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Dev, JavaScript, Security

Authentication best practices for

January 18, 2018 ·  5 minute read ·  65 comments

Whenever you start to get serious with a project, you will most likely face the issue of how to
handle client-side token-based authentication.

You will have to answer these questions:

How do I store my user’s token?

How do I redirect the user after authentication actions (login/logout)?
How do I prevent route access to authenticated and unauthenticated users?

This article will walk you through these questions and try to illustrate with clear code and good
practices in mind.

However, keep in mind that all projects have different authenticated behavior. Projects can be
just a loading screen until you are logged in (Gmail), or a view of the application without access
to every feature (Amazon), so you will probably have to adjust what I will describe here.

Before we start
I have made this repo if you want to run some code.

We use Vuex as the global state library. Vuex is especially suited for auth management since it’s
application-scoped. If you don’t want to use Vuex, no worries — we also give some code
example without Vuex 🙂

We also use the axios library for the ajax calls.

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Finally, this article will not cover how to implement the backend side of the authentication

process. We will only focus on the client side. 

Let’s start with a simple login form:

1 <template>
2 <div>
3 <form class="login" @submit.prevent="login">
4 <h1>Sign in</h1>

5 <label>User name</label>

6 <input required v-model="username" type="text" placeholder="Snoopy"/>

7 <label>Password</label>
8 <input required v-model="password" type="password" placeholder="Password"/>
9 <hr/>
10 <button type="submit">Login</button>
11 </form>
12 </div>
13 </template>

login.html hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

When the user has filled the inputs and clicked Login, we execute the login method.

1 ...

2 methods: {
3 login: function () {
4 const { username, password } = this
5 this.$store.dispatch(AUTH_REQUEST, { username, password }).then(() => {
6 this.$router.push('/')
7 })
8 }
9 }
10 ...

login.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

Here is the first important bit of this code snippet.

Vuex actions returning promises.

this.$store.dispatch(AUTH_REQUEST, { username, password }).then(...)

Did you know? You can also treat action dispatch as promises. Now we can react to successful
logins from the component. Allowing us to redirect accordingly.

The same code without Vuex:

1 // Exported in a shared file

2 const myLoginRoutine = user => new Promise ((resolve, reject) => {

3 axios({url: 'auth', data: user, method: 'POST' })
4 .then(resp => {
5 const token =
6 localStorage.setItem('user-token', token) // store the token in localstorage
7 resolve(resp)
8 })
9 .catch(err => {
10 localStorage.removeItem('user-token') // if the request fails, remove any possible user toke
11 reject(err)
12 }) /
12 })
13 }) Compare your security to the industry best practices! Take the test

15 // in your vue component 
16 import {myLoginRoutine} from 'the-created-shared-file-containing-auth-api-logic'

17 ...
18 methods: {

19 login: function () {

20 const { username, password } = this

21 myLoginRoutine({ username, password }).then(() => {

22 this.$router.push('/')

23 })
24 }

25 }
26 ...

login.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

Vuex auth module

Let’s now look at this auth module:

First, let’s initialize the state.

We will have the token field (using local storage stored token if present) and a status field,
representing the status of the API call (loading, success or error).

1 const state = {
2 token: localStorage.getItem('user-token') || ''
3 status: '',
4 }

auth.module.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

What about using localStorage and not cookies ?

Well they are actually both good solutions, with their own advantages and disadvantages. This
post  and this page answer this question pretty well.

Some useful getters:

1 const getters = {
2 isAuthenticated: state => !!state.token,

3 authStatus: state => state.status,

4 }

auth.module.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

The ‘isAuthenticated’ getter can seem overkill, however it’s a great way to keep your
authentication future proof. By having this getter, you separate data from app logic making it
future proof 🙂

Now the action:

1 const actions = {
2 [AUTH_REQUEST]: ({commit, dispatch}, user) => {
3 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // The Promise used for router redirect in login
4 commit(AUTH_REQUEST)
5 axios({url: 'auth', data: user, method: 'POST' })
6 .then(resp => {
7 const token =
8 localStorage setItem('user token' token) // store the token in localstorage /
8 localStorage.setItem( user-token , token) // store the token in localstorage
9 Compare your security to
commit(AUTH_SUCCESS, the industry best practices!
token) Take the test
10 // you have your token, now log in your user :)

11 dispatch(USER_REQUEST) 
12 resolve(resp)
13 })
14 .catch(err => {
15 commit(AUTH_ERROR, err)

