 64-kDa protein
[57] investigated the antigenicity of E. rhusiopathiae by could be increased in pigs immunized with P64 or live
solubilizing antigens from the cell surface with deter- cell vaccine and that this anti-P64 antibody has a strong
gents. The main antigenic non-protein component had a protective effect against E. rhusiopathiae infection in
molecular mass of 14 000 to 22 000, and was a polydis- pigs. Also the P64 proteins are associated with the induc-
persed anionic polysaccharide. This was the first report tion of a protective activity against E. rhusiopathiae
that E. rhusiopathiae may have a capsule of importance infection in mice [74,75]. Another surface protein is the
in the pathogenicity of disease. The heat-labile capsule is SpaA antigen [59a]. This antigen is very similar in the
now considered a crucial factor in the pathogenesis of structure and amino acid sequence of its C-terminal
infection. Tn916-generated mutants were constructed to region to the choline-binding proteins of Streptococcus
study the potential role of the capsule in virulence [72]. pneumoniae [76]. To date, four different spa types have
Capsule-deficient mutants were avirulent for mice. been described including spaA, spaB1, spaB2 and spaC.
864 PART | 7 Localized Infections

Complete protection with the homologous spa strains was under the microscope. Morphology may change with
observed but with only partial protection for heterologous alterations in pH and incubation temperature. A pH of
spa strains [59a,77,78]. A gene encoding the haemolysin of 7.6 8.2 favours the S-form while the R-form predomi-
E. rhusiopathiae has been identified [79]. This gene nates at pH less than 7.0. The S-form grows better at
encodes a surface protein with a molecular mass of 16 kDa 33 C and the R-form favours 37 C [29]. The role played
that is commonly distributed amongst Erysipelothrix in disease by different colonial forms has not been deter-
species. It has been suggested that this surface protein is mined. Most strains exhibit a narrow zone of alpha-
involved in haemolysis in all Erysipelothrix species, but haemolysis on blood agar and beta-haemolysis is never
this has yet to be verified. observed [10,29].
Members of the genus Erysipelothrix are relatively
inactive biochemically. E. rhusiopathiae is negative for
ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION catalase, oxidase, methyl red, indole, esculin, nitrate
reduction, Voges-Proskauer and liquefaction of gelatin
OF E. RHUSIOPATHIAE [13]. Acid is produced from glucose, fructose, galactose
Traditionally, culture methods for the isolation of E. rhu- and lactose but not from maltose, xylose and mannitol.
siopathiae involve the use of selective and enrichment Sucrose is fermented by most strains of E. tonsillarum
media. Commercially available blood culture media are but not by E. rhusiopathiae. Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) is
satisfactory for primary isolation from blood since E. rhu- produced by 95% of strains of Erysipelothrix species as
siopathiae is not particularly fastidious. A number of demonstrated on triple sugar iron (TSI) agar [84]. E. rhu-
selective media for the isolation of Erysipelothrix have siopathiae can be differentiated from other Gram-
been described also. A commonly used medium is positive bacilli, in particular from Arcanobacterium
Erysipelothrix selective broth (ESB), a nutrient broth con- (Corynebacterium) pyogenes and Arcanobacterium
taining serum, tryptose, kanamycin, neomycin and vanco- (Corynebacterium) haemolyticum, which are β-haemoly-
mycin [80]. Modified blood azide (MBA) medium is a tic on blood agar and do not produce hydrogen sulphide
selective agar containing sodium azide and horse blood or in TSI agar slants, and from Listeria monocytogenes,
serum [81]. Packer’s medium is a selective medium for which is catalase-positive, motile and is sensitive to
grossly contaminated specimens, which contains sodium neomycin [33].
azide and crystal violet [82]. Bohm’s medium utilizes Rapid identification of E. rhusiopathiae can be
sodium azide, kanamycin, phenol and water blue [13]. achieved with the API Coryne System. It is a commercial
Shimoji’s selective enrichment broth contains tryptic soy strip system based on a number of biochemical reactions
broth, Tween 80, tris-aminomethane, crystal violet and for the identification of coryneform bacteria and related
sodium azide [83]. genera, including E. rhusiopathiae. The system permits
All these media make use of the organism’s resistance reliable and rapid identification of bacteria and has been
to antibiotics and tolerance of chemicals. Each has good considered to be a good alternative to traditional bio-
aspects, but none is ideal. ESB is regarded as the best chemical methods [85].
