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[G.R. No. L-4352. September 28, 1951.

] petitioner protests that he was not given a hearing, nor

informed of the charges preferred against him. This
point however is unimportant in this proceeding.
DIRECTOR OF PRISONS In May, 1947, the petitioner was put on board a ship
which took him to Shanghai, but he was not allowed to
land there because he was not a national of China and
— Aliens illegally staying in the Philippines have no
was not provided with an entry visa. He was therefore
right of asylum therein (Soewapadji v. Wixon, Sept. 13,
brought back to Manila and was confined to the new
1946, 157 F. ed., 289, 290) even if they are "stateless."
Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa until December 8, 1947,
It is no less true however that foreign nationals, not
when he was granted provisional release by the
enemy, against whom no criminal charges have been
President through the Secretary of Justice for a period
formally made or judicial order issued, may not
of six months. Before the expiration of that period,
indefinitely be kept in detention. The protection against
namely, on March 20, 1948, the Commissioner of
deprivation of liberty without due process of law and
Immigration caused his rearrest and he has been in
except for crimes committed against the laws of the
confinement in the abovementioned prison ever since.
land is not limited to Philippine citizens but extends to
all residents, except enemy aliens, regardless of In his return to the writ, the Solicitor General in behalf of
nationality. Whether an alien who entered the country in the respondents alleges that the Commissioner of
violation of its immigration laws may be detained as Immigration "has availed of every opportunity presented
long as the Government is unable to deport him, is to carry out the deportation order as shown by the fact
beside the point. Therefore, the writ of habeas corpus that when the petitioner was enjoying his provisional
will issue commanding the respondents to release the release after the unsuccessful attempt to deport him to
petitioner from custody upon these terms: The Shanghai, China, he was again re-arrested and flown to
petitioner shall be placed under the surveillance of the Cebu for the purpose of placing him on board a
immigration authorities or their agents in such form and Russian vessel which had called at the port, with a view
manner as may be deemed adequate to insure that he to carrying out the deportation order issued against him,
keep peace and be available when the Government is but said deportation was not carried out for the reason
ready to deport him. The surveillance shall be that the captain of the said boat refused to take on
reasonable and the question of reasonableness shall board the herein petitioner on the ground that he had
be submitted to this Court or to the Court of First no permission from the Russian government to take on
Instance of Manila for decision in case of abuse. He board the petitioner." It is further alleged that "the
shall also put up a bond for the above purpose in the immigration officials have taken steps regarding the
amount of P5,000 with sufficient surety or sureties, disposition of those foreigners subject to deportation
which bond the Commissioner of Immigration is while awaiting availability of transportation or
authorized to exact by Section 40 of Commonwealth arrangements to the place where they may be
Act No. 613. sent."cralaw virtua1aw library
This is a second petition for habeas corpus filed by the
petitioner with this Court, the first having been denied in
In this Court’s majority decision on the first application it
a decision promulgated on June 30, 1949.
was observed that the applicant’s detention was
Victor A. Borovsky, the petitioner, claims to be a temporary, and it was held that "temporary detention is
stateless citizen, born in Shanghai, China, of Russian a necessary step in the process of exclusion or
parentage. He came to the Philippines in 1936 and had expulsion of undesirable aliens and that pending
resided therein ever since, if the period of his detention arrangements for his deportation, the Government has
be included. the right to hold the undesirable alien under
confinement for a reasonable length of time." It took
On June 24, 1946, by order of the Commissioner of
note of the fact that "this Government desires to expel
Immigration, the petitioner was arrested for
the alien, and does not relish keeping him at the
investigation as to his past activities. Following his
people’s expense . . . making efforts to carry out the
arrest, a warrant for his deportation was issued by the
decree of exclusion by the highest officer of the land."
Deportation Board, which is said to have found him an
No period was fixed within which the immigration
undesirable alien, a vagrant and habitual drunkard. The
authorities were to carry out the contemplated pleadings and the Deportation Board’s findings is that
deportation beyond the statement that "The meaning of he came to and lived in this country under legal permit.
