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Wisdom ⎮ A Nimrodel Kinship

T HE H U N T E R BG Cheat Sheet: Gauntlet and Durchest

The Gauntlet:
• First Read this post for the general layout: (
• The Hunter’s main Goal is to DPS the assist target (Follow the Target Assist)
• Many times the Hunter will be the target assist If thats the case kill Mobs in this order
• Wargs
• Uruks
• Goblins (When told by raid leader)
• Stance:You should be in a stance that outputs the most DPS and Threat. Therefore, Strength stance is your friend.You also need
to make sure you do not pull or take the aggro of the Uruks. So establish a rhythm between you and the tank. Taking aggro of
the wargs or goblins is highly acceptable but never the Uruks.
• If you get aggro of the Uruk do not panic. Instead briskly use beneath notice, if on cool down make sure to take the Uruk away
from the group and towards the original tank. The Uruks do HUGE AOE DMG!!! THEY CAN NOT BE IN THE GROUP!!!!!!
• Power is not an Issue, Eat 10 min food and use press onward if needed. Below is the recommended line to trait so that you can
use press onward if needed in combat.
• If a Tank, whose goal is to tank the Uruks, has more than one poison remove it! Otherwise, Let them pot it. Remember this is
not about you curing poisons more so, it is for you to focus on the DPS of the target assist.
•Lastly and most important:
• Stay Behind the Front Tank and ahead of the Back Tank (stay with the group)

•Read and understand the fight here: (Link goes here)
•If tanking adds: Strength Stance is a must on the adds. After add is dead make sure you switch stances so
that you are not hitting Durchest while in Strength stance. This will cost you and the group a wipe if not
• Ask for tar from the LM and keep an eye on your moral.
• If you get near half in moral kite
• If the Add is a:
• Maces: Keep aggro
• Axes: try to bounce aggro between you and another hunter or champ. Do not let it near the
• Swords: Kite
•If you are simply just DPSing the target assist and not tanking go precision on the adds and endurance
when asked to DPS Durchest.
•DO not BE a HERO in this fight. There will be corruption!!! DO NOT remove them unless asked to!!


Valor Determination Enduring Precision True Shot

Fidelity Justice Fast Draw Deadly Precision

Strong Draw Swift and True


Swift Recovery

These are the standard virtues I equip for These are the standard class traits I equip
the Gauntlet and Durchest fight for the Gauntlet and Durchest fight

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