16 localStorage.removeItem('user-token') // if the request fails, remove any possible user t

17 reject(err)

18 })

19 })
20 }

21 }

auth.module.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

And the mutation:

1 // basic mutations, showing loading, success, error to reflect the api call status and the token
3 const mutations = {
4 [AUTH_REQUEST]: (state) => {
5 state.status = 'loading'

6 },
7 [AUTH_SUCCESS]: (state, token) => {

8 state.status = 'success'
9 state.token = token
10 },
11 [AUTH_ERROR]: (state) => {
12 state.status = 'error'

13 },

14 }

auth.module.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

A fairly simple API call from a module. The important bits are:

Token state being initialized by its local storage value, if possible.

The Authentication request action returns a Promise, useful for redirect when a successful
login happens.
Good practice: pass the login credentials in the request body, not in the URL. The reason
behind it is that servers might log URLs, so you don’t have to worry about credential leaks
through logs.

Since we are at it, let’s implement our logout logic in modules/auth.js:

1 const actions = {
3 ...

5 [AUTH_LOGOUT]: ({commit, dispatch}) => {

6 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

7 commit(AUTH_LOGOUT)

8 localStorage.removeItem('user-token') // clear your user's token from localstorage

9 resolve()

10 })

11 }

12 }

logout.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

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When clicking on the logout button in one of your components responsible for logout:
 
1 methods: {

2 logout: function () {
3 this.$store.dispatch(AUTH_LOGOUT)
4 .then(() => {
5 this.$router.push('/login')
6 })
7 }
8 },

logout.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

In this case, logging out for us means clearing out the user’s token and redirecting them. If you
need to perform other Vuex state changes, listen to this AUTH_LOGOUT action and commit.

You can also add a token DELETE request  in your action to delete your user token session when
logging out.

Try to keep it simple, as few actions as possible to logout/login.

If you start to create one login/logout action per authentication type that you have, you will
have a headache maintaining them.

Use the token

Now that we have managed to retrieve the token and store it, let’s use it!

The following example uses Axios and its default headers.

In modules/auth.js

1 const actions = {
2 [AUTH_REQUEST]: ({commit, dispatch}, user) => {
3 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
4 commit(AUTH_REQUEST)
5 axios({url: 'auth', data: user, method: 'POST' })
6 .then(resp => {
7 const token =
8 localStorage.setItem('user-token', token)
9 // Add the following line:
10 axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = token
11 commit(AUTH_SUCCESS, resp)
12 dispatch(USER_REQUEST)
13 resolve(resp)
14 })
15 .catch(err => {
16 commit(AUTH_ERROR, err)
17 localStorage.removeItem('user-token')
18 reject(err)
19 })

20 })

21 },

22 [AUTH_LOGOUT]: ({commit, dispatch}) => {

23 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

24 commit(AUTH_LOGOUT)

25 localStorage.removeItem('user-token')

26 // remove the axios default header

27 delete axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization']

28 resolve()

29 }) /
29 })

30 Compare
} your security to the industry best practices! Take the test
31 }

auth.module.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub 
view raw

Now after login, all the Axios calls have the authorization header set to your token. All your API
calls are authenticated! And when logging out, we delete the authorization header.

Right now if we refresh the app, we do have the state correctly set to the previous token.
However, the authorization Axios header isn’t set. Let’s fix it!

In your main.js:

1 const token = localStorage.getItem('user-token')

2 if (token) {
3 axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = token
4 }

main.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

Now your API calls are authenticated when refreshing your app after login!

Authenticated routes
Now you probably want to restrict access to your routes depending on whether they are
authenticated or not.

In this case, we want only authenticated users to reach /account.

And unauthenticated users should only be able to reach /login and /.

1 import store from '../store' // your vuex store

3 const ifNotAuthenticated = (to, from, next) => {
4 if (!store.getters.isAuthenticated) {
5 next()
6 return
7 }
8 next('/')
9 }
11 const ifAuthenticated = (to, from, next) => {
12 if (store.getters.isAuthenticated) {
13 next()
14 return
15 }
16 next('/login')
17 }
19 export default new Router({
20 mode: 'history',
21 routes: [
22 {
23 path: '/',
24 name: 'Home',

25 component: Home,

26 },

27 {

28 path: '/account',
29 name: 'Account',
Compare your security to the industry best practices! Take the test
30 component: Account,

31 beforeEnter: ifAuthenticated, 
32 },
33 {
34 path: '/login',
35 name: 'Login',
36 component: Login,
37 beforeEnter: ifNotAuthenticated,
38 },
39 ],
40 })

router.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

Here we use navigation guards. They allow us to put conditions on routes access that we use to
our advantage in conjunction with the Vuex store.