’reasonable time’ depends upon the circumstances,
specially the difficulties of obtaining a passport, the
availability of transportation, the diplomatic Moroever, by its Constitution (Art. II, sec. 3) the
arrangements with the governments concerned and the Philippines "adopts the generally accepted principles of
efforts displayed to send the deportee away," but the international law as part of the law of Nation." And in a
Court warned that "under established precedents, too resolution entitled "Universal Declaration of Human
long a detention may justify the issuance of a writ of Rights" and approved by the General Assembly of the
habeas corpus."cralaw virtua1aw library United Nations of which the Philippines is a member, at
its plenary meeting on December 10, 1948, the right to
Mr. Justice Paras, now Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Feria,
life and liberty and all other fundamental rights as
Mr. Justice Perfecto, and the writer of this decision
applied to all human beings were proclaimed. It was
dissented. Mr. Justice Feria and Mr. Justice Perfecto
there resolved that "All human beings are born free and
voted for outright discharge of the prisoner from
equal in degree and rights" (Art. 1); that "Everyone is
custody. Mr. Justice Paras qualified his dissent by
entitled to all the rights and freedom set forth in this
stating that he might agree "to a further detention of the
Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as
herein petitioner, provided that he be released if after
race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other
six months, the Government is still unable to deport
opinion, nationality or social origin, property, birth, or
him." This writer joined in the latter dissent but thought
other status (Art. 2); that "Everyone has the right to an
that two months constituted reasonable time.
effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for
acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the
Constitution or by law" (Art. 8); that "No one shall be
Over two years having elapsed since the decision
subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile" (Art. 9);
aforesaid was promulgated, the Government has not
found ways and means of removing the petitioner out of
the country, and none are in sight, although, it should In U. S. v. Nichols, 47 Fed. Supp., 201, it was said that
be said in justice to the deportation authorities, it was the court "has the power to release from custody an
through no fault of theirs that no ship or country would alien who has been detained an unreasonably long
take the petitioner. period of time by the Department of Justice after it has
become apparent that although a warrant for his
deportation has been issued, the warrant can not be
Aliens illegally staying in the Philippines have no right of effectuated;" that "the theory on which the court is given
asylum therein (Soewapadji v. Wixon, Sept. 13, 1946, the power to act is that the warrant of deportation, not
157 F. ed., 289, 290), even if they are "stateless," which having been able to be executed, is functus officio and
the petitioner claims to be. It is no less true however as the alien is being held without any authority of law." The
impliedly stated in this Court’s decision, supra, and decision cited several cases which, it said, settled the
numerous American decisons, that foreign nationals, matter definitely in that jurisdiction, adding that the
not enemy, against whom no criminal charges have same result had been reached in innumerable cases
been formally made or judicial order issued, may not elsewhere. The cases referred to were United States ex
indefinitely be kept in detention. The protection against rel. Ross v. Wallis, 2 Cir. 279 F. 401, 404; Caranica v.
deprivation of liberty without due process of law and Nagle, 9 Cir., 28 F. 2d 955; Saksagansky v. Weedin, 9
except for crimes committed against the laws of the Cir., 53 F. 2d 13, 16 last paragraph; Ex parte Matthews,
land is not limited to Philippine citizens but extends to D.C.W.D. Wash., 277 F. 857; Moraitis v. Delany, D.C.
all residents, except enemy aliens, regardless of Md. Aug. 28, 1942, 46 F. Supp. 425.
nationality. Whether an alien who entered the country in
violation of its immigration laws may be detained for as
long as the Government is unable to deport him, is The most recent case, as far as we have been able to
beside the point and we need not decide. There is no find, was that of Staniszewski v. Watkins (1948), 80
allegation that the petitioner’s entry into the Philippines Fed. Supp. 132, which is nearly foursquare with the
was not lawful; on the contrary, the inference from the case at hand. In that case a stateless person, formerly
a Polish national, resident in the United States since
1911 and many times serving as a seaman on petitioner’s deportation to a country that will be ready to
American vessels both in peace and in war, was receive him as a resident, it may then advise the
ordered excluded from the United States and detained petitioner to that effect and arrange for his deportation
at Ellis Island at the expense of the steamship in the manner provided by law."cralaw virtua1aw library
company, when he returned from a voyage on which he
had shipped from New York for one or more European
ports and return to the United States. The grounds for Although not binding upon this Court as a precedent,
his exclusion were that he had no passport or the case aforecited offered a happy solution to the
immigration visa, and that in 1937 had been convicted quandary in which the parties here find themselves,
of perjury because in certain documents he represented solution which we think is sensible, sound and
himself to be an American citizen. Upon his application compatible with law and the Constitution. For this
for release on habeas corpus, the Court released him reason, and since the Philippine law on immigration
upon his own recognizance. Judge Leibell, of the was patterned after or copied from the American law
United States District Court for the Southern District of and practice, we choose to follow and adopt the
New York, said in part: reasoning and conclusions in the Staniszewski decision
with some modifications which, it is believed, are in
"When the return to the writ of habeas corpus came
consonance with the prevailing conditions of peace and
before this court, I suggested that all interested parties .
order in the Philippines.
