Instructions To Process Your Documents 2019 - Update PDF

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Dear candidate to star your embarkation process I request from

you timelines, commitment, seriousness.

In this document, you will find all details about how to proceed
during this process filling up requirements documents to be
successful in this process.


1- RESUME: Document in Word format.

Strictly speaking just follow the format to add all necessary information to review your
professional experience, educational background, languagues, and references, don´t
leave any gaps.
Smile picture on formal dress is required.
When you send me back this document should be in Word Format.

2-INTERVIEW FORM: Document in Excel format.

Revise both sheets and fill it up both of them, don´t leave any gaps in that format. In
the first sheet attach smile picture on formal dress, department applying for, position
applying for, personal data, other information, education, other languagues.
In the second sheet profesional / employment data, personal references, information in
this format and in RESUME (Document in Word format) should be the same
information; I mean same professional experience, dates, references, etc.
Cruise experience/history and signature.
When you send me back this document should be in Excel Format.
-Before download it open one new document in Word adjust page margins, narrow and
then go to next link: > antecedentes judiciales > Aceptar > Enviar
> No C.C > Buscar >
Marca todo el contenido de la pantalla > Copiar > Pégalo en el documento nuevo de
WORD, ajústalo en una sola hoja (los últimos logos no son necesarios) > Guardalo en
PDF. Y envialo en ese mismo formato.


When you present this test be careful in the part vocabulary you will find some
arrows with the name of different objects like is automatic system won´t give a
score if you do it wrong, now do this:

> Just cover the object with the tip of the arrow, that´s all, just a little bit.

> Time is only 30 minutes don´t worry about it, you can spend all the time that you need
it, the most important thing is your score; must be over a stándar requirement for your
position applying for.

> When you finish the test only download it and send me in “PDF” format.

> If you lose it, you should pay again USD 20 that cost will increase your expenses in
the process.

English Marlin’s test. You will be required to take it, please let me know as soon as
you are ready to take this test, which has a cost of USD$20
 Please visit
 You will be in: Marlins Test Platform.
 In the right-hand side of the screen you will find Test Platform Log-in > créate a
new account > type your email adress > password > enter.
 Test balance > Marlins English language Test for Cruise Ship Staff.
 Purchase & Use Test
 When asking for the name of the Company you may enter the following: The
Seven Seas Group / Address: PO box 530712, Miami Florida 331053, Phone
 Generate license code(s)
 Take a test.
 Needs to have: some % score mínimum for position applying for.
70% score mínimum for cooks, galley stewards, etc.
80% score minimum for Bar, restaurant, Photography, Casino Cashier, Technician,
Housekeeping, etc.
90% score mínimum for Seasonal youth staff, Youth staff, Recreational staff, Cruise
staff, Guest service associate, etc.

 The Test is composed for:

 Listening 100%
 Grammar 100%
 Vocabulary 100%
 Time and Number 100%
 Reading 100%
 When you finish Marlins Test for Cruise Ship Staff please download it and send
me in PDF format. If the system won´t allow you to dowload it, just print it, scan it
in color, save as PDF format and send me.
If you made any mistake during the process you can print your certificate after that
only go to:
 Candidate Administration > Print Certificates > Choose Test (Marlins English
language Test for Cruise Ship Staff) > Type in show certificates already printed
> Choose your cetificate > Print Certificates.

5-TALENT+: Depending on your position on board you must take:

 TALENT PLUS FRONT OF THE HOUSE: All positions facing guests, giving
straight service to our guests, such as: Bar, Restaurant, Guest Services, etc.

 TALENT PLUS BACK OF THE HOUSE: All positions are not facing guests, such
as: Cooks, Galley Stewards, etc.