Note 1: If you do not wish to use Vuex, you can still check for token presence in the local
storage rather than looking at the store getters 🙂

Note 2: Ed @posva, maintainer of vue-router, also advises the usage of meta attributes, check it
out 🙂

Handling the unauthorized case scenario

…but wait, what if the token is expired? What if the user is unauthorized?

No worries here.

Using Axios, you can intercept all responses, and especially the error response. Just check for all
unauthorized responses (HTTP 401) and if so, dispatch a logout action.

In your App.vue

1 created: function () {
2 axios.interceptors.response.use(undefined, function (err) {
3 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
4 if (err.status === 401 && err.config && !err.config.__isRetryRequest) {
5 // if you ever get an unauthorized, logout the user
6 this.$store.dispatch(AUTH_LOGOUT)
7 // you can also redirect to /login if needed !
8 }
9 throw err;
10 });

11 });

12 }

app.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

And we are good to go!

What have we achieved here?

Isolated authentication logic from the app and other libs.

We won’t need to explicitly pass tokens to every API call.
Handle all unauthenticated API calls
We Compare
have auto-authentication
your security to the industry best practices! Take the test

We have restricted routes access

 
What have we learned?

Separation of concerns
Avoid side effects
Action dispatch can return promises

This should give you a pretty solid starting point for handling all of your API calls in your app.

Hopefully, this will be helpful for your future projects! If you’re interested in learning how to
avoid cross-site scripting (XSS) in your Vue.js app check out my previous post. And if you’re
interested in protecting your apps at runtime, try Sqreen for free.

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Gavin Henry 

Should you be storing tokens in localStorage?

 3    Reply  2 years ago 

Thibaud 
Compare your security to the industry best practices! Take the test
Guest Great question, i have added a note regarding this question.
 You have 2 possibilities: 
– localStorage ( or sessionStorage )
– cookies

They both have advantages and disadvantages, there is no clear winners. It’s up to the
dev to choose the best solution according to its preferences and product.
I advise you to read this post: if you
want to learn more about it 🙂

 5   Reply  2 years ago 

Gavin Henry 

Thanks. Will do.


 0   Reply  2 years ago

N0 

I don’t think there is no clear winner. OWASP guidelines specifically advice

against keeping credentials in localstorage – ” Do not store
session identifiers in local storage as the data is always accesible by JavaScript.
Cookies can mitigate this risk using the httpOnly flag.” The Auth0 article you
mentioned make it seem like using localstorage and coockies both have similar
length of disadvantage and from security perspective it looks like there is only
one security issue in each you should care about – Web Storage Disadvantages
… Web Storage is accessible through JavaScript on the same domain so
any… Read more »

 14    Reply  1 year ago 

Thibaud 

Thanks for taking time to write your comment regarding this matter !
It really wasn’t the goal of this article to treat localStorage vs cookie
since it’s very debatable subject and i would rather leave it to other
articles treating only this matter!

As you said, you can also switch the code here from localStorage and
Cookies fairly easily, well it was meant to because i try to not instigate
any strong opinions on this exact matter.

I will still add a note in the article !

Thanks for your time 🙂

 -1    Reply  1 year ago 

jpic 

Actually you should store auth tokens in httpOnly cookies, that

means that it should not be visible to JS at all.
LocalStorage is vulnerable to XSS, unlike httpOnly cookies (which
is what explains the link kindly shared by Thibaud). Also your
cookie should be set to secure to prevent it from leaking on the
network through clear http transactions.
To make an auth cookie non visible to JS and as such protected
from XSS as recommended by OWASP: the above tutorial won’t
work, because JS won’t ever see that cookie.
Pretty surprising from a security blog to propagate such
misconceptions …

 0   Reply  4 months ago

Thibaud 

Great question, i have added a note in the article regarding this question.
You have 2 possibilities:
– localStorage ( or sessionStorage )
– cookies

They both have advantages and disadvantages, there is no clear winner. It’s up to the
dev to choose the best solution according to it’s preferences and product.

i advise you to read this post if you want to learn more about it 🙂
Compare your security
 2    to the industry best practices!
Reply Take the test
 2 years ago 

 jpic 

The clear winner is httpOnly (immune to XSS) and secure (immune to

network sniffing) cookies.
localStorage has no security feature at all.