selective medium. MBA requires less incubation time The mouse protection test has been regarded as the
than Packer’s medium but is not as selective. Shimoji’s best confirmatory test for E. rhusiopathiae [86]. In the
selective broth combined with PCR has been used for the test, the suspected E. rhusiopathiae in broth culture is
rapid diagnosis of erysipelas in swine [83]. administered subcutaneously to mice along with a dose of
Identification of Erysipelothrix species is based on equine hyperimmune E. rhusiopathiae antiserum. Another
Gram’s stain, cultural morphology, motility, haemolytic group is injected with the broth culture but not the antise-
characteristics and biochemical properties, particularly rum. If the organism is E. rhusiopathiae, the mice that did
hydrogen sulphide (H2S) production [28]. E. rhusio- not receive antiserum die in 5 6 days, but those receiving
pathiae is a Gram-positive bacterium but easily decolor- antiserum are protected.
ized [29]. The colonial morphology is described as clear, Direct and indirect fluorescent antibody tests can also
circular and very small, with a diameter of 0.1 0.5 mm be used to confirm the identity of E. rhusiopathiae [86].
after 24 h incubation at 37 C, or 0.5 1.5 mm after 48 h. These tests provide an alternative to the mouse protection
Two distinct morphological forms grow on solid agar test. They can be used to detect E. rhusiopathiae in tis-
media. Smooth (S) colonies are bluish, transparent and sues and in enrichment broth.
convex. Microscopically these appear as small, slightly Currently, molecular tests are rapidly gaining favour
curved, slender rods with rounded ends about 0.8 2.0 μm for the identification of E. rhusiopathiae. PCR methods
long and 0.2 0.4 μm wide. Rough (R) colonies are larger have been developed for detecting Erysipelothrix species.
and have a flat rough surface with irregular edges. Long The Makino PCR uses primers based on a region of the
filaments up to 60 μm or more, in chains, can be seen 16S rRNA gene and is genus-specific [87]. The Shimoji
Chapter | 47 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae 865

PCR is E. rhusiopathiae-specific and is designed from serotyping system of Kucsera [90] superseded the alpha-
sequences associated with virulence of E. rhusiopathiae betical scheme because of variations in previous methods
[83]. The sensitivity of the Makino PCR is less than 20 of antigenic extraction. The current standard serotyping
bacteria, while the Shimoji PCR detects a minimum of method is a double agar-gel precipitation test with type-
1000 bacteria per reaction mixture. Makino’s method specific rabbit antisera and antigen recovered by hot aque-
does not differentiate between E. rhusiopathiae and ous extraction [91,92]. Strains of Erysipelothrix were
E. tonsillarum. In 1999, an improved PCR system based determined as belonging to serotypes 1 26 and group N
on DNA sequence coding for the rRNA gene cluster [93]. In swine, 75 80% of isolates are classified into
including 16S, 23S and 5S rRNAs and the non-coding serotype 1 or 2. A relationship between serotype and viru-
region was established [2]. This system is composed of lence was noted early. Serotype 1a is most commonly iso-
four pairs of primers which are able to distinguish four lated from acute swine erysipelas, and serotype 2a is
species of the genus Erysipelothrix including E. rhusio- more prevalent in chronic forms of the disease. However,
pathiae, E. tonsillarum, and Erysipelothrix serotypes 13 some studies also provided contradictory results in that all
and 18, the latter two being putative new species [2]. This clinical conditions can be induced experimentally in sus-
species-specific PCR method may provide a new ceptible swine with a variety of serotypes [7,90]. A study
approach for the rapid diagnosis of Erysipelothrix infec- showed that some isolates of serotype 1b, 2 and 21 were
tion in animals and humans. A multiplex PCR method for highly virulent, capable of inducing experimentally gener-
distinguishing E. rhusiopathiae from E. tonsillarum was alized urticarial lesions. Other isolates of each serotype
described [88]. The primer sets ERY-1F and ERY-2R induced only a localized urticarial lesion at the site of
were designed to amplify 2210 bp of nucleotide sequence inoculation or caused itching and irritation without obvi-
specific for E. rhusiopathiae chromosomal DNA, and the ous urticarial lesion and induced no further clinical sign
primer sets MO101 and ERS-1R were designed to other than rise in body temperature [94]. It is therefore
amplify 719 bp of nucleotide sequence including a highly debatable whether serotyping is of practical value in the
conserved region of genus Erysipelothrix 16S rRNA. Two classification of strains of Erysipelothrix. Sneath et al.
