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Creativity is very important, especially in the workplace, because this can promote better
ideas and ways on a certain field of perspective. Discovery is the outmost result of creativity.
Nonetheless, a creative thinker of a workplace will take risks in formulating new ways and ideas
for the good of the entire working environment.
Our work immersion mentors taught us the basic engagements of working as an
accountant in the accounting office. These includes calculating, recording, and journalizing
transactions. The worker really needs patient in doing this type of work to finish it precisely.
Creativity is very useful for our productivity. This creativity includes working with a partner,
instead of working separately, to make the calculating, recording, and journalizing of accounts
faster, and using applications in our phone to make the calculations faster, rather than using a
By the end of the 8 hours of working daily, using creativity is well enough helpful
because our progress in our work is much faster than normal.
Problem Solving
In the workplace, a worker’s problem solving skills are very useful to develop practical
and creative solutions to the problems and to show independence and initiative to employers.
Effective problem solving skills enable employees to analyze, identify and assess problems with
better solutions.
In our work immersion, a lot problems have occurred. These problems have interrupted
on the engagement of our tasks given by our mentors. These problems include bad time
management, lack of communication, and lack of materials. Eventually, these problems are not
that difficult to solve. In the problem of having a bad time management, our solution was to
never waste our time with some random stuff and use our available vacant times to finish
unfinished tasks. The problem of lacking in communication towards other employees can have
bad effects to the operation of the workplace. So, the solution that we’ve used is to work together
side by side and learn to ask for help through communication. Lastly, lacking of materials
needed for the given tasks have decreased our productivity rate. This materials are ballpens,
papers, and calculators. The best solution that we’ve used in solving this problem is to buy many
materials and leave it in the office so that it may be accessible when we are lacking in materials.

Critical Thinking
Critical thinking skills are very important to every person, especially to a worker, because
deep understanding and analysis is used in every field. A critical thinker will analyze an idea and
find the best way improving it.
In our work immersion, critical thinking as essential especially in encountering
calculation errors. Eventually, in doing our accounting tasks, critical thinking has a big role
because in tasks like journalizing and recording analyzation is used. Calculation errors are a big
hassle. So, though thinking critically, we are able to identify the errors.

A leader plays an important role in almost every held group because a leader is the one
who plans, guides, motivates, creates actions, and checks the production and even well being of
every members of a group. A working environment is unstable without good leadership.
In our work immersion, leadership was very important. Actually, in our work immersion
group, none of us was the leader. The leader was our mentors who planned the tasks that are
supposed to be done by us, guide, check every single one of us on how we are doing, and
motivate us whenever we feel frustrated.
The leadership shown by our mentors was really great because without their help, we
wouldn’t even complete our tasks.

Communication is well enough important in the workplace. This is very crucial because
this prevents misunderstanding, miscommunication and conflict, and it produces a productive
work and performance which directly impacts the company’s operation.
In our work immersion, communication was one of our best tool in doing our tasks
productively. We communicated to get various and precious information related to our given
tasks and to solve and avoid further errors. Without the use of communication between us and
our mentors, we wouldn’t have finished a single task.
Communication have always been a very use asset in the work.
A collaboration in a group is quite useful because through collaboration, there will be
more resources for problem solving, creativity and innovation can be improved, quality of
decision making can be improved, there will be greater commitments to tasks, there will be an
increase of motivation of members, better control and work discipline, and more individuals
needs satisfaction.
In our work immersion, collaboration was really useful in terms of having more minds to
solve problems and productivity is increased. Working with collaboration was actually okay, but
working with collaboration was even better. It was better not just for the sake of the work, but
also for fun and pleasure.
Information Management
Managing information in a workplace is very essential because information is important
in doing certain tasks and managing its flow is very essential. The flow of information needs to
be well managed because without management, misconceptions may occur.
In my work immersion, information is always present. A single information given by the
mentors or fellow students is very important. So, I eventually manage all the given information
and formed somewhat a structure that would help me avoid any misinterpretations. Furthermore,
information is important to me because I can improve the way I do my tasks through a helpful

Adaptability is survival. A person needs to adapt to any changes in his/her environment
in order to survive. Adaptability in the working environment is important because the ability of a
worker to adapt to changing situations and expectations makes him/her more valuable to a
current or prospective employer. It also makes a worker more equipped for a variety of career
In my work immersion, I learned to adapt to any changes that have happened in my
working environment. At first, it is really hard to adapt when you already got used to doing a
task every day, but you will get used to it as time passes by. For me, If a student isn’t adaptable
in doing his/her work immersion, it would be very hard for him pass the immersion.

Curiosity leads to discovery and fascination. In working, Curiosity makes us better co-
workers too. Connecting to the work of others as we understand what they do better and how our
work supports it or it supports us. Curiosity leads to personal relationships and friendships that
turn a work environment into a team environment.
In my past work immersion, I was very curios on how my working environment operates.
I am a very curios person. I would always observe what the other workers of the office is doing
and ask them some question regarding on their tasks and even sometimes help them do it.
Curiosity for me is very important because a person can discover new informations about
something and even create a bond with the person associated with their curiosity.

In my past work immersion, I learned to reflect the tasks that I am doing and I have done.
I actually reflect the tasks that I am engaging in to my life. For me, being committed to
something is important so that you may reach what you are aiming to get. As such, in working,
you need to be committed in a tasks so that you may complete it.

Aesthetics is important because it helps us understand and judge the various qualities one
will find in a certain thing. Aesthetics helps workers judge their own work by themselves.
Without it, they would have to rely on others to judge the quality of their work. Aesthetics
eventually refers to the beauty of something.
In my past work immersion, I learned to look at the beauty of working as a worker in the
accounting office. I have never let anyone judge the beauty of my work, but to see it on my own
eyes. Furthermore, looking at your job aesthetically can make you even productive.

Good citizenship can make such a difference to how it feels to be in the workplace. Being
a good citizen in the workplace can have a great impact on how other workers trait you.
In my past work immersion, I learned that having a good attitude or being a good citizen
to the other workers has a great impact on how your fellow students and workers would trait you.
If you are good to them and help them, they would help you back and a good relationship is
created. Being a good citizen means being a good worker, an attitude that the entire workplace

Personal Development
A workplace can help a worker grow and develop. Working in a certain work can help
you learn new stuff and help you grow. Grow not just as a worker, but also as a person.
In my past work immersion, it really help me develop myself. Work immersion enhanced
my knowledge and skill on a particular work. Also, it helped me understand that being a good
hard worker will make a direct impact to your entire well being. Work immersion helped me
grew as a worker and as a human being.
Technical Competence
A technical competency refers to a skill or area of knowledge used in the occupations of a
specific industry. Different fields of work emphasize different skills and thus require different
technical competencies.
In my past work immersion, I gained a lot of skills that would a add my technical
competency. Skills like journalizing, calculating, ang recording different transactions.
Eventually, I can use this skill in the when if I would take the course accounting or finance.

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