 0   Reply  4 months ago

Younes 

i think best way to do it, each time you use a specific function or call specific page you
have to get the current user role and base on that get specific page via router guard
and again limit database operation for roles as well, because if its in localStorage then
the front it can be easily modified and then he can get the admin part ,so the best
way you store the session id in localStorage or even y can store role but can be
modified(even if he changed it as admin and got admin interface he ll not… Read
more »

 0   Reply  8 months ago

diferno 

Hi! great post. You have summarized perfectly what I’ve been learning for the last 4 months
Guest surfing the web 🙂 The only points that I’m missing is the functionality in interceptors for
the case that the user tries to access a page without logging in, loggs in and the
interceptors should redirect to the previous path. This is how I do it on my projects: if
(to.query.redirect && store.getters.isLoggedIn) { return next(to.query.redirect) } Another
part that I’m still struggling with, is the refresh tokens when the jwt expires. I don’t want the
user to manually login again. Any tip on… Read more »

 3    Reply  2 years ago 

Thibaud 

Hi 🙂
In my opinion the best practice here is the backend handling the token refresh
(refresh after each user auth). However, i have seen people handle this front end side

What i have seen is the backend sending a specific http code (can be anything else)
response to a login request ( when the user’s token is about to be outdated ). An
interceptor would catch this specific code and fire a token refresh.

What do you think about those two solutions ?

Cheers !

 0   Reply  2 years ago 

Sebastián Poliak 

How about to polling in the frontend each 15 minutes and send a request to
for example /refresh and refresh the token?

 0   Reply  2 years ago 

Thibaud 

Looks fine to me !

 0   Reply  2 years ago

Raphael Castro 

Hi, great post! Thanks a lot for this content.

I have one question: When you use the store inside the navigation guards, “store” variable
will not be undefined?

 0    Reply  2 years ago 

Thibaud 
Compare your You are rightto
security ! Ithe
did forgot to addbest
industry the necessary import line,
practices! Takeit’s the
fixed test

 0   Reply  1 year ago
 

jing 

thank you

 0    Reply  1 year ago

David 

just a note that, technically, log out should actually invalidate the token server side, not just
Guest delete it client side.

 2    Reply  1 year ago 

Thibaud 

Thanks, i am adding it to the article !


 0   Reply  1 year ago

Paulo Imon 

I tested the demo at this link: and added a token with
Guest this script in the console: `localStorage.setItem(‘user-token’, ‘some-value-here’)`.
Then after the page has been reloaded, I was logged in.
I’m asking, because all scripts are on the front-end and I can see it via console. Thus, how
can I validate the token stored in `localStorage`?
Thank you for now!

 0    Reply  1 year ago 

Thibaud 

Since the provided repo example is without any backend, it mocks all api call to fake
answers. The Authentication is made by presence or not of the token for simplicity

Token validation should be done by making an API call to your backend with the
token and check its answer. Usually if you have a 401 response you know the token
isn’t valid. Hope it helped !

 0   Reply  1 year ago 

Paulo Imon 

All right, Thibaud! I understand it now! Thank you for your reply!

 0   Reply  1 year ago

Eric Giesberg 

Great Tutorial!
Guest Having some problems that I can’t seem to repeat (reliably) with the login process:
Login in on one Tab
Refresh first tab, everything seems to be working
Open up second tab, the token is pulled successfully but the axios call to load my user
profile doesn’t seem to run. Though sometimes either opening developer mode in Chrome
or closing the npm instance seems to kickstart it into completing the query.

Maybe its a misunderstanding of vuex on my part.

 0    Reply  1 year ago 

Thibaud 

A possible solution is to look for the value of isAuthenticated when mounting the app:
Compare your security to the industry best practices! Take the test
In this case its a vuex getter, but you can also check directly your cookie/localStorage

 ( depending on your token storage strategy ). 

This line says: When the app is mounted, fire a user fetch action, the vuex module
responsible for this action will then handle it

Does it help you ?

 0   Reply  1 year ago

Mirco Attocchi 

Thank you! Good tutorial and track to follow!