. . make an effort to arrange to have the petitioner ship
out to some country that would receive him as a
resident. He is a native-born Pole but the Polish Consul
has advised him in writing that he is no longer a Polish It was said or insinuated at the hearing of the petition at
subject. This Government does not claim that he is a bar, but not alleged in the return, that the petitioner was
Polish citizen. His attorney says he is stateless. The engaged in subversive activities, and fear was
Government is willing that he go back to the ship, but if expressed that he might join or aid the disloyal
he were sent back aboard ship and sailed to the port elements if allowed to be at large. Bearing in mind the
(Cherbourg, France) from which he last sailed to the Government’s allegation in its answer that "the herein
United States he would probably be denied permission petitioner was brought to the Philippines by the
to land. There is no other country that would take him, Japanese forces," and the fact that Japan is no longer
without proper documents. at war with the United States or the Philippines nor
identified with the countries allied against those nations,
"It seems to me that this is a genuine hardship case the possibility of the petitioner’s entertaining or
and that the petitioner should be released from custody committing hostile acts prejudicial to the interest and
on proper terms . . . security of this country seems remote.
"What is to be done with the petitioner? The
government has had him in custody almost seven
months and practically admits it has no place to send If we grant, for the sake of argument, that such a
him out of this country. The steamship company, which possibility exists, still the petitioner’s unduly prolonged
employed him as one of a group sent to the ship by the detention would be unwarranted by law and the
Union, with proper seaman’s papers issued by the Constitution, if the only purpose of the detention be to
United States Coast Guard, is paying $3.00 a day for eliminate a danger that is by no means, actual, present,
petitioner’s board at Ellis Island. It is no fault of the or uncontrollable. After all, the Government is not
steamship company that petitioner is an inadmissible impotent to deal with or prevent any threat by such
alien as the immigration officials describe him . . . measure as that just outlined. The thought eloquently
expressed by Mr. Justice Jackson of the United States
Supreme Court in connection with the application for
bail of ten Communists convicted by a lower court of
"I intend to sustain the writ of habeas corpus and order
advocacy of violent overthrow of the United States
the release of the petitioner on his own recognizance.
Government is, in principle pertinent and may be
He will be required to inform the immigration officials at
availed of at this juncture. Said the learned Jurist:
Ellis Island by mail on the 15th of each month stating
where he is employed and where he can be reached by
mail. If the government does succeed in arranging for
"The Government’s alternative contention is that national embarrassment from a celebrated case of
defendants, by misbehavior after conviction, have unjustified imprisonment of Communist leaders. Under
forfeited their claim to bail. Grave public danger is said no circumstances must we permit their symbolization of
to result from what they may be expected to do, in an evil force in the world to be hallowed and glorified by
addition to what they have done since their conviction. any semblance of martyrdom. The way to avoid that
If I assume that defendants are disposed to commit risk is not to jail those men until it is finally decided that
every opportune disloyal act helpful to Communist they should stay jailed.
countries, it is still difficult to reconcile with traditional
American law the jailing of persons by the courts
because of anticipated but as yet uncommitted crimes. If that case is not comparable with ours on the issues
Imprisonment to protect society from predicted but presented, its underlying principle is of universal
unconsummated offenses is so unprecedented in this application. In fact, its ratio decidendi applies with
country and so fraught with danger of excesses and greater force to the present petition, since the right of
injustice that I am loath to resort to it, even as a accused to bail pending appeal of his case, as in the
discretionary judicial technique to supplement case of the ten Communists, depends upon the
conviction of such offenses as those of which discretion of the court, whereas the right to be enlarged
defendants stand convicted. before formal charges are instituted is absolute. As
already noted, not only are there no charges pending
"But the right of every American to equal treatment
against the petitioner, but the prospects of bringing any
before the law is wrapped up in the same constitutional
against him are slim and remote.