fragments were amplified when E. rhusiopathiae was [95] reported that strains of human and pig origin were
used as the PCR template using the primer sets, whereas a antigenically similar, but there has been no verification of
single fragment was amplified when E. tonsillarum was this. The epidemiological significance of serotyping in
used as the template. human disease is uncertain.
A spa multiplex real-time PCR assay was developed Various other typing studies clearly showed advan-
to differentiate between spaA, spaB and spaC genes tages over serotyping in taxonomic and epidemiological
within Erysipelothrix spp. [77]. This is a useful tool for studies of Erysipelothrix. Takahashi et al. [1] examined
investigating spa prevalence among strains and to deter- the levels of relatedness among E. rhusiopathiae strains
mine the role of the Spa proteins in vaccine protection belonging to serotypes 1 through 23 and type N.
and pathogenesis. spaA was found to be present in DNA DNA hybridization experiments with the type
E. rhusiopathiae serotypes 1a, 1b, 2, 5, 9, 12, 15, 16, 17, strains of E. rhusiopathiae and E. tonsillarum were per-
23 and N; spaB was detected in serotypes 4, 6, 8, 11, 19 formed and two distinct groups identified. Strains of sero-
and 21; and spaC was detected in sp. strain 2 (serotype types 1, 2, 4 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15 17, 19 and 21 and type
18). Spa-related genes were not detected in E. tonsillarum N exhibited more than 73% hybridization with the type
strains (serotypes 3, 7, 10, 14, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26) or E. sp. strain of E. rhusiopathiae but less than 24% hybridization
strain 1 (serotype 13). This assay was also able to further with the type strain of E. tonsillarum. Strains of serotypes
differentiate spaB into spaB1 (serotypes 4, 6, 8, 19 and 3, 7, 10, 14, 20, 22 and 23, however, had more than 66%
21) and spaB2 (serotype 11) [77]. hybridization with the type strain of E. tonsillarum but
less than 27% hybridization with the type strain of E. rhu-
siopathiae. These strains were therefore classified as
STRAIN RELATEDNESS E. rhusiopathiae and E. tonsillarum, respectively. The
members of each group resembled each other in many
OF E. RHUSIOPATHIAE phenotypic characteristics, but differed in their ability to
Watts [89] reported that most strains of Erysipelothrix produce acid from sucrose and their pathogenicity for
had two kinds of antigen, a species-specific heat-labile pigs. Strains of serotypes 13 and 18 exhibited low levels
protein and a heat- and acid-stable polysaccharide anti- of DNA relatedness with both of the type strains. They
gen. These formed the basis for serotyping strains. were classified as another unnamed species. This study
Initially, two major serotypes, A and B, were recognized was the first to classify previously serologically distin-
and strains which did not react with these specific antisera guished E. rhusiopathiae strains into different species
were classified in group N [29]. The Arabic numeral based on DNA relatedness levels.
