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// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.

// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be

// found in the LICENSE file.

library gapi;

import "package:js/js.dart";
import "package:js/js_util.dart" show promiseToFuture;

/// Type definitions for Google API Client

/// Project:
/// Definitions by: Frank M <>, grant <https://g>
/// Definitions:
/// TypeScript Version: 2.3

/// The OAuth 2.0 token object represents the OAuth 2.0 token and any associated
abstract class GoogleApiOAuth2TokenObject {
/// The OAuth 2.0 token. Only present in successful responses
external String get access_token;
external set access_token(String v);

/// Details about the error. Only present in error responses

external String get error;
external set error(String v);

/// The duration, in seconds, the token is valid for. Only present in successf
ul responses
external String get expires_in;
external set expires_in(String v);
external GoogleApiOAuth2TokenSessionState get session_state;
external set session_state(GoogleApiOAuth2TokenSessionState v);

/// The Google API scopes related to this token

external String get state;
external set state(String v);
external factory GoogleApiOAuth2TokenObject(
{String access_token,
String error,
String expires_in,
GoogleApiOAuth2TokenSessionState session_state,
String state});

abstract class GoogleApiOAuth2TokenSessionState {
external dynamic /*{
authuser: string,
get extraQueryParams;
external set extraQueryParams(
authuser: string,
external factory GoogleApiOAuth2TokenSessionState(
authuser: string,

/// Fix for #8215

/// Usage example:

// Module gapi
typedef void LoadCallback(
[dynamic args1,
dynamic args2,
dynamic args3,
dynamic args4,
dynamic args5]);

abstract class LoadConfig {
external LoadCallback get callback;
external set callback(LoadCallback v);
external Function get onerror;
external set onerror(Function v);
external num get timeout;
external set timeout(num v);
external Function get ontimeout;
external set ontimeout(Function v);
external factory LoadConfig(
{LoadCallback callback,
Function onerror,
num timeout,
Function ontimeout});

/*type CallbackOrConfig = LoadConfig | LoadCallback;*/

/// Pragmatically initialize gapi class member.
/// Reference:
external void load(
String apiName, dynamic /*LoadConfig|LoadCallback*/ callback);
// End module gapi

// Module gapi.auth
/// Initiates the OAuth 2.0 authorization process. The browser displays a popup
window prompting the user authenticate and authorize. After the user authorizes,
the popup closes and the callback function fires.
external void authorize(
* The application's client ID.
client_id?: string;
* If true, then login uses "immediate mode", which means that the token
is refreshed behind the scenes, and no UI is shown to the user.
immediate?: boolean;
* The OAuth 2.0 response type property. Default: token
response_type?: string;
* The auth scope or scopes to authorize. Auth scopes for individual API
s can be found in their documentation.
scope?: any;
* The user to sign in as. -1 to toggle a multi-account chooser, 0 to de
fault to the user's current account, and 1 to automatically sign in if the user
is signed into Google Plus.
authuser?: number;
dynamic callback(GoogleApiOAuth2TokenObject token));

/// Initializes the authorization feature. Call this when the client loads to pr
event popup blockers from blocking the auth window on gapi.auth.authorize calls.
external void init(dynamic callback());

/// Retrieves the OAuth 2.0 token for the application.

external GoogleApiOAuth2TokenObject getToken();

/// Sets the OAuth 2.0 token for the application.

external void setToken(GoogleApiOAuth2TokenObject token);

/// Initiates the client-side Google+ Sign-In OAuth 2.0 flow.

/// When the method is called, the OAuth 2.0 authorization dialog is displayed t
o the user and when they accept, the callback function is called.
external void signIn(
* Your OAuth 2.0 client ID that you obtained from the Google Developers
clientid?: string;
* Directs the sign-in button to store user and session information in a
session cookie and HTML5 session storage on the user's client for the purpose o
f minimizing HTTP traffic and distinguishing between multiple Google accounts a
user might be signed into.
cookiepolicy?: string;
* A function in the global namespace, which is called when the sign-in
button is rendered and also called after a sign-in flow completes.
callback?: () => void;
* If true, all previously granted scopes remain granted in each increme
ntal request, for incremental authorization. The default value true is correct f
or most use cases; use false only if employing delegated auth, where you pass th
e bearer token to a less-trusted component with lower programmatic authority.
includegrantedscopes?: boolean;
* If your app will write moments, list the full URI of the types of mom
ents that you intend to write.
requestvisibleactions?: any;
* The OAuth 2.0 scopes for the APIs that you would like to use as a spa
ce-delimited list.
scope?: any;
* If you have an Android app, you can drive automatic Android downloads
from your web sign-in flow.
apppackagename?: string;

/// Signs a user out of your app without logging the user out of Google. This me
thod will only work when the user is signed in with Google+ Sign-In.
external void signOut();
// End module gapi.auth

// Module gapi.client
abstract class RequestOptions {
/// The URL to handle the request
external String get path;
external set path(String v);

/// The HTTP request method to use. Default is GET

external String get method;
external set method(String v);

/// URL params in key-value pair form

external dynamic get params;
external set params(dynamic v);

/// Additional HTTP request headers

external dynamic get headers;
external set headers(dynamic v);

/// The HTTP request body (applies to PUT or POST).

external dynamic get body;
external set body(dynamic v);

/// If supplied, the request is executed immediately and no gapi.client.HttpRe

quest object is returned
external dynamic Function() get callback;
external set callback(dynamic Function() v);
external factory RequestOptions(
{String path,
String method,
dynamic params,
dynamic headers,
dynamic body,
dynamic Function() callback});

abstract class _RequestOptions {
external Promise<void> client_init(
* The API Key to use.
apiKey?: string;
* An array of discovery doc URLs or discovery doc JSON objects.
discoveryDocs?: string[];
* The app's client ID, found and created in the Google Developers Conso
clientId?: string;
* The scopes to request, as a space-delimited string.
scope?: string,

hosted_domain?: string;

extension RequestOptionsExtensions on RequestOptions {}

abstract class TokenObject {
/// The access token to use in requests.
external String get access_token;
external set access_token(String v);
external factory TokenObject({String access_token});

/// Creates a HTTP request for making RESTful requests.