bundle with those of these Communists. If in anger or
disgust with these defendants we throw out the bundle, Premises considered, the writ will issue commanding
we also cast aside protection for the liberties of more the respondents to release the petitioner from custody
worthy critics who may be in opposition to the upon these terms: The petitioner shall be placed under
government of some future day. the surveillance of the immigration authorities or their
agents in such form and manner as may be deemed
"If, however, I were to be wrong on all of these abstract
adequate to insure that he keep peace and be available
or theoretical matters of principle, there is a very
when the Government is ready to deport him. The
practical aspect of this application which must not be
surveillance shall be reasonable and the question of
overlooked or underestimated - that is the disastrous
reasonableness shall be submitted to this Court or to
effect on the reputation of American justice if I should
the Court of First Instance of Manila for decision in case
now send these men to jail and the full Court later
of abuse. He shall also put up a bond for the above
decide that their conviction is invalid. All experience
purpose in the amount of P5,000.00 with sufficient
with litigation teaches that existence of a substantial
surety or sureties, which bond the Commissioner of
question about a conviction implies a more than
Immigration is authorized to exact by Section 40 of
negligible risk of reversal. Indeed this experience lies
Commonwealth Act No. 613. No costs will be charged.
back of our rule permitting and practice of allowing bail
where such questions exist, to avoid the hazard of Laguna Lake Development Authority v CA
unjustifiably imprisoning persons with consequent
reproach to our system of justice. If that is prudent GR No. 110120 March 16, 1994
judical practice in the ordinary case, how much more FACTS:
important to avoid every chance of handing to the
Communist world such an ideological weapon as it The LLDA Legal and Technical personnel found that
would have if this country should imprison this handful the City Government of Caloocan was maintaining an
of Communist leaders on a conviction that our own open dumpsite at the Camarin area without first
highest Court would confess to be illegal. Risks, of securing an Environmental Compliance Certificate
course, are involved in either granting or refusing bail. I (ECC) from the Environmental Management Bureau
am not naive enough to underestimate the (EMB) of the Department of Environment and
troublemaking propensities of the defendants. But, with Natural Resources, as required under Presidential
the Department of Justice alert to the dangers, the Decree N o. 1586, and clearance from LLDA as
worst they can accomplish in the short time it will take required under Republic Act N o. 4850 and issued a
to end the litigation is preferable to the possibility of CEASE and DESIST ORDER (CDO) for the City
Government of Caloocan to stop the use of the only such powers as are expressly granted to it by law
dumpsite. , it is likewise a settled rule that an administrative
agency has also such powers as are necessarily
implied in the exercise of its ex press powers. In the
1. Does the LLDA and its amendatory laws, have exercise, therefore, of its express powers under its
the authority to entertain the complaint against the charter as a regulatory and quasi-judicial body with
dumping of garbage in the open dumpsite in respect to pollution cases in the Laguna Lake
Barangay Camarin authorized by the City region, the authority of the LLDA to issue a "cease
Government of Caloocan? and desist order" is, perforce, implied. NOTE:
HOWEVER, writs of mandamus and injunction are
2. Does the LLDA have the power and authority to beyond the power of the LLDA to issue.
issue a "cease and desist" order?
Ichong v. Hernandez, 101 Phil 115 (1957)
FACTS: Lao Ichong, representing himself and other
• Executive Order N o. 927 series of 1983 which resident-aliens who are engagedin the retail industry in
provides, thus: Sec. 4. Additional Powers and the Philippines petitioned the Supreme Court to declare
Functions. The authority shall have the following RA1180 (An Act to Regulate the Retail Business) as
powers and functions: (d) Make, alter or modify unconstitutional. One of the provisions of the Act was
orders requiring the discontinuance of pollution the prohibition of persons, not Filipino citizens, and
specifying the conditions and the time within which against associations, partnerships, or corporations not
such discontinuance must be accomplished wholly-owned by citizens of the Philippines from
• As a general rule, the adjudication of pollution engaging directly or indirectly in the retail trade.
cases generally pertains to the Pollution Adjudication Petitioners said that the act denies them the equal
Board (PAB), except in cases w here the special protection of laws and deprives them of their liberty and
law provides for another forum property without due process.

RULING: ISSUE: Whether or not a law may invalidate or

supersede treaties or generally accepted principles.