866 PART | 7 Localized Infections

The electrophoretic patterns of whole-cell proteins from Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)
strains of E. rhusiopathiae and E. tonsillarum were com- analyses uses restriction enzymes (RE) to cut DNA at
pared using SDS-PAGE [96]. The protein patterns of strains specific 4 6-bp recognition sites with one or more REs
of E. rhusiopathiae and E. tonsillarum were different and and resulting fragments are separated according to molec-
the main differences occurred in the 71-, 41-, 34- and 26- ular size using gel electrophoresis. Presence and absence
kDa proteins of E. rhusiopathiae and the 74-, 44-, 36- and of fragments resulting from changes in recognition sites is
25-kDa proteins of E. tonsillarum. The protein patterns of used to identify species or subspecies. Using this tech-
serotype reference strains representing all 23 serotypes com- nique, 32 Erysipelothrix type and reference strains repre-
prised of mainly two groups. Strains of serotypes 1a, 1b, 2, senting all 26 serotyes were investigated together with
4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19, 21 and type N produced pat- seven field strains using the restriction enzyme EcoRI
terns similar to the pattern of the type strain of E. rhusio- [98]. The RFLP patterns of Erysipelothrix species were
pathiae. On the other hand, strains of serotypes 3, 7, 10, 14 relatively homogeneous. Nine patterns were observed and
and 20 produced patterns similar to that of the type strain of all patterns had two bands in common, which is unusual
E. tonsillarum. Strains belonging to other serotypes pro- among ribopatterns of different species. From these pat-
duced unique protein patterns which seemed to be unrelated terns, there was no link found between serotype and spe-
to the patterns of either type strain. These protein patterns cies. Strains of serotype 7 could be either E. tonsillarum
indicated that there was some phenotypic heterogeneity in or E. rhusiopathiae, and strains of serotype 2 were either
the genus Erysipelothrix and that SDS-PAGE may be used E. rhusiopathiae, E. tonsillarum, or the unnamed
as an aid in studying the taxonomy of these bacteria. Erysipelothrix species. These results were similar to those
Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MEE) is a tech- observed using MEE [97]. The role of serotyping in taxo-
nique that combines electrophoresis in a starch gel matrix nomic and epidemiological studies of Erysipelothrix
with specific enzyme staining. Variations in functional strains was therefore further questioned.
enzymes (allozymes) are detected in stained starch gels Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) anal-
following electrophoresis. Positive activity is visually ysis or arbitrarily primed PCR (AP-PCR) is a method of
detected as bands in the gels. Presence or absence (null creating genomic fingerprints from species for which little
alleles) of activity is scored, as is the mobility of the is known about the target sequence to be amplified.
bands present. Mobility differences among strains of bac- Strain-specific arrays of DNA fragments are generated by
teria are due to a difference in net charge of the enzyme, PCR amplification using arbitrary oligonucleotides to
which is a result of the sum total of the amino acids that prime DNA synthesis from genomic sites where they for-
comprise the enzyme. After a number of enzymes are tuitously match or almost match. DNA amplified in this
evaluated, a bacterial strain profile (electrophoretic type) manner can be used to determine the relatedness of spe-
is realized. Using this technique, the genetic diversity of cies or for analysis of RFLPs. Okatani et al. [99] applied
74 Australian field isolates of E. rhusiopathiae and 22 ref- this method to identify species and differentiate strains of
erence strains of various serotypes was examined [97]. Erysipelothrix species. They observed 14 RAPD patterns
Four serotype reference strains of E. tonsillarum (sero- in 81 strains of Erysipelothrix species using optimized
types 3, 10, 22 and 25) were genetically distinct from primers. These patterns were not serotype-specific. They
E. rhusiopathiae. Interestingly, two other E. tonsillarum found that of the 66 strains of E. rhusiopathiae, 64 had
reference strains of serotype 13, which had been consid- the same unique band of 884 bp. Of the 12 strains of
ered to represent a new genomic species, and serotype 14, E. tonsillarum, 11 produced a 1265-bp band. Two other
which was classified as E. tonsillarum by Takahashi et al. strains previously thought to be E. rhusiopathiae had the
[1], clustered with typical isolates and reference strains of 1265-bp band and one strain of E. tonsillarum produced
E. rhusiopathiae. Another E. tonsillarum reference strain the 884-bp band, suggesting that they had been misclassi-
of serotype 7 was also genetically typical of E. rhusio- fied. Their results showed that the RAPD method was
pathiae. These results indicated that serotyping could not able to identify the genetic variation of strains of this
be relied upon to identify isolates as E. tonsillarum. This genus and could rapidly and easily differentiate strains of
study also found that the field isolates of E. rhusiopathiae the same serotype.