 1    Reply  1 year ago

Bodahn 

And what about SSR? Both cookies and localStorage are not acceptable solutions.
 0    Reply  1 year ago 

Thibaud 

Sadly i have no experience in SSR :(. I’d be glad to hear about it in the comments !

 0   Reply  1 year ago

iCloud Support 

Authentication is very much important because it describes the authenticity of a person or

Guest website. You must use authentic website and authentic products. For that, you must look at
the copyright things and go forward with it. The article has helped me a lot.

 -4     Reply  1 year ago

Luis 

Good work.
Many thanks from Spain

 0    Reply  1 year ago

Stefan Nieke 

Why is “isAuthenticated: state => !!state.token” future proof? If I write “false” in the
Guest localStorage your function returns true.

 0    Reply  1 year ago 

Thibaud 

You are correct ! In this case if you need to handle a false you need to adapt your
code !
My opinion on this matter is that if you send false as a token, you should logout the
user and hence empty the token localstorage too.
What do you think ?

 0   Reply  1 year ago 

Stefan Nieke 

Why not adding a new state “state.isAuthenticated” that you set to true when
the AUTH_REQUEST was a success. Otherwise “state.isAuthenticated” is always
false. The getter than just returns the state. “isAuthenticated: state =>
!!state.token” checks if there is some string but it isn’t a real check if the is
user is authenticated. What do you think?

 0   Reply  1 year ago 

Compare your security to the industry best practices! Take the test

ThibaudTotally possible :). 

 isAuthenticated strategies really depends on your use 
case and what you feel comfortable with.

 3   Reply  1 year ago

Aaron 

This helped me a LOT. Thanks for the post!

 0    Reply  1 year ago

Tamrat Assefa 

Great read. But I have one question. Isn’t the localStorage user-token value accessible by
Guest the user? Which means the user can create a random user-token and the system treat the
user as logged in, right? Is this the intended behavior? What am I missing here?

 0    Reply  1 year ago 

Thibaud 

With a custom token, your api calls should fails since your backend should fail auth.
And when you have failed auth you have your failing auth routine that execute and
empty the localstorage and redirect you to login for example !

 1   Reply  1 year ago

@KayodeRock 

The one issue I am having with this is if you log out and click on the back browser back
Guest button, the beforeEnter hook, does not seems to fire up, therefore the page is visible even
though I just logged out.

 0    Reply  1 year ago 

Thibaud 

You are correct indeed. If this page has user related page (which i guess has since it
has beforeEnter hook), you should get an unauthorized api call. This would result as a
redirect to login.
I agree It’s not perfect, do you have any idea to handle it better maybe ?

 1   Reply  1 year ago 

@KayodeRock 

Fine, what I did was to use the beforeEnter hook on the router object. This fires
up every single time any route is accessed. Then I verify the user for that route,
I used the meta key on each route to specify who can access the route.

such as

 0   Reply  1 year ago 

Thibaud 

ah nice indeed 🙂

 1   Reply  1 year ago 

@KayodeRock 

Thank you for the write-up.


 0   Reply  1 year ago

Zulko 

Thank you for taking the time to write this, very informative and useful.
Guest Compare your security to the industry best practices! Take the test
 0    Reply  1 year ago

 
Shelby 

I get an error saying AUTH_REQUEST is not defined.

In this syntax,
[AUTH_RESUEST]: ({commit, dispatch}, user) => {…}

Where is AUTH_REQUEST defined?

 0    Reply  1 year ago 

Thibaud 

It’s up to you, it’s just a var pointing to a string that will be your action type. In this
case its here:
example/blob/master/src/store/actions/auth.js . Hope it helps 🙂

 0   Reply  1 year ago 

Raj 

Just wondering, why is it that you chose to store the strings in a file?
Additionally, is it possible to pass .dispatch the action as a function instead
of a string?

 0   Reply  11 months ago

massi 

Hello @Thibaud ! First of all thank you for this blog post, it is quite of interesting. I do have
Guest a similar approach, but I do also add a token refresh in the request(interceptor). I use a time
limit on the token expiration to trigger a refresh token, a logout or nothing and just set the
access token in the header. I find this approach much more clean than the widely adopted
on the internet (making the refresh in the response). I also don’t have the need to deal with
concurrent request, or previous request. The technique requires particular attention… Read
more »

 0    Reply  1 year ago

Ahmet EGESEL 

Thank you for this great article, the article itself and the comments below helped me a lot.
One thing I’m curious about is a state variable, which you didn’t mention in this article, in
the auth.js store module: hasLoadedOnce. What is its purpose?