1. YES, LLDA has authority. It must be recognized in
this regard that the LLDA, as a specialized DECISION: Yes, a law may supersede a treaty or a
administrative agency, is specifically mandated generally accepted principle.
under Republic Act No. 4850 and its amendatory RATIO DECIDENDI: In this case, the Supreme Court
law s to carry out and make effective the declared saw no conflict between the raised generally accepted
national policy of promoting and accelerating the principle and with RA 1180. The equal protection of the
development and balanced growth of the Laguna law clause “does not demand absolute equality
Lake area and the surrounding provinces of Rizal amongst
and Laguna and the cities of San Pablo, Manila,
Pasay, Quezon and Caloocan with due regard and residents; it merely requires that all persons shall be
adequate provisions for environmental management treated alike, under like circumstances and conditions
and control, preservation of the quality of human life both as to privileges conferred and liabilities enforced”;
and ecological systems, and the prevention of undue and, that the equal protection clause “is not infringed by
ecological disturbances, deterioration and pollution. legislation which applies only to those persons falling
Under such a broad grant and power and authority, the within a specified class, if it applies alike to all persons
LLDA, by virtue of its special charter, obviously has the within such class, and reasonable grounds exist for
responsibility to protect the inhabitants of the Laguna making a distinction between those who fall within such
Lake region from the deleterious effects of class and those who do not.”
pollutants emanating from the discharge of wastes
Ichong v. Hernandez, 101 Phil 115 (1957)
from the surrounding areas.
A law, RA No. 1180 entitled "An Act to Regulate the
Retail Business" was enacted with an effect of
2. YES, pursuant to EO 927 Section 4. While it is a nationalizing the retail trade business. The main
fundamental rule that an administrative agency has provisions of the Act are:
(1) a prohibition against persons, not citizens of the Act against the transmission by aliens of their retail
Philippines, and against associations, partnerships, or business thru hereditary succession, and those
corporations the capital of which are not wholly owned requiring 100% Filipino capitalization for a corporation
by citizens of the Philippines, from engaging directly or or entity to entitle it to engage in the retail business,
indirectly in the retail trade; violate the spirit of Sections 1 and 5, Article XIII and
Section 8 of Article XIV of the Constitution.
(2) an exception from the above prohibition in favor of
aliens actually engaged in said business on May 15, In answer, the Solicitor-General and the Fiscal of the
1954, who are allowed to continue to engaged therein, City of Manila contend that: (1) the Act was passed in
unless their licenses are forfeited in accordance with the valid exercise of the police power of the State,
the law, until their death or voluntary retirement in case which exercise is authorized in the Constitution in the
of natural persons, and for ten years after the approval interest of national economic survival; (2) the Act has
of the Act or until the expiration of term in case of only one subject embraced in the title; (3) no treaty or
juridical persons; international obligations are infringed; (4) as regards
hereditary succession, only the form is affected but the
(3) an exception therefrom in favor of citizens and
value of the property is not impaired, and the institution
juridical entities of the United States; (4) a provision for
of inheritance is only of statutory origin.
the forfeiture of licenses (to engage in the retail
business) for violation ISSUE:
of the laws on nationalization, control weights and WON RA 1180 is unconstitutional since its exercise
measures and labor and other laws relating to trade, violates one’s right to due process and equal protection
commerce and industry; as guaranteed by the Constitution
(5) a prohibition against the establishment or opening RULING:
by aliens actually engaged in the retail business of
NO. The Court finds the enactment of RA 1180 to
additional stores or branches of retail business;
clearly fall within the scope of police power of the State.
(6) a provision requiring aliens actually engaged in the It is clear that the law in question was enacted to
retail business to present for registration with the proper remedy a real and actual threat and danger to the
authorities a verified statement concerning their national economy posed by alien dominance and
businesses, giving, among other matters, the nature of control of retail business and free citizens and country
the business, their assets and liabilities and their offices from the said dominance and control.
and principal offices of judicial entities; and
It has been said the police power is so far - reaching in
(7) a provision allowing the heirs of aliens now engaged scope, that it has become almost impossible to limit its
in the retail business who die, to continue such sweep. As it derives its existence from the very
business for a period of six months for purposes of existence of the State itself, it does not need to be
liquidation. expressed or defined in its scope; it is said to be co-
extensive with self-protection and survival, and as such
Petitioner Inchong, for and in his own behalf and on
it is the most positive and active of all governmental
behalf of other alien resident corporations and
processes, the most essential, insistent and illimitable.