were genetically diverse. Those recovered from sheep or Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) has been con-
birds were more diverse than those from pigs. Isolates of sidered to be the ‘gold standard’ among the current DNA-
serotype 1 were more diverse than those of serotype 2. based typing methods [100]. Okatani et al. [101] analysed
The authors concluded that the diversity found among iso- 70 strains of Erysipelothrix spp. using restriction enzyme
lates of the same serotype and the presence of isolates of SmaI and reported that 90% of strains had distinct PFGE
different serotypes in the same electrophoretic types indi- patterns. These strains were from numerous sources, and
cated that serotyping of E. rhusiopathiae was unreliable included strains of species E. rhusiopathiae, E. tonsillarum
for use as an epidemiological tool. and other Erysipelothrix spp., representing the 23 serotypes
Chapter | 47 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae 867

and type N. Some common bands could be identified 37% of the cases of chronic swine erysipelas detected in
among these strains and only a few strains showed identi- the past 11 years in Japan occurred as a result of live
cal patterns. Based on these results, PFGE was considered vaccine failure. In Australia, between 1995 and 1998, 34
to be more sensitive than RAPD analysis and ribotyping, swine herds across four Australian states experienced
and to be the best method for epidemiological studies. vaccine failure [108]. Vaccination of humans is not con-
The value of PFGE using SmaI was reinforced by sidered to be a viable option because clinical erysipeloid
Opriessnig et al. [6] who reported on molecular character- appears to convey little or no immunity as shown by
ization of American erysipelas field isolates and vaccine relapse of infection [109].
strains of E. rhusiopathiae, as did Eriksson et al. [102] Several surface protective antigens, such as SpaA, and
who concluded PFGE was a suitable method for epidemi- the 64 66-kDa proteins purified from E. rhusiopathiae,
ological studies of outbreaks of erysipelas. have been studied as potential vaccine candidates [59a,b].
A new strain-typing method has been developed based SpaA is a common protective antigen, and regarded as the
on nucleotide sequencing of a hypervariable region in the best potential choice for designing subunit and DNA vac-
spaA gene for discrimination of the live vaccine strain cines [110,111]. Using transposon mutagenesis, geneti-
from field isolates [103]. The phylogenetic tree con- cally defined recombinant live vaccines have been
structed based on the spaA sequence suggested that the proposed [112]. A live vaccine vehicle for heterologous
evolutionary distance of the isolates was related to patho- protein expression was developed using an attenuated
genicity in mice. strain of E. rhusiopathiae YS-1 [113]. A shuttle plasmid
carrying the spa gene of E. rhusiopathiae was constructed
and the Spa antigen was produced in Lactococcus lactis
TREATMENT AND PREVENTION with a stable antigenicity without degrading in growth.
This was suggested to be a safe and suitable vehicle for a
OF ERYSIPELOTHRIX INFECTION polyvalent vaccine [114]. Intranasal immunization of pigs
Containment and control of E. rhusiopathiae are effective showed it to be a promising vaccine vector for mucosal
in preventing the spread of infection in humans and ani- delivery that can induce both local and systemic immune
mals. The removal or regular disinfecting of contaminated responses. Immunoadjuvants for the recombinant vaccines
sources is an important method of limiting the spread of have been studied [115]. A mutant of E. coli heat-labile
the organism throughout a work environment [12]. E. rhu- enterotoxin produced using a Bacillus brevis expression
siopathiae can be killed by commonly available disinfec- system mixed with a recombinant subunit vaccine of
tants [10]. A recent study found that several commercially E. rhusiopathiae resulted in substantial enhancement of
available home disinfectants in Australia were effective in both mucosal and serum-specific antibody levels against
killing E. rhusiopathiae [104]. Many investigators have highly virulent E. rhusiopathiae in immunized pigs [115].
