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Spoken grammar and its role in English

Writing correct grammar is easy ,but speaking correct grammar is not.

Escaping stage fright we have so many things to care of
So let’s speak about the role of grammar.
What’s the way out???
How to integrate English Grammar with spoken English fluency.
First We should pay attention to the use of
nouns,determiners,adjectives,adverbs,verbs and the tenses because they are as
important in the written language as in spoken.
Then we have six features of spoken grammar
This is the way out,focus on them
Although many grammatical features of everyday, unplanned conversation are judged incorrect by
standards of written English ,these features of natural conversation should not be considered incorrect
deviations from standard English. Unlike written English, spoken English is usually spontaneous and
unplanned and produced in real time with no opportunity for editing.

Not learning features of spoken grammar can impede students’ ability to speak English fluently and
appropriately . The following six features of spoken grammar will help to understand what spoken
grammar is and I will tell some activities with which we can develop our spoken grammar knowledge
and overall English speaking skills.

So the six fiture are……

1.Ellipsis is the removal or subtraction of certain elements in a sentence or

phrase. Ellipsis can be found both in spoken and written english.

Do you have any question? (without ellipsis)

”Any question? (Ellipsis: Omit subject and verb)

2. Head or Left-Dislocation

Head is a way to introduce the topic for listener before we give the specific
information of the topic talked. It allows the speaker to point the topic he wants
to talk to listener.

The boxing game last night, it is really boring (with head)

The boxing game last night was really boring (without head)
the teacher selects a short, authentic video where two or more people are talk ing. The teacher gives
students a script that includes all the omitted subjects and verbs and asks them to cross out words that
they do not hear in the video clip. Once students have listened and crossed out the words, the class
discusses which words were omitted and why.and also can discuss conversations

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