 0    Reply  1 year ago 

Thibaud 

Indeed this is useless here. it’s most-likely an habit i have from other projects.
This attribute is used to show loading on the initial request but not on the following
request !

– first auth request, show loading

– another auth request to refresh the auth state, no need to show a loading.

Hopefully it helps 🙂

 0   Reply  1 year ago

Luthfi 

Nice. But how can I retrieve tokens after logging in from the server. SSO is like a social
Guest media login. vue is only a login client and the server is laravel. sorry my english is so bad. lol

 0    Reply  1 year ago 

Thibaud 

Sadly i have no experience with SSO and Laravel hopefully someone reading this /
Sadly i have no experience with SSO and Laravel, hopefully someone reading this
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 0   Reply  1 year ago

 

Great article, thx Thibaud! I am learning Vuex with your post


 0    Reply  11 months ago

Rob Brain 

You haven’t factored in saving the state of a component when a token expires. What if
Guest they’re doing loads of work and then hit “submit” or “save” or whatever but it fails because
the token expires, so you redirect to login and the state of that component has gone when
they return to that component after logging in.

 0    Reply  9 months ago

fogx 

not that good with es6 yet. why did you write [AUTH_LOGOUT] instead of AUTH_LOGOUT in
Guest the store declarations?

 0    Reply  7 months ago 

Josué Artaud 

That’s ES2015 computed property name feature. It allows you to use a constant as a
method name.

 0   Reply  7 months ago

What to do about crowded calendars? Build a Google calendar

[…] I started my Vue.js application with the amazing Vue CLI and played around with

the Google API to get some data. No backend needed […]

 0    Reply  7 months ago


I am wondering one thing, since VueX (on the same princip like Redux) is a state manager,
accessible by all the components of your WebApp, why on earth would you use
localStorage ? You can access your token in the VUEX state everywhere, no need to store
such important information in localStorage

 0    Reply  5 months ago 

ew 

VUEX state arent persist, except using vuex persist, whenever u go away from the
webApps the state is destroyed.

 0   Reply  4 months ago

Shrad 

Firstly, I’d thank you since the tutorial and all the comments helped me alot though I’m
Guest pretty new to Vue, been receiving unknown action type: AUTH_REQUEST error and this halts
the dispatching of event. I guess it’s an issue with namespaces? Did not find that in your
code hosted on github.

 0    Reply  5 months ago

Steve 

Bit late to the party but you pass the whole response object not just the token value here:
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// line 11 on actions
 commit(AUTH_SUCCESS, resp) 
[AUTH_SUCCESS]: (state, token) => {
state.status = 'success'
state.token = token

is this intended ?

 0    Reply  4 months ago

Med Amine Jebabli 

Great post Thibaud,

Guest I am having a little issue. After I dispatch a successful authentication, I perform a
router.push(“/home”), there I get Uncaught (in promise) undefined, after the
“ifAuthenticated” call. Do you have an idea? Thanks

 0    Reply  4 months ago

Kurt Van Hal 

Hi Thibaut,
Wouldn’t just setting a user-token key in the localstorage give you access to a protected
route without login??I assume there still needs to be a server side check to make sure the
client side data isnt compromised??

Thx in regards

 0    Reply  3 months ago

makri 

how do you set two auth guard in laravel vuejs

 0    Reply  2 months ago

Joseph 

Nice article. I like how the Vuex actions are using dynamically interpolated constants instead
Guest of hard-coded keys/strings.

 0    Reply  13 days ago

Ryan 

Great article how would you handle refresh tokens though? Pretty well covered everything
Guest else. Great job. Also vue router can group all of your auth routes keeping your code DRY.

 0    Reply  8 days ago

quan 

Can I translate it in Chinese


 0    Reply  7 days ago

JP 

First of all, fantastic article and associated GitHub repo, thank you so much for taking the
Guest time to do this.. quick question though,

here, in main.js:

const token = localStorage.getItem(‘user-token’)

if (token) {
axios.defaults.headers.common[‘Authorization’] = token
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why is this necessary if you add the header on every request and remove it on logout in
 Vuex anyways? I understand that when you refresh it’s gone, but doesn’t your previous Vuex

code here:

// Add the following line:

axios.defaults.headers.common[‘Authorization’] = token

take care of it? As in, every time you actually need that in the header, it will be added by
your previous code?


 0    Reply  7 days ago


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