noted, however, that structurally complex equipment is This represents a promising immunoadjuvant for the
difficult to clean and, because the organism is able to sur- potential application of intranasal vaccines directed
vive in organic matter, disinfecting without cleaning is against Erysipelothrix infections.
useless. If disinfection is impractical, other control mea- To and Nagai [78] investigated the genetic and anti-
sures become more important. genic diversity of the surface protective antigen proteins
Control of animal disease by sound husbandry, herd of E. rhusiopathiae. They cloned and sequenced spa
management, good sanitation and immunization proce- genes from all E. rhusiopathiae serovar reference strains
dures is recommended [11]. Erysipelothrix infection as well as from a serovar 18 strain which was not classi-
causes substantial economic losses in animal industries. fied as any species in the genus Erysipelothrix. Sequence
Appropriate prophylactic measures are taken for the analysis revealed that the Spa proteins could be classified
treatment and control of this disease. Antibiotic therapy into three molecular species, including SpaA, which was
is effective and penicillin is usually the drug of choice. previously found in serovars 1a and 2, and the newly des-
Vaccination is considered a useful procedure for control- ignated SpaB and SpaC proteins. The SpaA protein was
ling the problem in animal farms. Most commercially produced by E. rhusiopathiae serovars 1a, 1b, 2, 5, 8, 9,
available vaccines are attenuated live E. rhusiopathiae 12, 15, 16, 17 and N, the SpaB protein was produced by
strains or bacterins [11]. These vaccines offered protec- E. rhusiopathiae serovars 4, 6, 11, 19 and 21, and the
tion to pigs and turkeys [105]. The duration of immunity SpaC protein was produced only by serovar 18. The
of these vaccines varies between 6 and 12 months and amino acid sequence similarity was high among members
the efficacy is variable depending on the type of strains of each Spa type (96 99%) but low between different
used and use of the appropriate vaccine in different spe- Spa types (approximately 60%). The greatest diversity in
cies of animals [106]. Vaccine failures do occur, appar- Spa proteins was found in the N-terminal half of the
ently quite frequently. Imada et al. [107] reported that molecule (50 57% similarity), which was involved in
868 PART | 7 Localized Infections

immunoprotection. Coinciding with this, immunoblot have been isolated in E. rhusiopathiae [116], but they do
analysis revealed that rabbit antisera specific to each Spa not appear to play a critical role in antibiotic resistance.
reacted strongly with the homologous Spa protein but Antibiotics contained in animal feed may have a role in
weakly with heterologous Spa proteins. A mouse cross- the development of resistance in some strains of E. rhu-
protection study showed that the three recombinant Spa siopathiae, but the mechanism remains uncertain
(rSpa) proteins elicited complete protection against chal- [14,117].
lenge with homologous strains but that the level of protec- Although the mortality rate for endocarditis has been
tion against challenge with heterologous strains varied reduced from the 100% seen in the pre-antibiotic era, it is
depending on the rSpa protein used for immunization. still 38% for Erysipelothrix endocarditis in spite of avail-
The study was the first to demonstrate sequence and anti- able treatment [8]. This rate may partly be explained by
genic diversity in Spa proteins and to indicate that rSpaC the use of vancomycin (to which the organism is resistant)
may be the most promising antigen for use as a vaccine in the empirical therapy of endocarditis. No recent data
component because of its broad cross-protectiveness. are available on mortality in humans. Early diagnosis of
Further development of more effective vaccines against all forms of E. rhusiopathiae infection is therefore essen-
Erysipelothrix infection in both veterinary fields and tial. In those allergic to penicillin, cephalosporins have
human medicine is likely to occur. been described as the most appropriate alternative, since
For individuals working in at-risk occupations, an clindamycin and erythromycin are only bacteriostatic for
awareness of the infection is essential. Suggested preven- E. rhusiopathiae [28].
tative measures include the wearing of gloves or other
protective handwear, good hygiene, especially frequent
hand-washing with disinfectant soap, and the prompt REFERENCES
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