partnerships adversely affected by the provisions of
Especially is it so under a modern democratic
Republic Act. No. 1180, brought this action to obtain a
framework where the demands of society and of
judicial declaration that said Act is unconstitutional, and
nations have multiplied to almost unimaginable
to enjoin the Secretary of Finance and all other persons
proportions; the field and scope of police power has
acting under him, particularly city and municipal
become almost boundless, just as the fields of public
treasurers, from enforcing its provisions. Inchong
interest and public welfare have become almost all-
attacks the constitutionality of the Act, contending that:
embracing and have transcended human foresight.
(1) it denies to alien residents the equal protection of
However, the Constitution has set forth limitations
the laws and deprives of their liberty and property
thereof and the most important of these are: the due
without due process of law ; (2) the subject of the Act is
process clause and the equal protection clause.
not expressed or comprehended in the title thereof; (3)
the Act violates international and treaty obligations of The conflict, therefore, between police power and the
the Republic of the Philippines; (4) the provisions of the guarantees of due process and equal protection of the
laws is more apparent than real. Properly related, the Judicial department of the Government may not
power and the guarantees are supposed to coexist. The interfere.
balancing is the essence or, shall it be said, the
Therefore, petition is denied.
indispensable means for the attainment of legitimate
aspirations of any democratic society. There can be no
absolute power, whoever exercise it, for that would be
tyranny. Yet there can neither be absolute liberty, for
that would mean license and anarchy. So the State can
deprive persons of life, liberty and property, provided
there is due process of law; and persons may be
classified into classes and groups, provided everyone is
given the equal protection of the law. The test or
standard, as always, is reason. The police power
legislation must be firmly grounded on public interest
and welfare, and a reasonable relation must exist
between purposes and means. And if distinction and SECRETARY OF JUSTICE V. LANTION
classification has been made, there must be a GR 139465, 17 October 2000
reasonable basis for said distinction.

The best evidence to determine the alien dominance in
retail business are the statistics on the retail trade, On 13 January 1977, then President Ferdinand E.
which put down the figures in black and white. Between Marcos issued Presidential Decree 1069 "Prescribing
the constitutional convention year (1935), when the fear the Procedure for the Extradition of Persons Who Have
of alien domination and control of the retail trade Committed Crimes in a Foreign Country".
already filled the minds of our leaders with fears and
On 13 November 1994, then Secretary of Justice
misgivings, and the year of the enactment of the
Franklin M. Drilon, representing the Government of the
nationalization of the retail trade act (1954), official
Republic of the Philippines, signed in Manila the
statistics unmistakably point out to the ever-increasing
"Extradition Treaty Between the Government of the
dominance and control by the alien of the retail trade.
Republic of the Philippines and the Government of the
Statistical figures reveal that in percentage distribution
United States of America.
of assets and gross sales, alien participation has
steadily increased during the years. It is true, of course, The Senate, by way of Resolution 11, expressed its
that Filipinos have the edge in the number of retailers, concurrence in the ratification of the said treaty. It also
but aliens more than make up for the numerical gap expressed its concurrence in the Diplomatic Notes
through their assets and gross sales which average correcting Paragraph (5)(a), Article 7 thereof (on the
between six and seven times those of the very many admissibility of the documents accompanying an
Filipino retailers. extradition request upon certification by the principal
diplomatic or consular officer of the requested state
The Court finds that law does not also violate the equal
resident in the Requesting State).
protection clause of the Constitution because sufficient
grounds exist for the distinction between alien and On 18 June 1999, the Department of Justice received
citizen in the exercise of the occupation regulated, nor from the Department of Foreign Affairs U. S. Note
the due process of law clause, because the law is Verbale 0522 containing a request for the extradition of
prospective in operation and recognizes the privilege of Mark Jimenez to the United States.
aliens already engaged in the occupation and
Attached to the Note Verbale were the Grand Jury
reasonably protects their privilege. The wisdom and
Indictment, the warrant of arrest issued by the U.S.
efficacy of the law to carry out its objectives appear to
District Court, Southern District of Florida, and other
us to be plainly evident — as a matter of fact it seems
supporting documents for said extradition.