/// An object encapsulating the various arguments for this method.
external HttpRequest<dynamic> request(RequestOptions args);

/// Creates an RPC Request directly. The method name and version identify the me
thod to be executed and the RPC params are provided upon RPC creation.
external RpcRequest rpcRequest(String method,
[String version, dynamic rpcParams]);

/// Sets the API key for the application.

external void setApiKey(String apiKey);

/// Retrieves the OAuth 2.0 token for the application.

external GoogleApiOAuth2TokenObject client_getToken();
/// Sets the authentication token to use in requests.
/// Reference:
external void client_setToken(TokenObject /*TokenObject|Null*/ token);

abstract class HttpRequestFulfilled<T> {
external T get result;
external set result(T v);
external String get body;
external set body(String v);
external List<dynamic> get headers;
external set headers(List<dynamic> v);
external num get status;
external set status(num v);
external String get statusText;
external set statusText(String v);
external factory HttpRequestFulfilled(
{T result,
String body,
List<dynamic> headers,
num status,
String statusText});

abstract class _HttpRequestFulfilled<T> {
/*external Promise<void> client_load(String name, String version);*/
/*external void client_load(String name, String version, dynamic callback(),
[String url]);
external dynamic /*Promise<void>|void*/ client_load(
String name, String version,
[dynamic callback(), String url]);

extension HttpRequestFulfilledExtensions<T> on HttpRequestFulfilled<T> {}

abstract class HttpRequestRejected {
external dynamic /*dynamic|bool*/ get result;
external set result(dynamic /*dynamic|bool*/ v);
external String get body;
external set body(String v);
external List<dynamic> get headers;
external set headers(List<dynamic> v);
external num get status;
external set status(num v);
external String get statusText;
external set statusText(String v);
external factory HttpRequestRejected(
{dynamic /*dynamic|bool*/ result,
String body,
List<dynamic> headers,
num status,
String statusText});
/// HttpRequest supports promises.
/// See Google API Client JavaScript Using Promises
class HttpRequestPromise<T> {}

abstract class _HttpRequestPromise<T> {
/// Taken and adapted from
external Promise<dynamic /*TResult1|TResult2*/ > then/*<TResult1, TResult2>*/(
[dynamic /*TResult1|PromiseLike<TResult1> Function(HttpRequestFulfilled<T>
)|dynamic|Null*/ onfulfilled,
dynamic /*TResult2|PromiseLike<TResult2> Function(HttpRequestRejected)|dyn
amic|Null*/ onrejected,
dynamic opt_context]);

extension HttpRequestPromiseExtensions<T> on HttpRequestPromise<T> {

Future<dynamic /*TResult1|TResult2*/ > then(
[dynamic /*TResult1|PromiseLike<TResult1> Function(HttpRequestFulfilled<T>
)|dynamic|Null*/ onfulfilled,
dynamic /*TResult2|PromiseLike<TResult2> Function(HttpRequestRejected)|dyn
amic|Null*/ onrejected,
dynamic opt_context]) {
final Object t = this;
final _HttpRequestPromise<T> tt = t;
return promiseToFuture(tt.then(onfulfilled, onrejected, opt_context));

/// An object encapsulating an HTTP request. This object is not instantiated dir
ectly, rather it is returned by gapi.client.request.
class HttpRequest<T> extends HttpRequestPromise<T> {
/// Executes the request and runs the supplied callback on response.
external void execute(
dynamic callback(

/// contains the response parsed as JSON. If the response is not JSON,
this field will be false.
T jsonResp,

/// is the HTTP response. It is JSON, and can be parsed to an object

body: string;
headers: any[];
status: number;
statusText: string;

/// Represents an HTTP Batch operation. Individual HTTP requests are added with
the add method and the batch is executed using execute.
class HttpBatch {
/// Adds a gapi.client.HttpRequest to the batch.
external void add(HttpRequest<dynamic> httpRequest,
* Identifies the response for this request in the map of batch resp
onses. If one is not provided, the system generates a random ID.
id: string;
callback: (
* is the response for this request only. Its format is defined
by the API method being called.
individualResponse: any,
* is the raw batch ID-response map as a string. It contains all
responses to all requests in the batch.
rawBatchResponse: any
) => any

/// Executes all requests in the batch. The supplied callback is executed on s
uccess or failure.
external void execute(
dynamic callback(

/// is an ID-response map of each requests response.

dynamic responseMap,

/// is the same response, but as an unparsed JSON-string.

String rawBatchResponse));

/// Similar to gapi.client.HttpRequest except this object encapsulates requests

generated by registered methods.
class RpcRequest {
/// Executes the request and runs the supplied callback with the response.
external void callback(
void callback(

/// contains the response parsed as JSON. If the response is not JSON,
this field will be false.
dynamic jsonResp,

/// is the same as jsonResp, except it is a raw string that has not be
en parsed. It is typically used when the response is not JSON.
String rawResp));

// End module gapi.client

abstract class Promise<T> {
external factory Promise(
void executor(void resolve(T result), Function reject));
external Promise then(void onFulfilled(T result), [Function onRejected]);

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