 These are the links for front of the house and back of the house:

Just click in the link on 723 FRONT or on 724 BACK > Should appear:
(Clickea sobre el numero 723 o 724 al final del link para que te direccione a la pagina
Location: The Seven Seas Group
Job Code: 723


Location: The Seven Seas Group
Job Code: 724

If the system shows:

Garde Manger, Buffet
Location: Philippines
Job Code: 72

something is wrong
Apply for this position > email registration > email candidate
>Password (Create a new one) > Retype new password > Personal information >
Additional information > Nationality: Other > Questionnaire Language: Spanish >
Submit > Continue > Acepto > Empezar,,,,,,,just make it happen.


Front- of -House Position

This test you can do it in Spanish language or English language it´s up to you I highly
recommend you; take it in SPANISH LANGUAGE don´t think about the time, most
important thing is your final score.
When you present this one careful with the questions, can be the same questions
several times with different words but the answer must be the same, remember to think
like a future crewmember needing the job, not like a Guest all this process is normal
common sense.

This test you can do it in Spanish language or English language it´s up to you I highly
recommend you; take it in SPANISH LANGUAGE don´t think about the time, most
important thing is your final score.
When you present this one careful with the questions, can be the same questions
several times with different words but the answer must be the same, remember to think
like a future crewmember needing the job, not like a Guest all this process is normal
common sense.
As son as you finish this Talent+ inform me to revise your status in the CCL system,
that means if you pass the Talent+ or not, you can´t see the result by yourself.

6-PASSPORT SCAN: Just scan main page of your Passport must be valid for some
years, send me in PDF format.

7-CLAUSE OF TREATMENT OF PERSONAL DATA: Download it > Print it > Fill it up >
Don´t leave any gaps > sign it > scan it > Send me in PDF format.
You will pay this package only if you are hire for the Cruise line, are the last
expenses in your process: Visa C1/D, Medicals, Vaccines, Joining ticket.

Please keep in mind the following points:

1. Your work schedule onboard may be of 70 hours or more 7 days a week. It will
rarely happen that you work over the 70 hours; but if you do, you will be
compensated with overtime pay.
2. You will be sharing a cabin with another person from the same department and
same gender.
3. You will have initial out of pocket expenses of Medical, (+/- $500.000 / $ 600.000)
vaccines, (+/- $300.000 / $400.000) joining airline ticket, (Depending on your
destination) US C1D visa (+/- USD 160) and uniforms. The cost of the visa (+/- USD
160) will be reimbursed to you upon joining the assigned ship and presenting the
original payment receipt.
4. Estimated Joining Costs: I have added the attached list of estimated expenses you
will have to join the ship if approved and offered a ship assignment.
5. Please take a look at Carnival Cruise Lines website link, so that you can familiarize
with the company’s product.
6. In case you have not already done so, I encourage you to visit the Frequently Asked
Questions located at
Should you have a question that this sections do not answer, please let me know.
7. Whilst in our web page please take a look at the carnival videos found at our video

Thank you again and I look forward to seeing you joining this exciting industry and
Carnival Cruise Lines.
Dear candidate if you get any issue or doubt please don´t hesitate to contact me it´s my
pleasure to help with any question that you have during this process.
Send me this bunch of documents at once, if you don´t have money for Marlins Test or
for your Passport you can send me later on don´t worry about it, please don´t send me
one by one format I will not receive like this.
Remember dear candidate these documents are required for cruise lines like support of
your process, to review your profesional experience, academic background, etc.

Also your process can be canceled if you present fake documentation, bad attitude, or if
you lie in any moment of the process, this means you won´t be processed for any of the
seven seas group recruitment specialist, because your full information will be in our
database. If you were fired from any Cruise Line we don´t process you, that means you
are not suitable candidate for us.

This is a correct way how I must get all your documents, in this
order and in this formats each one of them. To make a
successful process.

1- WORD RESUME (Don´t leave gaps, same info with INTERVIEWFORM)

2- EXCEL INTERVIEWFORM (Fill both sheets, same info with RESUME)

3- PDF POLICECLEARANCE (With logos, sponsors, your I.D & full name)


5- PDF TALENT+ (This one is for free only for CARNIVAL CRUISE LINE)

6- PDF PASSPORT SCAN (Only main page)


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