not only appropriate but actually necessary — and that
in any case such matter falls within the prerogative of Jimenez was charged in the United States for violation
the Legislature, with whose power and discretion the of
(a) 18 USC 371 (Conspiracy to commit offense or to On 18 January 2000, by a vote of 9-6, the Supreme
defraud the United States, 2 counts), Court dismissed the petition and ordered the Justice
Secretary to furnish Jimenez copies of the,extradition
(b) 26 USC 7201 (Attempt to evade or defeat tax, 4
request and its supporting papers and to grant him a
reasonable period within which to file his comment with
(c) 18 USC 1343 (Fraud by wire, radio, or television, 2 supporting evidence.
(d) 18 USC 1001 (False statement or entries, 6 counts),
The Department of Justice received from the
Department of Foreign Affairs a request from the United
(E) 2 USC 441f (Election contributions in name of States for the extradition of Mark Jimenez to the United
another; 33 counts). States pursuant to PD No. 1609 prescribing the
procedure for extradition of persons who have
On the same day, the Secretary issued Department committed a crime in a foreign country. Jimenez
Order 249 designating and authorizing a panel of requested for copies of the request and that he be
attorneys to take charge of and to handle the case. given ample time to comment on said request. The
petitioners denied the request pursuant to the RP-US
Extradition Treaty.
Pending evaluation of the aforestated extradition
documents, Jimenez (on 1 July 1999 requested copies ISSUE: Whether or not respondent’s entitlement to
of the official extradition request from the US notice and hearing during the evaluation stage of the
Government, as well as all documents and papers proceedings constitute a breach of the legal duties of
submitted therewith, and that he be given ample time to the Philippine Government under the RP-US Extradition
comment on the request after he shall have received Treaty.
copies of the requested papers. The Secretary denied HELD: NO. The human rights of person and the rights
the request. of the accused guaranteed in the Constitution should
On 6 August 1999, Jimenez filed with the Regional Trial take precedence over treaty rights claimed by a
Court a petition against the Secretary of Justice, the contracting party, the doctrine of incorporation is
Secretary of Foreign Affairs, and the Director of the applied whenever municipal tribunals are confronted
National Bureau of Investigation,l for mandamus (to with a situation where there is a conflict between a rule
compel the Justice Secretary to furnish Jimenez the of the international law and the constitution. Efforts
extradition documents, to give him access thereto, and must first be made in order to harmonize the provisions
to afford him an opportunity to comment on, or oppose, so as to give effect to both but if the conflict is
the extradition request, and thereafter to evaluate the irreconcilable, the municipal law must be upheld. The
request impartially, fairly and objectively); fact that international law has been made part of the
law of the land does not pertain to or imply the primacy
l certiorari (to set aside the Justice Secretary’s letter of international law over the municipal law in the
dated 13 July 1999); and prohibition (to restrain the municipal sphere. In states where the constitution is the
Justice Secretary from considering the extradition highest law of the land, both statutes and treaties may
request and from filing an extradition petition in court; be invalidated if they are in conflict with the constitution.
l and to enjoin the Secretary of Foreign Affairs and the In the case at bar, private respondent does not only
Director of the NBI from performing any act directed to face a clear and present danger of loss of property or
the extradition of Jimenez to the United States), with an employment but of liberty itself, which may eventually
application for the issuance of a temporary restraining lead to his forcible banishment to a foreign land. The
order and a writ of preliminary injunction. convergence of petitioners favorable action on the
extradition request and the deprivation of private
respondents liberty is easily comprehensible. We have
The trial court ruled in favor of Jimenez. The Secretary ruled time and again that this Courts equity jurisdiction,
filed a petition for certiorari before the Supreme Court. which is aptly described as "justice outside legality,"
may be availed of only in the absence of, and never
against, statutory law or judicial pronouncements. The
constitutional issue in the case at bar does not even call
for "justice outside legality," since private respondents
due process rights, although not guaranteed by statute
or by treaty, are protected by constitutional guarantees.
We would not be true to the organic law of the land if
we choose strict construction over guarantees against
the deprivation of liberty. That would not be in keeping
with the principles of democracy on which our
Constitution is premised.
Thus, Petitioner is ordered to furnish private respondent
copies of the extradition request and its supporting
papers and to grant him a reasonable period within
which to file his comment with supporting evidence.

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